September 2018
444 Reads
1 Citation
This presentation draws from a specific sporting intervention carried out by Dinamiks and Inncredu professionals during 2017-2018 season at Paidea School, a Special Education School setting in Barcelona, Catalonia. The intervention was undertaken as a form of sporting activities related to cycling. The main objective of the intervention was to assess the factual implementation of BTTEA project principles in an out of school placement. The theoretical patterns were established following a comprehensive literature review and BTTEA basic guidelines in order to disseminate them among PE Teachers and training institutions. The BTTEA program is integrated in a more complex educational project called SPORTEA, which aims to raise awareness about the need of implementing active leisure initiative for pupils with special needs to fight high levels of sedentary behaviour. The project has introduced up to three sporting disciplines: cycling (current intervention), padel-tennis and basketball; and is incorporating more professionals in order to broaden its borders to new sports. The project has gained local community partnership and is currently collaborating with four regional councils. The study has been also carried out in order to reinforce the importance of improving Physical Education towards a Quality Physical Education patterns (Castillo, Solà & Sebastiani, 2015). In this process, attention to diversity and special needs are crucial in order to make Physical Education useful and meaningful for society.