Evgeny Pronenko’s research while affiliated with Don State Technical University and other places

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Publications (18)

New food production technologies’ perception: Psychological barriers to consuming nonstandard protein sources
  • Article
  • Full-text available

October 2024


18 Reads

BIO Web of Conferences

Elizaveta Naydenova


Evgeny Pronenko


Gabriela Grigorova

With an increasing population, the problem of shortage of food resources is growing. Modern production and agriculture can overcome this problem through the use of biotechnology. However, the growing demand for organic products is becoming an obstacle to mass production. In order to change consumer demand, the manufacturer needs to know the characteristics of consumer perception of various product categories. So in the case of organic goods, people are willing to overpay because of the feeling of their safety and health benefits. Low awareness of modern food production methods results in consumers refusing to choose products created through biotechnology. Including people are afraid to buy alternative sources of protein. The most popular substitute for natural meat is vegetable meat. Less popular but promising protein sources include insects, cultured meat, and 3D printed meat. Neophobia and aversion are barriers to the consumption of alternative protein sources. These barriers can be broken down through positive customer awareness of the product.


The influence of park and forest areas on the psychological state of urban residents

March 2024


25 Reads

BIO Web of Conferences

The influence of nature on the psychological state of a person needs to be studied in connection with ongoing urbanization. Every day taller houses are being built, groves are being cut down for the construction of new residential complexes and greenery in urban areas is being reduced. At the same time cases of urban population reporting symptoms of depression, apathy and anxiety are becoming more frequent. Our review allows us to consider how urban greening affects the mental well-being of the population and what is the relationship between interaction with green areas and the development of human personality. It has been established that nature influences the mental state and well-being of a person both directly and indirectly through physical activity. Presencing children in nature encourages the development of their cognitive sphere, improving memory and creativity. There is a direction called ecopsychology, the central method of which is ecotherapy, which affects human psychology through therapeutic activities in green areas.

Achieving a state of flow in educational activities by university students as a development factor of sustainable behaviour

December 2023


24 Reads

E3S Web of Conferences

Modern universities face an acute problem of ensuring students’ involvement in the learning process and their motivation for learning activities. One of the solutions may be to create conditions for the emergence of a state of “flow”, the concept of which was developed by M. Csikszentmihalyi. The study involved 109 students (98 women and 11 men) of bachelor’s and master’s degrees of the Faculty of Psychology of the Southern Federal University. A special questionnaire based on M. Csikszentmihalyi’s theory was designed to determine the expression of the components of the “flow” state in the respondents’ learning activities. The results show that many students feel a balance between the content of the lecture and their ability to understand its content, many students feel inner satisfaction after attending seminars. The obtained data correlate with the data of researchers on this topic, who noted the connection of flow states with motivations, meanings, predisposition to achievement and self-regulation.

Man in the field of virtual game reality: problems of self-identification and socialization as risks for the sustainable development of society

September 2023


58 Reads

BIO Web of Conferences

The article analyzes the features of the self-identification process in the modern informational world and describes the risks of the digital space. On the example of studying representatives of different age groups, the analysis of preferred computer games is carried out and the features of virtual computer game reality are described. The article substantiates the thesis that in a situation of ex-cessive enthusiasm for computer games the virtual reality of a computer game can be one of the factors in the transformation of the Self-image of an active user if there is an identification with the heroes of the game. The empirical results of studying the transformation of the self image of active users of computer games (using the example of junior schoolchildren) are given and destructive changes in the Self-image in a situation of excessive immersion in the field of virtual game reality are described (uncertainty in the descriptions of the physical self, weak reflection of one’s own emotional experiences and bodily sensations, unrealistic level of aspirations, inadequate self-esteem).

Academic procrastination in the context of meaning structures of personality: why is it important for the formation of sustainable behavior

March 2023


202 Reads


5 Citations

E3S Web of Conferences

In this article, the author tries to draw attention to academic procrastination issue. The author gives a definition of the phenomenon, due to the lack of a generally accepted one in the scientific field. The relevance of the study is determined by the prevalence of academic procrastination in the educational environment, a student's insufficient immersion in the educational process in order to obtain skills important for their specialty, the loss of opportunities to gain additional knowledge (additional courses, trainings, etc.), the loss of potential opportunities provided by the university (competitions, grants, participation in student scientific societies, etc.), the procrastinator's influence on their inner circle and teachers, as well as the lack of a reliable method of coping with academic procrastination. The novelty of the study lies in the consideration of academic procrastination as an integral part of the meaning structure of one’s personality.

