December 2008
18 Reads
LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1) Describe the potential biological agents utilized for bioterrorism. 2) Identify the properties of bioterrorism agents that make them attractive to terrorists. 3) Describe the methods used to combat these agents and the radiological findings that should suggest their use. ABSTRACT The use of biological and chemical agents for purposes of terrorism has a long history. They are relatively inexpensive to produce, can be produced in austere environments, can be easily concealed and released, and yield results that can be crippling to a country's economy and way of life. In the Global War on Terror, these agents are much more likely to be utilized against the United States and the First World than are nuclear weapons or other weapons of mass destruction. It is important that diagnostic radiology departments be aware of the radiological findings of either chemical agent toxicity or the most likely biological agents in order to be able to warn the community and to be able to function during a WMD event.