Dwi Rukmini’s research while affiliated with State University of Semarang and other places

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Publications (42)

The Differential Impact of Specific Metacognitive Strategies on EFL Academic Writing Performance
  • Article

December 2024


2 Reads

Forum for Linguistic Studies

Rika Riwayatiningsih



Dwi Rukmini


Hendi Pratama

Metacognitive strategies including planning, monitoring, and evaluation play a pivotal role in enhancing EFL (English as a Foreign Language) learners' writing proficiency. This study examines how these strategies uniquely influence critical components of academic writing, including coherence, grammatical accuracy, and clarity. Conducted at Nusantara PGRI Kediri University, a private institution in East Java, Indonesia, the study involved 61 undergraduate English language education students enrolled in an essay writing course during the odd academic semester. A quasi-experimental design divided participants into three groups, each focusing on one strategy—planning, monitoring, or evaluation—over an eight-week intervention. Writing tasks were assessed using a rubric evaluating coherence and organization, accuracy, and clarity. Pre-test and post-test scores were analyzed quantitatively to identify improvements within and across the groups, while correlation analysis examined relationships between strategy use and post-test performance. Results reveal planning enhanced coherence, monitoring improved grammatical accuracy, and evaluation refined clarity. However, improvements in specific dimensions of writing did not always result in proportional overall score gains, emphasizing the need for integrating these strategies holistically. The findings offer practical insights for EFL instructors and highlight directions for future research on metacognitive strategies in writing.

The summary of role plays scenarios
The frequency of impoliteness in a familiar relationship
Interlanguage impoliteness in criticism by the English learners from Javanese background over social status and distance
  • Article
  • Full-text available

November 2024


20 Reads

Journal of Education and Learning (EduLearn)

The present study analyses the impoliteness of criticism over social status and distance, incorporating the concept of "levels of imposition." Criticism as a fundamental speech act is commonly used by people in the modern era, either in the digital world or the real world. It usually contains impoliteness if it embodies negative behavior, conveying criticism. This study belonged to an interlanguage pragmatics study and used forty participants from English language learners having Javanese backgrounds. It also applied the role play technique to take data to be analyzed using mixed method analysis. The data showed that the criticizer performed various impoliteness strategies in criticism, considering familiar and unfamiliar relationships in different social status levels. They mainly performed bald-on-record impoliteness and adhered to other strategies such as negative, positive, and mock politeness. Besides that, delivering criticism in high intonation was also perceived as a part of impoliteness. Therefore, it suggested conducting another research concerning paralinguistics and impoliteness in various communication contexts.


The Utilization of U-Dictionary to Improve Students’ Pronunciation

September 2023


16 Reads

English Education Journal

The main aim of this research is to assess the effectiveness of U-Dictionary in enhancing the pronunciation skills of students. The ability to pronounce words correctly is a crucial aspect of foreign language acquisition, particularly for Indonesian learners, and it plays a vital role in effective communication. Many English language learners face difficulties in pronouncing words when they speak, read, or listen to English. In today's digital age, mobile applications offer a variety of learning opportunities, including online learning through smartphones.This qualitative study delves into the use of U-Dictionary to augment students' pronunciation skills, and the author provides a detailed account of the research findings. The researchers observed a group of second-grade students at MTs Maarif Andong who were selected for this study. Thirty students participated as respondents and were interviewed and given questionnaires to provide accurate information. The findings indicate that the majority of students found media to be helpful in improving their pronunciation and believed that learning pronunciation is crucial. They also perceived the "perfect English pronunciation feature" in U-Dictionary as a practical and enjoyable way to overcome difficulties in learning pronunciation.


