March 2023
36 Reads
International Journal of Business and Economic Studies
This study examines the relationship between VIX, GPR, GAS, BRENT and GREEN in period of December 2016 and October 2022 with Hatemi-JAsymmetric Causality analysis. As a result of the findings obtained, the connections between the independent variables GPR and VIX index and the dependent variables and GAS, BRENT and GREEN binary tests were applied. While GPR and VIX index and GAS showed 1% significance, no significant relationship was found with BRENT. While GREEN did not have a significant relationship with GPR, it was found to be significant at the 5% level with the VIX index. When there was a positive increase in the GPR and VIX index, it was seen that the increase in GAS prices was positive. However, the same is not true for BRENT oil prices.