Eduard Gabriel Ceptureanu’s research while affiliated with Bucharest University of Economic Studies and other places

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Publications (49)

Correction: Individual learning ambidexterity behavior and individual job performance in services: the role of organizational structure
  • Article
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November 2024


12 Reads

Review of Managerial Science

Sebastian Ion Ceptureanu



Eduard Gabriel Ceptureanu


Bogdan Georgescu

Results of testing the moderating effect of Formalization
Results of testing the moderating effect of Decentralization
Individual learning ambidexterity behavior and individual job performance in services: the role of organizational structure

October 2024


37 Reads

Review of Managerial Science

This study analyzed the impact of individual learning ambidexterity on individual job performance and tested the moderating effects of the organizational structure, represented in this research by formalization, decentralization, and structural differentiation. Despite the importance of individual learning ambidexterity, there is a limited understanding of how employees’ explorative and exploitative learning behaviors affect their individual job performance. The study expands the research by confirming the relevance of individual learning ambidexterity for individual performance for non-managerial employees; an understudied research setting for individual ambidexterity. We demonstrate that individual learning ambidexterity is positively correlated with individual job performance. We also provide evidence that formalization, decentralization, and structural differentiation moderate the effects of individual learning ambidexterity on individual job performance. The empirical context for the research was non-managerial employees from the Romanian IT services industry. Prior research has shown that ambidexterity is important in the IT industry, making it an adequate setting to analyze the effects of individual learning ambidexterity on individual job performance. By using polynomial regressions on a sample consisting of 342 employees, we were able to analyze four research hypotheses. This study demonstrates the moderating mechanism of organizational setting in the improvement of individual job performance in relation to individual learning ambidexterity. Taken as a whole, our findings provide new insights into how and under which organizational conditions the individual-level explorative and exploitative learning behaviors affect individual job performance.


March 2023


23 Reads

This work presents the major challenges for companies’ management related to the implementation of sustainable strategies. The results of a Reuters study on the implementation of sustainable strategies in the fashion industry are showcased. The study forecasts the unlocking of a secondhand luxury market of 600 billion dollars, but also the possibility that the producers adopt sustainable strategies through which they set financial targets following social and environmental topics. In addition, the work describes the sustainable strategies adopted by the German brand Adidas, the Japanese company YKK and the Romanian company Pandora Prod, as well as the challenges that they are facing.


February 2022


14 Reads

The paper presents the challenges that companies face in the new socio-economic context, which demand changes at strategic level as well as at operational and functional level. In this context, innovating firms, adopting sustainable business models which maximise customer experience with zero environmental impact, are presented. Also, the innovative solutions used in the new business models enable a larger brand-consumer interaction. In addition, brands are now capable of creating circular business models and of generating multiple revenue streams from the same product, more than in a linear business model.

Innovation ambidexterity effects on product innovation performance: the mediating role of decentralization

December 2021


48 Reads


9 Citations


Purpose The purpose of the study was to analyse the impact of innovation ambidexterity represented by explorative and exploitative innovation capabilities and their combined effects on product innovation performance and to prove the mediating effect of decentralization. Design/methodology/approach The study uses partial least squares for structural equation models and SmartPLS version 3.3.1 on a sample of 174 Romanian medium- and large-sized firms from the IT industry to test six research hypotheses. To measure innovation ambidexterity, the orthogonal approach was used, conceptualizing innovation ambidexterity as a multidimensional, second-order construct composed of explorative and exploitative innovation capabilities. Innovation ambidexterity was conceptualized as a multiplicative term of both explorative and exploitative innovation capabilities. Findings The empirical results prove that innovation ambidexterity is positively correlated with product innovation performance, while decentralization is mediating the impact of innovation ambidexterity on product innovation performance in the IT industry. Research limitations/implications The data was based on self-reported assessments of senior executives. While innovation ambidexterity may influence product innovation performance in the long term, such long-term effects are not assessed. Other studies found a moderating effect between centralization or decentralization and ambidexterity, while we found that it has a mediating effect. Practical implications In the context of innovation capability, the combination of explorative or exploitative capabilities may lead to a better synergy. Innovation ambidexterity influences product innovation performance through a synergistic effect, making the simultaneous combination of capabilities useful for firms willing to make efficient use of existing resources and make their capabilities mutually supportive. Moreover, for senior executives, the effects of decentralization as a mediator provide further incentive to include it in their development of firms' innovation capabilities. Originality/value This study extends findings of other studies by contributing to a deeper examination of the effects of decentralization, on innovation outcomes by focusing on a specific type of innovation, product innovation. Moreover, since innovation capability is often studied in small firms or in the manufacturing industry, this study contributes to the research on innovation capability and the consequences on innovation capability in the services sector and medium- and large-sized companies. By proving that decentralization mediates the effects of innovation ambidexterity on product innovation performance, it enables reconsideration of the organizational structure role in fostering innovation.