July 2023


32 Reads

HUMANIS Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Sosial dan Humaniora

This article reports the analysis of the Mood toward Trumps’ presidential letter to Erdogan dated October 9th, 2019. The researcher used a qualitative method based on the theory of systemic functional linguistics which Halliday introduced based on three-meta-functions of language to analyze the data. The researcher focused on interpersonal meaning theory to analyze the mood system, residue, and types of mood in each clause as Trump’s official written utterance. The reason for the analysis was that there are many controversial utterances that have been used by Trump to address Erdogan. The letter was an official letter from US President to Turkey's President as a response to Turkey’s president's decision to launch a military operation in Syria. The analysis has found that there are four imperative moods and fifteen declarative moods shown in the letter. The imperative moods then might be discussed as a controversial context because when Trump used imperative sentences it could be interpreted that Trump used a direct diplomatic communication style with Erdogan. Otherwise, the declarative mood marks the letter as a clear language style in explaining Trump’s purpose and aim systematically. The researcher then suggests to the reader to analyze powerful people's messages conveyed through their letters, speech, diplomatic dialogue, or official forum group discussion to gain more understanding of how meaning contextually works in spoken or written text.

Adjacency Patterns No. Adjacency Pair Patterns Frequency
The Occurrence of Maxims Found in
The Types of Implicature Found in
English Education Journal The Use of Adjacency Pair Patterns in "Ancora Meet" Interview with Nadiem Anwar Makarim

December 2022


45 Reads

English Education Journal

Conversation Analysis is an issue of Pragmatics. It is a way to analyze a conversation by its elements, such as turn-taking and adjacency pair produced by the speakers. In this present study, we conducted research in the field of conversation analysis. More specifically, we investigated the adjacency pair patterns, the meaning of the patterns, and the implicature of the patterns in the spoken interaction of the Ancora Meet discussion with Nadiem Anwar Makarim, Minister of Education and Culture of Indonesia, the Republic of Indonesia. This research investigates how adjacency pairs patterned in Ancora Meet's interview with Nadiem Anwar Makarim, how meaning is made through the patterns, and how the implicature resulted from using the patterns. This present study used a qualitative method. We found eight patterns of adjacency pair construct in Ancora Meet, and then three maxims were realized in the discussion. This study also reveals some patterns. Individuals prefer to communicate information implicitly rather than explicitly. Particularised dialogue implicature dominance in the discussion is evidence that speakers are connected to the context to implicate utterances in their current conversation. The particularised conversation implicature's violation of the maxim is evidence of a significant relationship between context and cooperative principles. Conversation implicatures are almost always connected to the context. Finally, we discovered 42 instances of Minister Nadiem's implicature, demonstrating that, for the most part, conversational implicature is always connected to context. Meanwhile, in practical contribution, this research can be used as a reference in teaching English, especially speaking.

The Realization of Formulaic Expressions in EFL Teacher-Student Classroom Interactions

March 2022


13 Reads


3 Citations

English Education Journal

Formulaic expressions are essential for developing students' communicative competence to speak English naturally and fluently. This research aimed to determine how the EFL teachers and students used the five types of formulaic expressions in their classroom interactions. This study is discourse analysis, particularly conversation analysis, using a qualitative research approach. The research subjects were two teachers and thirty-one students from two different EFL classes in a private high school in Semarang. The data were obtained by recording their 5x40 minutes' classroom interactions. The video recordings were transcribed and then observed. After all of the data were collected, they were classified and analyzed based on Biber et al.'s (1999) framework and then described qualitatively. The study results showed that the teachers and the students realized all five types of formulaic expressions; lexical bundles, idiomatic phrases, free combinations of verb+particle, binomial expressions, and inserts. It shows that the teachers and the students are able to speak relatively natural English. By doing the further analysis, it was also found that even though the teachers used the formulaic expressions a lot more than the students, the orders of the frequency of formulaic expressions used are similar, as well as some expressions used. Surprisingly, it was revealed that there were some expressions which were not used by the teachers but were realized by the students.

