May 2024
5 Reads
Archives des Maladies Professionnelles et de l Environnement
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May 2024
5 Reads
Archives des Maladies Professionnelles et de l Environnement
May 2024
4 Reads
Archives des Maladies Professionnelles et de l Environnement
March 2024
45 Reads
2 Citations
BMJ Open
Objective: To determine the association between occupational factors, particularly psychosocial factors, and hypertension. Design: Descriptive and analytical cross-sectional study using logistic multivariate regression. Setting: Fifteen cotton ginning plants in Benin. Participants: Permanent and occasional workers in the cotton ginning industry. Data collection: Data on sociodemographic, occupational, behavioural and clinical history characteristics were collected using a number of standardised, interviewer-administered questionnaires. These questionnaires were based on the WHO's non-communicable disease questionnaire, Karasek questionnaire and Siegrist questionnaire. Weight, height and blood pressure were measured. Any worker with systolic blood pressure ≥140 mm Hg and/or diastolic blood pressure ≥90 mm Hg according to the WHO criteria was considered hypertensive, as was any subject on antihypertensive treatment even if blood pressure was normal. Results: A total of 1883 workers were included, with a male to female ratio of 9.08. Of these, 510 suffered from hypertension (27.1%, 95% CI 25.1 to 29.2). In the multivariate analysis, the risk factors identified were occupational stress (adjusted OR (aOR)=3.96, 95% CI 1.28 to 12.2), age ≥25 years (aOR=2.77, 95% CI 1.55 to 4.96), body mass index of 25-30 kg/m2 (aOR=1.71, 95% CI 1.32 to 2.2), body mass index >30 kg/m2 (aOR=2.74, 95% CI 1.84 to 4.09), permanent worker status (aOR=1.66, 95% CI 1.44 to 2.41) and seniority in the textile sector >5 years (aOR=2.18, 95% CI 1.7 to 2.8). Recognition at work emerged as an effect-modifying factor subject to stratification. Conclusions: Occupational factors, particularly job strain and recognition at work, are modifiable factors associated with hypertension in the ginning plants sector and deserve to be corrected through occupational health promotion and prevention.
January 2023
11 Reads
Occupational Diseases and Environmental Medicine
January 2023
22 Reads
Occupational Diseases and Environmental Medicine
January 2022
14 Reads
1 Citation
Open Journal of Epidemiology
January 2021
141 Reads
3 Citations
Occupational Diseases and Environmental Medicine
January 2021
90 Reads
2 Citations
Occupational Diseases and Environmental Medicine
May 2018
33 Reads
Archives des Maladies Professionnelles et de l Environnement
Introduction En pleine préparation des ripostes face aux menaces de l’épidémie de la fièvre à virus Ebola en 2014, le Bénin a connu deux épisodes d’épidémies de fièvres hémorragiques virales successivement en octobre 2014 et en février 2016. Ce fut une épreuve fatale pour le personnel soignant qui relance la problématique de la sécurité et la santé au travail chez les professionnels de la santé. La présente étude a pour objectif de présenter d’analyser l’ampleur du risque par rapport aux mesures de prévention existantes et mises en place. Matériels et méthode Il s’agit de rapports de deux situations épidémiologiques de fièvres hémorragiques virales gérées par les professionnels de la santé au Bénin de 2014 à 2016. L’ensemble des cas et des décès enregistrés au sein du personnel soignant de 2014 à 2016 a été analysé comparativement à l’efficacité des mesures de prévention. Résultats Au total, 59 cas de fièvres hémorragiques virales avec 22 décès ont été enregistrés dont 16 cas en 2014 avec 9 décès et 43 cas en 2016 avec 13 décès. Parmi le personnel soignant 6 cas avec 4 décès ont été enregistrés en 2014, puis 6 cas avec 2 décès en 2016. La 1re épidémie fièvre à virus Lassa a été déclarée le 27 novembre 2014 après confirmation de deux cas sur l’ensemble enregistré. La riposte a été vite organisée en termes formation du personnel soignant, de médicaments (Ribavirine), des produits de décontamination, des équipements de protection individuelle et des mesures d’hygiène générale et individuelle. Conclusion Les fièvres hémorragiques virales sont des malades graves pour l’homme et elles constituent un risque professionnel majeur pour le personnel soignant. Les mesures préventives pour protéger aussi bien le personnel soignant que la population sont bien connues mais leur application stricte et rigoureuse reste précaire compte tenu du contexte socio-économique difficile et de la fragilité du système sanitaire national.
