Fabrizio Ruggeri’s research while affiliated with Istituto di Matematica Applicata e Tecnologie Informatiche, Italian National Research Council and other places

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Publications (190)

An Advanced Self-similarity Measure: Average of Level-Pairwise Hurst Exponent Estimates (ALPHEE)
  • Preprint

September 2024


7 Reads


Raymond J Hinton


Fabrizio Ruggeri


Brani Vidakovic

On global robustness of an adversarial risk analysis solution

September 2024


2 Reads

Statistica Neerlandica

Adversarial Risk Analysis (ARA) can be a more realistic and practical alternative to traditional game theoretic or decision theoretic approaches for modeling strategic decision‐making in the presence of an adversary. ARA relies on quantifying the decision‐maker's (DM's) uncertainties about the adversary's strategic thinking, choices and utilities via probability distributions to identify the optimal solution for the DM. ARA solution will be sensitive to the choices of prior distributions used for modelling the expert beliefs. Yet, to date, no mathematical results to characterize the robustness of the ARA solution to the misspecification of one or more prior distributions exist. Prior elicitation is known to be challenging. We present the very first mathematical results on the global robustness of the ARA solution. We use the distorted band class of priors and establish the conditions under which an ordering on the ARA solution can be established when modelling the first‐price sealed‐bid auctions using the nonstrategic play and level‐ thinking solution concepts. We illustrate these results using numerical examples and discuss further areas of research.

Likelihood distortion and Bayesian local robustness

May 2024


13 Reads

Robust Bayesian analysis has been mainly devoted to detecting and measuring robustness to the prior distribution. Indeed, many contributions in the literature aim to define suitable classes of priors which allow the computation of variations of quantities of interest while the prior changes within those classes. The literature has devoted much less attention to the robustness of Bayesian methods to the likelihood function due to mathematical and computational complexity, and because it is often arguably considered a more objective choice compared to the prior. In this contribution, a new approach to Bayesian local robustness to the likelihood function is proposed and extended to robustness to the prior and to both. This approach is based on the notion of distortion function introduced in the literature on risk theory, and then successfully adopted to build suitable classes of priors for Bayesian global robustness to the prior. The novel robustness measure is a local sensitivity measure that turns out to be very tractable and easy to compute for certain classes of distortion functions. Asymptotic properties are derived and numerical experiments illustrate the theory and its applicability for modelling purposes.

A predictive model for planning emergency events rescue during COVID-19 in Lombardy, Italy
  • Article
  • Full-text available

October 2023


56 Reads


1 Citation

Journal of the Italian Statistical Society

Forecasting the volume of emergency events is important for resource utilization in emergency medical services (EMS). This became more evident during the COVID-19 outbreak when emergency event forecasts used by various EMS at that time tended to be inaccurate due to fluctuations in the number, type, and geographical distribution of these events. The motivation for this study was to develop a statistical model capable of predicting the volume of emergency events for Lombardy’s regional EMS called AREU at different time horizons. To accomplish this goal, we propose a negative binomial additive autoregressive model with smoothing splines, which can predict over-dispersed counts of emergency events one, two, five, and seven days ahead. In the model development stage, a large set of covariates was considered, and the final model was selected using a cross-validation procedure that takes into account the observations’ temporal dependence. Comparisons of the forecasting performance using the mean absolute percentage error showed that the proposed model outperformed the model used by AREU, as well as other widely used forecasting models. Consequently, AREU decided to adopt the new model for its forecasting purposes.


Figure 5: The nine test signals used in the simulation study.
Figure 6: Noisy versions of the nine signals from Fig. 5.
Figure 7: Change in average MSE(AMSE) as a function of hyper-parameters k (left) and l (right) exemplified on the heavisine test signal, SN R = 1/5, and n = 1024.
Figure 8: Estimation of heavisine test signal: Estimations obtained by three-point priors with n = 1024, k = 2.4, l = 5.8 and SN R = 1/5.
Figure 9: The box plots of MSE for the ten estimation methods: (1) Rule-I, (2) Rule-II, (3) Bayesian adaptive multiresolution shrinker (BAMS), (4) Decompsh, (5) Block-median, (6) Block-mean, (7) Hybrid version of the block-median procedure, (8) BlockJS, (9) Visu-Shrink, and (10) Generalized cross-validation. The MSE was computed by using SN R = 1/5, k = 2.5, l = 6, and n = 1024 data points.


Gamma-Minimax Wavelet Shrinkage for Signals with Low SNR

June 2023


58 Reads


1 Citation

The New England Journal of Statistics in Data Science

In this paper, we propose a method for wavelet denoising of signals contaminated with Gaussian noise when prior information about the L2{L^{2}}-energy of the signal is available. Assuming the independence model, according to which the wavelet coefficients are treated individually, we propose simple, level-dependent shrinkage rules that turn out to be Γ-minimax for a suitable class of priors. The proposed methodology is particularly well suited in denoising tasks when the signal-to-noise ratio is low, which is illustrated by simulations on a battery of some standard test functions. Comparison to some commonly used wavelet shrinkage methods is provided.

