Eytan Modiano’s research while affiliated with Massachusetts Institute of Technology and other places

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Publications (504)

A Whittle Index Approach to Minimizing Functions of Age of Information
  • Article

December 2024


3 Reads

IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking

Vishrant Tripathi


Eytan Modiano

We consider a setting where multiple active sources send real-time updates over a single-hop wireless broadcast network to a monitoring station. Our goal is to design a scheduling policy that minimizes the time-average of general non-decreasing cost functions of Age of Information. We use a Whittle index based approach to find low complexity scheduling policies that have good performance. We prove that for a system with two sources, having possibly different cost functions and reliable channels, the Whittle index policy is exactly optimal. We derive structural properties of an optimal policy, that suggest that the performance of the Whittle index policy may be close to optimal in general. These results might also be of independent interest in the study of restless multi-armed bandit problems with similar underlying structure. We further establish that minimizing monitoring error for linear time-invariant systems and symmetric Markov chains is equivalent to minimizing appropriately chosen monotone functions of Age of Information. Finally, we provide simulations comparing the Whittle index policy with optimal scheduling policies found using dynamic programming, which support our results.

Optimizing Age of Information With Correlated Sources

December 2024


13 Reads

IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking

We develop a simple model for the timely monitoring of correlated sources over a wireless network. Using this model, we study how to optimize weighted-sum average Age of Information (AoI) in the presence of correlation. First, we discuss how to find optimal stationary randomized policies and show that they are at-most a factor of two away from optimal policies in general. Then, we develop a Lyapunov drift-based max-weight policy that performs better than randomized policies in practice and show that it is also at-most a factor of two away from optimal. Next, we derive scaling results that show how AoI improves in large networks in the presence of correlation. We also show that for stationary randomized policies, the expression for average AoI is robust to the way in which the correlation structure is modeled. Finally, for the setting where correlation parameters are unknown and time-varying, we develop a heuristic policy that adapts its scheduling decisions by learning the correlation parameters in an online manner. We also provide numerical simulations to support our theoretical results.

Fundamental Limits of Routing Attack on Network Overload

November 2024


3 Reads

We quantify the threat of network adversaries to inducing \emph{network overload} through \emph{routing attacks}, where a subset of network nodes are hijacked by an adversary. We develop routing attacks on the hijacked nodes for two objectives related to overload: \emph{no-loss throughput minimization} and \emph{loss maximization}. The first objective attempts to identify a routing attack that minimizes the network's throughput that is guaranteed to survive. We develop a polynomial-time algorithm that can output the optimal routing attack in multi-hop networks with global information on the network's topology, and an algorithm with an approximation ratio of 2 under partial information. The second objective attempts to maximize the throughput loss. We demonstrate that this problem is NP-hard, and develop two approximation algorithms with multiplicative and additive guarantees respectively in single-hop networks. We further investigate the adversary's optimal selection of nodes to hijack that can maximize network overload. We propose a heuristic polynomial-time algorithm to solve this NP-hard problem, and prove its optimality in special cases. We validate the near-optimal performance of the proposed algorithms over a wide range of network settings. Our results demonstrate that the proposed algorithms can accurately quantify the risk of overload given an arbitrary set of hijacked nodes and identify the critical nodes that should be protected against routing attacks.

An Ordinary Differential Equation Framework for Stability Analysis of Networks with Finite Buffers

November 2024

We consider the problem of network stability in finite-buffer systems. We observe that finite buffer may affect stability even in simplest network structure, and we propose an ordinary differential equation (ODE) model to capture the queuing dynamics and analyze the stability in buffered communication networks with general topology. For single-commodity systems, we propose a sufficient condition, which follows the fundamental idea of backpressure, for local transmission policies to stabilize the networks based on ODE stability theory. We further extend the condition to multi-commodity systems, with an additional restriction on the coupling level between different commodities, which can model networks with per-commodity buffers and shared buffers. The framework characterizes a set of policies that can stabilize buffered networks, and is useful for analyzing the effect of finite buffers on network stability.

Achieving AoI Fairness in Spatially Distributed Wireless Networks: From Theory to Implementation

August 2024


5 Reads

We design and implement two variants of a practical random access protocol called WiFair, based on IEEE 802.11 and designed to mitigate spatial unfairness in Age of Information (AoI). Drawing on previous theoretical work, we modify the mechanics of 802.11 to fairly minimize AoI in a wireless network consisting of several update nodes and a single base station. We implement this protocol on a testbed of software defined radios (SDRs) and measure its performance under a variety of settings compared to standard 802.11. We observe a 32% reduction in network average AoI and an 89% reduction in peak AoI in a last come first served (LCFS) single-packet queue setting, as well as a 76% reduction in network average AoI and an 82% reduction in peak AoI in a first come first served (FCFS) queue setting when the network is congested. We further show that when the network is uncongested, WiFair achieves the same performance as 802.11, and we demonstrate its robustness to more bursty traffic by streaming live video.

