January 2023
6 Reads
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January 2023
6 Reads
August 2022
291 Reads
20 Citations
Scientific Data
As part of the U.S. National Seismic Hazard Model (NSHM) update planned for 2023, two databases were prepared to more completely represent Quaternary-active faulting across the western United States: the NSHM23 fault sections database (FSD) and earthquake geology database (EQGeoDB). In prior iterations of NSHM, fault sections were included only if a field-measurement-derived slip rate was estimated along a given fault. By expanding this inclusion criteria, we were able to assess a larger set of faults for use in NSHM23. The USGS Quaternary Fault and Fold Database served as a guide for assessing possible additions to the NSHM23 FSD. Reevaluating available data from published sources yielded an increase of fault sections from ~650 faults in NSHM18 to ~1,000 faults proposed for use in NSHM23. EQGeoDB, a companion dataset linked to NSHM23 FSD, contains geologic slip rate estimates for fault sections included in FSD. Together, these databases serve as common input data used in deformation modeling, earthquake rupture forecasting, and additional downstream uses in NSHM development. Measurement(s)N/ATechnology Type(s)N/A Measurement(s) N/A Technology Type(s) N/A
February 2022
130 Reads
1 Citation
Geological Society of America Bulletin
We excavated trenches at two paleoseismic sites bounding a trans-basin bedrock ridge (the Willow Creek Hills) along the northern Lost River fault zone to explore the uniqueness of the 1983 Mw 6.9 Borah Peak earthquake compared to its prehistoric predecessors. At the Sheep Creek site on the southernmost Warm Springs section, two earthquakes occurred at 9.8−14.0 ka (95% confidence) and 6.5−7.1 ka; each had ∼1.9 m of vertical displacement. About 4 km to the southeast, across the Willow Creek Hills, two ruptures at the Arentson Gulch site on the northernmost Thousand Springs section occurred at 9.0−14.7 ka and 6.1−7.5 ka with ∼1.9 m of vertical displacement each. We synthesize these and previous paleoseismic results into a model of five postglacial (<15 ka) ruptures along a ∼65 km reach of the northern Lost River fault zone. Our results show that the Borah Peak earthquake (34 km; 0.9 m mean displacement) was unique compared to previous ruptures that had both longer and shorter rupture lengths (∼25−38 km), more displacement (mean of ∼1.3−1.4 m), and equal or greater magnitude (Mw 6.9−7.1) than that in the 1983 earthquake. These ruptures support a hypothesis of variable rupture length and displacement on the northern Lost River fault zone and show that predecessors to the 1983 rupture have passed unimpeded through the Willow Creek Hills. Our work demonstrates that normal faults are capable of producing variable spatial-temporal patterns of rupture that, together with comparisons of fault geometry and historical rupture length, improve our understanding of fault segmentation and help inform models of earthquake rupture probability.
October 2021
174 Reads
6 Citations
The Wheeler Ridge anticline, located in the southern San Joaquin Valley of California, USA, is a well-studied and classic example of a laterally growing fault propagation fold. New high-resolution lidar elevation data combined with nine infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL) ages of discrete geomorphic surfaces that are bounded by prominent transverse wind and river gaps allow for investigation of tectonic topography through time. Luminescence ages from four of the six surfaces yield depositional ages that range from 32 ka to 153 ka, which are broadly consistent with a previously published soil chronosequence. Our graphical modeling indicates an average surface uplift rate of ~2.1 mm/yr and an average along-strike fold propagation rate of ~20 mm/yr. However, our probabilistic modelling and topographic analysis suggest a rate decrease of both uplift and lateral propagation toward the fault tip from ~2.4 to 0.7 mm/yr and from ~49 to 14 mm/yr, respectively. Rate decreases are not progressive but rather occur in punctuated deformational intervals across previously documented structural barriers (tear faults) resulting in a fold that is characterized by discrete segments that exhibit a systematic deformational decrease toward the east. The punctuated tectonic growth of Wheeler Ridge has also locally controlled the topographic evolution of the anticline by effecting the formational timing and position of at least seven wind and river gaps that result from multiple north-flowing antecedent streams that traverse the growing structure. We quantify the timing of wind and river gap formation, based on IRSL results and inferred incision rates, and present a model for the spatiotemporal evolution of transverse drainages and the topographic development of Wheeler Ridge. Our chronology of gap formation broadly correlates with regional Late Pleistocene dry climate intervals suggesting that both tectonics and climate were integral to the geomorphic development of the Wheeler Ridge anticline.
