Fernando Costa Nunes’s research while affiliated with Federal University of Minas Gerais and other places

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Publications (6)

Figura 1-Cortes histológico corado pelo (HE 40x)mostrando a parede de um divertículo verdadeiro no apêndice cecal.
Figura 2-Enema opaco evidenciando divertículo único(seta) em apêndice cecal.
Divertículo do apêndice vermiforme
  • Article
  • Full-text available

October 2004


244 Reads


1 Citation

Revista do Colégio Brasileiro de Cirurgiões

Fernando Costa Nunes


Marilles Porto Mattos


Alcino Lázaro da Silva

The authors present three cases report of appendicular diverticulum with associated diverticulitis, one of them asymptomatic. The clinical distinction between acute apendicitis and apendical diverticulitis is very difficult, the later usually with earlier suppuration. The are no consensus regarding preventive surgery for apendical diverticulitis. It is possible that incidence of apendicular diverticulum depends on careful anatomopathological exams.


Diverticulum of the vermiform appendix

October 2004


17 Reads


1 Citation

Revista do Colégio Brasileiro de Cirurgiões

The authors present three cases report of appendicular diverticulum with associated diverticulitis, one of them asymptomatic. The clinical distinction between acute apendicitis and apendical diverticulitis is very difficult, the later usually with earlier suppuration. The are no consensus regarding preventive surgery for apendical diverticulitis. It is possible that incidence of apendicular diverticulum depends on careful anatomopathological exams.

Apendicite aguda isquêmica em coelhos: um novo modelo com estudo histopatológico Acute ischaemic appendicitis in rabbits: new model with histopathological study

June 2004


47 Reads

Revista do Colégio Brasileiro de Cirurgiões

RESUMO: Objetivos: Avaliar a isquemia parcial ou total do apêndice vermiforme de coelhos, através da ligadura com fio inabsorvível dos vasos do meso apêndice bem como a obstrução mecânica, através da ligadura com fio inabsorvível da base do apêndice a 1 cm do ceco, na patogênese da apendicite aguda. Avaliar a histologia do apêndice (normal e acometido). Estudar a flora bacteriana residente no apêndice vermiforme (normal e acometido) e do exsudato peritoneal. Método: Foram utilizados 72 coelhos (Oryctogalus cuniculos), machos, da linhagem Nova Zelândia, com peso médio de 3.000 gramas. Foram divididos em grupos: piloto (A), flora bacteriana (B), controle (H) e experimento (C, D, E, F e G) com períodos de observação de 96 horas e 192 horas. Fez-se a ligadura dos vasos do meso apêndice com fio inabsorvível nos grupos (D, E, F e G) e da base do apêndice vermiforme a 1 cm do ceco, no grupo (C). No grupo experimento (D, E, F e G) foi praticado o modelo isquêmico. No grupo experimento (C) foi realizada a obstrução mecânica e no grupo controle (H) foi feita somente a simulação da cirurgia. Resultados: Ocorreu apendicite aguda no grupo experimento (C,D,E,F, e G). Conclusão: O método utilizado causa apendicite aguda com alterações anatomopatológicas distintas. A bactéria residente encontrada na flora fisiológica do suco entérico do apêndice vermiforme e no exsudato peritoneal foi Escherichia coli. Descritores: Apendicite; Doença aguda; Coelhos; In vitro.

[Acute ischaemic appendicitis in rabbits: new model with histopathological study]

January 2004


20 Reads


5 Citations

Acta Cirúrgica Brasileira

To evaluate partial or total ischemia, through ligature with an unabsorbed thread of vessels from the vermiform appendix of rabbits, as well as the mechanical obstruction, through ligature with an unabsorbed thread at the basis of the vermiform appendix, at 1 cm from the cecum, of the acute appendicitis disease. To evaluate the histology of the appendix (normal and affected). To study the bacterium flora resident in the vermiform appendix (normal and affected) and the exudates peritonitis. Seventy-two male rabbits (Oryctogalus cuniculus), from New Zealand lineage were used, weighing approximately 3,000 grams. The animals were divided into: pilot (A), bacterium flora (B), control (H) and experimental (C, D, E, F and G) groups, and were observed in periods of 96 and 192 hours. It was done the ligature with an unabsorbed thread of vessels from the meso appendix, and the base of the appendix within 1 cm from the cecal. In the (C) experimental group, the mechanical obstruction was carried out. In the (D, E, F and G) experimental groups, the ischemic model was used, and in the (H) control group, only the surgical simulation was done. In the control group (H), the acute appendicitis didn't happen. In the experimental group (C, D, E, F and G) the acute appendicitis happened. The method used causes acute appendicitis with distinct anatomopathological alterations. The main bacteria found at the physiological flora of the enteric juice from the vermiform appendix and at the exudates peritonitis was the Escherichia coli.

Figura 2-Espécime de enterectomia. 
Figura 3-Fotomicrografia do duodeno evidenciando o tumor invadindo a camada muscular (HE x100). 
Adenocarcinoma primário de duodeno

June 2002


81 Reads


1 Citation

Revista do Colégio Brasileiro de Cirurgiões

Primary adenocarcinoma of the duodenum is an extremely rare disease, and represents only 0.35% of all gastrointestinal malignancies. Early detection of the disease may be difficult because of the absence of pathognomonic symptoms. The authors relate one case of a adenocarcinoma of the duodenum in a 61-year-old white man with a history of abdominal pain for a six-month period, associated with postprandial fullness, vomiting and weight loss. Contrasted x-ray and computerized tomography showed a tumor in the fourth segment of the duodenum, with partial obstruction of the lumen. Histological study revealed a moderate differentiated adenocarcinoma. Treatment consisted of resection of the fourth portion of duodenum. The authors comment on the most important aspects of this pathology.

Citations (3)

... The preoperative diagnosis is difficult 9 and infrequent, despite de use of radiological imaging. The diagnostic certainty is obtained only with the anatomopathological exam 16 . The differential diagnoses are: Crohn's disease, actinomycosis, perforation by a strange body, amebiasis, carcinoid tumor, tuberculosis, gastroenteritis, ureteral colic, ec-topic pregnancy, ovarian cyst rupture, pelvic inflammatory disease and, especially, acute appendicitis 2,17 . ...


Cecal diverticulitis or appendicitis. When should I suspect? A case report
Divertículo do apêndice vermiforme

Revista do Colégio Brasileiro de Cirurgiões

... O tipo mais comum de câncer de duodeno é o adenocarcinoma 1,2 , sendo responsável por 50% dos casos 2,3 . Foi descrito pela primeira vez por Hamberger, em 1746 [3][4][5] . Acomete mais o sexo masculino, sexta e sétima décadas de vida, ocorrendo, preferencialmente, na região periampular 5 . ...

Adenocarcinoma primário de duodeno

Revista do Colégio Brasileiro de Cirurgiões

... In these studies, surgical ligation of the appendix or the obstruction of the appendix obtained through the placement of a balloon catheter introduced via cecostomy induced ischemic necrosis or inflammatory changes of the organ. These modifications were studied for their similarity with spontaneous human appendicitis and to evaluate the response to medical or surgical treatment [4][5][6]. ...

[Acute ischaemic appendicitis in rabbits: new model with histopathological study]
  • Citing Article
  • January 2004

Acta Cirúrgica Brasileira