Citations (48)

... Vehicles share sensor information over Wifi to create a collective perception, to name a few examples. Despite this, the effects of the AoI when multiple statistically correlated sensors are available have only recently begun to be explored [18]- [22], and so far there is no mathematical derivation that incorporates spatial correlation into the AoI. ...


2D-AoI: Age-of-Information of Distributed Sensors for Spatio-Temporal Processes
Monitoring Correlated Sources: AoI-based Scheduling is Nearly Optimal
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • May 2024

... Для прогнозування каскадних збоїв використовують графові нейронні мережі (Graph Neural Networks) [42]. Модель GNN демонструє точність (accuracy) та збалансовану точність (balanced accuracy) понад 96 % на тестових даних і використовується в прогнозуванні каскадних збоїв в електромережах у режимі реального часу [43]. ...

Power Failure Cascade Prediction using Graph Neural Networks
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • October 2023

... In [8], the authors optimize slotted ALOHA to minimize weighted sum AoI, and in [9], the authors optimize both slotted ALOHA and CSMA in the presence of stochastic arrivals. In [10], CSMA is optimized when updates are generated at will, and [11] shows that by incorporating AoI into the CSMA backoff timers, the network will mimic a near-optimal centralized policy with high probability. In [12] and [13], AoI-threshold policies are proposed, where each node only participates in a random access scheme when its age exceeds some value. ...

Fresh-CSMA: A distributed protocol for minimizing age of information
  • Citing Article
  • Full-text available
  • October 2023

Journal of Communications and Networks

... Yang et al. [24] have proposed using discounted UCB for multiserver systems with time-varying service rates. Nguyen and Modiano [25] has proposed an online learning algorithm that stabilizes all queues in non-stationary systems asymptotically. However, these studies still focus on long-term performance analysis and ignore transient performance. ...

Learning to Schedule in Non-Stationary Wireless Networks With Unknown Statistics
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • October 2023

... The concept of the AoI has recently gained traction not only as a gauge for for evaluating data freshness in various network models and scenarios [17], [18]. Relatively few studies to date, such as [19]- [28] have focused on optimizing AoI in realworld networks. For instance, [19] presented the first emulation study of the AoI metric in wireless links using open-source network emulation tools like CORE [29] and EMANE. ...

WiSwarm: Age-of-Information-based Wireless Networking for Collaborative Teams of UAVs
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • May 2023

Vishrant Tripathi



Ezra Tal




Eytan Modiano

... Given the challenges associated with MDP-based approaches for the considered link scheduling problem, an alternative strategy to reduce the long-term average AoI is to narrow the search space of the policy. The authors in [13], [14] focused on a class of stationary randomized policies, where each device is scheduled based on a time-invariant probability. These policies can be efficiently obtained through convex optimization using statistical channel state information (CSI) and can be deployed in a distributed manner. ...

Minimizing Age of Information in Spatially Distributed Random Access Wireless Networks
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • May 2023

... [12] investigated a correlated restless multi-armed bandit problem under the identical and non-identical multichannel, as well as the correlated sources setting in Internetof-Things networks. [13] analyzed the average broadcast and collection ages in a spatially distributed wireless network. [14] introduced the packet number-based age of correlated information to measure the information timeliness for multiple interconnected device aggravating applications. ...

Age of Broadcast and Collection in Spatially Distributed Wireless Networks
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • May 2023

... Meanwhile, Wang et al. [11], [40], [41] present analytical methods to reduce AoI for a tagged node in 802.11-based networks, focusing on service time approximation and arrival rate optimization, but these studies assume infinite buffer sizes. Additionally, Tripathi et al. [42] introduce Fresh-CSMA, a distributed protocol that emulates max-weight scheduling to minimize AoI in singlehop wireless networks. Zhou and Saad's work [43], [44] on ultra-dense IoT systems provides closed-form expressions for average and peak AoI, highlighting the advantages of preemptive schemes over non-preemptive ones. ...

Fresh-CSMA: A Distributed Protocol for Minimizing Age of Information
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • May 2023

... More broadly, BP routing has been modified to maximize the throughput of TCP networks [27] by replacing the backlog-based backpressure with other traffic statistics. Another related area is Universal Max Weight [32], which extends the BP schemes from uni-cast to anycast, multi-cast, and broadcast, and has been adopted in wireless software-defined networks (SDN) [33]. ...

An Optimal Network Control Framework for Wireless SDN: From Theory to Implementation
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • November 2022

... The assumption of random rewards/utility for task completion, has been a prevalent paradigm in the operations research literatures [6], [7], [20], and [21]. Furthermore, regarding the random completion times, it is worth noting that in scenarios where the service rate of the server is stochastic (widelyadopted assumption in the networking and queuing literatures [19] and [22]), task completion times are random. It is also important to emphasize that within the framework of random completion times, constant completion times can be considered as a special case. ...

Optimal Routing to Parallel Servers With Unknown Utilities—Multi-Armed Bandit With Queues
  • Citing Article
  • January 2022

IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking