E Klemm’s research while affiliated with University of Bonn - Medical Center and other places

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Publications (30)

Fluorine-18 fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography in the follow-up of differentiated thyroid cancer
  • Article

April 1996


9 Reads


96 Citations

European Journal of Pediatrics


A Schomburg


H Bender




Whole-body fluorine-18 fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) positron emission tomography (PET) imaging was performed during the follow-up of 33 patients suffering from differentiated thyroid cancer. Among them there were 26 patients with papillary and seven with follicular tumours. Primary tumour stage (pT) was pT1 in six cases, pT2 in eight cases, pT3 in three cases and pT4 in 14 cases. FDG PET was normal in 18 patients. In three patients a slightly increased metabolism was observed in the thyroid bed, assumed to be related to remnant tissue. In one case local recurrence, in ten cases lymph node metastases (one false-positive, caused by sarcoidosis) and in three cases distant metastases were found with FDG PET. In comparison with whole-body scintigraphy using iodine-131 (WBS) there were a lot of discrepancies in imaging results. Whereas three patients had distant metastases (proven with 131I) and a negative FDG PET, in four cases 131I-negative lymph node metastases were detectable with PET. Even in the patients with concordant "staging", differences between 131I and FDG were observed as to the exact lesion localization. Therefore, a coexistence of 131I-positive/FDG-negative, 131I-negative/FDG-positive and 131I-positive/FDG-positive malignant tissue can be assumed in these patients. A higher correlation of FDG PET was observed with hexakis (2-methoxyisobutylisonitrile) technetium-99m (I) (MIBI) scintigraphy (performed in 20 cases) than with WBS. In highly differentiated tumours 131I scintigraphy had a high sensitivity, whereas in poorly differentiated carcinomas FDG PET was superior. The clinical use of FDG PET can be recommended in all cases of suspected or proven recurrence and/or metastases of differentiated thyroid cancer and is particularly useful in cases with elevated serum thyroglobulin levels and negative WBS.

[123I]IBZM SPECT for imaging of striatal D2 dopamine receptors in 56 schizophrenic patients taking various neuroleptics

March 1996


15 Reads


62 Citations

American Journal of Psychiatry

The purpose of this study was to compare the binding of various typical and atypical neuroleptics to striatal D2 dopamine receptors in schizophrenic patients. Fifty-six inpatients with schizophrenia, including 14 with schizoaffective disorder and one with schizophreniform disorder, were evaluated. Fourteen patients were neuroleptic free. Single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) was performed 90 minutes after intravenous injection of [123I]benzamide ([123I]IBZM). Subsequent semiquantitative analysis of D2 receptor binding was done with the use of the basal ganglia (striatum)/frontal cortex (BG/FC) ratio of activity. Clinical symptoms were rated with the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale and the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale. The BG/FC ratios in patients taking typical neuroleptics were significantly lower than those in the neuroleptic-free subjects but not lower than those in the patients taking atypical neuroleptics (clozapine, remoxipride). For atypical antipsychotics, a dose-dependent relationship with striatal D2 receptor binding could not be demonstrated. BG/FC ratios were not significantly correlated with clinical symptoms or with duration of illness. The results indicate that [123I]IBZM SPECT is useful for semiquantitative imaging of striatal D2 dopamine receptors and for estimating their blockade by neuroleptics. Thus, it may improve drug monitoring in psychiatric patients. Furthermore, the findings suggest a complex relationship between the antipsychotic effect of atypical neuroleptics and D2 receptor blockade.

Fluorine-18 fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography in the follow-up of differentiated thyroid cancer

