April 2018
84 Reads
9 Citations
SAE Technical Papers
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April 2018
84 Reads
9 Citations
SAE Technical Papers
March 2018
3 Reads
March 2018
4 Reads
March 2018
4 Reads
1 Citation
March 2018
9 Reads
Die Automobil- und Zulieferindustrie wird von verschiedenen strukturellen Herausforderungen geprägt. Gleichzeitig sieht sich die Branche mit dem demografischen Wandel konfrontiert, der zu Veränderungen in der Altersstruktur der Beschäftigten und einem zunehmenden Fachkräftemangel führt. Aufgrund dieser Rahmenbedingungen entstehen künftig wachsende Anforderungen an das Kompetenzmanagement der Beschäftigten. Der digitale Wandel birgt jedoch auch Potenziale für neue Formen des betrieblichen Lernens. Der Beitrag skizziert wesentliche Anforderungen an die Kompetenzentwicklung. Um diesen Herausforderungen zu begegnen, wurden im Forschungsprojekt PLUG+LEARN Ansätze und Konzepte erarbeitet, die eine Flexibilisierung der Kompetenzentwicklung ermöglichen.
March 2018
22 Reads
Aufgrund verschiedener Megatrends wie der Digitalisierung werden sich die Kompetenzanforderungen an Mitarbeiter in produzierenden Unternehmen künftig stark verändern. Um auf diesen Veränderungsbedarf flexibel reagieren zu können, wurden im Forschungsprojekt PLUG+LEARN wandlungsfähige Lösungsansätze für die Kompetenzentwicklung erarbeitet. Der Beitrag stellt mögliche Entwicklungstrends für das Kompetenzmanagement der Automobil- und Zulieferindustrie dar und zeigt auf, wie das PLUG+LEARNKonzept zielorientiert eingesetzt werden kann.
March 2018
6 Reads
March 2018
11 Reads
January 2018
1,639 Reads
38 Citations
Procedia Manufacturing
The current research goal in the field of robotics is to develop collaborative robots that can safely share their workspace with human coworkers. While there are working solutions to protect humans from damages induced by the body of the robot there are still challenges in the field of tool and work piece safety. When these challenges are completed one of the next steps will be to enable these currently spatial static robots to move freely in their working environment by mounting them to a mobile platform. In the context of future factories this enables new use cases and automatization scenarios that are not possible today. This paper shows several of these future use cases by systematically evaluating current factory structures and deducting areas for mobile robot support. To verify the theoretical results, several interviews with representatives of German companies in different market branches have been conducted and evaluated in the course of this publication. This paper is the basic work to a method for planning the application of mobile robots in future factories. The outlook describes further steps in the research, including necessary data to successfully complete certain use cases, considerations on fleet and task manager design, as well as influences of the application of mobile robots on the general factory planning methodology.
December 2017
349 Reads
17 Citations
Procedia Manufacturing
In Industry 4.0 there are several fields of work. Next to Social Machines, Virtual Production, Smart Products and Global Facilities a main field is Augmented Operators. To be able to assist people in their work, it is necessary to reduce the amount of data that is needed to be perceived in any given moment. In current systems more and more data is generated from day to day and has to be evaluated to be helpful. For many tasks only a certain part of the general information flow is relevant. An information demand analysis can help reducing big data to smart data and identifying possible context key factors. Using such factors information can be categorized and provided when the context is right. This article shows the interpretation of several information demand analysis as well as the development of a demonstrator application for context related information provision based on the findings.
... Das Anwendungsfeld der Instandhaltung als nicht wertschöpfende Tätigkeit rückt in den Fokus [29,33,34,81]. Im Kontext von Industrie 4.0 umfasst Instandhaltung neben der Aufrechterhaltung des Betriebes und der Sicherung der Verfügbarkeit auch Aspekte der Ressourcen-und Energieeffizienz von Produktionsanlagen sowie Fragestellungen von Geschäftsmodellen [1,7,22,23,85]. ...
