December 2002
10 Reads
3 Citations
Proceedings of the Physical Society
The relationship between relative humidity and the mobility of negative ions in air at atmospheric pressure has been examined with a view to possible applications in hygrometric measurements. The method employed was a modification of Zeleny's original method, the end of a wind channel being closed by a disc of gauze fitted with a guard ring through which a steady stream of air of definite humidity was pumped. The motion of the negative ions due to the action of the air stream was balanced by a counter potential gradient, and the mobility was deduced from the critical potential required to produce a balance. The rate of air flow was measured by means of a Ewing ball and tube flowmeter, a hollow glass sphere being used to make it suitable for low air rates. Efforts were made to construct a direct indicating instrument by amplifying the current sufficiently to obtain deflections on a robust moving-coil indicator, but the variations in the amplification factor were found to be too serious.