Metacognitive awareness and understanding of life meanings as a development factors of sustainable behavior

March 2023


74 Reads


2 Citations

E3S Web of Conferences

Continuing to search for the reasons for the alienation of students from education, we turn to the psychology of meaning by D. A. Leont’ev. It is necessary to consider education in the life of students from the point of view of its life meaning for them. In our opinion, the place and role of education in the lives of students can expand the understanding of psychological science about the reasons for their alienation from education. The sought-for relations of the life meaning of learning with metacognitive awareness will complement the view of the mechanism of formation of students' attitude to education. The results obtained indicate that there are significant direct correlations between the life meaningfulness of education for psychology students and their metacognitive awareness. In addition, according to the results of the study, it can be concluded that there is an inverse relationship between the life meaningfulness of education for psychology students and their level of alienation from education.

Scientific activity of students as an important factor of sustainable development in the scientific and social spheres

February 2023


27 Reads

E3S Web of Conferences

For sustainable development in various fields, highly qualified personnel are required. One of the ways to train such personnel is to involve young people in scientific activities while studying at the university. The author asks questions: how do students of psychological specialties perceive scientific activities, what emotional states arise in students when thinking about scientific activities or directly in the process of doing it. The introduction contains researches devoted to students' research activities; author presents his own model. The section "Methods" describes the sample: 73 students of psychological specialties; the author's questionnaire is given. The section "Results" reveals the students' opinion on how scientific activity can be included in various types of student activity, students' perception of scientific activity and their emotional states when thinking about it. The most frequently chosen emotional states are: interest and inspiration. The section "Discussion " contains the results obtained by other researchers. The author offers practical steps to popularize scientific activity at the university and introduce students to it. In conclusion, it is concluded that some university students have a superficial knowledge of research activities. Some students who would potentially like to start doing research don’t do it.

Correlations between the «Method of Research of Students Adaptability in the Higher Educational Establishment» and «Personality life position» (PLP).
Correlations between the «Method of Research of Students Adaptability in the Higher
Freshmen’s adaptive resources to the university environment as a factor of sustainable development in the social sphere

February 2023


22 Reads


1 Citation

E3S Web of Conferences

Increasing the adaptive resources of first-year students is especially important, because it makes it faster and easier to get involved in the learning process and start mastering professional skills. We have considered adaptation from the point of view of the meaningful sphere of person and ontological security. We used «Method of Research of Students Adaptability in the Higher Educational Establishment» (T.D. Dubovitskaya, A.V. Krylova), «Personality life position» (PLP) (D.A. Leontiev), «Test of meaning-life orientations» (MLO) (D.A. Leontiev), psychometric method «Ontological security» (OS(PM)) (N.V. Kopteva). Significant positive correlations were found between general meaningfulness of life, general ontological security and level of adaptability. The most significant medium strength correlations with the scale «Adaptation to the study group» were obtained with the following scales: «Process of life» of the MLO, «Harmony with Life» of the PLP, «Vital contacts with the world» of the OS(PM). For the scale «Adaptation to the educational activity» medium strength significant correlations were obtained with the scales: «Purpose in life» and «Locus of control - I» of the MLO. In the discussion of the results we indicate the consistency of our results with the available results. It confirms the importance of using meaningful education methods.

Citations (9)

... Положительная связь между уровнем метакогнитивной саморегуляции и субъективным уровнем наполненности обучения смыслом подтверждает полученные нами в пилотном исследовании данные. В этой работе были установлены положительные взаимосвязи между декларируемыми знаниями, процедурными знаниями, условными знаниями, планированием, стратегиями управления информацией, контролем компонентов, стратегией исправления ошибок, оценкой и уровнем наполненности обучения смыслом (Belikova, Pronenko, 2023), что согласуется с данными зарубежных исследователей (Cotterall & Murray, 2009;Händel, Artelt & Weinert, 2013). ...