June 2017
aw&I Report
... Robots are expected to be used in smart manufacturing and smart factories with the help of information and communication technologies [36]. The mechatronic systems become cyber-physical systems through additional communication skills and autonomy in behaviors on the external influences and internally stored settings. ...
October 2019
... According to experts, intralogistic value creation will in the future be of great importance for industries such as the automotive sector [21]. The research on this topic is still in its infancy. ...
January 2018
Procedia Manufacturing
... Die Bereitstellung eigener Plattformen ist insbesondere für KMU mit zahlreichen Herausforderungen verbunden, da nicht nur entsprechendes Know-how erforderlich ist, sondern auch entsprechende Entwicklungskapazitäten benötigt werden (Bender, et al., 2020, S. 647 (Schumacher, et al., 2016); (Kese & Terstegen, 2017); (Müller, et al., 2018); (Matt, et al., 2018); (Angreani, et al., 2020); (Mrugalska & Stasiuk-Piekarska, 2020); (Dommermuth, 2021). Nach der Reduzierung um alle Dubletten erfolgte eine weitere Reduzierung der Reifegradmodelle anhand folgender Kriterien: ...
September 2018
... O DP envolve atores com diferentes papéis, contextos de vida, experiências e interesses dentro das atividades do processo cocriação e design de produtos ou sistemas, como designers, equipes de desenvolvimento e parceiros externos -fornecedores e os próprios consumidores (Chen et al. 2018 A maior quantidade de artigos encontradas estão relacionadas com a combinação de termos "Knowledge Management" and "Collaborative Design" ou "Co-design" em segundo lugar, sendo menos comum a combinação "Knowledge Management" and "Participatory Design" em todas as bases investigadas, o que pode refletir tanto a tendência de se utilizar a terminologia Co-design em detrimento de "Participatory Design", ou então uma maior aproximação da GC com o Design Colaborativo, conforme se constatou da leitura dos resumos. ...
August 2018
IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology
... Die Textilbranche ist geprägt durch kleine und mittlere Unternehmen (KMU) und bisher vor allem auf Effizienzsteigerung und Skaleneffekte in der Massenproduktion ausgerichtet [1]. Neuerungen werden vornehmlich durch Innovationen technischer Art ausgelöst und betreffen meist nicht die Neugestaltung des Geschäftsmodells. ...
June 2017
... These constraints are related to providing interoperability and standardised communication between AM equipment and various systems (physical and virtual) and processes (equipment, smart objects, and people). As a result, achieving safe and reliable interoperability across systems and subsystems at various stages of development is a significant issue (Forkel et al., 2018). ...
April 2018
SAE Technical Papers
... The Polish labor market contains employees from four generations, but not all of them acquire the necessary competencies of the knowledge-based economy and the 4.0 economy (Kryk, 2021). According to Müller andHopf (2017, p. 1496), human knowledge faculties are the major factor for digital transformation. As claimed by Moroz (2018), that infrastructure is a primordial factor, but it is not enough. ...
December 2017
Procedia Manufacturing
... Adopting this new manufacturing method involves several factors and presents a variety of obstacles and challenges, including social, political, and economic issues, in addition to technical, economic, scientific, and energy hurdles. The gathering, processing, and presentation of manufacturing process data were three new, demanding activities that they should be able to test out using specialised Industry 4.0 technology [141]. Industry 4.0 has the potential to bring about significant changes in a number of areas that extend beyond the industrial sector and enable the development of new business models. ...
December 2017
Procedia Manufacturing
... Some prototyping methods are more conceptual, such as sensitivity testing or computer modelling (Westley & Laban, 2015). Other methods are more tangible, such as building models with cardboard or Lego (Tawalbeh et al., 2017). The latter was considered for one of the solutions identified in this lab (i.e., improving labels to distinguish bioplastic packaging from other types of plastic packaging). ...
August 2017
IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology