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Criteria are established for geophysical prospection in the «esquisto-grauváquico» complex, in an area located to the South of Salamanca. It has been proved that wells with yields of between 6-12 litres/sec. drill through materials of low resistivity, usually lower than 100 ohms.m., while wells drilling materials of a resistivity higher than 500 ohms.m. have very low yields. Se establecen criterios de prospección geofísica en el Complejo esquisto-grauváquico al Sur de Salamanca. Se ha comprobado que los sondeos cuyos caudales oscilan entre 6 y 12 litros/seg. atraviesan materiales de baja resistividad, en general inferiores a 100 ohmios, m., mientras que las perforaciones que obtienen un caudal muy escaso presentan resistividades superiores a 500 ohmios.m.