Elsa Gonçalves’s research while affiliated with Instituto Superior de Gestão and other places

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Publications (35)

Métodos de fenotipagem em campo para seleção clonal em videira: contributos para a tolerância às alterações climáticas
  • Article
  • Full-text available

March 2024


39 Reads


Elsa Gonçalves



Métodos de fenotipagem em campo para seleção clonal em videira: contributos para a tolerância às alterações climáticas Fenotipagem de plantas, melhoramento e alterações climáticas A fenotipagem de plantas é uma disciplina emergente que com-bina várias metodologias e protocolos para medir características vegetais, como crescimento, arquitetura, função e composi-ção, em várias escalas de organização biológica. Quando feita manualmente é um processo muito demorado e que exige grande quantidade de mão de obra, pelo que representa um dos princi-pais constrangimentos à fenotipagem de plantas e culturas com objetivos de melhoramento. Atualmente já existem métodos de 'fenotipagem de plantas de alto rendimento' (HTPP), geralmente baseados em captura de imagens, obtenção automatizada de dados e processamento. Mesmo com a automatização da HTTP, ainda existem desafios e nem todos os métodos são adequados ao processo de seleção de plantas em culturas economicamente relevantes, como a videira. As alterações climáticas (menor precipitação, temperaturas mais elevadas, maior frequência de eventos extremos) são um sério risco para a sustentabilidade do setor vitivinícola, diminuindo a produti-vidade e a qualidade, promovendo a senescência e queda precoce das folhas, bem como aumentando a incidência de queimaduras solares em folhas e cachos. O uso de rega tem sido a principal estratégia para enfrentar o desafio climático, mas outras estratégias, mais sustentáveis, tais como a obtenção e seleção de castas e porta enxertos mais resistentes, também podem ser usadas. Fenotipagem da videira A videira é uma espécie com grande diversidade genética que pre-cisa de ser bem caracterizada, pois em cada variedade existem alguns genótipos (clones) que são mais tolerantes do que a média da variedade, ao stresse abiótico. É assim necessário apoiar a sele-ção com a disponibilização de métodos eficazes de identificar este material vegetal mais bem adaptado ao stresse abiótico para uso posterior (material policlonal ou clonal). Este processo envolve a observação de centenas ou milhares de indivíduos no campo. Além de demorados, complexos e dispendiosos, estes ensaios são também afetados por condições de clima e solo heterogéneas e difíceis de controlar. Deste modo, o planeamento cuidadoso do projeto experimental de campo e as metodologias de colheita de dados em campo são cruciais para obter resultados confiáveis. Figura 1. Medição das características morfológicas das folhas de videira com recurso à imagem RGB (A) e a sistemas de análise de imagem "open acess" (ImageJ) (B) (Neves, 2020) Figura 2. Exemplo da variação da temperatura da sebe em função do nível de rega para a casta Aragonez (sin. "Tempranillo") em condições de campo. Imagem feita com câmara térmica de baixa resolução (120 x 120 pixels, 7-14 µm, Emissividade = 0,96) O fenótipo é a parte visível do genótipo. É definido como o resul-tado do genótipo, do ambiente e da interação entre eles (G × E) e é dinâmico, complexo e compreende múltiplos traços quanti-tativos e qualitativos que dificultam o seu estudo. A fenotipagem engloba o conjunto de metodologias e protocolos usados para medir com precisão fenótipos de crescimento, arquitetura, com-posição e função das plantas, e visa fornecer dados para melhorar a gestão dos recursos de biodiversidade, promover a adaptação das culturas ao ambiente, bem como identificar características superiores de, por exemplo, rendimento, qualidade, ou tolerân-cia a stresses bióticos e abióticos. Uma fenotipagem eficiente deve considerar dois aspetos muito importantes: 1) a disponibilidade de ferramentas adequadas para medir as características-alvo e 2) o planeamento das medições. Quanto ao primeiro aspeto, a seleção de plantas necessita de métodos simples, rápidos e fáceis de usar em larga escala (para medição de centenas e mesmo milhares de indivíduos), adaptados às principais características agronómicas, fisiológicas e tecnológi-cas. O segundo aspeto prende-se com as ações tomadas antes e depois da fenotipagem, ou seja, as regras a seguir para garantir que os dados obtidos sejam adequados para efeitos de seleção. Sendo a videira uma espécie perene, com copa e arquitetura com-plexas, a fenotipagem de campo apresenta dificuldades, que o uso de sistemas de imagem com capacidade de identificar situações de stresse tem vindo progressivamente a colmatar. Um exemplo é a análise de imagem por RGB, usada para estimar rendimento, área foliar e vigor (Figura 1), havendo já métodos disponíveis capazes de distinguir uvas com base na forma, o que permite quantificar uvas de castas brancas tão eficientemente como tintas. Já a imagem Figura 3. Exemplo do trabalho de fenotipagem desenvolvido para a caracterização de clones em condições de campo: medição de características relacionadas com a regulação estomática e transpiração e com a capacidade fotossintética através fluorescência da clorofila usando um porómetro-fluorímetro (LI 600, Li-Cor, EUA) A B


