Eduardo C. Rodes’s research while affiliated with Autonomous University of Barcelona and other places

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Publications (4)

Figure 1. Timeline of the general framework.
Summary of direct effects in direct contracts.
Frequency distribution and descriptive statistics.
Determinants of training.
Determinants of training and workers' education.
Employee Selection, Education and Firm-Provided Training
  • Article
  • Full-text available

December 2020


382 Reads


1 Citation

BRQ Business Research Quarterly



Eduardo C. Rodes

Theoretical debate suggests at least three strategies for firms to provide training to employees in the same job position: individualized and egalitarian with or without adaptation to the abilities of the recruited employees. The article provides a formal framework for deriving distinctive empirical implications regarding the relationship of these strategies with the firms’ selection policies, which are tested using a dataset of blue-collar workers in Spanish industrial plants. The evidence is consistent with the empirical implications of the egalitarian strategy with adaptation. This strategy entails providing the same level of training to all workers in the same job position and setting this level according to the average ability of recruited workers. Paradoxically, this strategy has not been used to interpret the results of the existing empirical literature. JEL CLASSIFICATION M53; M54; M21; J24


Distribution of rents and monitoring conditional to autonomy.
Autonomy and Monitoring

February 2016


288 Reads


1 Citation

Journal of Economics & Management Strategy

This paper provides a theoretical and empirical analysis of an under-explored consequence of granting autonomy to workers: monitoring. In the principal-agent model that we develop, granting autonomy allows workers to carry out innovative tasks in the workplace. Given that innovative tasks are more difficult to monitor, the model predicts a positive relationship between autonomy and monitoring. Relying on information about blue-collar workers coming from a dataset of Spanish industrial plants, we provide strong support for this prediction.

Temporalidad y señalización en el mercado de trabajo: El papel de las empresas de trabajo temporal

January 2004


164 Reads


10 Citations

Cuadernos de Economía y Dirección de la Empresa

This paper examines the influence of working through temporary help agencies (know as Empresas de Trabajo Temporal, ETT) on individuals' employment opportunities. Based on the theory of labor market signalling we explain why ETT workers will enjoy better opportunities of achieving permanent contracts than those who are looking for a job without the aid of those intermediaries. This prediction is confirmed for the Spanish labor market when the self-selection bias arising from the individual's decision of whether to work or not for an ETT is controlled for. The analysis is tackled with a database containing Social Security records of two groups of workers, one of which has been employed through ETT. These results are consistent with the idea that workers who have been employed through those intermediaries are providing a positive signal to potential employers. The accumulated experience with temporary jobs through the intermediary would, the, be perceived as an indicator of good performance and productivity in the future Este artículo estudia la influencia que presentan las experiencias de empleo por medio de Empresas de Trabajo Temporal (ETT) sobre las carreras laborales de los trabajadores. Basándonos en la teoría de la señalización explicamos por qué los contratados por ETT disfrutarán de mejores posibilidades al alcanzar contratos de carácter indefinido en comparación con aquellos que no acuden a estos intemediarios. Esta predicción se confirma para el mercado de trabajo español cuando se tiene en cuenta la endogeneidad en torno a la decisión del individuo de recurrir o no a las ETT para buscar empleo. El análisis se realiza utilizando los registros de la Seguridad Social de dos grupos de individuos, uno de los cuales ha sido contratado por ETT. Los resultados obtenidos son consistentes con el papel de las ETT como mecanismos de señalización de la "calidad" de sus trabajadores. Los potenciales empleadores perciben la experiencia acumulada por los empleados a través de estas agencias en sucesivas cesiones como un indicador de su buena productividad y rendimientos futuros

Citations (4)

... On the other hand, they may also discourage employers from investing in on-the-job training for women, thereby promoting discrimination against women (Blau and Kahn, 2003). Those who have higher educational attainment, who are more committed to fulfilling job tasks, and younger employees have a higher probability of entering a firm-provided training as evidenced in numerous studies (Picchio and van Ours, 2013;Filippetti and Iammarino 2019;Barrenechea-Méndez, Ortín-Ángel and Rodes, 2022). Thus, the main research question in this paper is whether continuing education and training (CET) contribute to mainstream job security and reduce the gender wage gap, thereby mitigating the potential effects of employer discrimination. ...


Impact of Continuing Education on Stable Employment and Wages of Men and Women in Serbia
Employee Selection, Education and Firm-Provided Training

BRQ Business Research Quarterly

... Because this area of study is new, the empirical literature is small but growing (e.g., Brown 1990;MacLeod & Parent 1998;Ortega 2009;DeVaro & Kurtulus 2010;Barrenechea-Méndez, Ortin-Ángel & Rodes-Mayor 2011) and is generally consistent with the arguments made here. ...

Uncertainty, Job Complexity and Incentives: An Empirical Analysis of Spanish Industrial Firms
  • Citing Working Paper
  • January 2011

... Organisations can also provide employees with opportunities to contribute by delegating decision-making. Autonomy in deciding how to do their jobs and in finding solutions to problems gives employees the opportunity to use their knowledge and ability to suggest improved results that could benefit the organisation (Evans and Fischer, 1992;Zábojník, 2002;Morgeson et al., 2005;Vidal, 2013;Wu et al., 2015;Barrenechea-Méndez et al., 2016). Different job design decisions also affect the requirements, use, and development of skills. ...

Autonomy and Monitoring

Journal of Economics & Management Strategy

... De la misma forma ocurre entre hombres y mujeres de las mismas actividades económicas , oficios y ocupaciones, Isaza (2013), Isaza & Reilly, (2011), Isaza (2003), (2002, Pabón, (2004), Barón (2010) y Farné (2006), sin desconocer las trasformaciones estructurales en el mercado laboral acontecidas desde el gobierno del expresidente Gaviria (1990Gaviria ( -1994) y la ideología neoliberal (Gómez, 2013) que permea los planes de desarrollo. En efecto, las discrepancias obedecen a las características propias del mercado laboral colombiano, en el que muchas de ellas no solo acontece en el país sino en muchos países de Latinoamérica, como es el caso de la segregación salarial por género (Galvis, 2010), (Bullon & Rodes, 2004), (Garrido, 2010) y (Gaviria & Székely, 2001). Por otro lado, el capital humano es una teoría anclada en la escuela neoclásica de la economía con los aportes de los premios nobel Becker (2003), (1983), (1964), Becker et al. (1990), Mincer (1974), (1970), (1958) y Schultz (1961), (1960), quienes lo identifican como la acumulación de capacidades y experiencia que posee un individuo en el mercado laboral (Cardona et al., 2007). ...

Temporalidad y señalización en el mercado de trabajo: El papel de las empresas de trabajo temporal
  • Citing Article
  • January 2004

Cuadernos de Economía y Dirección de la Empresa