Emiliano Trucchi’s research while affiliated with Marche Polytechnic University and other places

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Publications (116)

Small RNAs regulation and genomic harmony: insights into allopolyploid evolution in marsh orchids ( Dactylorhiza )
  • Preprint

December 2024


14 Reads


Matthew Thornton


Emiliano Trucchi




Hybridization and polyploidy are prevalent drivers of speciation, with novel ecological properties potentially arising, among other mechanisms, through changes in gene regulation by small RNAs (smRNAs), linked to transposable element (TE) dynamics. With a common garden set-up, we comparatively investigated smRNA abundance in two young, but widely distributed, ecologically divergent sibling allotetraploid marsh orchids ( Dactylorhiza majalis and D. traunsteineri ) and their diploid parents. Despite independent origins, the allopolyploids appear to share a substantial portion of smRNA targeting, with transgressive smRNA targeting consistently overexpressed in both, related to key genes regulating transcription, cell division, and biotic and abiotic stress responses. TE-targeting smRNAs also display shared patterns between the sibling allopolyploids, with 20-23 nt smRNAs following the maternal and smaller genome, whereas 24 nt smRNAs targeting typically resembling the level of the paternal and larger genome. However, differences between the allopolyploids are also evident, with the older allopolyploid D. majalis often showing higher regulation by smRNAs, appearing more focused on fine-tuning gene copy regulation, whereas its younger sibling D. traunsteineri exhibits stronger non-additive expression, more prominently reflecting an apparent ongoing resolution of post-polyploidization meiotic/mitotic challenges. These findings highlight shared and species-specific smRNA dynamics, revealing how allopolyploids balance genomic instability and adaptive regulation during their evolutionary trajectories. In this system, the younger D. traunsteineri seems to prioritize stabilizing its genome, while the older D. majalis shifted towards optimizing gene expression. Together, this study emphasizes the role of smRNAs in facilitating ecological novelty and speciation during post-polyploidization evolution, providing insights into molecular mechanisms and adaptive evolution.

Pervasive and recurrent hybridisation prevents inbreeding depression in Europe's most threatened seabird
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October 2024


60 Reads

Hybridisation is a double-edged sword: while it can erode distinct evolutionary lineages, it can also introduce genetic diversity and adaptive potential into dwindling populations. In the Critically Endangered Balearic shearwater (Puffinus mauretanicus), this dilemma is exacerbated by a limited understanding of the extent and consequences of hybridisation with the Yelkouan shearwater (P. yelkouan). This knowledge gap has limited the scope of science-based conservation strategies to avoid the Balearic shearwater's imminent extinction. Here, we investigate shearwater hybridisation dynamics and their effect on genome-wide diversity in the Balearic shearwater. Divergence dating, demographic modelling and admixture analyses suggest that these two poorly-differentiated shearwater lineages experienced recurrent episodes of divergence and widespread hybridisation during glacial cycles. Selection scans reveal a 500 kb region hosting an adaptive haplotype that potentially underpins interspecific differences in migratory behaviour, and which has been repeatedly introgressed between taxa. Moreover, we show that interspecific gene flow has prevented increases in homozygosity and genetic load, and through forward simulations we illustrate how it can enhance the Balearic shearwater's resilience to future population bottlenecks. Our findings illustrate how introgression can be crucial for maintaining genetic diversity in threatened taxa, and highlight the need for considering the protection of hybridisation in conservation plans.


