Donald Jackson’s research while affiliated with University of Santiago, Chile and other places

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Publications (61)

Site Context and the Spatial Organization of a Late Holocene Coastal Hunter-Gatherer Campsite in North-Central Chile, South America
  • Article
  • Full-text available

September 2020


199 Reads


1 Citation

Latin American Antiquity






Donald Jackson

We explored the site context of a late Holocene shell midden on the coast of Los Vilos in north-central Chile (31°51′ S, South America) to better understand the spatial organization of short-term, small-sized hunter-gatherer campsites. The Dunas de Agua Amarilla (LV 007) site comprises 14 separate surf clam refuse deposits. Extensive stratigraphic excavations of the shell middens and the areas free of residue allowed interpretation of potential activity areas bounded by hearths, the shell middens, and a possible dwelling space. Late Holocene campsites in the area correspond to brief occupational events framed within littoral residential mobility, in which predictable coastal resources became a staple for groups residing and circulating over long periods in the area. Data on shell midden composition and the spatial distribution of site features shed light on the organizational dynamics of dwelling and activity spaces of coastal hunter-gatherers of the South Pacific.


Figure 1. The High Andes of northern Chile showing sites mentioned in the text in the context of late Pleistocene-early Holocene Transition. Circles (sites older than 11,500 CAL B.P.): 1) Cuncaicha; 2) Quebrada Jaguay; 3) Quebrada Tacahuay; 4) Quebrada Mani 12; 5) Cueva Bautista; 6) Alero El Pescador; 7) Tuina 1; 8) Tuina 5; 9) San Lorenzo 1; 10) La Chimba 13; 11) Tulán 109. Squares (sites between 11,500-9500 CAL B.P.): 1) Hakenasa; 2) Patapatane; 3) Las Cuevas; 4) Pampa El Muerto 15; 5) Ipilla 2; 6) Quebrada Blanca. Triangles (sites between 11,500-9500 CAL B.P. not included in this study): 1) Asana; 2) Toquepala; 3) Ring Site; 4) Ilo Km-4; 5) Quebrada de los Burros; 6) Acha; 7) Iroco KCH20; 8) Tiliviche; 9) Aragón. 
Table 1 . High Andes mobility strategies and their archaeological expectations.
Table 2 . Frequencies of stone tools and debitage from the studied sites.
Figure 3. Examples of stone tools from the studied sites. A) Projectile points from Hakenasa: triangular with straight base, triangular with convex base, stemmed with shoulders (Patapatane type), and tetragonal; B) Projectile points from Ipilla 2: stemmed with shoulders; C) Projectile points from Patapatane: triangular with concave base, and stemmed with shoulders; D) Sidescrapers from Hakenasa; E) Scrapers from Hakenasa and denticulate from Ipilla 2. 
Figure 4. Densities of faunal remains and lithics among the studied sites. NISP = Number of Identified Specimens.
Hunter-Gatherer Mobility Strategies in the High Andes of Northern Chile during the Late Pleistocene-Early Holocene Transition (ca. 11,500–9500 CAL B.P.)

June 2017


1,577 Reads


40 Citations

Journal of Field Archaeology

The high Andes of western South America feature extreme ecological conditions that impose important physiological constraints on humans including high-elevation hypoxia and cold stress. This leads to questions regarding how these environments were colonized by the first waves of humans that reached them during the late Pleistocene. Based on previous research, and aided by human behavioral ecology principles, we assess hunter-gatherer behavioral strategies in the Andean highlands during the late Pleistocene and early Holocene. Specifically, we formulate three mobility strategies and their archaeological expectations and test these using technological and subsistence evidence from the six earliest well-dated highland sites in northern Chile. Our results suggest that all of the studied sites were temporarily occupied for hunting, processing animals, and toolkit maintenance. The sites also exhibit shared technological features within a curatorial strategy albeit with different occupation intensities. From this evidence, we infer that the initial occupations of the highlands were logistical and probably facilitated by increased local resource availability during a period of environmental amelioration.

Figuraa1. Localización del área de estudio y el sitio Techo Negro junto a otros sitios del Holoceno Medio (basado en Méndez ettal. 2015). Location of the study area and Techo Negro site along with other Mid Holocene sites (based on Méndez ettal. 2015).  
Figuraa5. Sección estratigráfica de Techo Negro con edades calibradas. UE: unidad estratigráfica. Stratigraphic section of Techo Negro with calibrated ages. UE: stratigraphic unit.  
Figuraa6. Puntas de proyectil fracturadas de Techo Negro. Fractured projectile points from Techo Negro.  
Figuraa7. Instrumento óseo (A1, UE2 base), A. extremo activo lascado en el ápice; B. detalle lascado en ápice; C. estrías en ápice; D. estrías de manufactura en el fuste. Bone tool (A1, UE2 base), A. active end flaked in the apex, B. apex flaking in detail; C. apex striations; D. shaft manufacture striations.  
Figuraa3. Imagen del sitio Techo Negro durante excavaciones en 2008, UE 2 (10-15 cm). Image of the Techo Negro site during the 2008 excavations, UE 2 (10-15 cm).

June 2016


343 Reads


9 Citations


Presentamos los resultados de la investigación arqueológica de un sitio fechado hacia el Holoceno Medio en los Andes del Norte Semiárido de Chile. La escasez de este tipo de evidencias pone de relieve la importancia de dar cuenta cabal del contexto estudiado y los conjuntos ahí recuperados. Las características del sitio como una estación de tareas de tipo avistadero hacen que Techo Negro se integre de forma significativa al conjunto de información regional disponible y permite confrontarla con el actual estado de algunos modelos de ocupación que incluyen la distribución diferencial de sitios y los cambios ambientales a escala de milenios. Palabras claves: uso del espacio, ocupaciones de cordones montañosos, Holoceno Medio, Norte Semiárido de Chile. We present the results of the archaeological research of a site dated to the Mid Holocene in the Andes in a Northern Semiarid region of Chile. The paucity of this type of evidence underscores the importance of fully describing the studied context and the assemblages recovered therein. The characteristics of the site as a logistic hunting stand type station integrate Techo Negro (black roof) significantly to the available regional information and allows confronting it with the current state of some models of occupation that include the differential distribution of sites and environmental changes on a millennial scale.

Variability of 14C reservoir age and air–sea flux of CO2 in the Peru–Chile upwelling region during the past 12,000 years

January 2016


378 Reads


37 Citations

Quaternary Research

The variability of radiocarbon marine reservoir age through time and space limits the accuracy of chronologies in marine paleo-environmental archives. We report here new radiocarbon reservoir ages (ΔR) from the central coast of Chile (~ 32°S) for the Holocene period and compare these values to existing reservoir age reconstructions from southern Peru and northern Chile. Late Holocene ΔR values show little variability from central Chile to Peru. Prior to 6000 cal yr BP, however, ΔR values were markedly increased in southern Peru and northern Chile, while similar or slightly lower-than-modern ΔR values were observed in central Chile. This extended dataset suggests that the early Holocene was characterized by a substantial increase in the latitudinal gradient of marine reservoir age between central and northern Chile. This change in the marine reservoir ages indicates that the early Holocene air–sea flux of CO2 could have been up to five times more intense than in the late Holocene in the Peruvian upwelling, while slightly reduced in central Chile. Our results show that oceanic circulation changes in the Humboldt system during the Holocene have substantially modified the air–sea carbon flux in this region.