Polyclonal selection for abiotic stress tolerance in Arinto: Implications in yield and quality of the must

December 2023


27 Reads

BIO Web of Conferences


Teresa Pinto


Alessandro Cammisano




Elsa Gonçalves

The valorisation of genetic variability through the identification suitable genotypes for traits such as yield and must quality is an effective strategy used for grapevine selection. Currently, climate change-driven heat waves and drought affect plant growth and wine quality, but little information is available on intravarietal variability regarding responses to stress. In the current work, the intravarietal genetic variability of the Portuguese variety Arinto was studied for yield, must quality, and tolerance to abiotic stress. An innovative approach using rapid, and nondestructive measurements of surface leaf temperature (SLT), Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), Photochemical Reflectance Index (PRI), and chlorophyll content (SPAD), was used in an experimental population of 165 clones of Arinto installed according to a resolvable row-column design with 6 replicates. Also, yield and quality characteristics of the must were quantified. Linear mixed models were fitted to the data, and the empirical best linear unbiased predictors (EBLUPs) of genotypic effects for each trait were obtained as well as the coefficient of genotypic variation (CVG) and broad sense heritability. The results enabled the selection of a group of genotypes with increased tolerance to stress, which maintained the must quality of Arinto.

Large-scale screening of unknown varieties in a grapevine intra-varietal variability collection

December 2023


119 Reads

BIO Web of Conferences

Since the last decade of the last century, it is known that many old grapevine varieties are descendants of other varieties through natural crossing. Portugal has an important program for the conservation of representative samples of intra-varietal variability of all autochthonous varieties, managed by the Portuguese Association for Grapevine Diversity (PORVID), which makes looking for genotypes with dubious identification an important activity from a perspective of its valorisation. This communication presents the results of the molecular analysis of 5,000 samples (accessions) from the PORVID’s collection, using nine microsatellite loci currently recommended by the International Organization of Vine and Wine (OIV) for genetic grapevine identification. The results obtained confirmed the molecular identity of 4,220 samples corresponding to 214 varieties present in the official list of Portuguese varieties. In 780 samples, 95 profiles with a plural number of accessions revealed not to be listed in the Vitis International Variety Catalogue (VIVC) database, corresponding to possible varieties either descendent from natural crossing from at least one known parental variety, or from undetermined origin. Furthermore, the need for a comprehensive strategy aimed at uncovering other hidden varieties is discussed to prevent their imminent loss, deepen understanding of their origin, and add economic value and sustainability to the vine and wine sector.