Teachers’ perceptions and the implementation of the adapted communicative approach in Libya

January 2022


42 Reads

Linguistics and Culture Review

This study instigates the teachers’ perceptions towards the implementation of the adapted communicative approach to teach English language in Libyan high schools in the city of Khoms. The participants were six teachers of different gender-based high schools. The study followed a pure qualitative method to collect and analyze the date, and the data were collected using an open-ended questionnaire. The findings reveal that the majority of English language teachers in Libyan high schools in Khoms city have positively perceived the implementation of the communicative approach (CA) to teach English language in their high schools’ contexts. They agreed to the majority of the questionnaire’s items such as: the CA emphasizes the communication in the target language and emphasizes that the learners need meaningful communication. All the participants said that they modify the principles of the communicative approach to meet the students’ needs and goals and most of them have agreed that the allocated time is not enough to complete the lesson in the classroom. This study draws out the pedagogical implication that the implementation of the adapted CA to teach English language in high schools in Libya can be quite adaptable, especially when the teachers have to fulfil the students’ needs.

Relations Between Verbal Language and Visual Image in Student’s Textbook Implementing the Concept of Metafunctions

September 2021


37 Reads


3 Citations

English Education Journal

This research is about the use of verbal language and visual image to realize the metafunctions in student’s textbook. In order to see the process of meaning making in multimodal text, the researcher analyses the implementation of ideational, interpersonal, and textual meaning. The data was taken from conversation sections in Interchange Student’s Book 1. It consists of verbal language in the form of dialogues and visual image in the form of pictures. There were 16 conversation sections chosen from 16 chapters in the book. This research uses multimodal discourse analysis; using three instruments to classify the data. The checklists are from Eggins (2004) about metafunctions in verbal language, Van Leeuween (2006) about metafunctions in visual image, and Royce (2007) about the relations in verbal language and visual image. In ideational meaning, the result of the study shows that verbal language which dominates the conversation is the material proces; while in visual image, the reactional process is the highest number of process happens. Thus, the verbal-visual relations in ideational meaning found are collocation and repetition. Furthermore, the result in interpersonal meaning finds out that the most common verbal language used is statement; while in visual image, the medium shot is mostly found. Thus, the verbal-visual relation in interpersonal meaning realized through reinforcement of address is interaction between represented participant and represented participant. Moreover, in textual meaning, the result of verbal language shows that the most common used theme is topical theme; while in visual image, the information value is mostly left-right. Thus, the verbal-visual relation in textual meaning shown in reading path is left-right.

Comparison of the Use of Discourse Markers in English Speeches between Non-Native and Native Speakers of English

June 2021


46 Reads


5 Citations

English Education Journal

This study revealed the comparison of the use of discourse markers in English speeches between non-native and native speakers of English. The study focused on the types of discourse markers, the similarities and the differences between non-native and native speakers in using discourse markers. This study employed a qualitative research design with the data from the spoken discourse. The findings of the study showed that there were ten sub-categories of discourse markers that are practiced by non-native speakers, namely: assessment marker, manner of a speaking marker, evidential markers, hearsay markers, contrastive discourse markers, elaborative discourse markers, inferential discourse markers, discourse management markers, topic orientation markers, and attention markers. On the contrary, there were nine sub-categories of discourse markers that existed in English speeches, especially delivered by the native speakers such as assessment marker, manner of a speaking marker, evidential markers, hearsay markers, contrastive discourse markers, elaborative discourse markers, inferential discourse markers, topic orientation markers, and attention markers. The total of discourse markers produced by the non-native speakers was 301 utterances while native speakers of English were 269 utterances. Therefore, it is concluded that discourse markers were useful in English speeches either by non-native speakers or native speakers

Citations (28)