April 2018
14 Reads
Occupational and Environmental Medicine
Introduction Occupational asthma (OA), obstructive chronic bronchopneumonia (OCBP) and pneumoconiosis are occupational respiratory diseases having important impact on morbidity and mortality. Some population studies show that 15% of the cases of asthma with the adults can be attributed to work environment. The aims of this study is to evaluate the respiratory function especially the occupational asthma of workers in a plastic bag manufacturing factory in Togo. Material and methods By a cross sectional study, we included 182 workers in the sample. They filled a questionnaire and the workers with asthma complains was submitted to spirometry test. Results The mean age of subjects was 37,13±5,71 years with a male predominance (99,5%). The mean of the work experience was 7,66±2,88 years. 1,1% of workers were smokers. Rhinitis and conjunctivitis were reported with 79,7%. The frequency of occupational rhinitis was 62,6%. Subjects that presented asthma complains were 34,1%. In 25,8% of cases asthma complains are associated to the work. The abnormal pulmonary function was overlooked by reversible smalls airways pattern (6,6%) and reversible obstructive pattern (4,9%). Spirometry was compatible with asthma in 11,5% of cases. The prevalence of occupational asthma was 7,7%. Occupational asthma only concerns the posts of Thermo-welding and Extrusion. All the workers in these posts did not use respiratory protection. Conclusion Occupational asthma is a reality in a plastic bag manufacturing factory in Togo. This fact needs preventives and correctives actions to avoid that disease.
... According to projections, by 2025, the number of adults suffering from HTN will reach a total of 1.56 billion [4]. Although the prevalence of HTN has declined in highincome countries, we are facing an increase in low-and middle-income countries [5]. Another challenge is that a large proportion of the population suffering from that disease is undiagnosed, untreated, or inappropriately treated, contributing to increase the burden of HTN in low-and middle-income countries [6]. ...
March 2024
BMJ Open
... This could limit income sources and job satisfaction, which in turn predispose to occupational stress. However, our finding was higher compared to the reported prevalence of job stress, which was 24.6% in Brazil (Carvalho et al., 2020), 26.2% in Burkina Faso (Hinson et al., 2021), and 17.2% in Taiwan (Kuo et al., 2020) reported to have occupational stress. This discrepancy could be due to the difference in demographic and healthcare infrastructure variation in those settings. ...
January 2021
Occupational Diseases and Environmental Medicine
... There was a statistically significant © 2023 Middle East Research Journal of Medical Sciences | Published by Kuwait Scholars Publisher, Kuwait 13 association between work psychosocial job-related stress and self-rated health. Mikponhoue et al., (2019) [42] assessed the prevalence of burnout, one of the symptoms of occupational stress among nurses and other staff in Benin Republic. The study was conducted between September and October, 2019 t Zone Hospital Cotonou. ...
January 2021
Occupational Diseases and Environmental Medicine
... Thus, most (73% moderate obesity, 89% severe obesity, and 100% morbid obesity) of the participants with obesity were women. This could be explained by factors such as: menopause, physical inactivity, and multiparity but also compliance with an aesthetic reference model [3]- [6], [10]. Some studies have revealed that weight gain is associated with maternity and nurturing, this can explain why women are more obese than men. ...
May 2016
European Scientific Journal
... In their study, Ebatetou et al. found a predominance of the emergency and intensive care units (28.3%) followed by the medical unit (27.3%) and the medical-surgical unit (26%) [7]. Bagny et al. in Togo reported a predominance of the medical sector (65.2%) followed by the laboratory (17.7%) [12], Vikkey et al. in Benin found a predominance of surgery (27.2%) and laboratory (17.7%) [13]. In Morocco, Moussa et al. found a predominance of the surgical pole (48.7%) [8], during the course of their work, 62.80% of the HCWs claimed to have been victims of at least one BEA. ...
January 2016
... In fact, chemical control is less efficient because the resistant form of the pathogen known as chlamydosopres can survive in the soil during several years and in many secondary host plants [8]. Again, chemical control is less recommended not just because of its effect on environment and health, but also because it favors the development of pathogens' resistance [9], [10]. Genetic management becomes in this context the more reliable mean of control. ...
January 2016
... The findings also agree with Abong'o et al., (2014) who found that the general knowledge among farmers about chemicals risks, safety, and chronic illnesses was low in the River Nyando catchment, Kenya. This result contrasts with that of a similar study carried out in Benin by Hinson et al., (2015) which revealed that the level of knowledge of farmers on pesticides was high since more than 75% of farmers had been trained in more than an opportunity on the use of pesticides of pesticides. The results also do not agree with those of Pasiani et al. (2012), whose study in Brazil found that almost all farmers recognized that pesticides were potentially harmful to their health. ...
July 2015