Eldad Haber’s research while affiliated with University of British Columbia and other places

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Publications (221)

A schematic process of parameter estimation and experimental design. Given a set of plausible parameters and a particular experimental setting the data of the forward process is simulated. One then use some parameter estimation routine and measures the quality of the estimated parameters. The design is changed to have better estimation of the parameters.
Synthetic Time Activity Curves for the 3-TC model at various (multiplicative) Gaussian noise levels. The vertical dotted lines correspond to an optimal data sampling scheme for sparsity = 6 that minimizes ℓT(w), obtained using binary design variables w (Method 2). 400 time points with logarithmic spacing are considered.The design weight vector w has the value 1 at the optimal time points and 0 for the others.
Synthetic prey population data d = x(t) for the Predator-Prey system at noise levels σ = 0%, 1%, 2%, 3%...10%. 200 sampled parameter sets [α, β, γ, δ] were used to generate d which are plotted for t = 0 to t = 30 years. 200 equally spaced time points are considered. The four dotted lines indicate an optimal sampling scheme of sparsity = 4 at t = 5.1, 8.9, 26.1, 29.9 years obtained using continuous design variables w (Method 1).
Deep optimal experimental design for parameter estimation problems
  • Article
  • Full-text available

December 2024


18 Reads

Md Shahriar Rahim Siddiqui



Eldad Haber

Optimal experimental design is a well studied field in applied science and engineering. Techniques for estimating such a design are commonly used within the framework of parameter estimation. Nonetheless, in recent years parameter estimation techniques are changing rapidly with the introduction of deep learning techniques to replace traditional estimation methods. This in turn requires the adaptation of optimal experimental design that is associated with these new techniques. In this paper we investigate a new experimental design methodology that uses deep learning. We show that the training of a network as a Likelihood Free Estimator can be used to significantly simplify the design process and circumvent the need for the computationally expensive bi-level optimization problem that is inherent in optimal experimental design for non-linear systems. Furthermore, deep design improves the quality of the recovery process for parameter estimation problems. As proof of concept we apply our methodology to two different systems of Ordinary Differential equations.


Paired autoencoders for likelihood-free estimation in inverse problems

December 2024


19 Reads


1 Citation

Matthias Chung


Emma Hart





Eldad Haber

We consider the solution of nonlinear inverse problems where the forward problem is a discretization of a partial differential equation. Such problems are notoriously difficult to solve in practice and require minimizing a combination of a data-fit term and a regularization term. The main computational bottleneck of typical algorithms is the direct estimation of the data misfit. Therefore, likelihood-free approaches have become appealing alternatives. Nonetheless, difficulties in generalization and limitations in accuracy have hindered their broader utility and applicability. In this work, we use a paired autoencoder framework as a likelihood-free estimator (LFE) for inverse problems. We show that the use of such an architecture allows us to construct a solution efficiently and to overcome some known open problems when using LFEs. In particular, our framework can assess the quality of the solution and improve on it if needed. We demonstrate the viability of our approach using examples from full waveform inversion and inverse electromagnetic imaging.

Every Node Counts: Improving the Training of Graph Neural Networks on Node Classification

October 2024


4 Reads

Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) are prominent in handling sparse and unstructured data efficiently and effectively. Specifically, GNNs were shown to be highly effective for node classification tasks, where labelled information is available for only a fraction of the nodes. Typically, the optimization process, through the objective function, considers only labelled nodes while ignoring the rest. In this paper, we propose novel objective terms for the training of GNNs for node classification, aiming to exploit all the available data and improve accuracy. Our first term seeks to maximize the mutual information between node and label features, considering both labelled and unlabelled nodes in the optimization process. Our second term promotes anisotropic smoothness in the prediction maps. Lastly, we propose a cross-validating gradients approach to enhance the learning from labelled data. Our proposed objectives are general and can be applied to various GNNs, and require no architectural modifications. Extensive experiments demonstrate our approach using popular GNNs like Graph Convolutional Networks (e.g., GCN and GCNII), and Graph Attention Networks (e.g., GAT), reading a consistent and significant accuracy improvement on 10 real-world node classification datasets.

