F. J. Lerch’s research while affiliated with Johnson Space Center and other places

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Publications (74)

Table 1 . Gravity Field Evaluation Fits Using the Residual RMS in Long-Arc Fits to SLR Data _ ______________________________________________________________________
Table 4 . Comparison of Station Positions for SPOT 2 versus SLR/VLBI _ _____________________________________________________________
Table 10 . Comparison of Station Positions for SPOT 2 versus SLR/VLBI _ __________________________________________________________
Table 12 . Three-Year Mean SST Derived From T/P
The Joint Gravity Model 3
  • Article
  • Full-text available

December 1996


3,987 Reads


332 Citations

Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres






J. A. Marshall

An improved Earth geopotential model, complete to spherical harmonic degree and order 70, has been determined by combining the Joint Gravity Model 1 (JGM 1) geopotential coefficients, and their associated error covariance, with new information from SLR, DORIS, and GPS tracking of TOPEX/Poseidon, laser tracking of LAGEOS 1, LAGEOS 2, and Stella, and additional DORIS tracking of SPOT 2. The resulting field, JGM 3, which has been adopted for the TOPEX/Poseidon altimeter data rerelease, yields improved orbit accuracies as demonstrated by better fits to withheld tracking data and substantially reduced geographically correlated orbit error. Methods for analyzing the performance of the gravity field using high-precision tracking station positioning were applied. Geodetic results, including station coordinates and Earth orientation parameters, are significantly improved with the JGM 3 model. Sea surface topography solutions from TOPEX/Poseidon altimetry indicate that the ocean geoid has been improved. Subset solutions performed by withholding either the GPS data or the SLR/DORIS data were computed to demonstrate the effect of these particular data sets on the gravity model used for TOPEX/Poseidon orbit determination.


Alternative Estimation Techniques for Global High-Degree Gravity Modeling

January 1996


15 Reads


7 Citations

High-degree (Nmax=360) gravitational models require surface gravity data to resolve the fine structure of the field. Given a global gravity anomaly data set, one can extract this information using either quadrature formulæ (orthogonality relations) or by solving a system of observation equations. Under certain conditions such a system yields a normal matrix of block-diagonal structure. To determine accurately the lower part of the spectrum requires the least-squares combination of the surface gravity information with a satellite-only gravity model. Depending on the technique employed to develop the surface gravity solution, the estimation of a combined model can be performed in different ways. We have used a global set of 30’ mean gravity anomalies and a satellite-only model to produce combination solutions using both quadratures and the block-diagonal adjustment technique. In both cases the complete covariance matrix of the satellite-only model was used. Global geoid height difference (to Nmax=360) between the two types of solution is at the ± 20 cm level. The error spectra obtained from the two techniques are in excellent agreement. The models from the two techniques perform equally well in orbit fit tests. Absolute comparisons with GPS/Leveling-derived undulations over British Columbia and the US indicated that the block-diagonal technique yields slightly better results. However, relative GPS/Leveling undulation comparisons seem to indicate a problem with the higher degree harmonics obtained from the block-diagonal technique which requires further study.

An assessment of TDRSS for precision orbit determination

January 1996


58 Reads


18 Citations

Tracking data from the Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System (TDRSS) are used to determine operational orbits for a variety of user spacecraft. These data are not routinely used for precise orbit determination because the Tracking and Data Relay Satellite (TDRS) orbits, derived from Bilateration Ranging Transponder System (BRTS) tracking, are of insufficient accuracy (40-60 m). Therefore, we have investigated alternative orbit determination techniques to improve our knowledge of TDRS and user satellite trajectories. These techniques include incorporating ground based tracking of the user satellite, exploiting the enhanced tracking geometry provided by the user satellite, and improving the force and measurement modeling. Results from analysis of TDRSS-TOPEX/POSEIDON (T/P) data demonstrate that the TDRSS data are powerful, that computed TDRS orbits have 3-5 m total position accuracies, and that the corresponding T/P ephemerides have 25-40 cm accuracies.

Preliminary Results from the Joint GSFC/DMA Gravity Model Project

January 1996


11 Reads


2 Citations

The NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) and the U.S. Defense Mapping Agency (DMA) with the aid of other organizations such as The Ohio State University are cooperating in a joint effort to determine a significantly improved degree 360 spherical harmonic model representing the Earth’s gravitational potential. This new model will be of immediate use in defining an undulation model that will be the basis for an enhanced WGS-84 geoid, but the model will be general in use and will provide enhancements for a wide range of applications. The development of the new model is driven, in part, by the need to determine an accurate geoid undulation model that will be the vertical reference surface for WGS-84. In addition, the new geoid model will help satisfy increasingly important studies in ocean circulation (sea surface topography) and geodetic positioning through GPS.

Precision orbit determination for TOPEX/Poseidon using TDRSS doppler tracking data

December 1995


21 Reads

Advances in Space Research

Precision orbit determination on the TOPEX/Poseidon (T/P) altimeter satellite is now being routinely achieved with sub-5cm radial and sub-15 cm total positioning accuracy using state-of-the-art modeling with precision tracking provided by a combination of: (a) global Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR) and Doppler Orbitography and Radiopositioning Integrated by Satellite (DORIS), or (b) the Global Positioning System (GPS) Constellation which provides pseudo-range and carrier phase observations. The geostationary Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System (TDRSS) satellites are providing the operational tracking and communication support for this mission. The TDRSS Doppler data are of high precision (0.3 mm/s nominal noise levels). Unlike other satellite missions supported operationally by TDRSS, T/P has high quality independent tracking which enables absolute orbit accuracy assessments. In addition, the T/P satellite provides extensive geometry for positioning a satellite at geostationary altitude, and thus the TDRSS-T/P data provides an excellent means for determining the TDRS orbits. Arc lengths of 7 and 10 days with varying degrees of T/P spacecraft attitude complexity are studied. Sub-meter T/P total positioning error is achieved when using the TDRSS range-rate data, with radial orbit errors of 10.6 cm and 15.5 cm RMS for the two arcs studied. Current limitations in the TDRSS precision orbit determination capability include mismodeling of numerous TDRSS satellite-specific dynamic and electronic effects, and in the inadequate treatment of the propagation delay and bending arising from the wet troposphere and ionosphere.

Gravity model development for TOPEX/POSEIDON: Joint gravity models 1 and 2

January 1995


52 Reads


198 Citations

Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres

The TOPEX/POSEIDON (T/P) prelaunch Joint Gravity Model-1 (JGM-1) and the postlaunch JGM-2 Earth gravitational models have been developed to support precision orbit determination for T/P. Each of these models is complete to degree 70 in spherical harmonics and was computed from a combination of satellite tracking data, satellite altimetry, and surface gravimetry. While improved orbit determination accuracies for T/P have driven the improvements in the models, the models are general in application and also provide an improved geoid for oceanographic computations. The postlaunch model, JGM-2, which includes T/P satellite laser ranging (SLR) and Doppler orbitography and radiopositioning integrated by satellite (DORIS) tracking data, introduces radial orbit errors for T/P that are only 2 cm RMS with the commission errors of the marine geoid for terms to degree 70 being +/- 25 cm. Errors in modeling the nonconservative forces acting on T/P increase the total radial errors to only 3-4 cm root mean square (RMS), a result much better than premission goals. While the orbit accuracy goal for T/P has been far surpassed geoid errors still prevent the absolute determination of the ocean dynamic topography for wavelengths shorter than about 2500 km. Only a dedicated gravitational field satellite mission will likely provide the necessary improvement in the geoid.