January 1996


13 Reads


155 Citations

European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging

Whole-body fluorine-18 fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) positron emission tomography (PET) imaging was performed during the follow-up of 33 patients suffering from differentiated thyroid cancer. Among them there were 26 patients with papillary and seven with follicular tumours. Primary tumour stage (pT) was pT1 in six cases, pT2 in eight cases, pT3 in three cases and pT4 in 14 cases. FDG PET was normal in 18 patients. In three patients a slightly increased metabolism was observed in the thyroid bed, assumed to be related to remnant tissue. In one case local recurrence, in ten cases lymph node metastases (one false-positive, caused by sarcoidosis) and in three cases distant metastases were found with FDG PET. In comparison with whole-body scintigraphy using iodine-131 (WBS) there were a lot of discrepancies in imaging results. Whereas three patients had distant metastases (proven with131I) and a negative FDG PET, in four cases131I-negative lymph node metastases were detectable with PET. Even in the patients with concordant staging, differences between131I and FDG were observed as to the exact lesion localization. Therefore, a coexistence of131I-positive/FDG-negative,131I-negative/FDG-positive and131I-positive/FDG-positive malignant tissue can be assumed in these patients. A higher correlation of FDG PET was observed with hexakis (2-methoxyisobutylisonitrile) technetium-99m (I) (MIBI) scintigraphy (performed in 20 cases) than with WBS. In highly differentiated tumours131I scintigraphy had a high sensitivity, whereas in poorly differentiated carcinomas FDG PET was superior. The clinical use of FDG PET can be recommended in all cases of suspected or proven recurrence and/or metastases of differentiated thyroid cancer and is particularly useful in cases with elevated serum thyroglobulin levels and negative WBS.

Involvement of mesial‐temporal structures in rapid cycling mood disorders?

November 1995


9 Reads


1 Citation

Human Psychopharmacology Clinical and Experimental

Temporal lobe dysfunction has been postulated in affective disorders by different brain imaging techniques. To further elucidate the possible relationship between electrophysiological variables in rapid cycling mood disorders (RCMD) and temporal lobe dysfunction we firstly recorded sphenoidal EEGs in addition to surface EEGs and 99m Tc-HMPAO-SPECT in three patients with RCMD. As compared to surface recordings the sphenoidal electrodes record more specifically the electrical activity arising within the mesio-basal temporal lobe. The preliminary results indicate that there is a dysrhythmia and/or rhythmic delta activity in RCMD which was predominantly apparent in the left temporo-mesial region in two cases. Furthermore, there was a hypoperfusion in the left temporal and temporo-parietal region using 99m Tc-HMPAO-SPECT technique in two patients, respectively. This pilot study suggests that temporal lobe structures might be of particular relevance in RCMD and thus provides further evidence suggestive of temporal lobe involvement in affective disorders. Our findings indicate that electrophysiological recordings and brain imaging techniques could be helpful in further elucidating the pathophysiology underlying rapid cycling mood disorders.

[Brain SPECT with 123I-labelled iodobenzamide (IBZM): aspects of semiquantitative evaluation]

November 1993


11 Reads


7 Citations


The striatal dopamine-D2-receptor uptake of 123I-IBZM in 32 patients (18 without and 14 under therapy with typical neuroleptics) was measured semiquantitatively using different ROI techniques. The aim of the study was to evaluate the influence of these techniques on the different ratios (striatum/cortex) found by various examiners. Using the same SPECT system no major differences were found between rectangular and manually drawn ROIs of the same size. All ROI techniques could differentiate between patients with and without therapy on a highly significant level. Therefore, the resulting ratio is mainly dependent on the spatial resolution of the camera system and only to a relatively minor extent on the ROI technique. Ratios obtained by different observers are not comparable quantitatively.

[HMPAO-SPECT in Alzheimer-type dementia and major depression with memory disorders]

June 1993


12 Reads


14 Citations


The aim of the present study was to see whether HMPAO-SPECT may contribute to the differentiation between dementia of the Alzheimer type (DAT) and major depression (MD). The results in 77 patients with memory impairment were evaluated. 48 patients suffered from DAT and 29 from MD. Initially, the defects in SPECT imaging were attributed to a cerebral region and the degree of decrease was evaluated (-1/-2/-3). Thereafter, the results were classified by 7 categories. In some of these categories an accumulation of cases of either DAT or MD was found. 35% of the patients suffering from DAT had bilateral defects with distinct (> -1) parietal/parietotemporal hypoperfusions, but no patient with MD showed this perfusion pattern. 62% of the patients with MD had unilateral defects but only 31% of the patients with DAT. The present study demonstrates that only 35% of all patients suffering from DAT show a perfusion pattern, thought earlier as "pathognomonic" for this disease. This perfusion pattern--if it exists--may be used as a safe criterion to exclude MD. Beyond that no clearcut ("specific") perfusion pattern may be recognized but unilateral defects point to MD.