Learning Regularization for Graph Inverse Problems

August 2024


30 Reads

In recent years, Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have been utilized for various applications ranging from drug discovery to network design and social networks. In many applications, it is impossible to observe some properties of the graph directly; instead, noisy and indirect measurements of these properties are available. These scenarios are coined as Graph Inverse Problems (GRIP). In this work, we introduce a framework leveraging GNNs to solve GRIPs. The framework is based on a combination of likelihood and prior terms, which are used to find a solution that fits the data while adhering to learned prior information. Specifically, we propose to combine recent deep learning techniques that were developed for inverse problems, together with GNN architectures, to formulate and solve GRIP. We study our approach on a number of representative problems that demonstrate the effectiveness of the framework.

Fully invertible hyperbolic neural networks for segmenting large-scale surface and sub-surface data

June 2024


5 Reads

The large spatial/temporal/frequency scale of geoscience and remote-sensing datasets causes memory issues when using convolutional neural networks for (sub-) surface data segmentation. Recently developed fully reversible or fully invertible networks can mostly avoid memory limitations by recomputing the states during the backward pass through the network. This results in a low and fixed memory requirement for storing network states, as opposed to the typical linear memory growth with network depth. This work focuses on a fully invertible network based on the telegraph equation. While reversibility saves the major amount of memory used in deep networks by the data, the convolutional kernels can take up most memory if fully invertible networks contain multiple invertible pooling/coarsening layers. We address the explosion of the number of convolutional kernels by combining fully invertible networks with layers that contain the convolutional kernels in a compressed form directly. A second challenge is that invertible networks output a tensor the same size as its input. This property prevents the straightforward application of invertible networks to applications that map between different input-output dimensions, need to map to outputs with more channels than present in the input data, or desire outputs that decrease/increase the resolution compared to the input data. However, we show that by employing invertible networks in a non-standard fashion, we can still use them for these tasks. Examples in hyperspectral land-use classification, airborne geophysical surveying, and seismic imaging illustrate that we can input large data volumes in one chunk and do not need to work on small patches, use dimensionality reduction, or employ methods that classify a patch to a single central pixel.

Inverting airborne electromagnetic data with machine learning

June 2024


6 Reads

This study focuses on inverting time-domain airborne electromagnetic data in 2D by training a neural-network to understand the relationship between data and conductivity, thereby removing the need for expensive forward modeling during the inversion process. Instead the forward modeling is completed in the training stage, where training models are built before calculating 3D forward modeling training data. The method relies on training data being similar to the field dataset of choice, therefore, the field data was first inverted in 1D to get an idea of the expected conductivity distribution. With this information, 10,000 training models were built with similar conductivity ranges, and the research shows that this provided enough information for the network to produce realistic 2D inversion models over an aquifer-bearing region in California. Once the training was completed, the actual inversion time took only a matter of seconds on a generic laptop, which means that if future data was collected in this region it could be inverted in near real-time. Better results are expected by increasing the number of training models and eventually the goal is to extend the method to 3D inversion.

Advection Augmented Convolutional Neural Networks

June 2024


20 Reads

Many problems in physical sciences are characterized by the prediction of space-time sequences. Such problems range from weather prediction to the analysis of disease propagation and video prediction. Modern techniques for the solution of these problems typically combine Convolution Neural Networks (CNN) architecture with a time prediction mechanism. However, oftentimes, such approaches underperform in the long-range propagation of information and lack explainability. In this work, we introduce a physically inspired architecture for the solution of such problems. Namely, we propose to augment CNNs with advection by designing a novel semi-Lagrangian push operator. We show that the proposed operator allows for the non-local transformation of information compared with standard convolutional kernels. We then complement it with Reaction and Diffusion neural components to form a network that mimics the Reaction-Advection-Diffusion equation, in high dimensions. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our network on a number of spatio-temporal datasets that show their merit.

Citations (49)

... Research on uncertainty quantification with combinations of generative modeling and data fidelity terms exists, e.g., [4,23], but remains limited for now and often relies on costly optimization procedures. To allow for single-step posterior sampling with a data fidelity term and unrestricted neural networks, we combine ideas from the existing work on paired neural networks [6], generative models based on shared latent spaces [13], and conditional Wasserstein autoencoders [9,14,15]. ...


