Erick Siqueira Guidi’s research while affiliated with São Paulo State University and other places

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Publications (14)

Modeling the Stress Field in MSLA-Fabricated Photosensitive Resin Components: A Combined Experimental and Numerical Approach
  • Article
  • Full-text available

January 2025


17 Reads

Modelling—International Open Access Journal of Modelling in Engineering Science

Geraldo Cesar Rosario de Oliveira






Fernando de Azevedo Silva

This study presents an experimental and numerical investigation into the stress field in cylinders manufactured from photosensitive resin using the Masked Stereolithography (MSLA) technique. For material characterization, tensile and bending test data from resin specimens were utilized. The stress field in resin disks was experimentally analyzed using photoelasticity and Digital Image Correlation (DIC) methods, subjected to compressive loads, according to the cylinder–plane contact model. Images were captured during the experiments using polarizing film and a low-cost CPL lens, coupled to a smartphone. The experimental results were compared with numerical and analytical simulations, where the formation of fringes and regions indicating the direction and magnitude of normal and shear stresses were observed, with variations ranging from 0.6% to 8.2%. The convergence of the results demonstrates the feasibility of using parts produced with commercially available photosensitive resin on non-professional printers for studying contact theory and stress fields. In the future, this methodology is intended to be applied to studies on stress in gears.


Multi Criteria Analysis Selection of Cylindrical Spur Gears

December 2024


8 Reads

div class="section abstract"> Organizations need to maintain their processes at high levels of efficiency to be competitive, asset management and industrial maintenance are extremely important to obtain positive results in optimizing operating costs, saving energy resources, reduction of environmental impacts among other characteristics that are considered differential for organizations. In this scenario, methods are increasingly being sought to assist managers in decision-making processes that contain several alternatives and selection criteria involved. The AHP and TOPSIS methods have been widely associated with prioritization studies, cost evaluation, resource selection, suppliers, among others. Thus, the selection of equipment and industrial elements can be evaluated by means of multicriteria decision methods where the criteria considered important by specialists in the area are inserted into the model. The objective of this article was to present a selection process for spur gears based on stress analysis and application of selection methods considering material, size and acquisition price. </div

Study of the Stress Concentration Factor in PPS/C Type Composite Using FEA and Analytical Method

December 2024


2 Reads

div class="section abstract"> The use of parts with notches or some geometric discontinuity is common in the industrial field. In the aerospace industry, it is common to use components made of composite materials with holes for fixing components. Thus, understanding the behavior of these materials, especially when they present holes or geometries that act as stress concentrators, becomes crucial to assess the possible reduction in strength due to presence of these notches. This study aims to determine the stress concentration factor in circular-hole composite laminates made of PPS (Polyphenylene Sulfide) with 5 HS carbon fiber. For determining stress concentration factor, analytical methods using the point stress criterion, computational numerical simulation through FEA (finite element analysis), and experimental validation of proposed model were used. Mechanical tests of specimens with dimensions adapted from ASTM D3039 standard were performed, which were instrumented using strain gauges in the transverse and longitudinal positions near the hole. The acquisition of specific strains was carried out through the Quantum X-HBM, which served to validate the computational simulation model. The modeling and analysis of stresses and strains were done using Ansys Workbench software. The proposed model was made using the PLANE183 element, which supports multilayer materials. Paths were also created in the locations where the strain gauges were mounted to validate the strain values obtained in the tests and thus validate the model. After validation of reference model, with a ratio between hole diameter and width of specimen (D/W) equal to 0.4, models were made by varying the D/W ratio from 0.1 to 0.5. The values SCF obtained from the numerical simulations were close to those obtained analytically, with this difference being approximately 3%. The SCF decreases as the D/W ratio increases, varying from 4.6 to 3.3 using the data from simulations and from 4.6 to 3.4 by analytical method. </div

