Dragos Ghioca’s research while affiliated with University of British Columbia and other places

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Publications (157)

The isotrivial case in the Mordell-Lang conjecture for semiabelian varieties defined over fields of positive characteristic
  • Article

January 2025

Canadian mathematical bulletin = Bulletin canadien de mathématiques

Dragos Ghioca

Let G be a semiabelian variety defined over a finite subfield of an algebraically closed field K of prime characteristic. We describe the intersection of a subvariety X of G with a finitely generated subgroup of G(K) .

Simultaneously preperiodic points for a family of polynomials in positive characteristic

December 2024

Canadian Journal of Mathematics

In the goundbreaking paper [BD11] (which opened a wide avenue of research regarding unlikely intersections in arithmetic dynamics), Baker and DeMarco prove that for the family of polynomials fλ(x):=xd+λf_\lambda (x):=x^d+\lambda (parameterized by λC\lambda \in \mathbb {C}), given two starting points a and b in C\mathbb {C}, if there exist infinitely many λC\lambda \in \mathbb {C} such that both a and b are preperiodic under the action of fλf_\lambda , then ad=bda^d=b^d. In this paper, we study the same question, this time working in a field of characteristic p>0p>0. The answer in positive characteristic is more nuanced, as there are three distinct cases: (i) both starting points a and b live in Fp{\overline {\mathbb F}_p}; (ii) d is a power of p; and (iii) not both a and b live in Fp{\overline {\mathbb F}_p}, while d is not a power of p. Only in case (iii), one derives the same conclusion as in characteristic 0 (i.e., that ad=bda^d=b^d). In case (i), one has that for each λFp\lambda \in {\overline {\mathbb F}_p}, both a and b are preperiodic under the action of fλf_\lambda , while in case (ii), one obtains that also whenever abFpa-b\in {\overline {\mathbb F}_p}, then for each parameter λ\lambda , we have that a is preperiodic under the action of fλf_\lambda if and only if b is preperiodic under the action of fλf_\lambda .

Arboreal Galois groups of postcritically finite quadratic polynomials

November 2024


1 Read

We provide an explicit construction of the arboreal Galois group for the postcritically finite polynomial f(z)=z2+cf(z) = z^2 +c, where c belongs to some arbitrary field of characteristic not equal to 2. In this first of two papers, we consider the case that the critical point is periodic.

Linear system of hypersurfaces passing through a Galois orbit
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October 2024


4 Reads


1 Citation

Research in Number Theory

Let d and n be positive integers, and E/F be a separable field extension of degree m=(n+dn)m=\left( {\begin{array}{c}n+d\\ n\end{array}}\right) . We show that if F>2|F| > 2, then there exists a point PPn(E)P\in \mathbb {P}^n(E) which does not lie on any degree d hypersurface defined over F. In other words, the m Galois conjugates of P impose independent conditions on the m-dimensional F-vector space of degree d forms in x0,x1,,xnx_0, x_1, \ldots , x_n. As an application, we determine the maximal dimensions of linear systems L1\mathcal {L}_1 and L2\mathcal {L}_2 of hypersurfaces in Pn\mathbb P^n over a finite field F, where every F-member of L1\mathcal {L}_1 is reducible and every F-member of L2\mathcal {L}_2 is irreducible.

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October 2024


8 Reads

Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society

We prove a nonabelian variant of the classical Mordell–Lang conjecture in the context of finite- dimensional central simple algebras. We obtain the following result as a particular case of a more general statement. Let K be an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero, let B1,,BrGLm(K)B_1,\dots ,B_r\in \mathrm {GL}_m(K) be matrices with multiplicatively independent eigenvalues and let V be a closed subvariety of GLm(K)\mathrm {GL}_m(K) not passing through zero. Then there exist only finitely many elements of GLm(K)\mathrm {GL}_m(K) of the form B1n1BrnrB_1^{n_1}\cdots B_r^{n_r} (as we vary n1,,nrn_1,\dots ,n_r in Z\mathbb {Z} ) lying on the subvariety V .

Intersection of orbits for polynomials in characteristic $p

August 2024


21 Reads

In [GTZ08, GTZ12], the following result was established: given polynomials f,gC[x]f,g\in\mathbb{C}[x] of degrees larger than 1, if there exist α,βC\alpha,\beta\in\mathbb{C} such that their corresponding orbits Of(α)\mathcal{O}_f(\alpha) and Og(β)\mathcal{O}_g(\beta) (under the action of f, respectively of g) intersect in infinitely many points, then f and g must share a common iterate, i.e., fm=gnf^m=g^n for some m,nNm,n\in\mathbb{N}. If one replaces C\mathbb{C} with a field K of characteristic p, then the conclusion fails; we provide numerous examples showing the complexity of the problem over a field of positive characteristic. We advance a modified conjecture regarding polynomials f and g which admit two orbits with infinite intersection over a field of characteristic p. Then we present various partial results, along with connections with another deep conjecture in the area, the dynamical Mordell-Lang conjecture.

