Driss Kaddar’s research while affiliated with Technical University of Darmstadt and other places

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Publications (5)

Can flamelet manifolds capture the interactions of thermo-diffusive instabilities and turbulence in lean hydrogen flames?—An a-priori analysis
  • Article

February 2024


71 Reads


3 Citations

International Journal of Hydrogen Energy

Hannes Böttler


Driss Kaddar





Fig. 1. Schematic of the configuration investigated. The x, y, and z coordinates are the streamwise, lateral, and wall-normal directions, respectively. The dimension in the lateral direction is 30 mm. The region of interest analyzed in Fig. 9 is denoted by the green rectangle.
Fig. 3. Distributions of the mean wall heat flux along the normalized streamwise coordinate x/H. The reference FRS result is denoted by the black solid line. The violet, the green, and the red dashed lines correspond to FGM, QFM, and QFM-EGR results, respectively.
Fig. 4. Distributions of the mean streamwise velocity (top) and wall-normal velocity (bottom) from the bottom wall to the height of 0.1H at different streamwise positions: (a) x q = −0.5H, (b) x q = 0, (c) x q = 0.5H, and (d) x q = H. The reference FRS results are denoted by black dashed lines marked with cross symbols. The violet, the green, and the red dashed lines correspond to FGM, QFM, and QFM-EGR results, respectively.
Fig. 7. Distributions of the mean CO mass fraction from the inlet to the outlet at different vertical positions: (a) z = δ, (b) z = 2δ, (c) z = 3δ, and (d) z = 4δ. The reference FRS results are denoted by black dashed lines marked with cross symbols. The violet, the green, and the red dashed lines correspond to FGM, QFM, and QFM-EGR results, respectively.
Fig. 11. Time series of a slice in the lateral direction through the turbulent flame: (left) FRS, (right) QFM-EGR. Contours of the normalized enthalpy (h * ) are shown. Isocontours of heat release rate (0.1 × HRR max ) are denoted by black dashed lines. The white isocontour represents the area of FVI.


Assessment of flamelet manifolds for turbulent flame-wall interactions in Large-Eddy Simulations
  • Preprint
  • File available

August 2023


209 Reads

A turbulent side-wall quenching (SWQ) flame in a fully developed channel flow is studied using Large-Eddy Simulation (LES) with a tabulated chemistry approach. Three different flamelet manifolds with increasing levels of complexity are applied: the Flamelet-Generated Manifold (FGM) considering varying enthalpy levels, the Quenching Flamelet-Generated Manifold (QFM), and the recently proposed Quenching Flamelet-Generated Manifold with Exhaust Gas Recirculation (QFM-EGR), with the purpose being to assess their capability to predict turbulent flame-wall interactions (FWIs), which are highly relevant to numerical simulations of real devices such as gas turbines and internal combustion engines. The accuracy of the three manifolds is evaluated and compared a posteriori, using the data from a previously published flame-resolved simulation with detailed chemistry for reference. For LES with the FGM, the main characteristics such as the mean flow field, temperature, and major species can be captured well, while notable deviations from the reference results are observed for the near-wall region, especially for pollutant species such as \ce{CO}. In accordance with the findings from laminar FWI, improvement is also observed in the simulation with QFM under turbulent flow conditions. Although LES with the QFM-EGR shows a similar performance in the prediction of mean quantities as LES with QFM, it presents significantly better agreement with the reference data regarding instantaneous thermo-chemical states near the quenching point. This indicates the necessity to take into account the mixing effects in the flamelet manifold to correctly capture the flame-vortex interaction near the flame tip in turbulent configurations. Based on the findings from this study, suitable flamelet manifolds can be chosen depending on the aspects of interest in practical applications.


Fig. 1. Graphical illustration of the numerical setup in a lateral slice. The size of the domain in the lateral direction is 30 mm (three times the channel half-width). All measurements are given in mm.
Fig. 5. Contour plots of the normalized HRR in the wall-parallel plane at distances of z/δ L = 4 (top) and z/δ L = 0.5 (bottom). Regions of negative and positive curvature are indicated by the circles and the captions κ c < 0 and κ c > 0, respectively.
Fig. 7. Instances of the two quenching scenarios in a lateral slice: HOQ (top), SWQ (bottom). Iso-contours of Y CO 2 = 0.04 (black dashed line) and HRR = 0.1·HRR max (blue solid line) indicate the flame surface. Iso-contours of enthalpy deficit are shown at ∆h 1 = −1 · 10 5 J/kg (red dotted line) and ∆h 2 = −3 · 10 5 J/kg (green dotted line).
Fig. 8. Probability distribution of the flame-wall angle at the quenching point.
Fig. 9. PDFs of local HRR (top) and κ c (middle), mean values of HRR conditioned on ∆h over κ c (bottom) in HOQ (left) and SWQ (right) events.
Combined effects of heat loss and curvature on turbulent flame-wall interaction in a premixed dimethyl ether/air flame

