Dragana Drazic’s research while affiliated with Institute for Educational Research, Belgrade, Serbia and other places

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Publications (24)

Figure 1 of 1
Construction of floating treatment wetlands for remediation of polluted waters
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January 2017


729 Reads


10 Citations

Sustainable Forestry Collection


Aleksandar Lučić


Dragana Dražić




Water regulation, integral water management and water conservation are one of the main tasks, set by an ecologically conscious society. A series of complex treatments are set in order to achieve the main goal in wastewater treatment, i.e. eliminating or reducing pollutants to a level that will not cause adverse effects to humans and the environment. The paper presents the construction of an efficient, environmentally friendly and economically justified biological system for the treatment of polluted urban waters. Research has shown that the proposed system with floating islands and algae was effective in removing various categories of pollutants from polluted river (organic and inorganic matter, heavy metals and pathogenic microorganisms), which indicated that the selected type of construction was appropriate. It was concluded that minor modifications in terms of cell coverage by floating islands could provide even greater removal of certain pollutants such as nitrogen, phosphorus and heavy metals.


FIGURE 1 Effects of treatments on above-ground and below-ground biomass. 
Phytoremediation potential of Canna indica L. in water contaminated with lead

January 2016


3,413 Reads


25 Citations

Today there are many technologies for wastewater treatment and rhizofiltration is one of phytoremediation techniques that is very promising for cleanup of large quantities of water with medium or low concentrations of heavy metals. The aim of this study was to investigate phytoremediation potential of ornamental plant C. indica in water contaminated with lead. The present research demonstrated that dry weight of aboveground and below-ground biomass was significantly increased at the highest treatment containing 41 mgPb/L. Lead accumulation in below-ground biomass was up to 90-fold higher than in above-ground biomass. The highest Pb concentration was recorded in root (2480.07 mg/kg) on the 21st sampling day in treatment with the most Pb added. The highest bioconcentration factor (81.16) was recorded in the nutrient solution with the least Pb added. Translocation factor was not significantly affected by lead concentration in nutrient solution or exposure time and it was low (0.01). Symptoms of lead phytotoxicity were not observed on any plant in treatments and control. The results of this research further support the idea that terrestrial plants are more suitable for rhizofiltration than aquatic plants and that C. indica can be used in rhizofiltration systems or floating islands for treatment of water polluted with lead.

Integral evaluation of Belgrade forest resources functionality

Until the middle of the past century, forests were treated as natural raw-material resources for wood production intended for mechanical and chemical processing, for civil engineering and thermal energy. Today, we are facing the increasing hazards to the environment and natural ecosystems in general, as the consequence of profit-making, disregarding the ecological consequences. The previous method of "wasting the nature" endangers the human survival and life in general on our Planet. In the past period, especially in the larger and industrial towns in Serbia, forests were not focused sufficient attention to, and there was not sufficient interest of the professional as well as the general social community in the evaluation of forest ecological functions. Taking into account the actual state of the environment of the two-million Belgrade city, and starting from the fact that forest ecosystems are among the most stable terrestrial ecosystems, they should get a much higher significance both in the narrower and in the wider city zone. The common attitude that forest is exclusively for production should be changed, and forest ecosystems near large towns should get new functional priorities in harmony with the principles of sustainable development, protection and enhancement of environmental quality. The paper presents some results of the researching project “Integrated valorization of forest resources in Belgrade” in the light of some of the most significant international regulations of environmental protection, the necessity of biodiversity conservation and sustainable development. The paper also discusses the multifunctional values and significance of urban forests from the aspect of environmental protection and social benefits. Key words: urban forests, functionality, integral evaluation, Belgrade

Physical properties of soil
Chemical properties of soil
Phytocoenological records of the community Fraxino angustifolie- Quercetum roboris Jov. et Tom. 1979.
Spectrum of areal types in the community Querceto-Fraxinetum serbicum
Plant life-forms in the community Querceto-Fraxinetum serbicum
Locality 'Jozića Koliba' in Serbia: The forest community characteristics

January 2015


49 Reads

Sustainable Forestry Collection

The memorial complex "Jozića Koliba" is situated within the boundaries of Obrenovac Reserve forest complex. A special value of this locality is its group of protected pedunculate oak trees, which consists of six protected trees aged approximately 200 years with their crown projections. The idea to protect not only the trees themselves, but also their immediate surroundings of which the forest community forms a part, imposed the need for studying and describing the community. The study of current forest vegetation was performed according to the principle of French-Swiss school Braun-Blanquet, J (1921,1928). In total, 33 species were identified in the forest community. In the tree storey, three species were identified: Quercus robur L., Fraxinus Angustifolia Vahl. and Acer campestre L. In the herb layer, two legally protected species were identified: Ruscus aculeatus L. and Viola odorata L. The presence of nine different areal types, dominated by species of sub-central-European flora element, was established by means of a phytogeographic analysis. According to the results of the analysis of life-form representation, this community is of a phanerophyte-hemicryptophyte type, with an increased presence of geophytes.


