Edward Ott’s research while affiliated with Loyola University Maryland and other places

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Publications (713)

Figure 2: Illustration of the geographic domain decomposition for a local input vector u (in) l (with grid points enclosed by a red box), and a local output vector u (out) l (with grid points enclosed by a blue box).
Exploring the Potential of Hybrid Machine-Learning/Physics-Based Modeling for Atmospheric/Oceanic Prediction Beyond the Medium Range
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May 2024


142 Reads

Dhruvit Patel






Edward Ott

This paper explores the potential of a hybrid modeling approach that combines machine learning (ML) with conventional physics-based modeling for weather prediction beyond the medium range. It extends the work of Arcomano et al. (2022), which tested the approach for short- and medium-range weather prediction, and the work of Arcomano et al. (2023), which investigated its potential for climate modeling. The hybrid model used for the forecast experiments of the paper is based on the low-resolution, simplified parameterization atmospheric general circulation model (AGCM) SPEEDY. In addition to the hybridized prognostic variables of SPEEDY, the current version of the model has three purely ML-based prognostic variables. One of these is 6~h cumulative precipitation, another is the sea surface temperature, while the third is the heat content of the top 300 m deep layer of the ocean. The model has skill in predicting the El Ni\~no cycle and its global teleconnections with precipitation for 3-7 months depending on the season. The model captures equatorial variability of the precipitation associated with Kelvin and Rossby waves and MJO. Predictions of the precipitation in the equatorial region have skill for 15 days in the East Pacific and 11.5 days in the West Pacific. Though the model has low spatial resolution, for these tasks it has prediction skill comparable to what has been published for high-resolution, purely physics-based, conventional operational forecast models.


The performance of the hybrid model in capturing SSW. Results are shown for the (left) ERA5 reanalyzes, (center) hybrid model, and (right) SPEEDY. Results are shown at the 25 hPa pressure level for (top panels) the mean of the zonal wind component in the 55°N–65°N latitude band, and (bottom panels) the mean temperature north of 60°N. Blue curves show the climatological daily mean, while the gray shading characterizes the annual variability by displaying the range between plus and minus two standard deviations. Positive values of the wind indicate westerly flow, while negative values indicate easterly flow. The red curves show the same diagnostics as the blue curves, except for a particular SSW event rather then the 40‐year mean. (No SSW event is detected for SPEEDY.) The event from ERA5 took place in 2013.
The performance of the hybrid model in capturing the precipitation climatology. Shown is the climatological daily mean precipitation rate for (top left) ERA5, (top center) the hybrid model, and (top right) SPEEDY. Also shown are (middle left) the difference between the biases of the daily precipitation rates for the hybrid model and SPEEDY, and (middle center) the biases of the daily precipitation rates for the hybrid model and (middle right) SPEEDY. Also shown (bottom center) are the rates of occurrence of different precipitation intensities in percentile for (blue) ERA5, (orange) the hybrid model, and (green) SPEEDY.
The SST climatology of the hybrid model. Shown are the climatological mean SST for (top left) ERA5, (middle left) the hybrid model, and (bottom left) the difference between the two fields; and the standard deviation of the monthly mean SST for (top right) ERA5 and (middle right) the hybrid model, and (bottom right) the difference between the two fields.
Illustration of the performance of the hybrid model in capturing ENSO. Shown are (top) time series of (solid black) the 3‐month running mean of the ONI and (green dashes) the 5‐month running mean of the SOI. Red and blue shadings indicate El Niño and La Niña, respectively. Also shown are (bottom left) the autocorrelation functions and (bottom right) power spectra of the Niño 3.4 SST anomalies for (orange) the ERA5 reanalyzes and (blue) the coupled model (blue). The error bars are computed by splitting the timeseries of Niño 3.4 SST anomalies into overlapping segments and calculating the standard deviation across each segment.
A Hybrid Atmospheric Model Incorporating Machine Learning Can Capture Dynamical Processes Not Captured by Its Physics‐Based Component

April 2023


150 Reads


22 Citations

It is shown that a recently developed hybrid modeling approach that combines machine learning (ML) with an atmospheric global circulation model (AGCM) can serve as a basis for capturing atmospheric processes not captured by the AGCM. This power of the approach is illustrated by three examples from a decades‐long climate simulation experiment. The first example demonstrates that the hybrid model can produce sudden stratospheric warming, a dynamical process of nature not resolved by the low resolution AGCM component of the hybrid model. The second and third example show that introducing 6‐hr cumulative precipitation and sea surface temperature (SST) as ML‐based prognostic variables improves the precipitation climatology and leads to a realistic ENSO signal in the SST and atmospheric surface pressure.

Deviations From the Random Plane Wave Field Distribution in Electromagnetic Enclosures

April 2023


50 Reads

IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility

Wave energy distribution within enclosures with irregular boundaries is a common phenomenon in many branches of electromagnetics. If the wavelength of the injected wave is small compared with the structure size, the scattering properties of the enclosure will be extremely sensitive to small changes in geometry or wave frequency. In this case, statistical models are sought. The random coupling model (RCM) is one such model that has been explored through experiments and theory. Previous studies were conducted by injecting waves into high Q cavities in a nearly omnidirectional manner. In this article, a directed beam approach is taken, and relatively low Q cavities are considered. The goal is to determine when the so-called “random plane wave hypothesis,” a fundamental basis of the RCM formulation, breaks down. Results show that injecting such directed beams leads to large deviations in the wave statistics for single realizations of the enclosure geometry. The expected statistics are restored to some degree when multiple realizations are considered.

Network inference from short, noisy, low time-resolution, partial measurements: Application to C. elegans neuronal calcium dynamics

March 2023


78 Reads


13 Citations

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

Network link inference from measured time series data of the behavior of dynamically interacting network nodes is an important problem with wide-ranging applications, e.g., estimating synaptic connectivity among neurons from measurements of their calcium fluorescence. Network inference methods typically begin by using the measured time series to assign to any given ordered pair of nodes a numerical score reflecting the likelihood of a directed link between those two nodes. In typical cases, the measured time series data may be subject to limitations, including limited duration, low sampling rate, observational noise, and partial nodal state measurement. However, it is unknown how the performance of link inference techniques on such datasets depends on these experimental limitations of data acquisition. Here, we utilize both synthetic data generated from coupled chaotic systems as well as experimental data obtained from Caenorhabditis elegans neural activity to systematically assess the influence of data limitations on the character of scores reflecting the likelihood of a directed link between a given node pair. We do this for three network inference techniques: Granger causality, transfer entropy, and, a machine learning-based method. Furthermore, we assess the ability of appropriate surrogate data to determine statistical confidence levels associated with the results of link-inference techniques.

Using machine learning to anticipate tipping points and extrapolate to post-tipping dynamics of non-stationary dynamical systems

February 2023


67 Reads


44 Citations

The ability of machine learning (ML) models to “extrapolate” to situations outside of the range spanned by their training data is crucial for predicting the long-term behavior of non-stationary dynamical systems (e.g., prediction of terrestrial climate change), since the future trajectories of such systems may (perhaps after crossing a tipping point) explore regions of state space which were not explored in past time-series measurements used as training data. We investigate the extent to which ML methods can yield useful results by extrapolation of such training data in the task of forecasting non-stationary dynamics, as well as conditions under which such methods fail. In general, we find that ML can be surprisingly effective even in situations that might appear to be extremely challenging, but do (as one would expect) fail when “too much” extrapolation is required. For the latter case, we show that good results can potentially be obtained by combining the ML approach with an available inaccurate conventional model based on scientific knowledge.

Stabilizing Machine Learning Prediction of Dynamics: Noise and Noise-inspired Regularization

November 2022


181 Reads


2 Citations

Recent work has shown that machine learning (ML) models can be trained to accurately forecast the dynamics of unknown chaotic dynamical systems. Such ML models can be used to produce both short-term predictions of the state evolution and long-term predictions of the statistical patterns of the dynamics (``climate''). Both of these tasks can be accomplished by employing a feedback loop, whereby the model is trained to predict forward one time step, then the trained model is iterated for multiple time steps with its output used as the input. In the absence of mitigating techniques, however, this technique can result in artificially rapid error growth, leading to inaccurate predictions and/or climate instability. In this article, we systematically examine the technique of adding noise to the ML model input during training as a means to promote stability and improve prediction accuracy. Furthermore, we introduce Linearized Multi-Noise Training (LMNT), a regularization technique that deterministically approximates the effect of many small, independent noise realizations added to the model input during training. Our case study uses reservoir computing, a machine-learning method using recurrent neural networks, to predict the spatiotemporal chaotic Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation. We find that reservoir computers trained with noise or with LMNT produce climate predictions that appear to be indefinitely stable and have a climate very similar to the true system, while reservoir computers trained without regularization are unstable. Compared with other types of regularization that yield stability in some cases, we find that both short-term and climate predictions from reservoir computers trained with noise or with LMNT are substantially more accurate. Finally, we show that the deterministic aspect of our LMNT regularization facilitates fast hyperparameter tuning when compared to training with noise.