... When the literature is examined, it is seen that studies have been carried out on teachers' knowledge and competencies in measurement and evaluation (Benzer & Eldem, 2013;İnceçam et al., 2018;Özen, 2020;Sultana, 2019;Xu & Brown, 2016;Wilen, 1991), questioning strategies (Anisah, Fitriati, & Rukmini, 2019;Suartini, Wedhanti, & Suprianti, 2020) and question levels (Döş et al., 2016;Tofade et al., 2013). In the studies conducted specifically for the Turkish course and the exams made for this course, it is seen that they have generally been conducted on question levels (Akyol, Yıldırım, Ateş, & Çetinkaya, 2013;Bekaroğlu, 2007;Çintaş-Yıldız, 2015;Göçer, 2005Göçer, , 2016Güfta & Zorbaz, 2008;Güneyli & Abbasoğlu, 2015;Kavruk & Çeçen, 2013;Ülger, 2003), question types (Aydın & Uçgun, 2020;Maden & Durukan, 2009), question areas (Aydın & Uçgun, 2020;Güfta & Zorbaz, 2008;Maden & Durukan, 2009), competence in question preparation (Karatay & Dilekçi, 2019;Özen, 2020), and the extent to which the questions are appropriate for the outcomes in the curriculum (Aydın & Uçgun, 2020;Maden & Durukan, 2009). ...


Examining Turkish Course Exam Questions in Terms of Originality, Page Layout, Item Type, Item Writing Criteria and Cognitive Level
Teachers’questioning Strategies to Scaffold Students’ Learning in Reading
  • Citing Article
  • January 2019

English Education Journal

... In the studies of various teachers talk agreed that teachers have power in the class to guide their students. However, by using their talks, the teacher may influence students got something new or even to do something (Siregar et al., 2023;Nasmilah, 2023;Meneses et al., 2023;Aas, 2022;Wahyuni et al., 2022;Khusna et al., 2022;Dale et al., 2022;Altamirano et al., 2022;Laoli, 2022;Indriyani et al., 2022;Jayalath, 2021;Karuniasih et al., 2021;Rahayu & Syahrizal, 2020;Herviani, 2020;Buma & Nyamupangedengu, 2020;Yamin et al., 2020;Jin & Webb, 2020;Fitriati et al., 2020;Suciati, 2019;Chase et al., 2019;Iswara et al., Huriyah & Agustiani, 2018;Alijani & Barjesteh, 2018;Jing & Jing, 2018;Glover, 2018;Veen et al., 2017;Biesta et al., 2017;Basra & Thoyyibah, 2017;Stanley & Stevenson, 2017;Nurpahmi, 2017;Kurniawati & Fitriati, 2017;Cao, 2016;Maghfiroh & Nugroho, 2015;Pujiastuti, 2014;Rezaee & Farahian, 2012). On the other hand, the studies of various classroom interaction deal with teachers as a central for how teaching learning process looked like and running well (Harjanto et al., 2022;Cherng et al., 2022;Bukari et al., 2022;Widyasari & Dardjito, 2022;Ayunda et al. 2021;Prestigiacomo et al., 2020;Lestari, 2018;Sari et al., 2018;Wasi"ah, 2016). ...

The Realization of Formulaic Expressions in EFL Teacher-Student Classroom Interactions
  • Citing Article
  • March 2022

English Education Journal

... Short stories in textbooks continue to be developed and maintained in the context of primary education in Indonesia as a tool that is thought to be effective in conveying moral values in education (Sholehhudin et al., 2020;Auladi et al., 2019) . Short story writers, on the other hand, frequently overlook the meaning and moral messages in their stories (Wakil, 2016;Hegel, 2020). ...

The Implementation of Cultural Dimensions in The “Bahasa Inggris” English Textbook for Eleventh Graders
  • Citing Article
  • December 2018

English Education Journal

... For decades, linguists and sociolinguists have been fascinated by code-switching, the practice of alternating between two or more languages or dialects within a single discussion or encounter. Code-switching has gained widespread popularity in popular culture, evident in its prominent use across various mediums such as music, films, television programmes, social media, advertisements, and prose fiction, indicating its enduring presence and influence (Astani et al., 2020;Fotiou, 2017;John & Dumanig, 2014;Loureiro-Rodríguez et al., 2018;Maros et al., 2016;Martin-Anatias, 2018;Müller, 2015;Subkhi & Shaari, 2021). This literature review explores code-switching in popular culture, its functions, and its impact on the audience. ...

