July 2023
421 Reads
1 Citation
E-Journal of Humanities Arts and Social Sciences
One of the most global of all crises in the 21st century is the ecological crisis. The causes identified for environmental destruction from the 1960s were hinged on human attitudes. The ecological models proposed afterward did not adequately address the human. Thus, the problem still persists. The identification and understanding of the nature of the relationship that should exist between humans and the environment has been a bone of contention. Using the Qualitative Method, eco-theological themes and analysis and semantic analysis were employed in examining the ecological theories. One idea that sprang clearly from the study is the fact that humans and the earth are to be understood as relatives (kinsmen). This paper thus affirms and recommends the idea of kinship as a Christian ecological model that would effectively address human attitudes toward the environment. Keywords: The Ecological Crisis, Eco-Theology, Human-Earth/Land Relations, Ecological Models, Kinship, Old Testament