Hirn-SPECT mit 123J-markiertem Iodobenzamid (IBZM): Aspekte der semiquantitativen Auswertung

January 1993


1 Read


4 Citations


Zusammenfassung Die striatale Dopamin-D2-Rezeptoranreicherung von 123J-IBZM wurde bei 32 Patienten (18 ohne und 14 mit neuroleptischer Therapie) semiquantitativ unter Anwendung verschiedener ROI-Techniken ausgewertet. Ziel der Studie war es, die von verschiedenen Untersuchern gefundenen unterschiedlichen Quotienten (Striatum/Kortex) unter dem Aspekt der angewandten ROI-Technik zu untersuchen. Es konnte gezeigt werden, daß bei Verwendung des gleichen SPECT-Systems keine größeren Unterschiede zwischen Rechteck-ROI und manuell erstellten ROI gleicher Größe auftreten. Eine hochsignifikante Trennung zwischen behandelten und unbehandelten Patienten ergab sich für alle untersuchten Auswerteverfahren. Der ermittelte Quotient wird wesentlich durch das Auflösungsvermögen der Kamera und nur relativ geringfügig durch die verwendete ROI-Technik bestimmt. Die Quotienten verschiedener Arbeitsgruppen sind quantitativ nicht miteinander vergleichbar.

Darstellung von Dopamin-D2-Rezeptoren mittels 123J-IBZM-SPECT bei schizophrenen Patienten

January 1993


10 Reads


3 Citations

In den letzten Jahren erlauben Positronen-Emissions-Tomographie (PET) [5] und Single-Photon Emissions Tomographie (SPECT) [1] die in vivo-Darstellung der topographischen Verteilung zentraler Dopamin-Rezeptoren. Veränderungen der zentralen Dopamin-D2-Rezeptoren wurden bei verschiedenen Erkrankungen des ZNS nachgewiesen, so bei der Schizophrenie, Tardiven Dyskinesien, Morbus Parkinson, Chorea Huntington und anderen Erkrankungen der Basalganglien. Darüber hinaus spielt im Wirkprofil vieler Neuroleptika die Blockade postsynaptischer Dopamin-D2- Rezeptoren eine wichtige Rolle [4]. Bei 123J-IBZM (S-(-)-N-[(l-ethyl-2-pyrrolidinyl)methyl]-2-hydroxy-2-iodo-6-methoxybenzamid) handelt es sich um einen Radioliganden, der mit hoher Spezifität und hoher Affinität an zerebrale Dopamin-D2-Rezeptoren bindet und als Tracer für die SPECT verwendet werden kann [3]. Im Vergleich zur aufwendigen und kostenintensiven PET ermöglicht die SPECT eine Untersuchung größerer Patientenkollektive unter klinischen Routinebedingungen. Ein Nachteil der SPECT ist jedoch die fehlende Quantifizierung der Ergebnisse und schlechtere räumliche Auflösung. Ziel unserer Untersuchung war daher, ob mit der SPECT semiquantitative Daten der Dopamin-D2-Rezeptordichte unter klinischen Bedingungen erhoben werden können. Wir berichten unsere Ergebnisse bei den ersten 25 Patienten mit der Diagnose einer Schizophrenie nach DSM-III-R, bei denen eine 123J-IBZM-SPECT durchgeführt wurde.

HMPAO-SPECT bei Demenz vom Alzheimer-Typ und Major Depression mit mnestischen Störungen