February 2023


172 Reads

This study investigates the effects of curvature on the local heat release rate and mixture fraction during turbulent flame-wall interaction of a lean dimethyl ether/air flame using a fully resolved simulation with a reduced skeletal chemical reaction mechanism and mixture-averaged transport. The region in which turbulent flame-wall interaction affects the flame is found to be restricted to a wall distance less than twice the laminar flame thickness. In regions without heat losses, heat release rate and curvature, as well as mixture fraction and curvature, are negatively correlated, which is in accordance with experimental findings. Flame-wall interaction alters the correlation between heat release rate and curvature. An inversion in the sign of the correlation from negative to positive is observed as the flame starts to experience heat losses to the wall. The correlation between mixture fraction and curvature, however, is unaffected by flame-wall interactions and remains negative. Similarly to experimental findings, the investigated turbulent side-wall quenching flame shows both head-on quenching and side-wall quenching-like behavior. The different quenching events are associated with different curvature values in the near-wall region. Furthermore, for medium heat loss, the correlations between heat release rate and curvature are sensitive to the quenching scenario.

Combined effects of heat loss and curvature on turbulent flame-wall interaction in a premixed dimethyl ether/air flame

October 2022


50 Reads


13 Citations

Proceedings of the Combustion Institute

This study investigates the effects of curvature on the local heat release rate and mixture fraction during turbulent flame-wall interaction of a lean dimethyl ether/air flame using a fully resolved simulation with a reduced skeletal chemical reaction mechanism and mixture-averaged transport. The region in which turbulent flame-wall interaction affects the flame is found to be restricted to a wall distance less than twice the laminar flame thickness. In regions without heat losses, heat release rate and curvature, as well as mixture fraction and curvature, are negatively correlated, which is in accordance with experimental findings. Flame-wall interaction alters the correlation between heat release rate and curvature. An inversion in the sign of the correlation from negative to positive is observed as the flame starts to experience heat losses to the wall. The correlation between mixture fraction and curvature, however, is unaffected by flame-wall interactions and remains negative. Similarly to experimental findings, the investigated turbulent side-wall quenching flame shows both head-on quenching and side-wall quenching-like behavior. The different quenching events are associated with different curvature values in the near-wall region. Furthermore, for medium heat loss, the correlations between heat release rate and curvature are sensitive to the quenching scenario.

Citations (3)

... Understanding the impact of the instabilities on flame dynamics, heat release rates, and flame consumption speeds is critical for safety and thermal efficiency. Therefore, intrinsic instabilities were recently investigated through experimental investigations [4][5][6], asymptotic analysis [7], and direct numerical simulations (DNS) [8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17]. For a more comprehensive overview of the current research endeavours on thermodiffusive instabilities in lean hydrogen/air flames, the reader is referred to the review paper by Pitsch [18]. ...


Flame-wall interaction of thermodiffusively unstable hydrogen/air flames - Part I: Characterization of governing physical phenomena
Can flamelet manifolds capture the interactions of thermo-diffusive instabilities and turbulence in lean hydrogen flames?—An a-priori analysis
  • Citing Article
  • February 2024

International Journal of Hydrogen Energy

... Due to the operating point considered with the highest cooling mass flow rate, it is expected that mixing, dilution, and chemical quenching effects due to the cooling flow influence dominate over flame quenching to the wall. Under this presumption, EGR flamelet manifolds would be suitable to model the set-up physics [22,32,33]. They are generated from a series of independent one-dimensional freely propagating flames with varying enthalpy levels as proposed by Fiorina et al. [34]. ...

Assessment of flamelet manifolds for turbulent flame-wall interactions in large-eddy simulations
  • Citing Article
  • September 2023

Combustion and Flame

... The premixed flame-wall interaction (FWI) in turbulent boundary layers has been the focus of several experimental (e.g., Dreizler and Böhm 2015;Jainski et al. 2017Jainski et al. , 2018Johe et al. 2022;Kosaka et al. 2018Kosaka et al. , 2020Mann et al. 2014;Ojo et al. 2021Ojo et al. , 2022Renaud et al. 2018;Zentgraf et al. 2021Zentgraf et al. , 2022Zentgraf et al. , 2024 and numerical (Ahmed et al. 2021a(Ahmed et al. , b, c, 2023Alshalaan andRutland 1998, 2002;Bruneaux et al. 1996Bruneaux et al. , 1997Ghai et al. 2022a, b;2023a, b, 2023cGruber et al. 2010;Jiang et al. 2019Jiang et al. , 2021Kaddar et al. 2023;Kai et al. 2023;Paluli et al. 2019;Steinhausen et al. 2023) investigations. This is motivated by the miniaturisation of combustors to increase the power-density and make them compatible with electrical drives. ...

Combined effects of heat loss and curvature on turbulent flame-wall interaction in a premixed dimethyl ether/air flame
  • Citing Article
  • October 2022

Proceedings of the Combustion Institute