Feng Wang’s research while affiliated with Mount Saint Mary College and other places

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Publications (5)

Scaffolding preservice teachers' WebQuest design: A qualitative study
  • Article

December 2009


103 Reads


16 Citations

Journal of Computing in Higher Education

Feng Wang


This study examined how participating preservice teachers reported their perceptions and use of different scaffolds provided to support their WebQuest design. Sixteen preservice teachers participated in a succession of course activities designed to guide WebQuest design and development. Results indicated that while participants followed, adapted, and combined many scaffolds as they designed their WebQuests, they discounted other design supports as redundant, unnecessary, or too time-consuming. Implications for research and practice are described.

Integrating WebQuests in preservice teacher education
  • Article
  • Full-text available

March 2008


911 Reads


44 Citations

Educational Media International

During the past decade, WebQuests have been widely used by teachers to integrate technology into teaching and learning. Recently, teacher educators have applied the WebQuest model with preservice teachers in order to develop technology integration skills akin to those used in everyday schools. Scaffolding, used to support the gradual acquisition of knowledge and skills, may help preservice teachers to better understand the underlying assumptions and assess the feasibility of WebQuests for their teaching. Based on a review of existing WebQuest and scaffolding research, this article presents guidance for scaffolding preservice teachers’ WebQuest designs, and identifies issues and challenges for future implementation.L’intégration des Webquests dans la formation initiale des enseignantsAu cours de la dernière décennie, les professeurs ont largement eu recours aux Webquests pour intégrer la technologie dans l’enseignement et l’apprentissage. Récemment les formateurs d’enseignants ont appliqué le modèle Webquest avec les maîtres en formation initiale ceci pour développer des compétences pour l’intégration de la technologie proches de celles que l’on met en œuvre tous les jours dans les écoles. L’emploi de l’étayage pour soutenir l’acquisition progressive des connaissances et des compétences peut aider les enseignants en formation initiale à mieux comprendre les hypothèses sous‐jacentes et à évaluer la faisabilité des Webquests dans leur enseignement. Pour cet article on a passé en revue les recherches existantes sur les Webquests et l’étayage, on présente des recommandations pour étayer les productions de Webquests conçues par les enseignants en formation initiale et on identifie les problèmes et les défis que pose une mise en œuvre future.Inegration von Webquests in die LehrerausbildungIm vergangenen Jahrzehnt wurden WebQuests auf breiter Linie von Lehrern eingesetzt, um Technologie in Lehren und Lernen zu integrieren. Vor kurzem haben Lehrerausbilder das WebQuest Modell in der Lehrerausbildung (1. Phase) verwendet, um die Fähigkeiten zu vermitteln, Technologien in ähnlicher Form zu integrieren, wie dies im normalen Schulbetrieb erforderlich ist. Die Methode des “Scaffolding” ("Didaktik des Gerüstbauens"), die eine graduelle Aneignung von Wissen und Fähigkeiten zum Ziel hat, kann Lehrern in der Ausbildung helfen, die Prinzipien besser zu verstehen und die Machbarkeit von WebQuests für ihren Unterricht zu prüfen. Vor dem Hintergrund der aktuellen Forschung im Bereich WebQuests und Scaffolding, bietet dieser Artikel eine Anleitung zum Aufbau von WebQuests für das scaffolding von Lehrern in der Ausbildung und weist auf Themen und Herausforderungen bei zukünftigen Implementationen.La integración de los Webquests en la formación inicial de los profesoresDurante la última década, los profesores han hecho un uso extensivo de los Webquests para integrar la tecnología dentro de los procesos de enseñanza y de aprendizaje. Hace poco, los formadores de profesores han aplicado el modelo de Webquest con los profesores en formación inicial para desarrollar capacidades de integración de la tecnología parecidas a las que se usan diariamente en las escuelas. Los apuntalamientos que se usan para sostener la adquisición progresiva de conocimientos y destrezas, pueden ayudar a los futuros profesores a entender mejor las suposiciones subyacentes y a evaluar la factibilidad de Webquests en su enseñanza. Basandose en las investigaciones existentes sobre Webquests y apuntalamientos, este artículo presenta direcciones para sostener los diseños de Webquests por parte de los maestros en formación inicial y identifica los problemas y desafíos para una aplicación futura.


Design-based research and technology-enhanced learning environments. Educational Technology Research and Development, 53(4), 5-23

December 2005


14,668 Reads


1,522 Citations

Educational Technology Research and Development

During the past decade, design-based research has demonstrated its potential as a methodology suitable to both research and design of technology-enhanced learning environments (TELEs). In this paper, we define and identify characteristics of design-based research, describe the importance of design-based research for the development of TELEs, propose principles for implementing design-based research with TELEs, and discuss future challenges of using this methodology.

Cognitive tools and student-centered learning: Rethinking tools, functions, and applications