January 1993


1 Read


8 Citations


Zusammenfassung Ziel der vorliegenden Untersuchung war es, zu prüfen, ob die HMPAO-SPECT zur Differenzierung zwischen der Demenz vom Alzheimer-Typ (DAT) und der Major Depression (MD) beitragen kann. Es wurden ECT-Befunde von 77 Patienten mit Gedächtnisstörungen beurteilt, davon hatten 48 eine DAT und 29 eine MD. Zunächst wurden die Defekte in der SPECT einer Hirn-Region zugeordnet und der Grad der Ausprägung (-1/-2/-3) bewertet. Anschließend wurden die einzelnen Befunde in eine von 7 Befundkategorien eingeordnet. In einigen dieser 7 Gruppen ergaben sich deutliche Häufungen der Fälle mit DAT bzw. MD. 35% aller DAT-Patienten wiesen bilaterale Defekte mit deutlicher (>-1) parietaler/parietotemporaler Minderperfusion auf, dagegen zeigte kein Patient mit MD dieses Muster. Unilaterale Defekte wiesen 62% der MD-, aber nur 31% der DAT-Patienten auf. Die Untersuchung zeigt, daß nur 35% der Patienten mit DAT das bislang als »pathognomonisch« bezeichnete Befundmuster aufwiesen. Dieses Perfusionsmuster kann aber - wenn es vorliegt - als sicheres Kriterium zur Abgrenzung gegen eine MD gewertet werden. Darüber hinaus lassen sich keine eindeutigen (»krankheitstypischen«) Perfusionsmuster erkennen, wenngleich unilaterale Defekte mehr auf eine MD hindeuten.

Psychiatrische Diagnostik und Psychopathologie bei HMPAO-SPECT

January 1993


8 Reads


1 Citation

Mittels bildgebender Verfahren wie die Single-Photon-Ernission-Computed-Tomography (SPECT) und die Positron-Emission-Tomography (PET) konnten bei psychiatrischen Erkrankungen Perfusionsstörungen verschiedener Hirnareale nachgewiesen werden. Bei Schizophrenien hatte man in den früheren Studien Veränderungen im Frontallappen (Buchsbaum et al. 1982) gefunden. Diese Befunde konnten in den neueren Arbeiten nicht repliziert werden, hingegen scheint der Temporallappen besonders betroffen zu sein (Buchsbaum et al. 1990, deLisi et al. 1989) Bei affektiven Störungen sind Veränderungen im prefrontalen Cortex (Baxter et al. 1989, Cohen et al. 1989) und im Temporallappen (Post et al. 1987, Amsterdam et al. 1992) festgestellt worden. Bei den meisten der obengenannten Untersuchungen — besonders den PET-Studien — wurde meistens die Psychopathologie zum Zeitpunkt der Untersuchung vernachlässigt. Daher haben wir uns im Rahmen des jetzigen Projektes zum Ziel gesetzt, zu untersuchen, inwiefern eine spezifische bzw. globale Psychopathologie im Zusammenhang mit Durchblutungsverhältnissen (gemessen mit der HMPAO-SPECT-Technik) steht.

Citations (15)

... 7, D-80336 Munich, Germany Tel.: +49-89-5160-5501, Fax: +49-89-5160-5522 and bilateral temporoparietal hypoperfusion is also found in Parkinson's disease with dementia (Kuhl et al. 1984, Holman et al. 1992, Salmon et al. 1993 ), vascular dementia (Kuwabara et al. 1990), and Creutzfeld-Jakob disease (Friedland et al. 1984). Recent studies show that bilateral temporoparietal hypoperfusion (with or without additional defects) characterises approximately 50–65% of DAT patients (Holman et al. 1992, Horn et al. 1995). Thus, the sensitivity of this hypoperfusion pattern seems low, but the specificity seems high, if Parkinson's disease with dementia can be excluded. ...


SPECT patterns in probable Alzheimer’s disease
HMPAO-SPECT in memory disorders
  • Citing Chapter
  • February 2015

... Traditionally, the brain retractors were used to maintain the surgical corridor and during the sylvian fissure dissection. 2,[4][5][6]9,19 The position of the retractors was traditionally placed outside the sylvian fissure, especially on the frontal lobe. [8][9][10] The blunt dissection technique by bipolar tip spreading was frequently used by most neurosurgeons. ...

The Transsylvian Approach Is “Minimally Invasive” but Not “Atraumatic”
  • Citing Article
  • October 2002


... One in three of these recurrences loses the ability to trap 131 I, thus making the most important tool available for treating the tumor ineffectual (2,3). When the loss of 131 I uptake tends to coincide with the ability to actively concentrate glucose (the so-called 'flip-flop' phenomenon), the patient's prognosis becomes particularly unfavorable, associated with an early poor outcome (4)(5)(6). Conventional approaches are of marginal benefit in such cases, hence the need to develop novel medical strategies. In this scenario, mapping the particular genetic alterations in recurrent PTC enables the use of novel 'targeted' molecular therapies (7,8). ...