Influence of Blockchain Adoption on Technology Transfer, Performance and Supply Chain Integration, Flexibility and Responsiveness. A Case Study from IT&C Medium-Sized Enterprises

July 2021


197 Reads


10 Citations

Studies in Informatics and Control







Eduard Gabriel Ceptureanu

The aim of this paper is to analyze how blockchain technology can improve supply chain variables and technology transfer in medium-sized enterprises from IT&C sector. Blockchain technology is expected to enhance the velocity and reliability of business and managerial processes and increase competitiveness of IT&C companies. The purpose was to see if these combined elements could lead to the generation of competitive advantage, which in turn would influence the firm performance. Based on the study of relevant literature, a conceptual and methodological framework was developed and tested on 383 medium-sized companies from the IT&C sector, using the Confirmatory Factor Analysis. The results of this study show that blockchain technology positively influences supply chain variables and technology transfer, with direct effects on the firm performance.

Innovation ambidexterity and impact on the performance in IT companies: the moderating role of business experience

April 2021


154 Reads


30 Citations

Technology Analysis and Strategic Management

This study aims to examine the relation between innovation ambidexterity and organisational performance and the moderating effect of business experience on a sample of IT companies. Various authors pointed out the necessity to analyse not only explorative and exploitative innovation separately, but also their combined effects on organisational performance. These effects are assessed by using polynomial regressions in testing the research hypotheses. Business experience contributes to important differences in both the quantity and quality of resources available, which are critical for innovation. With only a handful of papers specifically addressing business experience in the context of innovation ambidexterity, this study fills a major research gap. The findings demonstrate the positive influence of innovation ambidexterity on organisational performance. In terms of business experience, the findings show that in new ventures it moderates the relation between innovation ambidexterity and organisational performance, while in established companies no relation was found. Business experience is rarely used to explain interactions between innovation and performance and, as such, we provide new insights on how both new ventures and established companies make use of business experience in their innovation approaches.

Do you agree with the following statement? “Money brings happiness.” by religious affiliation
Do you agree with the following statement? “Money brings happiness.” by religious behavior
Money’s importance from the religious perspective

April 2021


911 Reads


3 Citations

Annals of Operations Research

Operational research and finance have natural connections. However, operational research represents a device to be used for catching financial phenomena, and such a device is usually mediated by social norms and corresponding relevant parameters. This paper contributes to this debate by focusing on a particular social norm—namely, religiosity- and its importance to the role of money. Such relationship is here treated under a quantitative perspective. In particular, we provide an econometric-statistic comparison between religion and money importance. The methodological toolkit is tested on high quality empirical data coming from a recent survey of Romanian population involving 842 persons, from the many faiths in the considered country. Specifically, statistical techniques include best fit curves analysis and data cross tabulations are checked using Chi squared test. The distinctions between different religious people beliefs relating to money are discussed. Insights regarding perceptions of different religious denominations are provided. Subsequent effects on entrepreneurship behavior are tested using Logit regression models. Results state that each religion-based segment of population has its own way to understand the importance of money, to promote and to evaluate the power of money, and finally to manage important inter-connections around the money.

Theoretical model
Test of the research model (PLS Results, N = 143). *p < .1, **p < .05, ***p < .01, ****p < .001 (one tailed)
Evidence regarding external financing in manufacturing MSEs using partial least squares regression

April 2021


110 Reads


7 Citations

Annals of Operations Research

The purpose of this study is to explore and explain the relationship between networking, external financing by banks and equity investors, and export effort in medium sized enterprises. Our research model was empirically tested on a sample of 143 MSEs in the manufacturing sector and our PLS results do not confirm the existence of a direct association between networking and export effort by MSEs. They show, however, that networking indirectly enhances MSEs’ export effort through facilitating their access to equity financing and reducing managerial risks. Whilst networking are not found to be associated with a higher access to bank financing by MSEs, this type of external financing seems to have a greater impact on export effort than equity financing. This research it is one of the first studies to explore the role of networking with stakeholders in facilitating MSEs’ access to external financing and to international markets and to merge these variables in a single model which consider simultaneously the MSE access to bank financing and to equity financing.

Gender Diversity and the Choice of Conflict Management Styles in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises

September 2020


2,432 Reads


15 Citations


The current study investigates the relation between biological sex and gender role upon the choice of conflict management styles. The Bem Sex Role Inventory (BSRI) measured the gender role and Rahim Organizational Conflict Inventory-II (ROCI-II) Form C measured the conflict handling styles. Participants were employees of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The results found that biological sex has no correlation with the choice of conflict management style. On the other hand, the findings have shown that gender role is a predictor for the choice of conflict management styles as masculine individuals were highest on the dominating conflict style, whereas feminine individuals were highest on the avoiding style.

Citations (30)

... The new knowledge, resources, and competencies that organizations acquire during exploratory innovation activities can subsequently benefit exploitative innovation endeavors. As a result, explorative innovation may indirectly facilitate exploitative innovation [87]. Likewise, the knowledge and competencies necessary for explorative innovation can be attained through exploitative innovation practices [88]. ...


Effects of Standardized Innovation Management Systems on Innovation Ambidexterity and Innovation Performance
Innovation ambidexterity effects on product innovation performance: the mediating role of decentralization
  • Citing Article
  • December 2021


... Blockchain technology and big data analytics have been discovered to indirectly improve supply chain performance in the chemical and cosmetic industries by facilitating supply chain risk management (Ceptureanu et al., 2021). The characteristics of blockchain technology, including transparency of information, immutability of information, and smart contracts, have been found to have substantial positive impacts on the growth of partnerships and marginal impacts on the efficiency of partnerships, thereby influencing the outcomes of supply chain performance (Kim & Shin, 2019). ...

Influence of Blockchain Adoption on Technology Transfer, Performance and Supply Chain Integration, Flexibility and Responsiveness. A Case Study from IT&C Medium-Sized Enterprises

Studies in Informatics and Control

... For instance, Cao et al. (2009) concluded that balancing dimensions is more beneficial to firms with constrained resources while the combined magnitude of exploration and exploitation is more profitable for firms with larger resources. Ceptureanu et al. (2022) reported that the impact of ambidexterity on performance is much stronger in relatively new companies than in old ones. Focusing on the moderating role of firm size, Wenke et al. (2021) noted that small firms benefit more from either exploration or exploitation than from ambidexterity. ...

Innovation ambidexterity and impact on the performance in IT companies: the moderating role of business experience
  • Citing Article
  • April 2021

Technology Analysis and Strategic Management

... The author's findings are not in line with the findings of Bordean et al. (2020) and Solanki & Desai (2015)who said that the organizational conflict management styles of men and women have differences, namely men tend to choose a dominating style and women choose an avoidant style. It is suspected that the difference in findings from the study by Solanki & Desai (2015) is because the samples used were employees from various branches of Rajkot-India district; That is, a strong country adheres to a patriarchal social system, and places the social status of men higher than women. ...

Gender Diversity and the Choice of Conflict Management Styles in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises


... Green innovative capability is based on such factors which include the reduction of carbon emissions, complying with environmental regulations, and meeting the elevated demand of consumers, conserve resources in processoriented mechanisms and also for environment friendly products. Electric vehicles, sustainable packaging, efficient waste management mechanisms, and renewable energy technologies (Ceptureanu et al., 2020). Thus, various benefits and challenges are faced by the organizations which are trying to follow organizational innovative capability techniques and methods. ...

Eco-innovation Capability and Sustainability Driven Innovation Practices in Romanian SMEs


... More specifically, it is shown that digital technologies are strongly linked with entrepreneurial OR (Ceptureanu et al., 2020;Kreuzer et al., 2022). ...

Analysis of Social Media Impact on Opportunity Recognition. A Social Networks and Entrepreneurial Alertness Mixed Approach


... Companies, investors, financial markets, and everything that can be called regulatory authority are on a ground marked by uncertainty, risk, and unpredictability. Let us recognize as pointed out by Xiao et al. (2020) that the effects of the financial crisis have an impact on all sectors of the economy, that there are unresolved economic and political controversies on the cause and effects of the financial crisis. There are other issues related to taxation and tax collection; the tax burden is reoriented towards less mobile taxpayers, a situation that determines a lower average tax burden for taxpayers with extremely high incomes, which became possible after the transfer of tax incidence from the capital to income and consumption. ...

Liquidity transmission and the subprime mortgage crisis: a multivariate GARCH approach

Soft Computing

... First, current evaluation schemes for P2P accommodation hosts predominantly focus on output metrics, such as host performance (Filieri et al., 2022), host task performance (Barbeitos & Oliveira, 2022), listing performance (Y. H. Xu et al., 2022), and sales performance (Ceptureanu et al., 2020), indicating earnings and room occupancy rates without detailing the specific activities that influence revenue generation. Introducing a comprehensive scheme that assesses both the costs and revenues of P2P accommodation hosts is vital but neglected in the literature (Altin et al., 2018). ...

Sustainable consumption behaviours in P2P accommodation platforms: an exploratory study

Soft Computing

... Alongside, non-believers assume themselves as belonging to middle and upper middle class, in professional leadership positions. Several authors (e.g., de Hart and Dekker 2015;Furman 1997;Herteliu et al. 2019;Kaneko 1990) also found that non-believers are younger than believers, contrary to this study. ...

Money’s importance from the religious perspective

Annals of Operations Research

... Salah satu faktor utama yang mempengaruhi keputusan struktur modal di JSEH (Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi dan Humaniora) Volume 10 Nomor 2 Juni 2024 p-ISSN: 2461-0666 e-ISSN: 2461-0720 258 UKM adalah ukuran dan usia bisnis (Ceptureanu et al., 2021). Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa UKM yang lebih kecil dan lebih muda cenderung lebih bergantung pada sumber pembiayaan eksternal, seperti pinjaman bank dan kredit perdagangan, dibandingkan dengan perusahaan yang lebih besar dan lebih mapan. ...

Evidence regarding external financing in manufacturing MSEs using partial least squares regression

Annals of Operations Research