FIGURE 1 | Tissue-specific patterns of gene expression in the Emperor and the King penguin. (A and B) Principal component analysis (PCA) of the normalised expression of tissues in the (A) Emperor penguin or (B) King penguin. In both PCAs, samples are coloured by tissue as shown in the legend: Brain (green); kidney (purple); liver (pink); muscle (orange); skin (black). (C and D) Variance stabilising transformation (VST) normalised expression counts of the tissue-enhanced genes in the (C) Emperor penguin (brain: 1453, kidney: 501, liver: 646, muscle: 455, skin: 426 tissueenhanced genes; Table S5) or (D) King penguin (brain: 1372, kidney: 521, liver: 646, muscle: 549, skin: 536 tissue-enhanced genes; Table S5).
FIGURE 4 | Volcano plots of the 10,797 genes included in the differential expression analyses between Emperor penguin and King penguin per tissue. Coloured dots correspond to DEGs with an FDR > 0.01 and log 2 foldchanges ≤ 2 (blue) and > 2 (yellow), meaning their over-expression in the Emperor penguin and King penguin, respectively. The gene IDs of highly differentiated genes are included.
Differentially expressed genes (DEGs) identified as over-or under-expressed in more than one tissue in the Emperor penguin.
Gene Expression Shifts in Emperor Penguin Adaptation to the Extreme Antarctic Environment

October 2024


120 Reads

Molecular Ecology

Gene expression can accelerate ecological divergence by rapidly tweaking the response of an organism to novel environments, with more divergent environments exerting stronger selection and supposedly, requiring faster adaptive responses. Organisms adapted to extreme environments provide ideal systems to test this hypothesis, particularly when compared to related species with milder ecological niches. The Emperor penguin ( Aptenodytes forsteri ) is the only endothermic vertebrate breeding in the harsh Antarctic winter, in stark contrast with the less cold‐adapted sister species, the King penguin ( A. patagonicus ). Assembling the first de novo transcriptomes and analysing multi‐tissue (brain, kidney, liver, muscle, skin) RNA‐Seq data from natural populations of both species, we quantified the shifts in tissue‐enhanced genes, co‐expression gene networks, and differentially expressed genes characterising Emperor penguin adaptation to the extreme Antarctic. Our analyses revealed the crucial role played by muscle and liver in temperature homeostasis, fasting, and whole‐body energy metabolism (glucose/insulin regulation, lipid metabolism, fatty acid beta‐oxidation, and blood coagulation). Repatterning at the regulatory level appears as more important in the brain of the Emperor penguin, showing the lowest signature of differential gene expression, but the largest co‐expression gene network shift. Nevertheless, over‐expressed genes related to mTOR signalling in the brain and the liver support their central role in cold and fasting responses. Besides contributing to understanding the genetics underlying complex traits, like body energy reservoir management, our results provide a first insight into the role of gene expression in adaptation to one of the most extreme environmental conditions endured by an endotherm.

Fig. 1 | Epigenetic age acceleration and survival in wild and zoo-housed King penguins. In green, wild birds, in tan, zoo birds; boxplots provide color reference. (A) Comparison of epigenetic age versus calendar age between wild and zoo-housed King penguins, with 95% confidence intervals. Data points represent raw age predictions derived from CpG methylation levels. (B) Distribution of age acceleration in wild and zoo-housed King penguins. (C) Cox proportional hazard model illustrating survival probabilities for wild and zoo-housed male King penguins. (D) Survival quantiles from the Cox-PH model (median and quartiles).
Fig. 2 | Age-independent differentially methylated regions (DMRs) between zoo and wild King penguins. (A) Volcano plot showing all DMRs. X axis: relative change in methylation level (0: no difference, positive, in tan: hypermethylated at the zoo, negative, in green: hypomethylated at the zoo). Y axis: -log10 of the Benjamini-Hochberg-corrected q-value based on Mann-Whitney U test. Coloured areas: DMRs retained as significant. Labels show top DMRs as well as some chosen relevant DMRs discussed in the main text. The full list is provided in Supplementary Table S4. (B) Adjusted methylation
Fig. S5 | Age acceleration in smoking and non-smoking humans. As an additional control, we applied our approach to a human dataset of similar characteristics and known age acceleration parameters, including 450K chip data for 64 Finnish human males of a wide range of ages, 32 of which were current smokers amongst the most age-accelerated quantile, and 32 never-smokers amongst the least age-accelerated quantile, as calculated using the independently-trained PCPhenoAge and PCGrimAge clocks. (A) Epigenetic age as a function of calendar age in both groups, with 95% confidence intervals. Data points are raw age predictions based on CpG methylation. (B) Distribution of age acceleration in both groups. (C), (D) and (E): comparison between our approach (Grid-approximation -Elastic net, GA-EN on the figure) and two published epigenetic clocks for the same samples. Note that PCPhenoAge and PCGrimAge were both trained on 1,400 individuals, as opposed to 64 in our GA-EN approach.
Fig. S6 | CpG density and CpG methylation around the transcription start site. (A) Average CpG density, smoothed over 250-bp sliding windows (50bp step), around the TSS. (B) Average methylation profile around the TSS. Red line: GAM smoother, with 99% confidence interval (gray area). We considered the region starting 2kb upstream of the TSS, to 7kb downstream.
Sedentary life accelerates epigenetic ageing in King penguins

September 2024


105 Reads

Introductory paragraph Advances in medicine and food security have contributed to an increase in human lifespan ¹ . Yet, the associated rise in sedentary behaviour and in obesity 2,3 already threatens these gains ⁴ . Indeed, a growing body of evidence supports the central role of nutrient sensing and energy management pathways in regulating ageing rate and healthspan 5,6 , but the diversity of human lifestyles challenges our ability to identify the genetic and epigenetic drivers of this age acceleration. Here, we examine how the transition of wild King penguins to zoo husbandry can closely mimic the shift to a Western lifestyle in humans, and shed light on evolutionarily conserved epigenetic changes in responses to sedentary conditions. We show that, just like modern humans, zoo-housed King penguins experience an extended lifespan, but this comes at the cost of accelerated epigenetic ageing throughout life. This accelerated ageing is associated with differential methylation in key growth and maintenance pathways including the mTOR and PI3K/Akt networks, as well as in specific pathways of lipid-rich diet adaptation and heart-function. Our results demonstrate the deeply conserved link between sedentary behaviour and food availability on the one hand, and age acceleration on the other. Such evolutionary evidence may in turn help us to improve risk detection and, ultimately, therapeutics for lifestyle-induced age acceleration in humans ⁷ .

Figure 2. Five biogeographic hypotheses accounting for the current distribution of C. marthae and C. subcristatus on Isabela. T CW :
Figure 3. Principal components analysis (PCA) of six populations of Galápagos iguanas. Color codes are shown in the inset legend. a) Scatterplot for the first two principal components (PC1, PC2) b) Scatterplot for the first (PC1) and the third (PC3) principal components.
Figure 4. Model-based Bayesian clustering performed with the software fastSTRUCTURE 4a) Output of fastSTRUCTURE, with K = 3 as best fit for the data, using all the four Galápagos iguanas species. 4b) fastSTRUCTURE analysis, with K = 3, excluding A. cristatus and the individuals with mixed ancestry 4c) fastSTRUCTURE analysis, with K = 2, excluding A. cristatus, the individuals with mixed ancestry and C. marthae.
Figure 5. The upper panel shows the time-calibrated species trees obtained from RAD-seq data with the software BEAST2-SNAPP. The topology most represented in the posterior sample is shown. All nodes have a posterior probability of 1, with the exception of nodes connecting C. pallidus with the two populations of C. subcristatus (see section 3.3). Branch width is proportional to the estimated effective population size, which is also indicated (in thousands of individuals) by italicized numbers above branches. The posterior probability density distribution of node ages is shown (orange) and mean values (in million years) with 95% Cis are indicated at nodes. The tree has been scaled considering a neutral genome-wide mutation rate of 7.7x10 -10 site -1 year -1 , computed for lizards by Perry et al. (2018) and population size estimates assume a generation time of 10 years (see section 3.3 for details). The lower panel shows the ranges for the date of emergence of the four main islands occupied by Galápagos land iguanas as reported by Geist et al. (2018). Iguana and volcano silhouettes are from www.canva.com.
Figure 6. Stairway Plot 2 results showing the recent demographic history of five local populations of Galápagos Iguanas. Panels show median effective population sizes (N e ) over time (y and x axes in logarithmic scale). Demographic reconstructions are shown for a generation time of 10 years. Iguana silhouettes are from www.canva.com.
Genomic Insights into the Biogeography and Evolution of Galápagos Iguanas

September 2024


99 Reads

Galápagos iguanas are a monophyletic group endemic to the Galápagos archipelago, comprising the marine iguana Amblyrhynchus cristatus and three species of land iguanas: Conolophus subcristatus, C. pallidus and C. marthae. The biogeographic history of the land species in relation to their current distributions remains uncertain, in particular the origins of C. marthae, which is restricted to a small area of the western part of Isabela Island. The classification of C. pallidus as a separate species has also been debated. We analyzed Restriction sites Associated DNA sequences (RADseq) to reconstruct demographic histories of selected local populations of all Galápagos iguana species and estimate their divergence times within a multispecies coalescent framework. Our results indicate an early date for the colonization of Galápagos by iguanas, relative to island formation, at ca. 10 Mya, and support a recent split of C. marthae via allopatric speciation, after the emergence of Isabela Island, at ca. 0.57 Mya. We find contrasting demographic histories in C. marthae and the syntopic population of C. subcristatus, suggesting competitive interaction between these species. We also confirm that the divergence of C. pallidus from C. subcristatus is recent and close in time to the split between populations of C. subcristatus from different islands. Our genetic data support recent census estimates indicating a relatively small current effective population size (Ne) in all the studied populations. Our findings shed light on the evolutionary history of Galápagos iguanas and emphasize the need for targeted conservation strategies.

Genomic data uncover evolutionary histories of Galápagos Iguanas

September 2024


28 Reads

Galápagos iguanas are a monophyletic group endemic to the Galápagos archipelago which comprises the marine iguana (Amblyrhynchus cristatus) and three species of land iguanas: Conolophus subcristatus, C. pallidus and C. marthae. The IUCN classifies C. marthae as Critically Endangered and the others as Vulnerable. Our work aims to elucidate the processes that led to the current distribution of Galápagos land iguanas across the archipelago. By reconstructing past demographic fluctuations and divergence times, we can clarify their evolutionary histories and colonization patterns, shedding light on species distributions. This is especially useful for species with unexplained geographic distributions, like C. marthae, or with debated species status, like C. pallidus. The lineage that gave rise to C. marthae split earlier than the other two congeneric species, yet it is restricted to a small area of one of the youngest islands of the archipelago, Isabela. In contrast, C. subcristatus, which diverged later, is widespread across many islands. C. pallidus is found exclusively on the small Island of Santa Fe. Our RAD-seq analyses indicate that the ancestors of Galápagos iguanas likely reached the archipelago ca. 10 Mya, with C. marthae diverging recently after the emergence of Isabela, implying an allopatric speciation model. Additionally, C. marthae's recent demographic trajectory, in contrast to the syntopic C. subcristatus’ population, indicates a competitive interaction possibly due to a second colonization of Isabela by C. subcristatus itself. We confirm the recent divergence of C. pallidus from C. subcristatus due to intense genetic drift in a historically small population. Our findings have significant implications for the conservation of Galápagos iguanas, emphasizing the need for targeted conservation strategies.

Fig. 1. (a) Hipparchia sbordonii is present in the Pontine islands with the exception of Ventotene (large map), about 70 km from the west coast of Italy (inset map). A picture of one individual from Ponza Island (round inset; photo credit: Valerio Sbordoni). (b) K-mer spectra, genome size, and heterozygosity estimated with GenomeScope 2.0. (c) A BlobToolKit Snail plot showing a graphical representation of the quality metrics for the H. sbordonii primary assembly.
Chromosome-Level Reference Genome of the Ponza Grayling ( Hipparchia sbordonii ), an Italian Endemic and Endangered Butterfly

July 2024


85 Reads

Genome Biology and Evolution

Islands are crucial evolutionary hotspots, providing unique opportunities for differentiation of novel biodiversity and long-term segregation of endemic species. Islands are also fragile ecosystems, where biodiversity is more exposed to environmental and anthropogenic pressures than on continents. The Ponza grayling, Hipparchia sbordonii, is an endemic butterfly species that is currently found only in two tiny islands of the Pontine archipelago, off the coast of Italy, occupying an area smaller than 10 km2. It has been classified as Endangered (IUCN) because of the extremely limited area of occurrence, population fragmentation, and the recent demographic decline. Thanks to a combination of different assemblers of long and short genomic reads, bulk transcriptome RNAseq, and synteny analysis with phylogenetically close butterflies, we produced a highly contiguous, chromosome-scale annotated reference genome for the Ponza grayling, including 28 autosomes and the Z sexual chromosomes. The final assembly spanned 388.61 Gb with a contig N50 of 14.5 Mb and a BUSCO completeness score of 98.5%. Synteny analysis using four other butterfly species revealed high collinearity with Hipparchia semele and highlighted 10 intrachromosomal inversions longer than 10 kb, of which two appeared on the lineage leading to H. sbordonii. Our results show that a chromosome-scale reference genome is attainable also when chromatin conformation data may be impractical or present specific technical challenges. The high-quality genomic resource for H. sbordonii opens up new opportunities for the accurate assessment of genetic diversity and genetic load and for the investigations of the genomic novelties characterizing the evolutionary path of this endemic island species.

Limited interspecific gene flow in the evolutionary history of the icefish genus Chionodraco

March 2024


90 Reads

ICES Journal of Marine Science

Hybridization and introgression are recognized as mechanisms promoting genetic variability during evolutionary radiations. We examined the impact of introgression in the process of speciation, focusing on the Antarctic icefish genus Chionodraco. Our analyses confirmed that the three Chionodraco species (Chionodraco hamatus, Chionodraco myersi, and Chionodraco rastrospinosus) were genetically distinctive, despite signals of past interspecific gene flow between C. hamatus and C. myersi that likely occurred during interglacial periods. However, in this study, no recent hybrids were identified. The lack of contemporary hybridization may be due to life-history traits and the type of marker used in the analysis. Our study emphasizes the importance of genomic approaches to detect subtle patterns of past hybridization accurately and highlights the significance of historical climate events in the demographic and evolutionary history of Antarctic notothenioids. Polar regions, and especially the Antarctic Peninsula, are now experiencing the fastest climate changes due to global warming. Understanding the impact of past climate events is fundamental to trace current modifications in species’ genetic variability and distributions and predict future evolutionary trajectories. This knowledge is also vital for conservation efforts, including the implementation of marine protected areas.

Morphological and Genomic Differences in the Italian Populations of Onopordum tauricum Willd.—A New Source of Vegetable Rennet

February 2024


107 Reads


1 Citation


Onopordum tauricum Willd., a species distributed in Eastern Europe, has been the subject of various research endeavors aimed at assessing its suitability for extracting vegetable rennet for use in the production of local cheeses as a substitute for animal-derived rennet. In Italy, the species has an extremely fragmented and localized distribution in six locations scattered across the central-northern Apennines and some areas of southern Italy. In this study, both the morphology and genetic diversity of the six known Italian populations were investigated to detect putative ecotypes. To this end, 33 morphological traits were considered for morphometric measurements, while genetic analysis was conducted on the entire genome using the ddRAD-Seq method. Both analyses revealed significant differences among the Apennine populations (SOL, COL, and VIS) and those from southern Italy (ROT, PES, and LEC). Specifically, the southern Italian populations appear to deviate significantly in some characteristics from the typical form of the species. Therefore, its attribution to O. tauricum is currently uncertain, and further genetic and morphological analyses are underway to ascertain its systematic placement within the genus Onopordum.

Figure 1. Tissue-specific patterns of gene expression in the Emperor and the King penguin. (A, B) Principal Components Analysis (PCA) of the normalised expression of tissues in the (A) Emperor penguin or (B) King penguin. In both PCAs, samples are coloured by tissue as shown in the legend: brain (green); kidney (purple); liver (pink); muscle (orange); skin (black). (C, D) Variance Stabilising Transformation (VST) normalised expression counts of the tissue-enhanced genes in the (C) Emperor penguin or (D) King penguin.
Figure 3. Dendrogram and modules of interest in the Emperor penguin co-expression network. (A) Dendrogram of genes clustered based on topological overlap between nodes (i.e., genes), and their assigned modules in the Emperor penguin network (top colours). King penguin modules defined in the King penguin network are represented in the bottom colours to illustrate module assignment differences between the two networks, while all other plots (B), (C) and (D) are based on the Emperor penguin network modules. (B) Module eigengenes (ME, corresponding to the PC1 of the module's expression profile) of weakly preserved Emperor penguin modules in the King penguin network according to the Z permutation and medianRank statistics (Fig. S8 & Table S9), where B stands for brain, K for kidney, L for liver, M for muscle, and S for skin samples. Filled and empty dots represent Emperor penguin and King penguin samples, respectively. (C) Main summary statistics that indicate the weak preservation of purple, yellow, tan, pink, turquoise, and green Emperor penguin modules in the
Differentially expressed genes (DEGs) identified as over-or under-expressed in more than one tissue in the Emperor penguin.
Gene expression shifts in Emperor penguin adaptation to the extreme Antarctic environment

November 2023


290 Reads


1 Citation

Gene expression can accelerate ecological divergence by rapidly tweaking the response of an organism to novel environments, with more divergent environments exerting stronger selection and, supposedly, requiring faster adaptive responses. Organisms adapted to extreme environments provide ideal systems to test this hypothesis, particularly when compared to related species with milder ecological niches. The Emperor penguin (Aptenodytes forsteri) is the only warm-blooded vertebrate breeding in the harsh Antarctic winter, in stark contrast with the less cold-adapted sister species, the King penguin (A. patagonicus). Assembling the first de novo transcriptomes and analysing multi-tissue (brain, kidney, liver, muscle, skin) RNAseq data from natural populations of both species, we quantified the shifts in tissue-enhanced genes, co-expression gene networks, and differentially expressed genes characterising Emperor penguin adaptation to extreme Antarctic ecology. Our analyses revealed the crucial role played by muscle and liver in temperature homeostasis, fasting and whole-body energy metabolism (glucose/insulin regulation, lipid metabolism, fatty acid beta-oxidation, and blood coagulation). Repatterning at the regulatory level appears as more important in the brain of the Emperor penguin, showing the lowest signature of differential gene expression but the largest co-expression gene network shift. Nevertheless, over-expressed genes related to mTOR signalling in the brain and the liver support their central role in cold and fasting responses. Besides contributing to understanding the genetics underlying complex traits, like body energy reservoir management, our results provide a first insight into the role of gene expression in adaptation to one of the most extreme environmental conditions endured by an endotherm.

Citations (58)

... To detect possible RADseq loci under selection, BAYESCAN v. 2.1 42,43,77 was used with default settings. The haplotype file produced from populations was used together with a python script to create the input file (containing haplotype information) for BAYESCAN 78 . Ecotypes were tested in pairwise comparisons between the likely ancestral ecotype (beach) and the estuary and spring ecotypes, respectively. ...


RADseq provides evidence for parallel ecotypic divergence in the autotetraploid Cochlearia officinalis in Northern Norway
Genomic and Metagenomic Analyses Reveal Parallel Ecological Divergence in Heliosperma pusillum (Caryophyllaceae)

... Significant differences in the length of the spines on the bracts of the flower heads and the wings of the main stem were observed among the studied populations. Similar results were obtained by Casavecchia et al. (2024), who evaluated the phenotypic traits of six populations of Onopordum tauricum from northern and southern Italy. In scientific literature, spines, thorns, and prickles on plants are recognized as both physical defenses (Cooper and Owen-Smith 1986;Myers et al., 1991;Rebollo et al. 2002) and microbiological barriers (Halpern et al. 2007) against herbivores. ...

Morphological and Genomic Differences in the Italian Populations of Onopordum tauricum Willd.—A New Source of Vegetable Rennet


... CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license perpetuity. It is made available under a preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in 71 . Untranslated regions (5ʼ-and 3ʼ-UTRs) were annotated using GUSHR (https://github.com/Gaius-Augustus/GUSHR), ...

Gene expression shifts in Emperor penguin adaptation to the extreme Antarctic environment

... While speciation can increase biodiversity, it can also make the daughter species more vulnerable to extinction as they may have smaller population sizes and be more specialized and thus less evolutionarily flexible than the ancestral species (Korkeamäki and Suhonen 2002, Davies et al. 2004, Dennis et al. 2011, Nolte et al. 2019. Several ancient lineages, such as lungfish, horseshoe crabs, and coelacanths, have shown remarkable persistence through geological epochs and environmental shifts with relatively little speciation or phenotypic change (Lee et al. 2006, Amemiya et al. 2013, Nong et al. 2021, Fuselli et al. 2023, Brownstein et al. 2024. Similarly, ecological polymorphisms and generalist lifestyles can lead to niche expansion, increased flexibility in resource use, and more resilience during environmental fluctuations, thereby reducing extinction risks (Cutter and Gray 2016). ...

Relaxation of Natural Selection in the Evolution of the Giant Lungfish Genomes

Molecular Biology and Evolution

... In Ref. 36, a deep learning workflow, coined "RFIDeep", to derive ecological features, such as breeding status and outcome, from RFID mark-recapture data is presented. To demonstrate the performance of RFIDeep with complex datasets, a long-term automatic monitoring of a long-lived seabird is used that breeds in densely packed colonies, hence with many daily entries and exits. ...

RFIDeep: Unfolding the potential of deep learning for radio- frequency identification

... In contrast, a genetic group overlapping with an area with weak LGM glaciation exhibiting high-to-moderate levels of genetic diversity is likely derived from recent range expansion from a peripheral refugium (Excoffier et al., 2009;Mráz et al., 2007;Tonin et al., 2023). ...

Ice holes microrefugia harbor genetically and functionally distinct populations of Vaccinium vitis-idaea (Ericaceae)

... Further problems are caused by the predisposition of the clade to undergo polyploidy, a situation that is exacerbated by repeated allopolyploidy events between different strains of the same parental pair of spotted-orchid seed-parent and marsh-orchid pollen-parent (e.g. Pillon et al. 2007;Balao et al. 2016;Brandrud et al. 2020;Wolfe et al. 2023). The most frequent pairing successfully generating allopolyploids is that between Dactylorhiza fuchsii and D. incarnata (or their immediate predecessors), which is responsible for the origins of not only D. praetermissa but also those of several other widely recognised taxa (e.g. ...

Recurrent allopolyploidizations diversify ecophysiological traits in marsh orchids (Dactylorhiza majalis s.l.)
  • Citing Article
  • July 2023

Molecular Ecology

... However, nucleotide data suggest an earlier domestication in the Oaxaca Valley in southern central Mexico [53], an area where maize also spread early through human migration [54]. A recent study proposes that initial domestication has occurred in high-altitude regions of Jalisco and Durango ( Figure 2, M1), with a secondary domestication of low-altitude races (Figure 2, M2) in Mesoamerica [55]. In the Andean gene pool, potential domestication sites include central-southern Peru based on chloroplast DNA [48], while nuclear nucleotide data and archaeological findings from Huachichocana in Argentina suggest southern Bolivia and northern Argentina [56]. ...

Selection and adaptive introgression guided the complex evolutionary history of the European common bean

... In Europe, however, the pattern is less clear and suggests long range dispersal and a more rapid spread through the continent (Figure 1 and Figure 2). In potato and European bean, admixture and different admixture histories in the introduced range have been suggested as reason for maintainance of diversity in introduced ranges but often little population structure is observed within a smaller geographic region, such as the Nordic countries (Ortiz et al. 2023;Gutaker et al. 2019;Ames and Spooner 2008;Bellucci et al. 2023). Admixture between Central and Southern European maize populations might be prevalent (Bradbury et al. 2007;Mayer et al. 2017;Unterseer et al. 2016), however, we find that not only there is population structure dividing the landraces into multiple geographic distinct populations, but also there is an evident pattern of isolation by distance. ...

Selection and adaptive introgression guided the complex evolutionary history of the European common bean