Fernando P. Pires’s research while affiliated with Instituto Nacional de Investigação Agrária e Veterinária (INIAV) and other places

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Publications (29)

Figure 1 ­ The study area of Corte Lobo located in Lezíria Grande de Vila Franca de Xira (Lisbon, Portugal).
Figure 2 ­ Rainfall, irrigation and reference evapotranspiration in Corte Lobo located in Lezíria (Portugal) during the study period.
Figure 3 ­ Measured (dots) and predicted (solid line) soil water content (θ) for the different soil layers in the simulation period with Hydrus-1D in Corte Lobo, Lezíria (Portugal).
Figure 4 ­ Measured (dots) and predicted (solid line) salinity (TDS) for the different soil layers in the simulation period with Hydrus-1D in Corte Lobo, Lezíria (Portugal).
Figure 5 ­ Total dissolved solids in the soil at 15 cm depth (observed in dots and predicted in solid line) for the baseline and scenarios of irrigation water quality in the simulation period with Hydrus-1D in Corte Lobo, Lezíria (Portugal).


Modelling of soil water and salt dynamics and prediction of salinity risks in Lezíria (Portugal) in response to different qualities of irrigation water
  • Article
  • Full-text available

September 2020


349 Reads


2 Citations

Revista de Ciências Agrárias






The mitigation of soil salinization and/or sodicization phenomena are considered one of the main challenges of irrigated agriculture. In Portugal, Lezíria Grande of Vila Franca de Xira is a region with increased salinization and sodicization risks due to the influence of tidal movement on groundwater. This study aimed to evaluate soil water and salt dynamics in an irrigated Fluvisol with a crop rotation of maize and annual ryegrass and to predict irrigation-induced risks of soil salinization. We first calibrated the Hydrus-1D model for predicting soil water flow and solute transport with observed field data (from June 2017 to October 2018). Hydrus-1D successfully simulated soil water content (RMSE= 0.019 m 3 m-3 and R 2 = 0.94), the total dissolved solids (TDS) in the soil (RMSE= 0.212 g L-1 and R 2 = 0.77) and the reduction in water uptake by roots due to osmotic stress. Afterward we evaluate future risks of soil salinization performing a scenario analysis considering irrigation with different water qualities (with an electrical conductivity of the irrigation water, ECw, of 1.5, 3 and 5 dS m-1). We observed that when the ECw increases to 5 dS m-1 , the average solute concentration in the root zone rises to levels above the threshold tolerance of maize. Hydrus-1D successfully simulated soil water content and the total dissolved solids and is a very useful tool in planning and managing irrigation and in predicting soil salinity risks. R E S U M O O controlo e a mitigação dos fenómenos de salinização e/ou sodização dos solos são considerados um dos principais desafios da agricultura de regadio. Em Portugal, a Lezíria Grande de Vila Franca de Xira é uma região com riscos de salinização e sodização do solo acrescidos pela sua localização costeira e com influência das marés. Neste estudo, pretendeu-se avaliar a dinâmica da água e dos sais num Fluvissolo com rotação de milho e azevém anual e avaliar futuros riscos de salinização do solo induzidos pela rega. Este estudo iniciou-se com a calibração do modelo Hydrus-1D para prever o teor de água no solo e o transporte de solutos com medições de campo (de Junho 2017 a Outubro 2018). O Hydrus-1D simulou com sucesso o teor de água no solo (RMSE= 0.019 m 3 m-3 e R 2 = 0.94), o teor de sólidos dissolvidos (TDS) no solo (RMSE= 0.212 g L-1 e R 2 = 0.77) e a redução na absorção de água pelas raízes devido ao stress osmótico. Em seguida, o modelo foi usado na previsão de riscos de salinização do solo com uma análise de cenários considerando diferentes qualidades da água de rega (ECw de 1.5, 3 e 5 dS m-1). Observou-se que com a subida da ECw para 5 dS m-1 , a concentração média de solutos no perfil de solo explorado pelas raízes aumenta para níveis superiores aos tolerados pela cultura de milho. O Hydrus-1D simulou o teor de água no solo e o teor de sólidos dissolvidos no solo com sucesso e é uma ferramenta muito útil no planeamento e gestão da rega e na previsão de riscos de salinidade do solo.


