Eva Ervani’s scientific contributions

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Publications (6)

Analisis Daya Saing Ekspor Feronikel Indonesia dan Determinan yang Mempengaruhi Volume Ekspor di Empat Negara Tujuan Tahun 2006-2022
  • Article

December 2024

JIEP Jurnal Ilmu Ekonomi dan Pembangunan

Addina Khairunisa


Eva Ervani

This research aims to analyze the competitiveness of Indonesian ferronickel in the four destination countries with the most transactions, and analyze the factors that influence the volume of Indonesian ferronickel exports, using a gravity model. The data used in this research is panel data from four countries from 2006-2022, using the Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA) and Poisson Pseudo Maximum Likelihood (PPML) methods. The results show that the RCA value in the four countries is greater than 1, meaning that Indonesian ferronickel has competitiveness in the destination country. Then, the factors that significantly influence the volume of Indonesian ferronickel exports are Indonesia's GDP, the GDP of the destination country, the exchange rate, and the COVID-19 pandemic with a positive coefficient, as well as the population of the destination country with a negative coefficient. Meanwhile, the economic distance variable doesn’t have a significant effect on the volume of Indonesian ferronickel exports.

Figure 1 Number of Imported Spare Parts and Equipment for Transportation Equipment in Thousand Tons Source: Central Statistics Agency
Figure 2 Internal -External Matrix Source: data processed by the author
Figure 4 Official PT Page. Persada Utama Diesel
Business Model Canvas Analysis PT. Persada Utama Diesel
Spare Parts Marketing Development Strategy Using SWOT and BMC Approaches: A Case Study on PT. Persada Utama Diesel
  • Article
  • Full-text available

August 2024


45 Reads

Jurnal Impresi Indonesia

This study aims to develop a spare parts marketing strategy using SWOT and Business Model Canvas (BMC) approaches at PT Persada Utama Diesel. Globalization has encouraged economic growth in various sectors, including exports and imports. However, international business activities also have risks that must be managed properly. Effective risk management can increase investor confidence, maintain company reputation, and ensure long-term business sustainability. This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study on PT Persada Utama Diesel. Data were collected through interviews, observations, and documentation studies. SWOT analysis and Business Model Canvas (BMC) were used to develop a spare parts marketing strategy. The results of the SWOT analysis identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats facing the company. Based on the BMC analysis, the company's current business model was also evaluated and developed. The recommended spare parts marketing strategy includes improving operational efficiency, developing a global distribution network, and strengthening strategic partnerships. The application of SWOT and BMC approaches is effective in developing a spare parts marketing strategy that can help PT Persada Utama Diesel in facing challenges and capitalizing on opportunities in an increasingly competitive international market.


Online Media Literacy Of Culinary Msmes To Increase Sales During The Pandemic And After Covid-19

June 2024


6 Reads

This PPM activity aimed to provide literacy through socialization and direction regarding the use of various online media to culinary MSME actors in the district and city of Bandung, West Java in an effort to increase product sales in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic and during the recovery period from pandemic conditions. The decline in economic levels in various sectors was one of the most serious impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, as experienced by culinary MSME entrepreneurs in Indonesia, including culinary MSME entrepreneurs in the district and city of Bandung. The decline in sales levels for culinary MSME business actors had resulted in a decline in income and welfare levels. The presence of online media as a technology that could help and facilitate culinary MSME business actors as a strategy to carry out promotions with the aim of increasing sales in the midst and the recovery period of the Covid-19 pandemic. The method in this PPM activity was through literacy for culinary MSMEs through socialization activities, briefings, and sharing pamphlets. This PPM activity was expected to produce output to provide solutions for culinary MSME actors to be able to increase sales of their products through the use of online media in the midst and the recovery period of the Covid-19 pandemic. From this PPM activity, it is suggested that culinary MSMEs be more active in participating in activities such as workshops or training to improve their ability to do business digitally or online.


June 2023


6 Reads

Abdi Dosen Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat

Eva Ervani


Nury Effendi


Indupurnahayu Indupurnahayu




Militcyano Samuel Sapulette

Green business through ICT (Information and Communications Technology) is one way to make resources efficient. One example of the application of ICT in business is buying and selling that is done online or online business. The limited understanding of MSME business actors regarding the application of ICT in green business activities prompted the team of authors to carry out socialization by holding a training (workshop) "Increasing MSME competitiveness through green business". One of the topics was “Green business through ICT”. The purpose of this training is to increase the understanding and literacy of MSME actors regarding the application of ICT in green business activities. The method of the workshop is lectures, training, discussions, and questions and answers between speakers and workshop participants who are MSME actors in the cities of Bandung and Bogor. The results of the workshop activities show an increase in literacy, understanding, and insight into green business through ICT from MSME business participants. Through this workshop, information was also obtained that not all MSME actors have implemented green business through ICT in their business. From the results of the interaction during the implementation of the workshop, information was obtained that all participants stated that the workshop activities provided benefits.

The Most Inhibiting Factors of Doing Business in the World
shows the estimation results of the GLS fixed effect regression cross-section weights for the I-IV model. Model I is a regression equation that includes the governance variable from the factor analysis, namely governance (GOVN) and the control variables. Meanwhile, the II-IV models each regress one of the governance variables, namely voice and
Estimation Result of Regression Models I-IV
The Effect of Governance on FDI Inflows in ASEAN

May 2021


384 Reads


2 Citations

Optimum Jurnal Ekonomi dan Pembangunan

This study examines the effect of governance on FDI inflows in ASEAN countries for the period 2002-2018 using the Worldwide Governance Indicator (WGI) index. This study uses a principal component analysis (PCA) method to reduce six WGI indexes and performs panel data regression analysis using fixed-effect GLS (cross-section weights). This study uses data from World Bank for FDI, WGI, and several control variables. The results of this study have provided empirical evidence that good governance is a very important key factor in encouraging FDI inflows to host countries. This study finds three governance elements that have a positive relationship with FDI inflows in ASEAN countries are the quality of regulations, rule of law, and control of corruption.

Citations (2)

... Pada sisi antara (benang) terdapat industri benang dengan kapasitas produksi hingga 3,2 juta ton per tahun, dan pada sisi hilir (pakaian jadi) terdapat industri stapel dan filamen dengan kapasitas produksi sebesar 1 juta ton per tahun yang terintegrasi dengan industri bahan baku kimianya (kemenperin.go.id, 2020). Lanskap yang lengkap tersebut ternyata masih menyisakan tantangan yang cukup kompleks untuk diselesaikan secara komprehensif, yaitu industri TPT diklaim sebagai (a) footlose industry yang indikasinya semakin tampak dari hasil penelitian (Mayasari et al., 2021) dan (Riyardi et al., 2015) serta (b) diskursus bahwa industri TPT sebagai sunset industry yang gejalanya terlihat dari kontribusinya terhadap perekonomian semakin menurun, nilai investasi domestik dan asing cenderung menurun, dan utilisasi kapasitas produksi yang belum maksimal (M. Hermawan, 2015). ...


  • Citing Article
  • December 2021

Arena Tekstil

... In Latin America, VA, RL, RQ, and CC positively impact incoming FDI (Biro et al., 2019). In ASEAN countries, the governance indicators that affect FDI are RQ, RL, and CC (Niarachma et al., 2021). In China, Kayani and Ganic (2021) prove that CC, RL, and RQ affect FDI, while GE, PV, and VA do not. ...

The Effect of Governance on FDI Inflows in ASEAN

Optimum Jurnal Ekonomi dan Pembangunan