Отчуждение студентов от обучения: могут ли метакогнитивная регуляция и осознание смысла обучения помочь его преодолеть?
Metacognitive awareness and understanding of life meanings as a development factors of sustainable behavior

E3S Web of Conferences

... Another study by Harriot and Ferrari [7] reported that chronic procrastination affects 20% of adults. A recent study by Popova and Pronenko [8], based on Of all the different measurement tools, the Procrastination Assessment Scale for Students (PASS) [6] is the most known and established assessment tool. The PASS assesses procrastination using 12 self-reported items using two subscales related to the frequency and problem of procrastination. ...

Academic procrastination in the context of meaning structures of personality: why is it important for the formation of sustainable behavior

E3S Web of Conferences

... Широкие возможности коммуникации создают основу для комфортной и психологически безопасной социально-психологической адаптации (Овчинников, Султанова, Лазурина & Сычева, 2018). Действующие В ВУЗах системы психологического сопровождения первокурсников позволяют студентам, в том числе и студентам-мигрантам, быстрее и успешнее адаптироваться к новым социокультурным условиям и пережить «культурный шок» (Краснощеченко, Ковдюк, 2015;Вороная и Проненко, 2022;Voronaya & Pronenko, 2023). ...

Freshmen’s adaptive resources to the university environment as a factor of sustainable development in the social sphere

E3S Web of Conferences

... 84 of the informational behavior of students with field-dependent/field-independent cognitive style. At the same time, it is noted that the level of dissemination of extremist ideas is influenced by the criticality of the information received and the level of trust in various sources of information [21,22,23,24,25]. ...

Personal Predictors of Students’ Normative Informational Behavior
  • Citing Chapter
  • February 2023

... In addition, the state of "flow" could quite possibly be related to the meaning of education and the degree of alienation from the educational process [9,10]. The data in Table 4 show that improving conditions aimed at increasing the degree of usefulness, sense of progress could indeed contribute to the level of engagement through self-regulation of one's learning activities. ...

Alienation of Students from the Learning Process Due to Their Level of Metacognitive Awareness and Personal Life Position
  • Citing Chapter
  • February 2023

... Vasina, "knowledge of the behavior of conflict personalities requires the development of specific methods for their neutralization, which is necessary for the successful prevention, regulation and resolution of conflicts" [11, p.51]. The authors of works [12][13][14][15][16][17] point out the importance of using psychological diagnostics of personality conflicts. ...

Features meaningfulness of life among students with different attitudes to the time perspective as a component of sustainable social development

E3S Web of Conferences

... In relation to the propensity of the centennial generation-also called Generation Z-to participate in technological businesses, research evidence has shown that centennials value new technologies in fields such as shopping, social relationships and work [59][60][61]. It has also been suggested that centennials tend to value new ventures based on new technology [62], which is consistent with their status as digital natives, i.e., they are a hypercognitive generation that can interact with those equal in age through social media sites [63]. Complementarily, age has been incorporated as a moderating variable in studies of entrepreneurial intention [64]. ...

Teachers and Students in the Digital Age: Attitude to Online Learning, Analysis of Aspects of Communication and Meaning Transfer
  • Citing Chapter
  • January 2022

... The communication process carried out by an institution to the community is certain to have a message, because with the message delivered, good communication will be established. The message can be defined as the dimension of the content of the communication that can be explained in verbal sentences but also presented in non-verbal packaging (Abakumova et al., 2021). In this case, a political message is a statement conveyed by an institution or government, either written or not, in the form of symbols or verbally containing political elements to be conveyed to the community, for example political speeches, delivery of information on election laws, and others. ...

Non-verbal Communication in Meanings Transmission
  • Citing Chapter
  • January 2022

... The choice of a semantic strategy, according to the authors, is in mutual agreement with personality traits, characteristics of interaction, age and gender, and professional identity. The results indicate the dynamics of the world image of the experiencing subject, which reflects the various effects of strategies for the formation of meanings [10]. Kruteleva L.Ju., Abakumova I.V. in their works present a diagram of the hierarchical semantic sphere of the personality where the life-semantic strategy of a person is defined as an integral psychic formation, an internally shortened program of possible action, determined by the content and motivational-dynamic structural elements of the meaning -value sphere of a person. ...

Personality profiles of meaning-building strategies

SHS Web of Conferences