September 2024
Kac and Wakimoto introduced the admissible highest weight representations in order to classify all modular invariant representations of the Kac--Moody algebras. Ahn, Chung, and Tye studied the string functions of the admissible highest weight representations of and realized them as the characters of the generalized parafermionic theories. These string functions are allowed to have certain positive and negative rational levels, for integer levels they reduce to the well-studied string functions of the integrable highest weight representations of Kac and Peterson. In this paper we demonstrate that the mock modular part of 1/2-level string functions can be evaluated in terms of Ramanujan's mock theta functions by using recent Hecke-type double-sum formulas of positive discriminant (Mortenson and Zwegers, 2023). We also present elegant mock theta conjecture-like identities and mixed mock modular properties for certain examples of 1/2-level string functions. In addition, we show that the negative level string functions can be evaluated in terms of false theta functions by using recent Hecke-type double-sum formulas of negative discriminant (Mortenson, 2024).