Paired Wasserstein Autoencoders for Conditional Sampling
Paired autoencoders for likelihood-free estimation in inverse problems

... noisy, incomplete, or compressed data) by incorporating them into the denoising process. Nonetheless, it has been shown in Eliasof et al. (2024) that pre-trained diffusion models that are used for ill-posed inverse problems as regularizers tend to under-perform as compared to the models that are trained specifically on a particular inverse problem. In particular, such models tend to break when the noise level is not very low. ...

An over complete deep learning method for inverse problems

Foundations of Data Science

... Numerical methods for the multidimensional CDR equation also constitute a major research area given the equation's utility spanning such a vast range of transport phenomena critical to climate modeling, energy systems, biomedical systems, materials synthesis, and related domains central to technology innovation [15][16][17]. Another approach to solving CDR equations is to use graph neural networks and deep neural networks [18][19][20]. ...

Feature Transportation Improves Graph Neural Networks

Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence

... The idea of replacing BVP with an IVP is not new and is the backbone of many so-called "shooting methods" [4]. Here follow an approach similar to [20] to solve the shooting problem. We learn the (nonlinear) mapping that maps the terminal condition to the initial condition. ...

Estimating a Potential Without the Agony of the Partition Function
  • Citing Article
  • November 2023

SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science

... Some of the tasks addressed by ML are related to geologic/geophysical interpretation of seismic volumes (Li, 2018;Zhao, 2018;Pham et al., 2019;Wu et al., 2019a;Alfarhan et al., 2020;Liu et al., 2020), fault mapping (Wu et al., 2019b), and well-log analysis (Chen and Zhang, 2020;Pham et al., 2020;Feng, 2021). Various applications support seismic processing such as first-break picking (Tsai et al., 2018;Zwartjes and Yoo, 2022), ground roll subtraction (Kaur et al., 2020;Pham and Li, 2022), deblending (Sun et al., 2022), denoising (Richardson and Feller, 2019), deblurring (Eliasof et al., 2023), acoustic impedance inversion , and seismic event detection and localization . Electromagnetic (EM) and potential field techniques also use artificial neural networks (ANN) for data denoising and inversion (Puzyrev, 2019;Moghadas, 2020;Wu et al., 2020) and for reservoir monitoring applications (Colombo et al., 2020a;Yang et al., 2022). ...

DRIP: Deep Regularizers for Inverse Problems

... Recent breakthroughs in this field relied on the ability to train deep neural networks [1] on large sets of data. These advances led to leaps in computer vision [2,3], natural language processing [4,5], protein design [6][7][8] and others. In the simplest case, deep neural networks have a layered structure in which fundamental units, called neurons, are connected to neurons of neighbouring layers. ...

Protein Design Using Physics Informed Neural Networks


... In [53], a noise tolerant version of the BFGS method was proposed and analyzed, followed by extensions in [44] to make the method more robust and efficient in practice. Another variant of BFGS can be found in [25], where the secant condition was treated with a penalty method instead of directly enforced. A trust region method with noise was developed and analyzed in [47]. ...

Secant penalized BFGS: a noise robust quasi-Newton method via penalizing the secant condition

Computational Optimization and Applications

... These transformations utilize concepts like Klien model representation, isometric and isomorphic bijections between Lorentz and Klien models, and others. Similar concepts explored by Lensink et al. [40] with message propagation using hyperbolic equations and by Zhang et al. [41] with Lorentzian graph convolution show promise in various graph-based prediction tasks. ...

Fully hyperbolic convolutional neural networks

Research in the Mathematical Sciences

... Therefore, a calibration module is required to calibrate graphs for Euclidean convolution. To achieve this, methods have been proposed based on node sequence selection [25], [26]. However, these methods may generate less informative calibrated graphs for the subsequent convolution operations, since their calibration methods are independent of the convolution process and hence cannot be optimized for specific tasks. ...

pathGCN: Learning General Graph Spatial Operators from Paths
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • July 2022