The The Impact of Code Switching in Conversation of “Nebeng Boy” Youtube Vlogs Towards Communication in English Among The Participants
  • Citing Article
  • June 2020

English Education Journal

... When following humanistic approaches, language teachers should create a safe space in the classroom in a way that enables both teachers and learners to express their emotions and personal viewpoints with confidence and to learn to listen mindfully to each other. This, in turn, would help language classrooms to go beyond traditional instruction and rely on language as a means for the support and healing of language learners, in the case of challenging contexts (Herrera and J 2020), and for the development of important human values in regular language classrooms. Also, instead of adopting teaching approaches in a top-down manner, Nick's experiences have helped us confirm that bottom-up approaches to education are often more meaningful. ...

Presupposition Triggers of Teacher Talk in Higher Education
  • Citing Article
  • March 2020

English Education Journal

... The use of politeness strategies is not limited to informal settings; rather, it is also widely applicable in formal settings such as debates, as evidenced by the works of Batubara et al. (2022), Dalimunte and Wen (2022), Nurrahmah et al. (2020), Sihite et al. (2021), and Xin and Trish (2022). These studies identified the politeness strategies employed by candidates in debate competitions or presidential debates. ...

The Use of Politeness Strategies by Indonesian Vs Malaysian Student Debaters in the 2018 World Schools Debating Championship (WSDC)

English Education Journal

... Thus, a linguistic analysis of these structures may provide an insight into the organisational, linguistic, and functional features of this genre. Globally, the scholarship on mediatised genres has, generally, focused on news interviews (Kampf, 2021), political interviews (Rodiah et al., 2019;Vignozzi, 2019), and talk show interviews (Gregori-Signes, 1998). In Ghana, the focus has been on newspaper reviews (Nyarko, 2016), radio health talk (Sarfo, 2012), and sports news presentations (Amoakohene, 2015), with limited attention to political talk shows. ...

The The Realization of Refusal Strategies in Political Interviews Used by Donald Trump--The President of the United States of America
  • Citing Article
  • May 2019

English Education Journal

... Chow et al. (2021) investigated the reading performance of Chinese English as a second language (ESL) undergraduates. In the context of developing countries, most studies have focused on examining HOTS levels in academic reading materials and teaching (Aziz et al., 2017;Atiullah et al., 2019;Singh and Shaari, 2019;Ulum, 2021), and investigating the relationship between HOTS and reading performance, using critical thinking tests (Thamrin and Widodo, 2019;Tanudjaya and Doorman, 2020). The studies on explicit modeling of HOTS levels of the learner, instead of classroom materials or discourse, using HOTS-based reading tests are scarce in the context of developing countries (Mogaji et al., 2022) such as Pakistan (Hoodbhoy, 2021). ...

Using Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy to Evaluate Higher Order Thinking Skills (Hots) in Reading Comprehension Questions of English Textbook for Year X of High School
  • Citing Article
  • July 2019

English Education Journal

... It happened 11 times, which is 3.8% of all the times. Priangan et al (2020) have identified three thematic patterns using Paltridge (2000) to address the three thematic progression i.e the zigzag thematic pattern, the reiteration thematic pattern, and the double theme. The zigzag motif is utilised the most, 94 times compared to 81, and it is repeated 14 times. ...

Cohesion and Coherence in Undergraduate Students’ Argumentative Essays
  • Citing Article
  • March 2020

English Education Journal

... Their results showed that parataxis is more dominant than hypotaxis in article abstracts, indicating 10% and 8% constructions of parataxis and hypotaxis respectively in the texts. This is confirmed by Sarip, Fitriati, and Rukmini (2020) who, in a related study revealed that there are more (81) clause complexes of parataxis than are hypotaxis (35) in the texts they analysed. ...

The The Paratactic and Hypotactic Constructions in Research Article Abstracts at 2018 ISET Proceedings
  • Citing Article
  • June 2020

English Education Journal