Modelling of soil water and salt dynamics and prediction of salinity risks in Lezíria (Portugal) in response to different irrigation water qualities

June 2020


36 Reads


1 Citation

Revista de Ciências Agrárias

The mitigation of soil salinization and/or sodicization phenomena are considered one of the main challenges of irrigated agriculture. In Portugal, Lezíria Grande of Vila Franca de Xira is a region with increased salinization and sodicization risks due to the influence of tidal movement on groundwater. This study aimed to evaluate soil water and salt dynamics in an irrigated Fluvisol with a crop rotation of maize and annual ryegrass and to predict irrigation-induced risks of soil salinization. We first calibrated the Hydrus-1D model for predicting soil water flow and solute transport with observed field data (from June 2017 to October 2018). Hydrus-1D successfully simulated soil water content (RMSE= 0.019 m3m-3 and R2= 0.94), the total dissolved solids (TDS) in the soil (RMSE= 0.212 g L-1 and R2= 0.77) and the reduction in water uptake by roots due to osmotic stress. Afterward we evaluate future risks of soil salinization performing a scenario analysis considering irrigation with different water qualities (with an electrical conductivity of the irrigation water, ECw, of 1.5, 3 and 5 dS m-1). We observed that when the ECw increases to 5 dS m-1, the average solute concentration in the root zone rises to levels above the threshold tolerance of maize. Hydrus-1D successfully simulated soil water content and the total dissolved solids and is a very useful tool in planning and managing irrigation and in predicting soil salinity risks.

Table 1 . Soil and nutrient yields in the Enxoé catchment.
Table 2 . Sediment and nutrients sources and main transport mechanisms in the Enxoé catchment.
Figure 4. Sediment and nutrient concentrations in the Enxoé River, erosion plots (P1, P2 and P3) and lagoon (TP, total phosphorus; PP, particulate phosphorus; SRP, soluble reactive phosphorus; POC, particulate organic carbon; DOC, dissolved organic carbon; EC, electrical conductivity). Vertical bars refer to maximum and minimum values monitored.
An Integrated Analysis of the Eutrophication Process in the Enxoé Reservoir within the DPSIR Framework

November 2018


219 Reads


9 Citations


The Enxoé reservoir in southern Portugal has been exhibiting the highest trophic state in the country since its early years of operation. The problem has attracted water managers’ and researchers’ attention as the reservoir is the water supply for two municipalities. Extensive research was thus conducted over the last few years, including field monitoring and modelling at the plot, catchment, and reservoir scales. This study now frames all partial findings within the Driver-Pressure-State-Impact-Response (DPSIR) framework to better understand the eutrophication process in the Enxoé reservoir. Agriculture and grazing were found to have a reduced role in the eutrophication of the reservoir, with annual sediment and nutrient loads being comparably smaller or similar to those reported for other Mediterranean catchments. Flash floods were the main mechanism for transporting particle elements to the reservoir, being in some cases able to carry up three times the average annual load. However, the main eutrophication mechanisms in the reservoir were P release from deposited sediment under anoxic conditions and the process of internal recycling of organic matter and nutrients. Reducing the P load from the catchment and deposited sediment could lead to a mesotrophic state level in the reservoir. However, this level would only be sustainable by limiting the P internal load ability to reach the photic zone.