High degree gravitational sensitivity from Mars orbiters for the GMM-1 gravity model

June 1994


15 Reads


1 Citation

Orbital sensitivity of the gravity field for high degree terms (greater than 30) is analyzed on satellites employed in a Goddard Mars Model GMM-1, complete in spherical harmonics through degree and order 50. The model is obtained from S-band Doppler data on Mariner 9 (M9), Viking Orbiter 1 (VO1), and Viking Orbiter 2 (VO2) spacecraft, which were tracked by the NASA Deep Space Network on seven different highly eccentric orbits. The main sensitivity of the high degree terms is obtained from the VO1 and VO2 low orbits (300 km periapsis altitude), where significant spectral sensitivity is seen for all degrees out through degree 50. The velocity perturbations show a dominant effect at periapsis and significant effects out beyond the semi-latus rectum covering over 180 degrees of the orbital groundtrack for the low altitude orbits. Because of the wideband of periapsis motion covering nearly 180 degrees in w and +39 degrees in latitude coverage, the VO1 300 km periapsis altitude orbit with inclination of 39 degrees gave the dominant sensitivity in the GMM-1 solution for the high degree terms. Although the VO2 low periapsis orbit has a smaller band of periapsis mapping coverage, it strongly complements the VO1 orbit sensitivity for the GMM-1 solution with Doppler tracking coverage over a different inclination of 80 degrees.

Gravity model improvement using the DORIS tracking system on the SPOT 2 satellite

March 1994


18 Reads


23 Citations

Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres

A high-precision radiometric satellite tracking system, Doppler Orbitography and Radio-positioning Integrated by Satellite system (DORIS), has recently been developed by the French space agency, Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES). DORIS was designed to provide tracking support for missions such as the joint United States/French TOPEX/Poseidon. As part of the flight testing process, a DORIS package was flown on the French SPOT 2 satellite. A substantial quantity of geodetic quality tracking data was obtained on SPOT 2 from an extensive international DORIS tracking network. These data were analyzed to assess their accuracy and to evaluate the gravitational modeling enhancements provided by these data in combination with the Goddard Earth Model-T3 (GEM-T3) gravitational model. These observations have noise levels of 0.4 to 0.5 mm/s, with few residual systematic effects. Although the SPOT 2 satellite experiences high atmospheric drag forces, the precision and global coverage of the DORIS tracking data have enabled more extensive orbit parameterization to mitigate these effects. As a result, the SPOT 2 orbital errors have been reduced to an estimated radial accuracy in the 10-20 cm RMS range. The addition of these data, which encompass many regions heretofore lacking in precision satellite tracking, has significantly improved GEM-T3 and allowed greatly improved orbit accuracies for Sun-synchronous satellites like SPOT 2 (such as ERS 1 and EOS). Comparison of the ensuing gravity model with other contemporary fields (GRIM-4C2, TEG2B, and OSU91A) provides a means to assess the current state of knowledge of the Earth's gravity field. Thus, the DORIS experiment on SPOT 2 has provided a strong basis for evaluating this new orbit tracking technology and has demonstrated the important contribution of the DORIS network to the success of the TOPEX/Poseidon mission.

Citations (44)

... In the 1990s, the US's Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) found for the first time that jointly processing ground-based observations and spaceborne inter-satellite measurements improves spacecraft orbit accuracy [3]. In the 2000s, Zhu et al. of the German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ) validated the effect of integrated adjusting ground-based observations and multiple spaceborne measurements in improving not only orbit determination but also estimation of geocenter and gravity-field coefficients. ...


Earth Rotation Parameters Determination with BDS-3/LEO Simulations Under Small-Scale Ground Networks
An assessment of TDRSS for precision orbit determination
  • Citing Article
  • January 1996

... We apply different filtering methods such as the horizontal gradient, Euler deconvolution and the analytical signal to determine geological formations signal, faults and their extensions. These filters are calculated using Geosoft Oasis Montaj® software and are considered as one of the most useful for delineating gravity anomalies and trends in terrestrial discontinuities (Pavlis et al., 1996;Ngatchou et al., 2014). The gravity modeling is useful to appreciate underground structures responsible for the observed anomalies. ...

Alternative Estimation Techniques for Global High-Degree Gravity Modeling
  • Citing Chapter
  • January 1996

... Models such as GEM-9, GEM-L2, GEM-Tl, GEM-T2, GRIM4-S4 are examples of these and contain harmonics to maximum degree 30, 30, 36, 50, 60 and contain 594, 594, 140630, 30, 36, 50, 60 and contain 594, 594, , 202830, 30, 36, 50, 60 and contain 594, 594, coefficients, respectively. [Lerch,F.J., et al, 1979, [Lerch,F.J., et al, 1982], [Marsh,S.M., et al, 1988], [Marsh,S.M., et al, 1989], [Reigber,C., 1996]. ...