Time Domain Generalization of the Random Coupling Model and Experimental Verification in a Complex Scattering System

October 2022


37 Reads

Electromagnetic (EM) wave scattering in electrically large, irregularly shaped, environments is a common phenomenon. The deterministic, or first principles, study of this process is usually computationally expensive and the results exhibit extreme sensitivity to scattering details. For this reason, the deterministic approach is often dropped in favor of a statistical one. The Random Coupling Model (RCM) is one such approach that has found great success in providing a statistical characterization for wave chaotic systems in the frequency domain. Here we aim to transform the RCM into the time domain and generalize it to new situations. The proposed time-domain RCM (TD-RCM) method can treat a wave chaotic system with multiple ports and modes. Two features are now possible with the time-domain approach that are not possible in the frequency-domain RCM: the incorporation of early-time short-orbit transmission path effects between the ports, and the inclusion of arbitrary nonlinear or time-varying port load impedances. We have conducted short-pulse time-domain experiments in wave chaotic enclosures, and used the TD-RCM to simulate the corresponding experimental setup. We have also examined a diode-loaded port and compared experimental results with a numerical TD-RCM treatment and found agreement.

Using Machine Learning to Anticipate Tipping Points and Extrapolate to Post-Tipping Dynamics of Non-Stationary Dynamical Systems

July 2022


296 Reads

In this paper we consider the machine learning (ML) task of predicting tipping point transitions and long-term post-tipping-point behavior associated with the time evolution of an unknown (or partially unknown), non-stationary, potentially noisy and chaotic, dynamical system. We focus on the particularly challenging situation where the past dynamical state time series that is available for ML training predominantly lies in a restricted region of the state space, while the behavior to be predicted evolves on a larger state space set not fully observed by the ML model during training. In this situation, it is required that the ML prediction system have the ability to extrapolate to different dynamics past that which is observed during training. We investigate the extent to which ML methods are capable of accomplishing useful results for this task, as well as conditions under which they fail. In general, we found that the ML methods were surprisingly effective even in situations that were extremely challenging, but do (as one would expect) fail when ``too much" extrapolation is required. For the latter case, we investigate the effectiveness of combining the ML approach with conventional modeling based on scientific knowledge, thus forming a hybrid prediction system which we find can enable useful prediction even when its ML-based and knowledge-based components fail when acting alone. We also found that achieving useful results may require using very carefully selected ML hyperparameters and we propose a hyperparameter optimization strategy to address this problem. The main conclusion of this paper is that ML-based approaches are promising tools for predicting the behavior of non-stationary dynamical systems even in the case where the future evolution (perhaps due to the crossing of a tipping point) includes dynamics on a set outside of that explored by the training data.

Citations (58)

... However, we unexpectedly observed an improvement in the robustness of the reconstruction ability. Further analysis of the reservoir dynamics is crucial; unveiling fundamental properties such as the topological conjugacy and the mechanism behind the enhanced robustness will have major implications for several fields, including machine learning, where stabilizing the dynamics of neural networks by adding noise and normalization is one of the critical issues 20 . ...


Reservoir computing with generalized readout based on generalized synchronization
Stabilizing machine learning prediction of dynamics: Novel noise-inspired regularization tested with reservoir computing
  • Citing Article
  • November 2023

Neural Networks

... Compared to the model in Han et al. (2020), which uses up to four prior time steps as input for memory effects, our model autonomously learns what information to retain and propagate across time steps. This prognostic form with additional degrees of freedom somewhat aligns with the concept of reservoir computing (Arcomano et al., 2022(Arcomano et al., , 2023. Unlike their model, which optimizes a diagnostic matrix with a fixed recurrent cell built from random matrices, our model optimizes state evolution directly. ...

A Hybrid Atmospheric Model Incorporating Machine Learning Can Capture Dynamical Processes Not Captured by Its Physics‐Based Component

... Granger's causality test is a widely used method to investigate causality between two variables in a time series (Stokes and Purdon, 2017;Shi et al., 2022). For two time series from processes X and Y , it can be said that X does not Grangercause Y if X, conditional on its own past, is independent of the past of Y (Banerjee et al., 2023). The typical method to test this dependency of two time series involves fitting a vector autoregressive model for X and measuring whether inclusion of Y in that model makes the fitting error significantly lower: ...