September 2014


63 Reads

The paper presents a special evaluation of environmental, social and economic functions of forests by applying Vyskot's methodologies of objectification, systematization and evaluation of forest functions. To the method utilisation, area of Mountain Kosmaj is chosen, where the processes of urbanization have caused the greatest change in use of natural resources, especially forests. For this reason, the need for multi-functional use of forests is justified. Applying the methodology of objectivity, systematization and evaluation of forest functions (Vyskot et al, 2003), a financial evaluation of forest functions is carried out. As a special part of the research, determination of the level of contamination by heavy metals (Pb, Ni, Mn, Zn and Fe, ), and their accumulation in plants on the mountain Kosmaj was carried out. Evaluation of forest functions of the study area have been based on data on forest area that have taken from the General management plan for “Posavsko – podunavsko forest area (2001-2010)“ The financial value of each function is expressed in € per m3, which is currently the only reliable method of assessing functions. Use of this method, and data received form this research in area of Mountain Kosmaj creates the basis for the implementation of the concept of functionally integrated forest management. We will receive a more reliable data for managing state forests, as well as data to perform inspection of the state forests. There will be more reliable data to be used for forest management planning, silviculture, forest objective categorization. Keywords: Kosmaj, evaluation, multifunctional use of forests, heavy metals.


September 2014


175 Reads

Belgrade-the capital city of Serbia enjoys an excellent geographic position thanks to its location at the confluence of two international rivers (the Danube and the Sava) and the vicinity of surrounding hills, a home to the immensely rich flora. Unlike other European cities situated on the banks of the Danube and Sava Rivers, which extensively exploit the benefits of their highly favourable location, Belgrade has not yet fully realised the European Journal of Geography-ISSN 1792-1341 © All rights reserved 96 Drazic D. ,et al ./ European Journal of Geography 5 3 96-122 (2014) potentials arising from its geographic position. In addition to its historical and cultural attributes, Belgrade's natural and geographic characteristics, among which a richness of biodiversity occupies a special position, hold a particular importance for the development of tourism. This paper presents the results of the study of different potentials for the development of tourism in the Belgrade area.

Geographic, landscape and other natural characteristics of belgrade as the basis for development of tourism

January 2014


3,368 Reads


7 Citations

Belgrade - the capital city of Serbia enjoys an excellent geographic position thanks to its location at the confluence of two international rivers (the Danube and the Sava) and the vicinity of surrounding hills, a home to the immensely rich flora. Unlike other European cities situated on the banks of the Danube and Sava Rivers, which extensively exploit the benefits of their highly favourable location, Belgrade has not yet fully realised the potentials arising from its geographic position. In addition to its historical and cultural attributes, Belgrade's natural and geographic characteristics, among which a richness of biodiversity occupies a special position, hold a particular importance for the development of tourism. This paper presents the results of the study of different potentials for the development of tourism in the Belgrade area.

Table 1 . Physical properties of soil 
Table 2 . Chemical properties of soil 
Table 4 . Spectrum of floristic elements in the ruderal meadow at the forest site Fraxino angustifolie-Quercetum roboris Jov. et Tom. 1979 
Characteristics of a meadow community at the locality 'Jozića koliba' in Serbia

January 2014


95 Reads

In the forest complex Obrenovac reserve is located Memorial 'Jozića koliba'. On the site are protected six old oak trees close to 200 years of age as well as an area covered by the projection of their crowns. In order to protect the entire area in the immediate vicinity of representing landscape units an analysis of meadow vegetation of the entire area was carried out. The study of the recent meadow grass vegetation was done according to the principles and methodology of the French-Swiss School Braun-Blanquet. The analysis of plant community was provided through a range of life forms - biological spectrum. In this paper present the results of the analysis of vegetation and environmental conditions at the studied area.

The condition of Aesculus hippocastanum L. trees in the avenues of the central part of the city of Obrenovac

January 2014


4 Reads


1 Citation

Sustainable Forestry Collection

In urban areas treelined paths are the most vulnerable element. According expected functions treelined paths in certain street are unsatisfactory with their appearance and general condition. These are primarily biological, ecological, sociological and aesthetic functions. Because of negative anthropogenic influences trees are with low level condition, very low functionality and the unsatisfactory state of health. Most of the trees exist in very difficult circumstances of streets, there are crowded in the underground and in the aboveground part. In such circumstances, just as individual specimens of trees grow into individuals who manifest themselves in terms of morphology characteristics which are representative of its species. In this paper is presented the state of the avenue of horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum L.) in two central streets of the old part of Obrenovca. The data were analyzed on the basis of the reviewed every tree and with the particular assessing the state of the crown and the state of the trunk. Based on the analysis of the results measures are proposed for the rehabilitation of individual trees as well as measures for the reconstruction of the entire tree line.