Citations (63)

... Most previous research ARA has focused on security and cybersecurity, as reflected in numerous works, including those by Roponen et al. (2020), Joshi et al. (2021), Gomez et al. (2024) and DuBois et al. (2023). Recently, however, ARA has expanded into other areas, such as adversarial machine learning (Gallego et al., 2024), parole board decision-making (Joshi et al., 2024), and business applications. In the business domain, ARA has primarily been applied to auctions e.g. ...


Personalized Pricing Decisions Through Adversarial Risk Analysis
Protecting Classifiers from Attacks
  • Citing Article
  • August 2024

Statistical Science

... Add the affected points to the planned set of affected points, generate emergency material scheduling based on the shortest path mutation method, construct a hybrid quantum genetic model 22 , and obtain the dynamic model parameter distribution set for cross regional material scheduling as follows: ...

A predictive model for planning emergency events rescue during COVID-19 in Lombardy, Italy

Journal of the Italian Statistical Society

... This analysis can be efficiently and relatively straightforwardly conducted using the distorted band class of priors [45]. Recently, a novel approach using the ABC class of priors was proposed to explore the sensitivity of Bayesian posterior inference to data uncertainty [46]. The further research could also investigate the applicability of the ABC class of priors to our model for analyzing the effects of data inaccuracy. ...

On a class of prior distributions that accounts for uncertainty in the data
  • Citing Article
  • July 2023

International Journal of Approximate Reasoning

... Vimalajeewa et al. [15] propose a method for wavelet denoising of signals contaminated with Gaussian noise using level dependent shrinkage rules. The method is particularly useful for denoising tasks when the signal-to-noise ratio is low. ...

Gamma-Minimax Wavelet Shrinkage for Signals with Low SNR

The New England Journal of Statistics in Data Science

... Based on the difference between the input and the output of the trained stacked autoencoder, the Grubbs criterion and the PauTa criterion are used to evaluate whether data points are outliers [23]. Peralta et al. proposed unsupervised deep neural network models based on stacked autoencoders to detect the outliers among position, speed and angular position [24]. Zhao et al. proposed a three-step vehicle trajectory reconstruction method with the wavelet transform, Gaussian kernel and Savitzky-Golay filter to reconstruct the trajectory data from 15 intersections. ...

Outlier Vehicle Trajectory Detection Using Deep Autoencoders in Santiago, Chile


... Healthcare organizations can control and monitor processes by conducting regular internal surveys. A few papers addressed the role of monitoring in the healthcare context, e.g., monitoring of healthcare policies [1]. To evaluate the impact of EHR, healthcare professionals need to monitor patients' eHealth literacy level [68]. ...

Dynamic linear models for policy monitoring. The case of maternal and neonatal mortality in Ghana
  • Citing Article
  • June 2022

Socio-Economic Planning Sciences

... The effect of COVID19 on the increase in the literature on this type of model cannot be denied. Indeed, the analysis of the effects of the pandemic has given rise to numerous publications focusing on two lines of action: on the one hand, the study of the evolution of the disease in specific locations using existing models (see [30]) and, on the other hand, the appearance of new models (see, for example, [31]). ...

Underdetection in a stochastic SIR model for the analysis of the COVID-19 Italian epidemic

Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment

... The objective could be to compare a particular doctor with respect to a reference population, such as doctors of the same provider type, while considering all these characteristics. So far, the topic has been analyzed using univariate Lorenz curves (Ekin et al., 2017), multivariate Gini index (Zafari and Ekin, 2019) and temporal concentration functions (Zafari et al., 2021), and the focus has been on numerical differences. However, auditors sometimes tend to rank the data with respect to multiple categories, and investigate which doctors are different enough to warrant an investigation. ...

Multicriteria Decision Frontiers for Prescription Anomaly Detection Over Time

... Its location, topography, and meteorology cause conditions that can have critical effects on human health. During the coldest months of autumn and winter, pollutants become concentrated in the Santiago valley, producing air pollution in the city; see [2]. ...

Predicting PM2.5 and PM10 Levels during Critical Episodes Management in Santiago, Chile, with a Bivariate Birnbaum-Saunders Log-Linear Model


... These systems scan the organisation's IT infrastructure, its security environment, its security posture and, whenever possible, those of its third party suppliers. (Examining the security of an organisation's third party suppliers is a new field called supply chain risk management or vendor risk management, as described in Torres et al. (2020).) This makes it possible to define a risk index r n for an organisation over time n and establish a benchmark risk level w so that if r n ≥ w a warning is issued. ...

Structured Expert Judgement Issues in a Supply Chain Cyber Risk Management System
  • Citing Chapter
  • February 2021