Fig.3: Path Distribution (a) Static Structural and (b) ACP.
Fig.4: Specimen after test.
Evaluation and Feasibility of Different Models and Methods for Composite Simulation Using Ansys

September 2024


167 Reads


2 Citations

IAENG International Journal of Computer Science

1 Abstract-The utilization of composite materials in various engineering sectors has gained significant prominence due to their unique characteristics. However, owing to their inherent heterogeneity, these materials often exhibit nonlinear and unpredictable behaviors. Consequently, the finite element method has seen a growing application as an invaluable tool for analyzing composites subjected to diverse scenarios. This study aims to assess the advantages and disadvantages of ANSYS APDL and Workbench modules (specifically, ACP and Static Structural) while also examining the impact of the choice of elements in simulating composite materials. The results obtained reveal that, irrespective of the chosen method and element type, the strain patterns exhibited remarkable similarity. Nonetheless, models employing shell elements demonstrated a notable advantage, requiring fewer elements and nodes. Furthermore, the recommended model is the integrated ACP model. This preference is based in its capacity to simplify layer modeling and enable the detailed analysis of strains within each layer.

Analysis of Thrust Force Variance.
Influence of drilling parameters on thrust force and burr on fiber metal laminate (Al 2024-T3/glass fiber reinforced epoxy)

January 2021


68 Reads


8 Citations

Procedia CIRP

In the present work a fiber metal laminate (FML) of three aluminum sheets interspersed with eight layers of glass fiber reinforced epoxy was used. The processes were carried out using 4000 and 8000 rpm and a 0.05; 0.10 and 0.20 feed in mm/rev with a coated carbide drills (TiAlN) with Ø4.8mm. With the found results, it could be stated that the thrust force was affected significantly by the feed with 99.75% of contribution, the burrs thickness was influenced by spindle speed and feed (27.59% and 63.14% respectively), and burrs height by feed and interaction between factors (21.33% and 75.76%).

Application of the Finite Element Method in the Analysis of Composite Materials: A Review

April 2020


15,592 Reads


173 Citations


The use of composite materials in several sectors, such as aeronautics and automotive, has been gaining distinction in recent years. However, due to their high costs, as well as unique characteristics, consequences of their heterogeneity, they present challenging gaps to be studied. As a result, the finite element method has been used as a way to analyze composite materials subjected to the most distinctive situations. Therefore, this work aims to approach the modeling of composite materials, focusing on material properties, failure criteria, types of elements and main application sectors. From the modeling point of view, different levels of modeling—micro, meso and macro, are presented. Regarding properties, different mechanical characteristics, theories and constitutive relationships involved to model these materials are presented. The text also discusses the types of elements most commonly used to simulate composites, which are solids, peel, plate and cohesive, as well as the various failure criteria developed and used for the simulation of these materials. In addition, the present article lists the main industrial sectors in which composite material simulation is used, and their gains from it, including aeronautics, aerospace, automotive, naval, energy, civil, sports, manufacturing and even electronics.

Figure 3. Experimental results obtained in C-type copper wire drawing process with mineral and soluble lubricants for different speeds.
Figure 5. (a) Evaluation points. (b) The center radial stress as a function of displacement, evaluated for the evaluation points. (c) The superficial radial stress as a function of displacement, evaluated for the evaluation points.
Dynamic viscosity at different temperatures.
Influences of Different Die Bearing Geometries on the Wire-Drawing Process