December 2005


2,805 Reads


81 Citations

Educational Media International

Although student‐centred learning environments have recently attracted attention, such systems often place an unusual cognitive burden on the learner. Recent research suggests that cognitive tools can scaffold student‐centred learning in these types of environments. This paper introduces and analyses problems and issues in the design and use of cognitive tools in student‐centred learning environments and provides an overview of tool functions. A conceptual framework featuring functional cognitive tool classifications (information seeking, information presentation, knowledge organization, knowledge integration and knowledge generation) and principles of design is provided. Prospects and challenges for future research and development in the design and use of cognitive tools are also addressed.Les outils cognitifs et l’apprentissage centré sur l’étudiant: une révision des outils, des fonctions et des applicationsBien que les environnements d’apprentissage centrés sur l’étudiant aient récemment fait l’objet d’une attention particulière, ce sont là des systèmes qui font porter un fardeau cognitif inhabituel à l’apprenant. Les recherches récentes permettent de penser que les outils cognitifs peuvent étayer l’apprentissage centré sur l’étudiant dans des environnements de ce type. Cet article présente et analyse les questions et les problèmes que soulèvent la conception et l’usage des outils cognitifs dans les environnements d’apprentissage centrés sur l’étudiant et fournit un panorama des fonctions de ces outils. On fournit un cadre conceptuel faisant apparaître les classifications fonctionnelles des outils cognitifs (recherche d’information, présentation de l’information, organisation des connaissances, intégration de ces connaissances et création des connaissances) avec les principes pour concevoir. Les perspectives et les défis pour les recherches et développements futurs dans la conception et l’usage des outils cognitifs sont également abordés.Kognitive Werkzeuge und studentenzentriertes Lernen: Das Überdenken von Werkzeugen, Funktionen und BewerbungenObwohl studentenzentrierte Lernumgebungen neue Aufmerksamkeit auf sich gezogen haben, stellen solche Systeme oft eine ungewöhnliche kognitive Belastung für den Lerner dar. Neue Forschungen legen nahe, dass kognitive Werkzeuge studentenzentriertes Lernen in diesen Arten von Umgebungen “einrüsten” können. Dieses Papier führt in die Fragestellung ein, analysiert Probleme und stellt Fragen zu studentenzentrierten Lernumgebungen und bietet eine Übersicht über die Werkzeugfunktionen an. Ein begrifflicher Rahmen, der funktionelle kognitive Werkzeugklassifizierungen (Informationssuche, Informationsdarstellung, Wissensorganisation, Wissensintegration und Wissenserzeugung) und Entwurfsprinzipien anbietet, wird ebenso geliefert. Aussichten und Herausforderungen zukünftiger Forschung und Entwicklung im Entwurf und bei Verwendung von kognitiven Werkzeugen werden ebenfalls angesprochen.

Designed-Based Research and Technology Enhanced Learning Environments

January 2005


359 Reads


1,377 Citations

Educational Technology Research and Development

During the past decade, design-based research has demonstrated its potential as a methodology suitable to both research and design of technology-enhanced learning environments (TELEs). In this paper, we define and identify characteristics of design-based research, describe the importance of design-based research for the development of TELEs, propose principles for implementing design-based research with TELEs, and discuss future challenges of using this methodology. (http://www.springerlink.com/content/a582109091287128/)

Citations (5)

... Design-Based Research (DBR) design was employed in the development of instructional materials for chemistry investigative practical work that were used by the learners in carrying out laboratory activities for this study. Design-Based Research (DBR) is a flexible methodology aimed at improving educational practices through iterative analysis, design, development, and implementation, based on collaboration among researchers and practitioners in real-world settings, and leading to contextually-sensitive design principles and theories (Wang & Hannafin, 2005;DBRC, 2003). The study was carried out in five phases which are (1) Assessment of the practices and needs of Chemistry practical work in schools (2) Design and development of Chemistry practical work instructional materials prototype (3) Try out of the prototypes (4) Evaluation of the instructional strategies (5) Refinement of the materials (Ituma, 2015). ...


Use of Concept Maps to Assess Secondary School Chemistry Investigative Practical Work
Designed-Based Research and Technology Enhanced Learning Environments
  • Citing Article
  • January 2005

Educational Technology Research and Development

... Esta perspectiva tiene sus raíces en el enfoque constructivista de enseñanza y aprendizaje, el cual entiende que los docentes diseñan actividades centradas en el estudiante con objetivos pedagógicos preestablecidos en las que los estudiantes tienen que construir su propio aprendizaje. De acuerdo con Iiyoshi et al. (2005), esto se lleva a cabo a través de cinco procesos cognitivos diferentes: búsqueda de información, presentación de información, organización del conocimiento, integración del conocimiento y generación de conocimiento. Derivado de ello, los docentes también pueden adoptar una perspectiva construccionista, donde la actividad del alumnado se orienta a la creación de artefactos, desplegando su creatividad (Papert, 1982), o un enfoque socioconstructivista de aprendizaje, donde los estudiantes interactúan activamente con el entorno y/o con sus iguales y/o con los docentes para construir su aprendizaje. ...

Cognitive tools and student-centered learning: Rethinking tools, functions, and applications

Educational Media International

... While 55% of the participants expressed that WebQuest technologies affected their mathematical knowledge, 19% expressed that they did not have a positive impact personally. The studies of Wang and Hannafin (2008) dealt with the issue of incorporating WebQuest technologies into the education of pre-service instructors. They concluded that WebQuest technologies can be used in teacher's education to increase their skill in integrating technology. ...

Integrating WebQuests in preservice teacher education

Educational Media International

... The quantitative results showed that 77% of the participants found the deER to be highly beneficial for learning, with 82% agreeing that it helped with uncertainty management. The study applied a design-based research (DBR) approach [41] and utilized the community of inquiry framework [42], emphasizing the social and cognitive dimensions of learning in virtual environments. ...

Design-based research and technology-enhanced learning environments. Educational Technology Research and Development, 53(4), 5-23

Educational Technology Research and Development

... According to the opinion of Wang et al. [19], teachers need to systematically design and develop curriculum activities based on WebQuest. Sumtsova et al. [20] thought that the WebQuest teaching model organizes teaching activities through the latest Internet technologies, which can enhance students' motivation to learn foreign languages. ...

Scaffolding preservice teachers' WebQuest design: A qualitative study
  • Citing Article
  • December 2009

Journal of Computing in Higher Education