Linear system of geometrically irreducible plane cubics over finite fields

July 2024


4 Reads

We examine the maximum dimension of a linear system of plane cubic curves whose Fq\mathbb{F}_q-members are all geometrically irreducible. Computational evidence suggests that such a system has a maximum (projective) dimension of 3. As a step towards the conjecture, we prove that there exists a 3-dimensional linear system L\mathcal{L} with at most one geometrically reducible Fq\mathbb{F}_q-member.

Most plane curves over finite fields are not blocking

May 2024


13 Reads


4 Citations

Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series A

A plane curve CP2C\subset\mathbb{P}^2 of degree d is called \emph{blocking} if every Fq\mathbb{F}_q-line in the plane meets C at some Fq\mathbb{F}_q-point. We prove that the proportion of blocking curves among those of degree d is o(1) when d2q1d\geq 2q-1 and qq \to \infty. We also show that the same conclusion holds for smooth curves under the somewhat weaker condition d3pd\geq 3p and d,qd, q \to \infty. Moreover, the two events in which a random plane curve is smooth and respectively blocking are shown to be asymptotically independent. Extending a classical result on the number of Fq\mathbb{F}_q-roots of random polynomials, we find that the limiting distribution of the number of Fq\mathbb{F}_q-points in the intersection of a random plane curve and a fixed Fq\mathbb{F}_q-line is Poisson with mean 1. We also present an explicit formula for the proportion of blocking curves involving statistics on the number of Fq\mathbb{F}_q-points contained in a union of k lines for k=1,2,,q2+q+1k=1, 2, \ldots, q^2+q+1.

Citations (47)

... As remarked in [2], Theorem 1.1 generalizes the primitive element theorem for separable field extensions. In this paper, we extend Theorem 1.1 to cover the remaining case K = F 2 posed as an open question in [2]. ...


Hypersurfaces passing through the Galois orbit of a point
Linear system of hypersurfaces passing through a Galois orbit

Research in Number Theory

... Overall, there are only a handful of results for the unlikely intersection principle in characteristic p. These known results are valid for Drinfeld modules (see [BM17,BM22,GH13,Ghi24]) since the Drinfeld modules are the natural vehicle in positive characteristic for many of the classical questions in arithmetic geometry, such as the André-Oort conjecture (see [Bre05]), the Bogomolov conjecture (see [Bos02]), the Mordell-Lang conjecture (see [Ghi05,GT08]), the Manin-Mumford conjecture (see [Sca02]), and the Siegel's theorem (see [GT07]). Generally, if one tries to prove results in characteristic p beyond the world of Drinfeld modules, then one encounters significant difficulties, especially in a purely dynamical setting. ...

Collision of orbits for a one-parameter family of Drinfeld modules
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  • December 2023

Journal of Number Theory

... Question 1.3. What is the maximum (projective) dimension of a linear system L of hypersurfaces in P such that every F q -member of L satisfies property P? Question 1.3 has been studied in various settings; see, for example, [1], [2], [3] for the cases when P represents the property of being smooth, irreducible, non-blocking, respectively. We phrase Question 1.3 in concrete terms. ...

Existence of pencils with nonblocking hypersurfaces
  • Citing Article
  • December 2023

Finite Fields and Their Applications

... Indeed in [CGSZ21], Corvaja, Ghioca, Scanlon and Zannier showed that p-DML for endomorphisms of semi-abelian varieties is equivalent with some difficult diophantine problem on polynomials-exponential equations in characteristic 0. Partial results can be found in [Ghi19,CGSZ21]. These works essential rely on Hrushovski's resolution of the Mordell-Lang conjecture in positive characteristic [Hru96] and the further description of the intersection Γ ∩ V in [MS02,MS04,Ghi08,GY23]. ...

  • Citing Article
  • September 2023

Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society

... We first note that Conjecture 1.3.2 fits into a recent series of papers searching for analog statements over fields of positive characteristic for some of the most important results from the past 20 years in arithmetic dynamics over fields of characteristic 0 (see [GS23,Xie23,XY], for example). Two of the most active areas of recent research in arithmetic dynamics have been the unlikely intersection principle and the dynamical Mordell-Lang conjecture. ...

Zariski dense orbits for regular self-maps of split semiabelian varieties in positive characteristic
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  • May 2023

Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society

... The second is geometric: Fix any (max(m − r, 0) + 1)-dimensional subspace of S n,d (K), and let V denote the common vanishing locus of all degree d forms in this subspace. Then any point in V (L) is, by construction, a point for which equation (1) does not hold. Theorem 1.2 is equivalent to the statement that P n (L) is not contained in the union of all V constructed in this way. ...

Linear families of smooth hypersurfaces over finitely generated fields
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  • March 2023

Finite Fields and Their Applications

... Now we consider the variants of the Zariski dense orbit conjecture in positive characteristic proposed in [17,Conjecture 1.3] and [40,Section 1.6]. Ghoica and Saleh [17,18,19] proved the conjecture dense orbit conjecture in positive characteristic for regular selfmaps of the tori G N m , the split semiabelian varieties, and the additive group scheme G N a . Now let X be a projective variety over an algebraically closed field k of positive characteristic over X and H an ample divisor on X . ...

Zariski dense orbits for endomorphisms of a power of the additive group scheme defined over finite fields
  • Citing Article
  • October 2022

Journal of Number Theory