March 2021
181 Reads
The Utah Geological Survey (UGS) and the Idaho Geological Survey (IGS) mapped Quaternary-active faults in southeastern Idaho and northern Utah using recently collected airborne high-resolution topographic data in addition to available aerial photography and field reconnaissance. Specifically, the UGS and IGS mapped the East Bear Lake fault zone and West Bear Lake fault zone in northeastern Utah and southeastern Idaho, and the UGS mapped the Oquirrh fault zone, the Southern Oquirrh Mountains fault zone, the Topliff Hills fault zone, and the central and western Rush Valley faults in north-central Utah. High-resolution topographic data derived from airborne light detection and ranging (lidar) elevation data has allowed for detailed mapping of fault traces along these fault zones. Previously, the surface location and extent of fault traces associated with these fault zones were not well understood in many areas, owing to limited aerial photography coverage, heavy vegetation near range fronts, and the difficulty in recognizing moderate (<3 feet [<1 m]) displacements in the field or on aerial photographs. Previous geologic mapping, paleoseismic investigations, historical aerial photography, and field investigations were also used to identify and map surface fault traces and infer fault locations. In Utah, special-study areas were delineated around mapped faults to facilitate understanding of the surface-rupture hazard and associated risk. Defining these special-study zones encourages the creation and implementation of municipal and county geologic-hazard ordinances dealing with hazardous faults in Utah. We identified 51 potential paleoseismic investigation sites where fault scarps appear relatively pristine, are located in geologically favorable settings, and where additional earthquake timing data would be beneficial to earthquake research of the faults mapped in this study. More accurate mapping and characterization of these faults helps to mitigate earthquake risk in southeastern Idaho and northern Utah by developing surface-fault-rupture hazard maps and refining fault segmentation models and fault activity levels for use in regional earthquake-hazard assessments.
March 2021
224 Reads
3 Citations
How structural segment boundaries modulate earthquake behavior is an important scientific and societal question, especially for the Wasatch fault zone (WFZ) where urban areas lie along multiple fault segments. The extent to which segment boundaries arrest ruptures, host moderate magnitude earthquakes, or transmit ruptures to adjacent fault segments is critical for understanding seismic hazard. To help address this outstanding issue, we conducted a paleoseismic investigation at the Traverse Ridge paleoseismic site (TR site) along the ∼7-km-long Fort Canyon segment boundary, which links the Provo (59 km) and Salt Lake City (40 km) segments of the WFZ. At the TR site, we logged two trenches which were cut across sub-parallel traces of the fault, separated by ∼175 m. Evidence from these exposures leads us to infer that at least 3 to 4 earthquakes have ruptured across the segment boundary in the Holocene. Radiocarbon dating of soil material developed below and above fault scarp colluvial packages and within a filled fissure constrains the age of the events. The most recent event ruptured the southern fault trace between 0.2 and 0.4 ka, the penultimate event ruptured the northern fault trace between 0.6 and 3.4 ka, and two prior events occurred between 1.4 and 6.2 ka (on the southern fault trace) and 7.2 and 8.1 ka (northern fault trace). Colluvial wedge heights of these events ranged from 0.7 to 1.2 m, indicating the segment boundary experiences surface ruptures with more than 1 m of vertical displacement. Given these estimates, we infer that these events were greater than Mw 6.7, with rupture extending across the entire segment boundary and portions of one or both adjacent fault segments. The Holocene recurrence of events at the TR site is lower than the closest paleoseismic sites at the adjacent fault segment endpoints. The contrasts in recurrence rates observed within 15 km of the Fort Canyon fault segment boundary may be explained conceptually by a leaky segment boundary model which permits spillover events, ruptures centered on the segment boundary, and segmented ruptures. The TR site demonstrates the utility of paleoseismology within segment boundaries which, through corroboration of displacement data, can demonstrate rupture connectivity between fault segments and test the validity of rupture models.
December 2020
30 Reads
10 Citations
Seismological Research Letters
The 18 March 2020 Mw 5.7 Magna, Utah, earthquake was the largest earthquake in Utah since the 1992 ML 5.8 St. George earthquake. The geologic setting of the Magna earthquake is well documented by recent geologic mapping at 1:24,000 scale and 1:62,500 scale at and near the epicenter northeast of Magna, Utah. Subsurface fault modeling from surficial geologic mapping, structural cross sections, deep borehole data, and geophysical data reveals a complex system of faulting concentrated in the hanging wall of the Weber and Salt Lake City segments of the Wasatch fault zone including the Harkers fault, the West Valley fault zone, and the newly interpreted Saltair graben. Based on geologic and geophysical data (seismic and gravity), we interpret the mainshock of the Magna earthquake as having occurred on a relatively gently dipping part of the Salt Lake City segment, with aftershocks concentrated in the Saltair graben and West Valley fault zone. Postearthquake rapid reconnaissance of geological effects of the Magna earthquake documented liquefaction near the earthquake epicenter, along the Jordan River, and along the Great Salt Lake shoreline. Subaerial and subaqueous sand boils were identified in regions with roadway infrastructure and artificial fill, whereas collapse features were noted along the shores of the Great Salt Lake. Potential syneresis cracking and pooling in large areas indicated fluctuating groundwater likely related to earthquake ground shaking. The moderate magnitude of the Magna earthquake and minimal geological effects highlight the critical importance of earthquake research from multidisciplinary fields in the geosciences and preparedness on the Wasatch Front.