Citations (12)

... The heights of trees, as well as the heights of trunks and the spread of crowns were measured using the TruPulse 360 B laser distance meter (Veselinović et al., 2014). ...


The state and functionality of dendroflora in the cemeteries in Obrenovac
The condition of Aesculus hippocastanum L. trees in the avenues of the central part of the city of Obrenovac
  • Citing Article
  • January 2014

Sustainable Forestry Collection

... with floating islands and one 1 rectangular cells with algae (not discussed in this paper) [13]. In each of 4 cells, there were 3 floating islands with 25 (in the first three cells) or 30 (in cell 4) seedlings planted in the substrate. ...

Construction of floating treatment wetlands for remediation of polluted waters

Sustainable Forestry Collection

... Therefore, wet plants, emerging fauna, aquatic leaf fauna, and submerged plant species are often used to sequester pollutants in wastewater. Other plant species frequently used for phytoremediation include sweet flag [42], cattail and sweet grass [43], canna species [44], Amaranthus caudatus L. and Tagetes patula L. [45], water hyacinth [46], Typha latifolia and Thelypteris palustris [47], Duckweed [48] and Cyperus alternifolius [49]. In addition, the economic importance, potency and the cost of the plant species are considered in selection of a suitable plant for the process. ...

Phytoremediation potential of Canna indica L. in water contaminated with lead

... In this study, we found that the mycelial growth of A. odoratus K1 was the highest in MMN culture media. This result was corroborated by the findings of several previous studies indicating that MMN medium significantly yielded the highest mycelial dry weight, indicating a suitable growth medium for this fungal strain similar to those reported by Coleman et al. (1989), Torres and Honrubia (1991), and Curguz et al. (2010), who observed the highest growth for various species of Suillus in MMN medium. Vuorinen et al. (2015) also found that the majority (65%) of the twenty tested ECM fungal strains that typically colonize Norway spruce seedlings grew best on modified MMN medium with reduced sugar content (½ MMN). ...

The influence of heavy metals on the growth of ectomycorrhizal fungi
  • Citing Article
  • March 2010

Minerva Biotecnologica

... A huge potential of using post-mining areas to produce renewable energy has recently been highlighted (Alves Dias et al., 2019;Pasqualetti & Smarden, 2025). It is not only about solar and wind parks, but also the production of biomass as a form of agricultural diversification, the use of geothermal energy, and opportunities in hydro power and pumped hydroelectric storage (Dražić et al., 2012;Alves Diaz et al., 2019;Marot & Harfst, 2021). Especially in Germany, extensive areas after surface coal mining have been used for renewable energy production. ...

New post-exploitation open pit coal mines landscapes - potentials for recreation and energy biomass production: A case study from Serbia

Moravian Geographical Reports

... Географске одлике. Све наведене београдске аде се налазе у зони умерено-континенталне климе (Dražić et al., 2014). Површина Аде Циганлије износи око 300 ha, укључујући две вештачке преграде, којима је ово савско острво спојено са копном. ...

Geographic, landscape and other natural characteristics of belgrade as the basis for development of tourism

... It is expected that an Artificial Neural Network approach [10,11] will capture more complex relationships among the properties and the corresponding tactile comfort scores, and will result in higher adjusted R 2 values. ...

Development and construction of Generalized process models by using Neural Networks and Multiple Linear Regression
  • Citing Article
  • February 2007


... experimental plot with Robinia pseudoacacia seedlings was established at Field "B" (Danilović et al, 2013). Preliminary results showed that deciduous species, especially poplar, achieved better growth compared to the coniferous trees at current stage of development (Dražić et al, 2011;Dražić, 2017). However, continuous monitoring until the end of rotation period is needed for the proper conclusions to be made. ...

Energy plantations of dendroflora species on open-pit coal mines overburden deposits

African Journal of Agricultural Research

... The task of this generalized model is to provide an applicable approximation of profile functions of any object in region. [5,6,7]. A region can contain many thousands of individual objects with their own individual profile functions, [8]. ...

Generalized models based on neural networks and multiple linear regression

... According to Hanover [30], terpene systems in conifers offer important opportunities for studying the nature of gene regulation and its evolutionary significance. Several authors have already studied the population variability of terpenes of P. nigra in many parts of its natural range [31][32][33][34][35], but there is an observed lack of data covering the entire Balkans and Southern Carpathians. Furthermore, in all these population studies, terpenes were isolated by extraction in nonpolar solvents from cortical oleoresin [31] or needles [32][33][34][35]. ...

Origin identification of Pinus nigra populations in southwestern Europe using terpene composition variations
