January 2016
24 Reads
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January 2016
24 Reads
January 2016
32 Reads
July 2000
27 Reads
9 Citations
Communication in Statistics- Theory and Methods
In this paper we consider the problem of estimating the reliability of an exponential component based on a Ranked Set Sample (RSS) of size n. Given the first r observations of that sample, 1≤r≤n, we construct an unbiased estimator for this reliability and we show that these n unbiased estimators are the only ones in a certain class of estimators. The variances of some of these estimators are compared. By viewing the observations of the RSS of size n as the lifetimes of n independent k-out-of-n systems, 1≤k≤n, we are able to utilize known properties of these systems in conjunction with the powerful tools of majorization and Schur functions to derive our results.
September 1998
4 Reads
10 Citations
Journal of Applied Probability
The ‘minimal’ repair of a system can take several forms. Statistical or black box minimal repair at failure time t is equivalent to replacing the system with another functioning one of the same age, but without knowledge of precisely what went wrong with the system. Its major attribute is its mathematical tractability. In physical minimal repair, at system failure time t , we minimally repair the ‘component’ which brought the system down at time t . The work of Arjas and Norros, Finkelstein, and Natvig is reviewed. The concept of a rate function for minimal repairs of the statistical and physical types are discussed and developed. It is shown that the number of physical minimal repairs is stochastically larger than the number of statistical minimal repairs for k out of n systems with similar components. Some majorization results are given for physical minimal repair for two component parallel systems with exponential components.
September 1998
35 Reads
33 Citations
Journal of Applied Probability
The `minimal' repair of a system can take several forms. Statistical or black box minimal repair at failure time t is equivalent to replacing the system with another functioning one of the same age, but without knowledge of precisely what went wrong with the system. Its major attribute is its mathematical tractability. In physical minimal repair, at system failure time t, we minimally repair the `component' which brought the system down at time t. The work of Arjas and Norros, Finkelstein, and Natvig is reviewed. The concept of a rate function for minimal repairs of the statistical and physical types are discussed and developed. It is shown that the number of physical minimal repairs is stochastically larger than the number of statistical minimal repairs for k out of n systems with similar components. Some majorization results are given for physical minimal repair for two component parallel systems with exponential components.
January 1996
1,533 Reads
75 Citations
IEEE Transactions on Reliability
Design engineers are well aware of the stochastic result which says that (under the appropriate assumptions) redundancy at the component level is superior to redundancy at the system level. Given the importance of the hazard rate in reliability and life testing, we investigate to what extent this principle holds for the stronger stochastic ordering, viz, hazard rate ordering. Surprisingly, this does not hold for even series systems if the spares do not match the original components in distribution. It is true for series systems however for matching spares, and we conjecture that this is the case in general for k-out-of-n:G systems. We also investigate this principle for cold-standby redundancy (as opposed to active or parallel redundancy)
April 1995
13 Reads
4 Citations
Computers & Operations Research
An (n − r+ 1) out of n system is down (at time t0, say) due to the failure of at least r of its components. Each component is made up of t equally reliable parts assembled in parallel. All parts are assumed to function independently of one another. Three different policies are described for inspecting and repairing the parts of one component after another until all (or some) of the failed components are identified (and fixed). We assume that a less reliable part is cheaper to repair than a more reliable one. We show that in order to minimize the expected total cost of necessary repairs, for each of the three policies, we should inspect the weakest component first, then the second weakest and so on. We also show that the closer we follow the optimal order (in a specific sense described by a partial ordering ⩾b2 on the set of permutations of {1,…, n}) the less is the expected cost that we incur.
April 1995
85 Reads
95 Citations
Computers & Operations Research
In this paper we survey the literature concerning the topic of measures of importance for components in binary coherent systems. The diverse measures discussed fall into one of the following three broad categories: structural measures, time dependent measures and time independent measures. Comparisons are made between various measures, and a framework for possible new measures is suggested. More research is needed in assessing the quantitative and qualitative properties of each of these measures as well as their interrelationships, and it is suggested that the most appropriate measure for a given situation is often highly dependent on the type of improvement for a system that is being envisaged.