January 2020
12 Reads
January 2020
16 Reads
September 2019
33 Reads
5 Citations
... We created three separate geospatial databases to characterize fault geometries and activities in the region between 62°-70°W and 16°-21°N, including Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and eastern Hispaniola. These geologic input databases include a fault section (line), fault zone (polygon; terms defined subsequently and in Hatem et al., 2022 andThompson Jobe et al., 2022), and earthquake geology (point) databases (Fig. 3). The fault section database consists of linework depicting simplified surface traces of known Quaternary-active crustal faults. ...
August 2022
Scientific Data
... In the transbasin Willow Creek Hills, the mapped fault trace follows the linear drainage and is 1-2 km from the coseismic rupture, which crosses the hills. Paleoseismic studies indicate that only some Lost River fault earthquakes rupture through the Willow Creek Hills (DuRoss et al., 2022), indicating aleatoric variability. The lower frequency of surface ruptures through the Willow Creek Hills may partially explain the inferior geomorphic fault expression compared to the Warm Springs section. ...
February 2022
Geological Society of America Bulletin
... Previous studies of river-fold interactions have mainly focused on landscape evolution or constraining fold growth processes and deformation rates through fold geomorphology (e.g., topographic relief, wind/water gaps, drainage network and river terraces). Examples include the Otago fold systems in New Zealand (Jackson et al., 1996), Wheeler Ridge anticline in California (Keller et al., 1999;Kleber et al., 2021;Mueller and Suppe, 1997), Kashi, Qiulitage, Dushanzi, Anjihai and Yaken anticlines around the Tian Shan ('Shan' means 'mountain' in Chinese) forelands (Charreau et al., 2018;Chen et al., 2007;Hubertferrari et al., 2007;Lu et al., 2017;Saint-Carlier et al., 2016;Zhang et al., 2021), and various other active anticlines in the Himalayan, Zagros, and Taiwan regions (Bretis et al., 2011;Delcaillau et al., 1998Delcaillau et al., , 2006Ramsey et al., 2008). Comparatively, fewer studies explore the development of transverse rivers across folds (Alvarez, 1999;Burbank et al., 1996;Fig. ...
October 2021
... California, which lies on a strike-slip transition zone between the Pacific plate and the North American plate, is characterized by the presence of the NW-trending San Andreas dextral strike-slip fault system, with the strike-slip faults commonly showing strong Quaternary activity [67,68]. The Basin and Range Province, which is a dispersion deformation zone subjected to a nearly NW intraplate extension, is characterized by the presence of a few hundred to a thousand smallsized but generally potentially active normal faults with earthquake recurrence intervals spanning from thousands to tens of thousands of years [69][70][71]. The central-eastern part of the North American continent, most parts of which are relatively stable regions, is prevalently characterized by the reactivation of Paleozoic to Mesozoic old structures under a nearly E-W to NE horizontal compressional tectonic stress field [72]. ...
March 2021
... The half-graben contains several secondary fault systems, including the Oquirrh fault zone, Great Salt Lake fault zone, and West Valley fault zone (WVFZ). The WVFZ is located several kilometers west of downtown SLC and consists of a series of north-south striking, east-dipping normal faults that are complementary to the WF (Keaton et al., 1993;Kleber et al., 2020). In addition, gravity data suggest the presence of an additional complementary structure over the main Magna event cluster (west of the WVFZ and east of the Oquirrh fault zone) called the Saltair graben (Wong et al., 1995;Kleber et al., 2020). ...
December 2020
Seismological Research Letters
... The basement is strongly fractured, but mappable faults are limited to the Opal Mound and Mag Lee faults, which bound the RHS hydrothermal system, and the Mineral Mountains West fault system, which extends southward from the Utah FORGE site (Bartley, 2019;Forbes et al., 2019;Kirby, 2019;Knudsen et al., 2019;Nielson et al., 1986;Simmons et al., 2021). The Opal Mound fault (OMF) dips steeply and extends for 7 km in a NNE-SSW direction, terminating in the south in the vicinity of the Opal Mound silica sinter deposit, and to the north it branches and intersects the E-W trending Mag Lee fault. ...
September 2019
... Many researchers have made efforts to promote spatial thinking in geoscience with a variety of approaches, including through virtual field trips (Mead et al., 2019), online training exercises (Gold et al., 2018), coursework (Flynn, 2018;Ormand et al., 2017;Titus & Horsman, 2009), mapping (Benson, 2010;Bitting et al., 2018;Bodzin, 2011;Hedley et al., 2013;Robinson et al., 2017), modeling (Bursztyn et al., 2017;Giorgis et al., 2017;Lally & Forbes, 2019). Spatial thinking ability can support students to gain accurate understanding of geography concepts (Black, 2005;McLaughlin & Bailey, 2022). ...
October 2017