November 2024
5 Reads
Earthquake Spectra
The Uniform California Earthquake Rupture Forecast version 3-Time Dependent depicts California’s seismic faults and their activity. Its logic tree has 5760 leaves. Considering 30 more model combinations related to ground motion produces 172,800 distinct models representing so-called epistemic uncertainties. To calculate risk to a portfolio of buildings, one also considers millions of earthquakes and spatially correlated ground-motion variability. We offer a tree-trimming technique that retains the probability distribution of portfolio loss and identifies the leading sources of uncertainty for further study. We applied it to a California statewide building portfolio and various levels of nonexceedance probability between one in 100 and one in 2500. We trimmed the logic tree from 172,800 leaves to as few as 15. The result: a supercomputer that would otherwise run 24 h to estimate the distribution of one-in-250-year loss can calculate it in moments with the reduced-order model. Others can use the reduced-order model to calculate risk to different California portfolios, and scientists can prioritize study to reduce the remaining epistemic uncertainty.