Strategies and methods for conserving and exploring the intra-varietal genetic diversity of ancient grapevine varieties

February 2023


60 Reads

BIO Web of Conferences

The antiquity and diversity of traditional grapevine varieties guarantee a strong historical and natural character and add high economic value to viticulture and wine. A high level of intra-varietal diversity of quantitative traits was naturally created and accumulated over centuries. Nowadays, this diversity allows one to carry out selection within a variety and adapt it to the most diverse environmental, agricultural, and market contexts. However, an unusually intense process of genetic erosion of intra-varietal diversity broke out in the 1980s and threatens to destroy within a few decades the diversity created over centuries and millennia. Therefore, the definition of strategies and methods for conserving and exploring intra-varietal genetic variability is crucial for the sustainability of viticulture rich in history and traditions. Those strategies are presented in this work.

Figure 2: Empirical semivariograms of the residuals resulting from the etting of the RCD model for row (0) and column (90) directions for all leld trials studied. .e abbreviations of the varieties are referred to in Table 1.
Fully and Partially Replicated Experimental Designs for Evaluating Intravarietal Variability in Grapevine

December 2022


47 Reads


1 Citation

Background and Aims. In ancient grapevine varieties, the experimental design of field trials is crucial to providing a reliable evaluation of quantitative traits. The main purposes of this study are to demonstrate the benefits of the resolvable row-column design (RCD) for quantifying intravarietal variability and performing polyclonal selection and to compare the efficiency of fully and partially replicated designs for quantifying intravarietal variability to implement the latter designs for a preliminary analysis of that variability. Methods and Results. Linear mixed models were fitted to yield data obtained in field trials with fully and partially replicated designs. The results pointed out the importance of the RCD in controlling the spatial variability present in large field trials. Although less precise, a partially replicated design proved to be useful in evaluating intravarietal variability when the average of years was used. Conclusions. The results reinforced the importance of the RCD in increasing the efficiency of intravarietal variability quantification and polyclonal selection. The partially replicated design proved to be useful when the only objective was to perform a preliminary analysis of intravarietal variability. Significance of the Study. Understanding the role of experimental design in grapevine selection field trials will help grapevine breeders enhance their knowledge about variability within ancient varieties and implement more successful polyclonal selection.

Types of conservation of the intra-varietal diversity of varieties in Portugal.
Efficient Assessment and Large-Scale Conservation of Intra-Varietal Diversity of Ancient Grapevine Varieties: Case Study Portugal

July 2022


43 Reads


8 Citations


There are thousands of ancient grapevine varieties in Europe, each one having a high level of intra-varietal diversity with regard to important economic traits (yield, soluble solids content, acidity, anthocyanins, and others). However, this potential has become exposed to a process of genetic erosion since the middle of the last century. The main objective of this work is to present experimental strategies for conservation and utilization of intra-varietal diversity. A concrete example is given about the actions performed in Portugal since 1978. Two main approaches for the conservation of intra-varietal diversity were performed: (1) strict conservation (in pots and in the field without experimental design) for future generations; and (2) conservation and, simultaneously, evaluation of the intra-varietal variability for selection to fulfil the immediate needs of the grape and wine sector (in the field with experimental design). More than 30,000 accessions of Portuguese autochthonous varieties are conserved. Using the theory of mixed models, intra-varietal diversity of the yield was found for the 59 varieties studied. The conservation and the evaluation of the intra-varietal diversity for quantitative traits will allow to extract high economic value, as well as to ensure its utilization to meet the objectives of the vine and wine sector.

Optimizing conservation and evaluation of intravarietal grapevine diversity

January 2022


23 Reads


4 Citations

The conservation and evaluation of intravarietal genetic variability, which is under strong erosion pressure, are crucial strategies for preserving traditional viticulture and facing future challenges of adaptation to consumer demands and biotic and abiotic stresses. In this chapter, an overall view concerning the conservation and evaluation of intravarietal grapevine diversity and selection within a variety is drawn. The purpose of this approach is to exploit intravarietal variability for selection and to fulfill the immediate needs of the vine and wine sector. Specifically, different methodologies of conservation are described and compared, and the evaluation of intravarietal genetic diversity with the objective of selection and the practical application in Portugal are discussed.

Fig. 1. Population structure analysis of Vitis sp. and Vitis vinifera genotypes. (A) PCA plot of Vitis sp. and V. vinifera wild and cultivated genotypes. (B) PCA plot of V. vinifera samples. (C) Ancestry proportions of all V. vinifera genotypes following admixture analysis for K = 4; bars represent individual genotypes, organized into six study groups plus remaining admixed individuals. (D) Phylogenetic tree of V. vinifera samples.
Fig. 2. Patterson's D statistics test for admixture. (A) Patterson's D statistics (or ABBA-BABA test) assumes that in four groups phylogenetically related as such-(((P 1 ,P 2 ),P 3 ),O)-the proportion of ABBA and BABA sites will be equal under a scenario of incomplete lineage sorting without gene flow. Genome-wide levels of introgression from the donor P 3 group can be detected by the presence of statistically significant levels of excess ABBA (P 3 ➔P 2 ) or BABA (P 3 ➔P 1 ) patterns. (B) Genome-wide Patterson's D scores when confronting table (P 1 ) against wine groups as P 2 and wild groups as P 3 . (C) Genome-wide Patterson's D scores assuming wine groups as either P 1 or P 2 and wild groups as P 3 . (D) Chromosome-level estimates of Patterson's D statistics (±SE) estimated in the C TABLE or C wIB1 (P 1 ), C wIB2 (P 2 ), and W IBERIA (P 3 ) configurations.
Fig. 3. Nucleotide diversity and genetic differentiation of the six study groups. (A and B) Violin plot distribution of nucleotide diversity (A) and Tajima's D (B). (C) Violin plot of pairwise IBD scores reflecting comparisons between two genotypes of interest. (D) Heatmap of the group differentiation matrix of averaged F ST values (inset: multidimensional scaling analysis of the F ST matrix for study group differentiation). (E) Biogeographical model depicting Vitis vinifera speciation (triangle) and important events during domestication history (circles). Statistics in (A), (B), and (D) were estimated as 100-Kb nonoverlapping windows across the genome.
Fig. 4. Introgression regions and signatures of positive selection in Iberian genotypes. (A) Manhattan plot of f^ d scores for detection of introgressed tracts in C wIB2 , using 20-Kb nonoverlaping windows across the genome, assuming the configuration f^ d (P 1 = C wIB1 , P 2 = C wIB2 , P 3 = W IBERIA , O = V. rotundifolia). Singleton windows with elevated f^ d scores were not considered as tracts (see Materials and Methods for details). The x axis shows chromosome positions. (B) Manhattan plots of DCMS scores for C TABLE versus W EAST , C wWCE versus W EAST , C wIB2 versus W EAST , C wIB1 versus W EAST , and W IBERIA versus W EAST estimated across the genome in 100-Kbp windows with 50-Kbp steps. Dashed line represents 95th percentile cutoff. The x axis shows chromosome positions. (C) Venn summarization of shared genes between introgressed tracts in C wIB2 , signatures of positive selection in wild groups (W EAST versus C wIB2 ), and signatures of positive selection in cultivated grapevine groups against W EAST .
Fig. 5. Signals of introgression and positive selection in one of the strongest introgression tracts for the C wIB2 study group, positioned in chromosome 2. (A) Zoom-in on chromosome 2 (9.5-to 13.5-Mb coordinates) details five neighboring introgression tracts determined by top f^ d scores in a 20-Kb sliding window analysis of configuration f^ d (P 1 = C wIB1 , P 2 = C wIB2 , P 3 = W IBERIA , O = V. rotundifolia). (B) DCMS scores for the W EAST versus C wIB2 comparison (top) and scores for the selection signature statistics composited in the DCMS analysis (∆Tajima's D and Fay and Wu's H in the middle; F ST and ROD in the bottom). (C) DCMS scores for the W EAST versus W IBERIA comparison. (D) DCMS scores for the W EAST versus C wIB1 comparison. (E) Gene space and annotation of highlighted genes in this genomic interval.
Pervasive hybridization with local wild relatives in Western European grapevine varieties

