Eva Agustina’s research while affiliated with Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University Yogyakarta and other places

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Publications (4)

The Effect of Fermentation on the Characteristics and Antioxidant Activity of Wuluh Starfruit Leaf Kombucha Tea (Avverhoa bilimbi Linn.)
  • Article
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May 2023


91 Reads


4 Citations

Indo J Chem Res

Fanny Fajrin Aulia Rosyada


Eva Agustina


Kombucha is a fermented drink that provides health effects. Wuluh starfruit leaves are one of the ingredients that can be used in making kombucha. This study was conducted to determine the effect of fermentation time on the physical, chemical, and antioxidant characteristics of wuluh starfruit leaf kombucha tea (Avverhoa bilimbi Linn.). This research is an experimental study with a completely randomized design (CRD) consisting of 4 treatments. Kombucha wuluh starfruit leaves are made with a fermentation time of 0, 4 8, and 12 days. The physical characteristics tested include an organoleptic test of scent, color, and taste. The chemical characteristics tested include pH, levels of titrated acids (tta), phenolic, and alcohols. The antioxidant activity is known by determining the value of IC50. Organoleptic, pH, tat, and phenolic assessment data were statistically analyzed using Kruskal Wallis and Mann Whitney. Alcohol content and antioxidant activity were analyzed descriptively. The best result of physical, and chemical characteristics and antioxidant activity are on the 12th day of fermentation with a pH of 3, TTA 0.11 0.070%, phenolic 87.33 1.140 mg/ml GAE and alcohol of 0.41% with an IC50 value of 3.65 ppm.


Alcohol content test results
Effect Fermentation Time of Halal Label Wuluh Starfruit Leaves Kombucha Tea (Avverhoa bilimbi Linn.) Based on Alcohol Content and Chemical Characteristic

February 2023


42 Reads

Proceedings of International Conference on Halal Food and Health Nutrition

Kombucha is a fermented drink of tea and sugar with the help of tea mushrooms. Wuluh starfruit leaf is one of the ingredients can be used to make kombucha. Kombucha contains chemical compounds have health effects. However, the fermentation process makes kombucha also produce alcohol, which can affect the halal label. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of fermentation time of halal label wuluh starfruit leaf kombucha tea based on alcohol content and chemical characteristics. This study is an experimental study with a complete randomized design consisting (CRD) of 4 treatments including fermentation time of 0, 4, 8 and 12 days with sugar concentration 15%. The chemical characteristics tested include pH, titrated acid levels (tat), phenolics were analyzed using kruskal wallis and mann whitney test. Data on alcohol content is analyzed descriptive. The results of the kruskal wallis test have a significant difference in the chemical characteristics test. The best result from chemical charactheristic and alcohol content that fullfil MUI standard are a 4 days fermentation time treatment with a pH value of 3, a tat content of 0.016%, phenolic content of 61,6 mg/ml GAE and an alcohol content of 0.30%.


July 2022


23 Reads

Jurnal Kimia

F. Andiarna


E. Agustina


M. I. Hadi




I. Hidayati

Semakin banyak jenis limbah yang masuk dalam perairan mengakibatkan pencemaran. Pencemaran lingkungan berasal dari senyawa organik dan anorganik, sehingga perlu dilakukan pengolahan air limbah. Salah satu cara untuk mengatasi pencemaran yang terdapat di perairan dengan teknik fitoremediasi. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui konsentrasi LAS pada perairan yang tercemar dengan agen fitoremidiasi tanaman jeruju (Acanthus ilicifolius). Cemaran yang digunakan ada 3 macam yaitu LAS dan LAS dengan kombinasi zat pencemar lain seperti logam berat Pb dan Cd. Konsentrasi masing-masing zat pencemar adalah 0,5 ppm dengan waktu perlakuan 14 hari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tumbuhan Jeruju mampu mengabsorbsi LAS sebanyak 25% pada perairan dengan pencemar LAS, 50% pada perairan dengan pencemar LAS+Pb, 75% pada perairan dengan pencemar LAS + Cd, sedangkan 95% pada perairan dengan pencemar LAS+Pb+Cd. Tumbuhan Jeruju tidak mati setelah mengadsorp LAS dan logam berat sehingga dapat dikatakan bahwa tumbuhan Jeruju merupakan tumbuhan hiperakumulator.

Respon Tanaman Daun Tombak (Sagittaria lancifolia) Dalam Cekaman Logam Berat Tembaga (Cu)

June 2022


1,217 Reads


4 Citations


p> One type of heavy metal that pollutes waters is heavy metal copper (Cu). Cu metal is basically an essential metal for living things, but with high levels of Cu metal, it can interfere with the body's metabolic processes. Therefore, there needs to be a solution to overcome Cu metal pollution in the waters. One of them is phytoremediation, or the use of plants to absorb pollutants. Spear leaf plant (Sagittaria lancifolia) is proven to be able to absorb heavy metal copper (Cu). However, the growth response is not yet known in more detail. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the growth response of pike leaf (Sagitaria lancifolia) under stress of heavy metal copper (Cu). This research is an experimental study with a completely randomized design (CRD). The experiment was conducted with 8 treatments (4 treatments with 2 tests) and 3 replications. The 4 treatments were distinguished based on differences in the concentration of Cu metal used, namely 0 mg/L, 1mg/L, 2mg/L, and 3 mg/L. The results showed that exposure to heavy metal copper (Cu) in each concentration variation and detention time variation did not have a significant effect on the growth and morphological conditions of spear leaf (Sagittaria lancifolia) plant, so this plant deserves to be used as an option in recovery efforts of water environment contaminated with heavy metal copper (Cu). Keywords – Response, Lanceleaf arrowhead, Sagittaria lancifolia, Heavy metals, Copper (Cu) </p

Citations (2)

... Despite the scarcity of chemical data, a significant number of biological investigations have been conducted on this plant. These include studies on its antioxidant [19,20], antiradical, xanthine oxidase inhibition [21], antibacterial [22][23][24], cytotoxic [14], and thrombolytic activities [24]. In vivo studies have also been conducted on its antidiabetic effect [13] and anti-ulcerative colitis activity [25]. ...


Potential Antioxidant Compounds from the Spores of Dicranopteris linearis and the Branches of Averrhoa bilimbi
The Effect of Fermentation on the Characteristics and Antioxidant Activity of Wuluh Starfruit Leaf Kombucha Tea (Avverhoa bilimbi Linn.)

Indo J Chem Res

... Pencemaran lingkungan menjadi masalah global yang semakin mendesak untuk diatasi [1]. Salah satu metode yang menarik untuk membersihkan atau mengurangi polutan dalam lingkungan adalah fitoremediasi [2]. Fitoremediasi melibatkan penggunaan tanaman dan mikroorganisme yang terkait untuk mendegradasi, mengubah, atau menyerap polutan dari lingkungan [3]. ...

Respon Tanaman Daun Tombak (Sagittaria lancifolia) Dalam Cekaman Logam Berat Tembaga (Cu)