October 2019


635 Reads


17 Citations


Metalworking is an essential process for the manufacture of machinery and equipment components. The design of the die geometry is an essential aspect of metalworking, and directly affects the resultant product’s quality and cost. As a matter of fact, a comprehensive understanding of the die bearing geometry plays a vital role in the die design process. For the specific case of wire drawing, however, few efforts have been dedicated to the study of the geometry of the bearing zone. In this regard, the present paper involves an attempt to investigate the effects of different geometries of the die bearing. For different forms of reduction as well as bearing zones, measurements are carried out for the wire-drawing process. Subsequently, by extracting the friction coefficients from the electrolytic tough pitch copper wire in cold-drawn essays, the numerical simulations are also implemented. We present the results on both the superficial and center radial tensions obtained by finite element methods. It is observed that the reduction of the friction coefficient leads to an increase in radial stress, while for a given friction coefficient, the substitution of the C-type die by the R-type one results in a decrease in the superficial radial stress of up to 93.27%, but an increase at the center of the material. Moreover, the die angle is found to play a less significant role in the resultant center radial stress, but it significantly affects the superficial radial stress. Lastly, R-type dies result in smaller superficial radial stress, with a change of up to 34.48%, but a slightly larger center radial stress up to 6.55% for different die angles. The implications of the present findings are discussed.

Análise de falha por fadiga em eixo de transmissão utilizando o método dos elementos finitos

July 2016


27 Reads


1 Citation


Neste trabalho, objetivou-se apresentar uma aplicação do método dos elementos finitos para análise de tensão e fadiga em um eixo de transmissão mecânica. Eixos de transmissão são largamente usados em máquinas rotativas, e sujeitos a problemas de fadiga. O eixo de transmissão rotativo estudado é sustentado em mancais, carregado por uma força alternada de 6,8 kN, em que o eixo tem todos os raios de arredondamento de 0,003 m, uma superfície retificada, aço AISI 1050, com módulo de elasticidade de Young igual a 206,8 GPa e módulo de Poisson igual a 0,28. Apresentam-se as condições de ruptura por tensão e também por fadiga, observadas após tensão máxima em condições de trabalho, e o coeficiente de segurança na fadiga para um tempo de vida do eixo de transmissão de 350 mil ciclos. Os resultados numéricos foram comparados com os de fadiga obtidos empiricamente e apresentaram-se satisfatórios.

Citations (4)

... The types of elements used were SOLID186, CONTA174, TARGE170, and SURF154. This strategy was essential for the Lagrange contact formulation, which enforces nonpenetration constraints and contact detection at nodes, as described in [42,43]. The contact algorithm used was the augmented Lagrange method with contact detection at the Gauss integration point, considering the contact stiffness factor equal to 1.0. ...


Modeling the Stress Field in MSLA-Fabricated Photosensitive Resin Components: A Combined Experimental and Numerical Approach
Evaluation and Feasibility of Different Models and Methods for Composite Simulation Using Ansys

IAENG International Journal of Computer Science

... This trend was attributed to the progressive wear of the cutting edge on the diamond-coating ridges remaining on the flank face. Bonhin et al. (2021) reported a positive correlation between thrust force and burr thickness at the exit side of a drilled hole in the drilling of composite materials. Shaomin et al. (2020) also theoretically found that the thrust force significantly affects the burr generation mechanism at the hole exit during the drilling of aluminum alloys. ...

Influence of drilling parameters on thrust force and burr on fiber metal laminate (Al 2024-T3/glass fiber reinforced epoxy)

Procedia CIRP

... FEM discretizes the domain into a set of overlapping meshes or "finite elements". Within each element, the solution is approximated using a polynomial basis function (Polycarpou 2022;Szabó and Babuška 2021;David Müzel et al. 2020). FVM involves dividing the domain into a set of control volumes and approximating the solution within each volume using a polynomial basis function (Ali et al. 2022;Muhammad 2021;Haider and Ahmad 2022). ...

Application of the Finite Element Method in the Analysis of Composite Materials: A Review


... The complexity of this process increases since it is a technique that is generally applied as a sequence of consecutive reductions of section: a multi-stage sequence by which wire, or rod geometry is progressively transformed. Thus, different analytical, numerical, and experimental methods have been developed in many previous works to analyse and improve this industrial process [14][15][16]. Many of the problems that occur in wire drawing are due to merely a geometric cause. ...

Influences of Different Die Bearing Geometries on the Wire-Drawing Process