Network inference from short, noisy, low time-resolution, partial measurements: Application to C. elegans neuronal calcium dynamics

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

... RC has proven effective in modeling complex dynamical systems, such as reconstructing attractors [40,41], computing Lyapunov exponents [42], forecasting novel attractors [43], and to infer bifurcation diagrams [44]. Recent applications include enhancing climate models [45], inferring network connections [46], predicting synchronization [34,47,48], forecasting tipping points [49,50]. Following its initial success in predicting chaotic systems [51], research has focused on understanding RC's strengths/ limitations [52,53] and has led to advancements like hybrid [51], parallel [54], reservoir observer [55], and even deep RC [56] architectures. ...

Using machine learning to anticipate tipping points and extrapolate to post-tipping dynamics of non-stationary dynamical systems
  • Citing Article
  • February 2023

... It might also be interesting to look at how corrective ML affects the spread of an ensemble of global forecasts with perturbed initial conditions. Another longer-term goal is to run an ML-corrected atmospheric model coupled simulation with an no-ML (or ML-enhanced) ocean model, as recently explored by Arcomano et al. (2022). For this purpose, the ML correction should improve (relative to reference data) the surface fluxes of heat, fresh water, and momentum over the world oceans. ...

A Hybrid Atmospheric Model Incorporating Machine Learning Can Capture Dynamical Processes Not Captured by Its Physics-Based Component

... In general, the underlying numerical method provides a strong inductive bias, as such, these methods require less training data than purely-data driven ones, and they have empirically proven to capture the correct dynamics of the systems [67,41]. Unfortunately, they struggle to remain reliably stable for very long time-horizons [68,143,136,141]. They are also challenging to implement, as they require the integration of the ML components, usually in the form of closures, into the code base of existing climate models -which are generally non-differentiable and written in different languages [87]. ...

Stabilizing Machine Learning Prediction of Dynamics: Noise and Noise-inspired Regularization

... Although physical reservoir computing is usually used to convert a complex system into a computational resource, the idea of physical reservoir computing can be used as a tool to study complex systems as well. Many different systems have previously been explored as PRCs, including the Hopf oscillator [12][13][14], an oscillator array [15,16], the van der Pol oscillator [17], memristors [18], quantum reservoir networks [19], superparamagnetic tunnel junctions [20], spintronics [21], lasers in special mediums [22], microelectromechanical systems [23], a shape memory alloy actuator [24], the nonlinear response of materials [25], reverberant wave systems [26], or even a bucket of water [27]. More recently, an adaptive oscillator was also used as a PRC, which did not require time multiplexing to perform logic operations [28]. ...

Short-wavelength reverberant wave systems for physical realization of reservoir computing

Physical Review Research

... Recent applications include enhancing climate models [45], inferring network connections [46], predicting synchronization [34,47,48], forecasting tipping points [49,50]. Following its initial success in predicting chaotic systems [51], research has focused on understanding RC's strengths/ limitations [52,53] and has led to advancements like hybrid [51], parallel [54], reservoir observer [55], and even deep RC [56] architectures. ...

Parallel Machine Learning for Forecasting the Dynamics of Complex Networks
  • Citing Article
  • April 2022

Physical Review Letters

... The second approach, time series-based, employs statistical and data mining algorithms to analyse historical data series (Ifaei et al. 2023;Colak, Sagiroglu, and Yesilbudak 2012;Kusiak, Zheng, and Song 2009). Additionally, combining both strategies can improve results through hybrid approaches (Krasnopolsky and Fox-Rabinovitz 2006;Arcomano et al. 2022). ...

A Hybrid Approach to Atmospheric Modeling That Combines Machine Learning With a Physics‐Based Numerical Model

... Recently, however, CPAs have been demonstrated in complex environments [25] where multiple scattering and the consequent interference of many photon paths through the medium generate extraordinary complexity. A reason for this paradigm shift is the realization that CPA protocols can be used in wireless communications for creating hot spots in reverberant environments [29][30][31]. Other realizations include chaotic optical and microwave cavities, networks of coaxial cables, and parity symmetric disordered systems [32][33][34][35][36][37]. ...

Deep-Learning Estimation of Complex Reverberant Wave Fields with a Programmable Metasurface
  • Citing Article
  • February 2022

Physical Review Applied