The INFOSOLO database as a first step towards the development of a soil information system in Portugal

August 2017


413 Reads


44 Citations


Nowadays there is an increasing effort for raising global awareness for the importance of soils to ensure food security, to improve agricultural and environmental planning and monitoring, and to establish effective and sustainable land management policies to counteract soil degradation. This study presents the INFOSOLO legacy database as the first effort to develop a soil information system in Portugal, suitable to compile soil data produced in the country, and to support stakeholders and land managers in decision-making. The database currently includes soil data from a set of 9934 horizons/layers studied in 3461 soil profiles across the country between 1966 and 2014. Data was extracted from scattered soil surveys, research projects, and academic studies carried out by public Portuguese and other European institutions, with a series of validation tests and harmonization procedures being implemented in order to access and improve the quality of the data. The importance of the INFOSOLO legacy dataset was discussed and exemplified with the analysis of the spatial and temporal distribution of selected soil properties, namely the organic carbon content, pH, and cation exchange capacity. For these properties, 1 km grid maps were also developed for the topsoil horizons/layers in Portugal using different spatial modelling approaches. To highlight the importance of using INFOSOLO for soil characterization, the EU wide soil database LUCAS was used to compare both datasets in terms of data distributions, spatial continuity and accuracy of modelling outputs. The comparison also included the digital soil maps provided by the SoilGrids product for Portugal. The comparison results highlighted specific areas in the country for which INFOSOLO is capable to deliver accurate but also more reliable predictions when compared with the LUCAS and SoilGrids results. Thus, INFOSOLO provides the basis for improving soil information in the country and for raising national awareness of the importance of soil resources to the country's development.

Temporal variability of soil organic carbon transport in the Enxoé agricultural watershed

May 2015


89 Reads


9 Citations

Environmental Earth Sciences

The temporal variability of particulate (POC) and dissolved (DOC) organic carbon concentrations was analyzed in the Enxoé temporary river, southern Portugal, between September, 2010 and August, 2013. The overall aim was to study the variability of those elements during storm events, and determine their origin and the main transfer mechanisms to the river. Twenty-one flood events were observed. An empirical model was used to describe changes in solute concentrations, and the magnitude and rotational patterns of the hysteretic loops during flood events. POC and DOC concentrations varied between 0.49-88.93 and 0.25-25.75 mg L-1, respectively. POC and DOC annual yields varied between 0.06-2.15 and 0.03-1.47 t km-2, respectively. Flood events had greater effect in POC than in DOC variability. POC had mostly a terrestrial origin, with exports being related to soil erosion and runoff. POC revealed a flushing behavior during the entire monitored period, and clockwise or anticlockwise trajectory loops whenever the predominant origin of the exports was in river bed deposits or arable lands, respectively. DOC had also a terrestrial origin, but it revealed a contrasting dilution behavior and, in general, anticlockwise hysteresis loops. DOC showed a delay in the arrival of solutes to the river, consistent with mass flow through subsurface flow. DOC exports were thus associated with soil weathering and crop mineralization. This work highlights the main processes involved in POC and DOC loads in a temporary river during flood events, with a precise quantification of those elements.

Effect of Combined Use of Brackish Water and Nitrogen Fertilizer on Biomass and Sugar Yield of Sweet Sorghum

December 2012


169 Reads


14 Citations


Soil salinization and non-point source pollution are among the most important and widespread environmental problems in European Mediterranean regions. Sweet sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench var. saccharatum) is a moderate to high salinity tolerant crop with low water and nutrient needs, seen as an alternative to grow in the water scarce regions. A three-year multifactorial study was conducted in southern Portugal to evaluate the combined effects of saline water and nitrogen application on the dry biomass (total, stems, and leaves), sugar content (total reducing sugars and sucrose contents), and sugar yield (here defined as the product of total reducing sugars and stems dry biomass) functions of sweet sorghum. Sorghum dry biomass and sugar yield showed diminishing returns for each incremental change of nitrogen. The use of saline irrigation waters also led to yield reduction. Exception was sucrose content which increased with increasing levels of sodium in the soil. Nitrogen need decreased as the amount of sodium applied increased. Stem dry biomass, sucrose content, and sugar yield progressively increased with progress in the experiment. The effect could be attributed to the increase of the amount of irrigation applied throughout the years, thus increasing the leaching fraction which promoted salt leaching from the root zone, reduced the salinity stress, increased plant transpiration, nitrogen uptake and biomass yield.

Efeitos da água salina e da adubação azotada na composição foliar em macronutrientes e na produção do sorgo sacarino

July 2011


44 Reads

Revista de Ciências Agrárias

We evaluated the influence of the combinations of four N levels with three NaCl levels, applied through irrigation, on leaf N, P, K, Ca, Mg, and Na concentrations of sweet sorghum (Sorghum bicolor ssp. saccharatum), in two consecutive years of an experiment established on a Eutric Fluvisol in Alvalade-Sado region, equipped with a drip irrigation system ("Triple Linear Source"). The relationships between leaf nutrient concentrations and dry matter production (stems, leaves, and aerial biomass), and between N and NaCl levels and the leaf nutrient concentrations were also searched. It was nitrogen availability in soil that, more than salinity, affected nutrient uptake, with reflexes on the leaf concentrations and the yields. Leaf N concentration was the best indicator for predicting the stems production of sweet sorghum.

Propriedades hidráulicas do solo para as diferentes classes texturais

July 2011


17 Reads


7 Citations

Revista de Ciências Agrárias

Soil texture influences significantly soil hydraulic properties, which due to soil heterogeneity normally present large spatial variability. The variability of soil retention θ(h), and hydraulic conductivity K(h) curves, in 11 of the 12 texture classes of the diagram of Gomes e Silva (1962) was studied. For each textural class, average, maximum, minimum, and the standard deviation values for the Mualem van Genuchten parameters are presented based on 558 θ(h) and 245 K(h) curves determined in undisturbed soil samples which are included in the PROPSOLO database of Estação Agronómica Nacional. An average function describing θ(h) and K(h) in each textural class is also presented.

Citations (16)

... During the study period, there was a significant increase in the average electrical conductivity (EC) content within the study area, with values rising by 20.0% (Table 2). Particularly, the irrigated Fluvisols exhibited concentrations that were 46.1% higher than the rainfed Fluvisols in 2001/2002 (Table 3), in accordance with the prevailing consensus within the scientific community [22,[64][65][66][67]. This increase in EC is also consistent with the observed decrease in SOM levels, as supported by previous studies [54,68,69]. ...


Impact of Different Irrigation Methods on the Main Chemical Characteristics of Typical Mediterranean Fluvisols in Portugal
Modelling of soil water and salt dynamics and prediction of salinity risks in Lezíria (Portugal) in response to different qualities of irrigation water

Revista de Ciências Agrárias

... The key advantages of the DPSIR framework are (i) applicability to a range of ecosystems (e.g. rivers, lakes) and environmental issues such as eutrophication, water resource management, ecosystem monitoring (Wang et al 2015, Ramos et al 2018; (ii) it is a bridging tool among scientists, policymakers and the stakeholders that adopts interdisciplinary communication and visualization (Karageorgis et al 2005, Niemeijer and de Groot 2006, Helming et al 2012. ...

An Integrated Analysis of the Eutrophication Process in the Enxoé Reservoir within the DPSIR Framework


... An additional condition that only patches larger than 2 ha were considered for analysis. In this context, the spatial datasets used in the first stage were as follows: (i Infosolo Legacy Database [43], representative of data from 3461 soil profiles establ between 1966 and 2014, with data on soil pH, organic carbon content, textural compos In the first stage of Figure 1, a geospatial data setup was carried out. The values of the physical and chemical soil properties, which were texture, cationic exchange capacity, pH, and organic carbon, assigned to typify and discriminate the adequacy of soils for these crops, are shown in Table 1. ...

The INFOSOLO database as a first step towards the development of a soil information system in Portugal
  • Citing Article
  • August 2017


... In Table S1 of the Supplementary material, the main properties of samples SS1-SS5 and SMO1-SMO5 are summarized. In addition, data related to Portuguese SS samples (PT) were collected from the literature (Alvarenga et al. 2015;Bancessi 2009;Lopes 2017;Mendes 2014;Serrão et al. 2009;Sousa 2005). The number of samples for each toxic metal in PT samples from the literature was Cr (n = 10); Ni (n = 14); Cd (n = 15); Pb (n = 14); Cu (n = 14); and Zn (n = 15). ...