Geoid Determination Over Basin-Wide Scales Using a Combination of Satellite Tracking, Surface Gravity and Altimeter Observations
  • Citing Chapter
  • January 1990

... Unmodeled seaheight variation from changes in ocean currents was minimized by restricting the analysis to crossovers that occur within the individual cycles. The table below (from Bertiger et al., 1993) lists the global crossover statistics for the GPS reduced-dynamic orbit and fen-the two precise orbits provided with the merged TOPEX/Poseidon GDR products, The NASA precise orbit was generated by GSFC using SLR and DORIS tracking and the tuned geopotential field known as JGM-2 (Lerch et al., 1993); similarly, the CNES orbit was generated by the CNES/Toulouse group using DORIS and SLR tracking. Both use a full dynamic estimation strategy. ...

Gravity Model Improvement for TOPEX/Poseidon
  • Citing Article
  • January 1993

... We, therefore, limited our comparisons to a segment of relatively mild clock behavior. 6 6. Single-Vehicle Mode. Figure 10 presents the results of SVM operations compared to the BET. The plots in the left column of Figure 10 reveal the position differences in UVW (radial, downtrack, and cross-track) coordinates as well as the SMA differences between the SVM solutions and the BET. ...

Gravity model improvement using GEOS-3 (GEM 9 and 10)
  • Citing Article
  • January 1977

... The dynamical numerical integration (variational) method seemed to be first hinted at by Anderle (1965b) but was first published in a mathematical paper by Riley et al. (1967) (see also Ballani 1988;Montenbruck and Gill 2000). It has gained wide spread acceptance without challenge since its inception and has since been routinely used by almost all major institutions worldwide to produce global standard gravitational models from satellite tracking measurements, likely partly attributed to the fact that Goddard Space Flight Center used and implemented this numerical integration idea by Anderle (1965b) as the mathematical foundation to compute Earth's gravitational models (see e.g., Lerch et al. 1974;Long et al. 1989). Among the most important gravitational models before the dedicated satellite gravity missions CHAMP, GRACE and GOCE are the GEM series of gravitational models from the Goddard Space Flight Center (see e.g., Marsh et al. 1988Marsh et al. , 1990 and those from the joint German-French team (see e.g., Schwintzer et al. 1997;Biancale et al. 2000). ...

Goddard Earth Model (5 and 6)
  • Citing Article
  • January 1974

... GEM 6 (Lerch et al, 1973) is a combination model consisting of (1) a satellite solution designated GEM 5 and (2) Rapp's 50 equal area mean gravity anomalies based on 26,000 1 0 -by-1 0 surface gravity values. GEM 6 is complete to degree and order 16 with additional terms to degree 22. ...

Gravitational field modes GEM 3 and 4

... However, there are many interesting real-life applications in which the data are sampled on a spherical domain. We can think, for instance, of measurements regarding the Earth, like the surface temperature [54] and pressure [55], or geophysical quantities measured via satellites, like the Earth's magnetic and electric field as measured by the ESA [56], NOAA [57] and CNSA [58] missions, and the Earth's gravitational field [59], or astrophysical measurements, like the cosmic microwave background [60]. All these kinds of data have been studied so far using classical linear approaches, like spherical harmonic analysis and Fourier transform in higher dimension [61,62,63,64]. ...

A new gravitational model for the Earth from satellite tracking data: GEM-T1

Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres

... Bowin et al. (1984) conclude that a combination of crustal thickness variations and thermal influence of the plume may explain the residual geoid. Goslin et al. (1998), Goslin and Party (1999) using the model of Lerch et al. (1994), showed a positive, Fig. 3 Total geoid (a) and filtered geoid (b) to remove spherical harmonic degrees less than 10-preserving mid to shorter wavelength anomalies. From Luis and Neves (2006) along-ridge anomaly of the order of 6-8 m in the Azores, which extends further south than north. ...

A geopotential model from satellite tracking, altimeter, and surface gravity data: GEM-T3

Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres