February 2004
26 Reads
9 Citations
Oftalmologia (Bucharest, Romania: 1990)
The study presents the technical difficulties of the capsulorhexis and phacoemulsification in the white, intumescent cataract and the incidences occurred during the foldable IOL implantation with the Monarch II injector. The clinical study comprises a number of 70 eyes with white intumescent cataract operated during 15 January-15 December 2003 by the same surgeon. The surgical intervention consisted of lens extraction by phacoemulsification with clear corneal incision, using the Monarch II injector for the foldable IOL implantation. In 56 eyes, the anterior capsule was stained with trypan blue. The intraoperative complications include: failed capsulorexis in 4 cases (5.71%), rupture of posterior capsule in 1 case (1.43%) and the conversion to classical extracapsular extraction in 3 cases (4.29%). IOL implantation was made with the help of the Monarch II injector in 67 cases (95.71%). The foldable IOL implantation in the bag was realised a single time in 44 cases (62.9%). We had the following incidences in the other cases: the upside down turning of the IOL during unfolding in 2 cases, the second haptic capture in the tunnel of the cartridge in 2 cases, the second haptic stucks outside or in the anterior chamber in 18 cases, the first haptic stays in the sulcus and the second one stays outside in 1 case. In eyes with 1 intumescent cataract we can perform the continuous curvilinear capsulorhexis using trypan blue, but also without staining the anterior capsule using mechanical or manual aspiration of the liquefied cortex and viscoelastic substances. The foldable intraocular lens implantation with the injector proves to be an easy and comfortable method after it has been practiced for a longer period of time if the right size of the cartridge is used.