Fertilidade e contaminação por metais pesados e microrganismos fecais de um solo sob pastagem pela aplicação de lama residual urbana

Revista de Ciências Agrárias

... AMA showed a significant higher amount of ash or minerals when compared to the other species (~ 17%); however, similar values for different AMA species and sugar beet leaves (~ 20%) have been reported [44]. These values are associated to a high presence of minerals such as Fe, Zn, Ca, K, and Mg in AMA [45] and P, K, Ca, Mg, Na, Zn, Cu, Fe, Mn, B, and Mo in sugar beet leaves [46]. From the nutritional point of view and beyond its protein content, AMA leaves could also be considered as a source of micronutrients for human nutrition, mainly in terms of Ca, K and Mg. ...

Foliar diagnosis of sugarbeet: Mineral composition of leaves of different physiological age during the season
  • Citing Chapter
  • January 1993

... The pore connectivity/tortuosity λ parameter was simply set to 0.5 following Mualem (1976). The adopted PTFs were developed using the content of the PROPSOLO database (Gonçalves et al., 2011;Ramos et al., 2013Ramos et al., , 2014a, which includes data on soil basic and hydraulic properties of 697 horizons/layers of 330 soil profiles studied in Portugal. The PTFs were established using multiple regression analysis, with the equations for each MvG parameter determined individually using particle size distribution and the average depth of the soil layer as inputs. ...

Base de dados georreferenciada das propriedades do solo

... Due to the uncertain effectiveness of such measures and their costs, further research is needed on the impact of conservation tillage on local biodiversity. There is evidence from previous studies that no-tillage cereal farming can reduce soil erosion in this region (Basch et al., 1996; Barreiros et al., 1996). A better understanding of the impact of the adoption of no-tillage systems on the steppic birds' habitat requirements would be a valuable contribution to sustainable regional planning. ...

Tillage (plowing, subsoiling and no-tillage) effect on soil erodibility

... Releva, ainda, o facto, de o nível técnico de muitos agricultores ser deficiente e de não existirem estruturas que lhes assegurem um apoio técnico adequado. (Serrão et al., 2003(Serrão et al., /2004Serrão et al., 2006). Para avaliar a durabilidade dos efeitos da LRU, examinaram-se, neste trabalho, a produção e a composição florística da biomassa pratense em quatro ciclos culturais. ...

Contributo para a melhoria de solos marginais destinados a pastagens pela aplicação de lama residual urbana, sem riscos ambientais
  • Citing Article
  • January 2009

Revista de Ciências Agrárias

... Further, the transport of soil OC to streams is strongly influenced by rainstorm intensity (mm/time). Specifically, disproportionately greater export in both DOC and POC occurs during high-flow periods, compared to baseflow in both agricultural [41,132,142] and minimally managed ecosystems [43,88,145]. Of course, generalizations related to the export of terrestrial C are difficult as the concentration and source of POC and DOC at any point in a stream is a complex function of: storm intensity, duration, and location, the connectivity of the drainage network, amplifying or mitigating functions of critical interfaces such as hillslopes and flood plains, and the spatial heterogeneity of land cover/land use [25,99]. ...

Temporal variability of soil organic carbon transport in the Enxoé agricultural watershed
  • Citing Article
  • May 2015

Environmental Earth Sciences

... Hysteresis analysis has been instrumental for understanding sediment dynamics worldwide, with the aim of reducing soil erosion and sediment transport (Ramos et al., 2015;Sherriff et al., 2016). Asynchronous sediment transport and flow peaks can lead to the situations that "low-flow discharge carry large amounts of sediment," which would be detrimental to the maintenance of river channels and the long-term effectiveness of river management. ...

Sediment and nutrient dynamics during storm events in the Enxoé temporary river, southern Portugal
  • Citing Article
  • April 2015