Fluorine-18 fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography in the follow-up of differentiated thyroid cancer
  • Citing Article
  • January 1996

European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging

... 196 Positron emission and single-photon emission computed tomography studies have shown that in the brain D2 receptor occupancy between 60% and 80% is necessary for a therapeutic effect, while exceeding this threshold is highly likely to generate EPS. 174,197,198 Figure 9. Structures of representative typical and atypical antipsychotics. ...

[123I]IBZM SPECT for imaging of striatal D2 dopamine receptors in 56 schizophrenic patients taking various neuroleptics
  • Citing Article
  • March 1996

American Journal of Psychiatry

... Papi, et al. [34] reported that a palpable thyroid nodule was found in 72% of patients with metastasis to the thyroid gland. Metastatic thyroid cancers can be found with 18 FDG-PET [35][36][37][38]. ...

Fluorine-18 fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography in the follow-up of differentiated thyroid cancer
  • Citing Article
  • April 1996

European Journal of Pediatrics

... In depression, there is increased blood perfusion in the subgenual ACC and lateral OFC, which normalizes in remission (Drevets, 2007). Abnormalities in CBF of depressed patients were found in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, rostral and ventral ACC, amygdala, and basal ganglia (Bonne et al., 2003;Drevets, 2000;Mayberg et al., 1999): most of the studies report reduced perfusion in these regions (Klemm et al., 1996;Mayberg et al., 1994;Videbech, 2000), although contradicting results have also been described reporting an increase in activity (Abou-Saleh et al., 1999;Maes et al., 1993). In our study, we found a significant CBF increase over time in the amygdala in both groups, but the CBF changes in the amygdala did not correlate with HAM-D changes in both study groups. ...

Temporal lobe dysfunction and correlation of regional cerebral blood flow abnormalities with psychopathology in schizophrenia and major depression - A study with single photo emission computed tomography
  • Citing Article
  • December 1996

Psychiatry Research

... For example, in a patient with signs of decreased frontal lobe function (e.g., ADHD, aggression, anti-social personality disorder) a perfusion SPECT finding of diffuse hypoperfusion increases the likelihood of toxicity as the true cause of the frontal lobe dysfunction (109,110,302). Specifically concerning recreational drugs, perfusion SPECT imaging reveals diffuse hypoperfusion throughout the cerebral cortices, but predominately in the frontal and temporal cortices (303)(304)(305)(306)(307). Dopamine transporter SPECT scans (DaTscans) demonstrate the presence and availability of dopamine transporter sites (DAT). ...

Pathological Regional Cerebral Blood Flow in Opiate-Dependent Patients during Withdrawal: A HMPAO-SPECT Study
  • Citing Article
  • February 1998


... This dysfunction leads to a reduction in inferofrontal metabolism and interferes serotonergic neuron transmission. Hence, it is speculated that frontal lobe dysfunction can predispose the patient to depression (Menzel et al., 1998). Studies have also revealed the prevalence rate of depression ranges from 19% to 65% among epileptic patients of mesial temporal or frontal lobe origin (Kanner and Balabanov, 2002). ...

Inhibitory effects of mesial temporal partial seizures onto frontal neocortical structures
  • Citing Article
  • January 1999

Acta neurologica Belgica

... We believe that this proposal may be reasonable. For example, presurgical epileptic patients who receive an ICA injection (distal to the origin of the AChA) of amobarbital show amobarbital distribution in the entire hippocampus if they have a foetal PCA (Urbach et al., 1999). Unfortunately, this study did not investigate the degree of amobarbital distribution as a function of inverse reciprocal relationship noted by us between the calibre of the PCA and the Pcomm (Gutierrez et al., 2013). ...

Amobarbital effects on the posterior hippocampus during the intracarotid amobarbital test
  • Citing Article
  • June 1999


... For prediction of memory outcome following an epilepsy surgery intervention a selective Wada test of the left-sided posterior cerebral artery was carried out during presurgical evaluation. Combined intraarterial injection of technetium and amobarbital was performed to visualize the individual amobarbital perfusion pattern [10]. The initial injection of technetium alone had no clinical effect. ...

SATSCOM - Selective amobarbital test intraarterial SPECT coregistered to MRI: Description of a method assessing selective perfusion
  • Citing Article
  • January 2001
