Febri Rahmi’s research while affiliated with State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau and other places

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Publications (4)

Descriptive statistics
Results of the normality test (Shapiro-Wilk test)
Calculation of accuracy level and error type in public companies
Calculation of the accuracy level and type of error in non-public companies
Predicting financial distress of public and non-public construction sub-sector companies
  • Article
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April 2024


132 Reads


1 Citation

Corporate Governance and Organizational Behavior Review

Yeni Febbianti



Jeli Nata Liyas




Febri Rahmi

This study examines if there are variations among financial crisis models. It is intended to investigate whether it has the most significant level of accuracy in predicting potential corporate bankruptcies. This is a quantitative study; Secondary information from financial reports serves as the data source. The study population is public and non-public companies in the construction sector listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) for 2014–2020. In order to obtain a sample of eight businesses, targeted selection was used for sampling. The results of this study show that the conditions differ from those of financial distress models for public and non-public companies. For public companies, the most accurate models are Grover and Lavin’s (2001), Karas and Srbová’s (2019), Fulmer’s (1984), and Ohlson’s (1980) models proven to be 100 percent. In contrast, only Fulmer’s model is entirely applicable to non-public companies. Forecast results and best-fit models can provide positive information or warnings for external and internal parties.


Pelatihan Pembuatan Pupuk Organik pada Kelompok Masyarakat Kepenghuluan Bagan Sinembah Timur

November 2021


7 Reads


1 Citation

COMSEP Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

Community service aims to introduce and train community groups to be able to make organic fertilizer using household waste. This training was carried out at the Bagan Sinembah Timur Community Group (Pokmas). Pokmas were formed by the Kepenghuluan to advance the people's economy. Introduction and training on how the community uses household waste that no longer has economic value to turn it into organic fertilizer. This training is expected to reduce the community's dependence on inorganic fertilizers. Training on Making Organic Fertilizer in thet Bagan Sinembah Timur Community Group using participatory learning methods. In its implementation, the Bagan Sinembah Timur Kepenghuluan Community Group was very enthusiastic in participating in this training to become organic fertilizer, after the training they were immediately able to practice making fertilizer independently. The organic fertilizer produced will help the community to further increase agricultural yields and can help farmers in the scarcity of fertilizers.


March 2019


123 Reads


5 Citations


Islamic Banking has astrategic rolein improving the welfare of the people , through theintermediation process of lending and funding distribution activities and the provision of other financial services, based on the principles of sharia. The study looked at the relationship between the application of the principles of Shari'ah governance and performance of Islamic financia linstitutions in Riau. In this study, the performance of Islamic banking financial institutions measuredusing the Balanced Scorecard. The research was conducted on Islamic banking institutions in Riau, both Islamic Banks (BUS) and Sharia (UUS) successfully collected the data by 35 respondents. This study shows that sharia governance is able to influence the performance of sharia financial institutions in Riau Province as evidenced by a coefficient of 5.008 with a significance level of 0.000 much smaller than the value of α (0.05). The results of this next study indicate that sharia governance is not able to influence the performance of Islamic financial institutions in Riau Province after being moderated by firm size as evidenced by a coefficient of -1.933 with a significance level of 0.071 greater than the value of α (0.05).

Pengaruh Adverse Selection Terhadap Hubungan Rigid Thinking Dan Tingkat Eskalasi Komitmen Dalam Pengambilan Keputusan

September 2013


1,253 Reads

This study aims to determine the influence of Adverse Selection and prove the relationship between Rigid Thinking and the level of escalation of commitment. The hypothesis is (1). When managers are faced with the challenges of adverse selection will tend to do the escalation of commitment. (2). When a manager is unrigid thinking, will likely continue unprofitable projects than when the manager are rigid thinking. (3). When a manager is unrigid thinking, which is the condition of adverse selection will likely continue unprofitable projects than when the manager of rigid thinking. This study uses subjects lecturer of Department of Accounting and Management Programs in UIN Suska Riau. The study is in the form of experimental design 2 x 2 between subjects. Before carrying out the actual experiments, this study conducted a pilot test to test instruments used. The hypothesis was tested by using a structured analysis of variance (ANOVA). Experiment takes 30 minutes. The results showed that the manager is faced with the challenges of adverse selection will tend to continue the projects that are not profitable. The results of subsequent research shows that unrigid thinking manager is will likely not proceed with a project that is not profitable. The results of last hypothesis is unrigid thinking manager, in the condition of adverse selection will likely continue unprofitable projects than when the manager of rigid thinking.

Citations (3)

... The significant importance of this partnership lies in complementary projects, as this partnership is considered the optimal solution to address the problems faced by countries in implementing infrastructure projects such as roads, water, electricity, communications, and public transport networks by the public sector. In the case of such non-profitable projects, the private sector is required to study the potential negative impacts of their implementation before participating in them (Febbianti et al., 2024). ...


The regulation of public-private partnerships in the economy: A case study of the emerging market
Predicting financial distress of public and non-public construction sub-sector companies

Corporate Governance and Organizational Behavior Review

... Namun, sampah daun kering memiliki potensi besar untuk dimanfaatkan sebagai pupuk organik yang kaya akan nutrisi. Pengolahan sampah daun kering menjadi pupuk organik (dapat memberikan manfaat signifikan, mengingat kandungan zat hara yang dimilikinya (Irfan et al., 2021). ...

Pelatihan Pembuatan Pupuk Organik pada Kelompok Masyarakat Kepenghuluan Bagan Sinembah Timur
  • Citing Article
  • November 2021

COMSEP Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

... As exhibited by the results, it is impossible to implement sharia governance in sharia banking using the common governance principles implemented in conventional banking. So, this research extended the work of Nofianti et al. (2013Nofianti et al. ( , 2018, Nofianti and Irfan (2014), and Rahmi et al. (2019) by creating a sharia governance model that is perfect for sharia banking and can be used to measure the performance of sharia banking. Stoker (1998) defined governance as the development of a certain government style, in which the boundary between the public and private sectors is blurred. ...