November 2021


337 Reads


18 Citations

Science Advances

Grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) diversity richness results from a complex domestication history over multiple historical periods. Here, we used whole-genome resequencing to elucidate different aspects of its recent evolutionary history. Our results support a model in which a central domestication event in grapevine was followed by postdomestication hybridization with local wild genotypes, leading to the presence of an introgression signature in modern wine varieties across Western Europe. The strongest signal was associated with a subset of Iberian grapevine varieties showing large introgression tracts. We targeted this study group for further analysis, demonstrating how regions under selection in wild populations from the Iberian Peninsula were preferentially passed on to the cultivated varieties by gene flow. Examination of underlying genes suggests that environmental adaptation played a fundamental role in both the evolution of wild genotypes and the outcome of hybridization with cultivated varieties, supporting a case of adaptive introgression in grapevine.

Citations (23)

... [8,9]. Однако, ведущая роль всегда должна отводится сорту, так как если генетически сорт не обладает высокой урожайностью, то никакими другими воздействиями нельзя повысить его продуктивность [10][11][12][13]. При выборе сортового состава для закладки новых насаждений необходимо рассматривать весь комплекс хозяйственно-ценных признаков и свойств, при этом особую роль необходимо уделять сортам, не требующим высокой пестицидной нагрузки и обладающим стабильной урожайностью, адаптационной устойчивостью [14]. ...


Agrobiological features of new hybrid forms of grapes obtained as a result of crossing the Fillokseroustoychivyi Dzhemete form with the variety Krasnostop Anapskiy
Efficient Assessment and Large-Scale Conservation of Intra-Varietal Diversity of Ancient Grapevine Varieties: Case Study Portugal


... It requires establishing multienvironmental trials in the main regions where the variety is cultivated to study the genotype by environment (G × E) interaction [3]. Typically, in each location, a feld trial with 20-40 clones is established with an experimental design preferentially of the family of incomplete block designs, with 6-10 repetitions and 5-8 plants per experimental unit [4]. Even with a sound study of G × E interactions, clonal selection (homogeneous genetic material) always sufers from high sensitivity to G × E interactions and helps accelerate the erosion of intravarietal variability. ...

Optimizing conservation and evaluation of intravarietal grapevine diversity
  • Citing Chapter
  • January 2022

... vinifera L.) is an economically important perennial fruit crop that is grown widely for winemaking and fresh fruit in ~94 countries 1,2 . Previous studies have suggested that grapevine originated from a single domestication event in the Black and Caspian Sea regions more than 10,000 years ago, which subsequently spread across the northern hemisphere with gene flow from local wild populations [1][2][3][4][5][6] . However, other studies have suggested the potential for multiple domestication events [7][8][9] . ...

Pervasive hybridization with local wild relatives in Western European grapevine varieties

Science Advances

... Vitis vinifera stands out as one of the economically significant and prevalent fruit crops, with an annual yield of approximately 75 million tons (Saddoud Debbabi et al. 2024). V. vinifera has extensive genetic diversity essential for characterization, and it is crucial to have methods for the selection of plant material, whether clonal or polyclonal, capable of enduring abiotic stress (Carvalho et al. 2021). Mechanical cultivation, long-term natural selection, and breeding have resulted in a variety of grapefruit kinds, each with distinct berry color, size, weight, texture, aroma, and shape. ...

Potential Phenotyping Methodologies to Assess Inter- and Intravarietal Variability and to Select Grapevine Genotypes Tolerant to Abiotic Stress

... It is not easy, however, to trace the biographies of the fruits mentioned as being cultivated in the archaeobotanical literature for Atlantic regions. The arrival of Mediterranean peoples could have driven the development of innovative agricultural practices and led to the domestication of certain local species, new domestic varieties, and perhaps even allowed for genetic exchange with wild varieties, as suggested for grapevine (Riaz et al. 2018;Cunha et al. 2020;Freitas et al. 2021). The same may have been true for other species at this time, such as Castanea sativa, Malus/Pyrus (apple/pear), Olea europaea (olive) or Prunus avium, species that frequently appear in Roman archaeobotanical assemblages (cf. ...

