November 2024
ECS Meeting Abstracts
Electrochemical organic synthesis shows promise for the sustainable synthesis of agrochemical and pharmaceutically relevant molecules. However, the complexity of integrating organic and electrochemical methods often leads to overlooked reaction parameters. For example, electrolyte salts are used to decrease resistivity of the electrochemical cell and are traditionally viewed as benign species in electrochemical systems. However, the electroorganic literature is filled with examples in which changing the identity of the electrolyte impacts the reaction selectivity significantly, implying that these ‘benign’ molecules have overlooked chemical contributions to reactivity, such as the stabilization of critical intermediates. Here, we explore the impact of electrolyte species on an important class of organic reactions: organic bond homolysis. In this reaction, a cage-paired radical is formed through the homolytic cleavage of a carbon bond, which then exists in a shell of solvent and solvated salts. This solvent-ion shell can stabilize this intermediate and allow for reversible bond homolysis. Such caged species are well-studied phenomena in metal-hydrogen atom transfer reactions and have been demonstrated to directly influence product selectivity in various organic reactions such as hydrogenation, isomerization, and dimerization. Here, we focus on how the lifetimes of cage-paired metal alkyl radical species are affected by common organic electrolytes and how this lifetime informs product selectivity. The lifetimes of these caged intermediates in various electrolyte conditions were examined using cyclic voltammetry, where titration studies were conducted to determine the rate of escape from the solvent-ion cage. This study provides insight into the role of common electrolyte salts on the stability of caged metal alkyl species and subsequent selectivity in organic synthetic reactions.