March 1994
8 Reads
62 Citations
Journal of Applied Probability
The hazard rate ordering is an ordering for random variables which compares lifetimes with respect to their hazard rate functions. It is stronger than the usual stochastic order for random variables, yet is weaker than the likelihood ratio ordering. The hazard rate ordering is particularly useful in reliability theory and survival analysis, owing to the importance of the hazard rate function in these areas. In this paper earlier work on the hazard rate ordering is reviewed, and extensive new results related to coherent systems are derived. Initially we fix the form of a coherent structure and investigate the effect on the hazard rate function of the system when we switch the lifetimes of its components from the vector ( T 1 , · ··, T n ) to the vector ( T′ 1 , · ··, T′ n ), where the hazard rate functions of the two vectors are assumed to be comparable in some sense. Although the hazard rate ordering is closed under the formation of series systems, we see that this is not the case for parallel systems even when the system is a two-component parallel system with exponentially distributed lifetimes. A positive result shows that for two-component parallel systems with proportional hazards ( λ 1 r ( t ), λ 2 r ( t ))), the more diverse ( λ 1 , λ 2 ) is in the sense of majorization the stronger is the system in the hazard rate ordering. Unfortunately even this result does not extend to parallel systems with more than two components, demonstrating again the delicate nature of the hazard rate ordering. The principal result of the paper concerns the hazard rate ordering for the lifetime of a k -out-of- n system. It is shown that if τ k|n is the lifetime of a k -out-of- n system, then τ k|n is greater than τ k+ 1 |n in the hazard rate ordering for any k. This has an interesting interpretation in the language of order statistics. For independent (not necessarily identically distributed) lifetimes T 1 , · ··, T n , we let T k:n represent the k th order statistic (in increasing order). Then it is shown that T k + 1 :n is greater than T k:n in the hazard rate ordering for all k = 1, ···, n − 1. The result does not, however, extend to the stronger likelihood ratio order.
January 1994
52 Reads
54 Citations
Journal of Multivariate Analysis
Convolutions of random variables which are either exponential or geometric are studied with respect to majorization of parameter vectors and the likelihood ratio ordering ([greater-or-equal, slanted]lr) of random variables. Let X[lambda], ..., X[lambda]n be independent exponential random variables with respective hazards [lambda]i (means 1/[lambda]i), i = 1 ..., n. Then if [lambda] = ([lambda]1, ..., [lambda]n) [greater-or-equal, slanted]m ([lambda]1', ..., [lambda]n') = [lambda]', it follows that [Sigma]i = 1n X[lambda] [greater-or-equal, slanted]lr [Sigma]i = 1n X[lambda]'1. Similarly if Xp1, ..., Xpn are independent geometric random variables with respective parameters p1, ..., pn, then p = (p1, ..., pn) [greater-or-equal, slanted]m(p'1, ..., p'n) = p' or log p = (log p1, ..., log pn) [greater-or-equal, slanted] m (log p1, ..., log pn) = log p' implies [Sigma]i = 1n Xpl [greater-or-equal, slanted] lr [Sigma]i = 1n XP'1. Applications of these results are given yielding convenient upper bounds for the hazard rate function of convolutions of exponential (geometric) random variables in terms of those of gamma (negative binomial) distributions. Other applications are also given for a server model, the range of a sample of i.i.d. exponential random variables, and the duration of a multistate component performing in excess of a given level.
... The first extension of the binary k-out-of-n : G system to the case of multi-states is given by El-Neweihi et al. [7]; the system is in state j or above if at least k components are in state j or above, which means that the system has the same structure for every level of system states. Huang et al. [8] proposed a definition of a generalized multi-state k-out-ofn : G system as follows: The system is in state j or above if there exists an integer value l(j ≤ l ≤ M ) such that at least k l components are in states at least as good as l. ...
