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Publications (1)

Pengembangan Aplikasi e-Learning Berbasis WebRTC
  • Article

February 2017


6 Citations

Faris Mazini Muchma



Dalam bidang pendidikan terdapat metode pengajaran yang sedang berkembang saat ini yaitu e-Learning. E-Learning membantu para pengajar mendistribusikan bahan ajar tanpa harus berada di kelas dengan menggunakan internet, hal ini memaksimalkan waktu pembelajaran di kelas yang terbatas. Salah satu teknologi web yang dapat membantu mengoptimalkan kinerja e-Learning yaitu WebRTC (Web Real Time Communications). WebRTC membangun sebuah aplikasi komunikasi berbasis web sederhana dan bersifat open source. WebRTC memudahkan developer dalam mengembangkan aplikasi komunikasi berbasis web dengan memanfaatkan beberapa library javascript yang dijalankan pada web browser. Teknologi WebRTC menyediakan beberapa fungsi untuk berkomunikasi melalui berbagai media seperti suara, video, dan teks tanpa harus instalasi plugin tambahan. WebRTC sudah mulai kompatibel dengan berbagai browser yang umum digunakan. Diharapkan perancangan aplikasi e-Learning berbasis web ini dapat membantu masalah-masalah yang dihadapi guru dan siswa seperti pencarian informasi mengenai materi yang diajarkan dan memudahkan guru dalam pemberian materi kepada siswa. Hasil dari penelitian ini, yaitu e-Learning berbasis web menggunakan teknologi WebRTC. In education there is a teaching method that is growing today is e-Learning. E-Learning helps teachers distribute teaching materials without having to be in a class by using the internet, it maximizes the learning time in the classroom is limited. One of the web technologies that can help to optimize the performance of e-Learning that WebRTC (Web Real Time Communications). WebRTC build a simple web-based communications applications and open source. WebRTC allows developers to develop web-based communication applications utilizing a javascript library that runs on a web browser. WebRTC technology provides several functions to communicate through various media such as voice, video, and text without the need to install additional plugins. WebRTC already started to be compatible with a variety of commonly used browsers. Expected application design web-based e-Learning can help the problems faced by teachers and students such as information about the material being taught and allows teachers to giving the material to the students. The results of this study, which is a web-based e-Learning using WebRTC technology.

Citations (1)

... In the industrial sector, websites are used to reach a wider range of customers by creating e-commerce [3]. In the education sector, the website is used as a learning process innovation with e-learning [4]. While in the government sector, the website is used to realize good governance in the form of e-government [5,6]. ...


Architecture Governance Model of Local Government Website: (Comparative Study Between the City and District of Malang)
Pengembangan Aplikasi e-Learning Berbasis WebRTC
  • Citing Article
  • February 2017