Evidence of post-domestication hybridization and adaptive introgression in Western European grapevine varieties
  • Citing Preprint
  • March 2021

... Under these conditions, the application of shoot topping and the defoliation with the removal of part of the most photosynthetically active leaves, to the 'Fetească regală' in 2017-2019, led to statistically significant results, reducing these shortcomings, through lower sugar accumulation (by 1.3ºBrix), maintaining acidity in normal parameters (Bucur, 2021). To mitigate the negative effects, viticulture has a series of innovative measures to delay the ripening of grapes and obtain balanced wines with an average alcohol content, namely: short-term measures -soil maintenance (Dhanush & Patil, 2020;Buesa et al., 2021), plant management (Palliotti et al., 2014;Silvestroni, et al., 2019), choice of harvest time, winemaking techniques; in the medium term -the orientation of the rows, the choice of land for planting, the use of suitable rootstocks (Carvalho et al., 2020) and in the long termthe use of irrigation, even late, obtaining new varieties more adapted to these conditions (Caccavello et al., 2019;Miras-Avalos & Araujo, 2021). Short-term strategies are of particular importance, especially interventions on the foliar apparatus (severe shoot topping, defoliation of the stumps with the removal of part of the most photosynthetically active leaves, applied to the grape veraison and treatments with natural products that protect plants from the effects of radiation and thermohydric stress -kaolin and zeolite). ...

Selecting Aragonez Genotypes Able to Outplay Climate Change–Driven Abiotic Stress

... Forest growth encompasses a set of core attributes potentially influencing the survival, growth, and mortality of forest trees, indicating their adaptive responses to the environment [47]. Variations in growth traits among various oak species have been observed in several studies [48,49], reflecting differences in initial habitats, experimental locations, and the inherent adaptability of oak trees. In this study, we found a significant association (R 2 > 0.9) between seedling height, ground diameter, and predicted growth value, aligning with "slow-fast-slow" in the "S" growth curve pattern. ...

Genetic variation among and within Quercus suber L. populations in survival, growth, vigor and plant architecture traits
  • Citing Article
  • November 2020

Forest Ecology and Management

... Therefore, it is essential to test approaches that could allow the fast selection of more resilient grapevine genotypes. Plants grown under greenhouse or in vitro culture conditions were previously used to analyse the tolerance to high temperature or the differential response among grapevine varieties to induced heat stress [10][11][12][13]. This experimental system is cost-effective and allows the analysis of many plants in a small space. ...

Response of Mycorrhizal ’Touriga Nacional‘ Variety Grapevines to High Temperatures Measured by Calorespirometry and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy


... As grapevine is perennial, the well-conducted clonal selection is very time-consuming. It requires establishing multienvironmental trials in the main regions where the variety is cultivated to study the genotype by environment (G × E) interaction [3]. Typically, in each location, a feld trial with 20-40 clones is established with an experimental design preferentially of the family of incomplete block designs, with 6-10 repetitions and 5-8 plants per experimental unit [4]. ...

Measure to evaluate the sensitivity to genotype‐by‐environment interaction in grapevine clones
  • Citing Article
  • May 2020

... They also reported that the genetic variability exhibited by selected clones could be an important resource in the short / medium term to respond appropriately to the changing climate by selecting clones that best adapt to new conditions. According to Gonçalves and Martins (2019), conserving intra-variety genetic diversity is a crucial strategy for preserving traditional viticulture and facing future challenges (Carbonell-Bejerano et al. 2019). ...

Methods for conservation of intra-varietal genetic variability in ancient grapevine varieties

BIO Web of Conferences