October 2024
15 Reads
Dutse Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences
This study assessed the effect of browse Plants feed formulation on Goat (Capra aegagrus hircus) rumen microbial activities and in vitro gas production in Red Sokoto goat (Capra aegagrus hircus) over a period of fourteen (14) weeks. Four selected browse plants- Afzelia africana (TAa) Detarium microcarpum (TDm), Daniellia oliveri (TDo) and Khaya senegalensis (TKs) -were used to formulate diets for animal feeding. Three groups of growing Indigenous Red Sokoto goats were assigned to each of the browse plant diets (BPD), while the control group was placed on a basal diet only. Rumen fluids were collected from the goats intermittently for three (3) consecutive periods, and analyzed for pH, methylene blue-reduction time (MBRT), nitrate reduction, cellulose digestion, glucose fermentation and sedimentation activity rate. The results showed that browse plant feed formulation did not have a significant (p > 0.05) effect on the pH value of the rumen contents. Significant (p < 0.05) reductions in MBRT, nitrate reduction, and glucose fermentation were observed in all treatments except the control diets. However, the period for cellulose digestion significantly increased in all the browse plant-supplemented diet treatments. Furthermore, the volume of gas produced was significantly reduced by 64% (TAa), 62% (TDm), 71% (TDo), and 74% (TKs) in goats fed with browse plants as dietary supplements compared to 7% in the control (Tc). Overall, this study demonstrated that browse plant feed has the potential to significantly reduce the volume of methane produced and released by ruminant animals into the environment.