December 1978
Journal of Applied Probability
... The general problem of where to allocate an active or standby redundant component has been studied along the 90's, as can be seen in related works. [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8] More recently, additional results have been provided by other works. In the case of an active redundancy, the 2 components are assumed to be independent and the lifetime of this block of components is the maximum of the 2 lifetimes. ...
December 1993
Advances in Applied Probability
... The past several decades have witnessed an enormous amount of research on studying optimal allocations of active and standby spares in series/parallel systems, k-out-of-n systems and coherent systems. For instance, El-Neweihi et al. (1986) employed majorization orders and Schur-convex functions to establish the optimal allocation policy of components for parallel-series and series-parallel systems with respect to the usual stochastic order. Zhao et al. (2012) established the optimal allocation policies of both active and standby redundancies for series systems in the sense of various stochastic orderings. ...
September 1986
Journal of Applied Probability
... Lynch et al. [1] examined some closure properties of hazard rate order, while Oliveira and Torrado [2] showed the characteristics and closed properties of a decreasing proportional reversed hazard rate class. Boland et al. [3] presented the application of hazard rate order in reliability and [4] discussed the reliability application of the reversed hazard order. In the literature [5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12], the stochastic comparisons of series and parallel systems with independent components have been effectively investigated through the smallest and the largest order statistics in the sense of (reversed) hazard rate order. ...
March 1994
Journal of Applied Probability
... However, in order to perform statistical minimal repair in heterogeneous population, one should replace our original failed item with another " statistically identical " item (i.e., an item which is randomly selected from the heterogeneous population among all items functioning and of age t, according to the pdf π(z|t)). Therefore, as mentioned in[21], the statistical minimal repair in this case is practically unrealistic and another type of this operation should be considered. We will define it at the " subpopulation level, " i.e., if an item from the subpopulation with Z = z had failed and was minimally repaired at time u, then the distribution of the residual lifetime is ...
September 1998
Journal of Applied Probability
... However, a multi-state system (MSS) is a system that can function at a variety of performance stages ranging from perfect operation to utter failure. The research in reliability analysis of MSS began in late 1970's (Barlow and Wu 1978;El-Neweihi et al. 1978). Since then, numerous research papers have been published in this domain, and further expertise has been acquired from industrial settings. ...
December 1978
Journal of Applied Probability
... Otherwise, in these considerations, the measure of importance of a component (group of components) in a given system is based on the quantification of the "role" of that component (group of components) in the failure of that system. Examples of such measures can be found in Fussell and Vesely (1972), Barlow and Proschan (1975), El-Neweihi et al. (1978), El-Neweihi and Sethuraman (1991) and Abouammoh et al. (1994). Defined measures (indices) of significance allow us to identify the components (groups) that are probably responsible for "causing" a system failure. ...
March 1978
Advances in Applied Probability
... Appendix II: Results due to Copson [20], Klamkin and Newman [22], Klamkin [23], El-Neweihi and Proschan [24] E.T. Copson proved that a bounded sequence of real numbers (a n ) is convergent if the inequality a n+2 ≤ 1 2 (a n+1 + a n ) is satisfied. He further proves a more general theorem, whose statement is as follows: ...
March 1979
... The new system is always better (i.e. more reliable) than the system without redundancy. It is a well known fact that if we consider a series system and the components are independent and ordered in reliability, then the redundant component should be assigned to the weakest component (see Boland et al. 1992). This property can be extended to k-out-of-n system. ...
March 1992
Advances in Applied Probability
... The past several decades have witnessed an enormous amount of research on studying optimal allocations of active and standby spares in series/parallel systems, k-out-of-n systems and coherent systems. For instance, El-Neweihi et al. (1986) employed majorization orders and Schur-convex functions to establish the optimal allocation policy of components for parallel-series and series-parallel systems with respect to the usual stochastic order. Zhao et al. (2012) established the optimal allocation policies of both active and standby redundancies for series systems in the sense of various stochastic orderings. ...
September 1986
Journal of Applied Probability