Direct Dates and mtDNA of Late Pleistocene Human Skeletons from South America: A Comment on Chatters et al. (2014)

July 2015


710 Reads


12 Citations


A coastal route for the initial peopling of the Americas has been debated for over 30 years. Nevertheless, evidence supporting this coastal dispersal is often elusive, especially bioanthropological data. Here we report archaeological human remains directly dated to ca. 11,200 cal BP from the semiarid north coast of Chile (31 • S), supporting an early settlement along the Pacific Coast. 15 N stable isotope analyses of these remains indicate that the individual relied primarily on marine resources , suggesting coastal dwelling rather than seasonal rounds that included sporadic exploitation of littoral resources. When placed in a regional context, our results suggest that marine resources were important to the subsistence of some groups during the Pleistocene-Holocene transition.

How Do Surficial Lithic Assemblages Weather in Arid Environments? A Case Study from the Atacama Desert, Northern Chile

July 2015


781 Reads


33 Citations


Archaeological sites composed only of surficial lithics are widespread in arid environments. Numerical dating of such sites is challenging, however, and even establishing a relative chronology can be daunting. One potentially helpful method for assigning relative chronologies is to use lithic weathering, on the assumption that the most weathered artifacts are also the oldest. Yet, few studies have systematically assessed how local environmental processes affect weathering of surficial lithics. Using macroscopic analyses, we compared the weathering of surficial lithic assemblages from seven mid-to-late Holocene archaeological sites sampled from four different microenvironments in the Atacama Desert of northern Chile. Changes in polish, texture, shine, and color were used to establish significant differences in weathering between two kinds of locations: interfluves and canyon sites. Lithics from interfluve sites were moderately to highly weathered by wind and possessed a dark coating, whereas canyon lithics were mildly weathered despite greater exposure to moisture, often lacked indications of eolian abrasion, and lacked dark coatings. Our results show that lithic weathering can be used as a proxy for relative age, but only after considering local environmental factors. The power of such chronologies can be improved by combining archaeological, paleoenvironmental, geomorphological, and taphonomic data.

Figure 2. >12,700 cal BP lithic assemblages (Quebrada Santa Julia and Taguatagua 1 sites): a. fluted bifacial preform (quartz crystal), b. bifacial knife/preform (siliceous rock), c. ultramarginal sidescraper (obsidian), d. ultramarginal sidescraper (siliceous rock), e. retouched flake (quartz crystal), f. sidescraper (quartz crystal), g. utilized flake (basalt), h. ultramarginal sidescraper (rhyolithic tuff), i. retouched flake (tuff), j. lateral scraper (rhyolithic tuff); a., f., h.-j.: Quebrada Santa Julia; b.-e., g.: Taguatagua 1; scale is 1 cm. Conjuntos líticos >12.700 cal .a.p. (Quebrada Santa Julia y Taguatagua 1): a. preforma bifacial acanalada (cristal de cuarzo), b. preforma/cuchillo bifacial (roca silícea), c. raedera ultramarginal (obsidiana), d. raedera ultramarginal (roca silícea), e. lasca retocada (cristal de cuarzo), f. raedera (cristal de cuarzo), g. lasca usada (basalto), h. raedera ultramarginal (toba riolítica), i. lasca retocada (toba), j. raspador lateral (toba riolítica); a., f., h.-j.: Quebrada Santa Julia; b.-e., g.: Taguatagua 1; la escala es 1 cm.  
Figure 3. <12,700 cal BP lithic assemblages (Valiente and Taguatagua 2 sites): a.-b. Fishtail projectile points and c. preform (quartz crystal), d. ultramarginal sidescraper (siliceous rock), e. utilized flake (quartz crystal), f.-g. blades (f. siliceous rock and g. basalt); a.-b., d.-g.: Taguatagua 2; c. Valiente; scale is 1 cm. Conjuntos líticos <12.700 cal a.p. (Valiente y Taguatagua 2): a.-b. puntas de proyectil y c. preforma tipo cola de pescado (cristal de cuarzo), d. raedera ultramarginal (roca silícea), e. lasca usada (cristal de cuarzo), f.-g. láminas (f. roca silícea y g. basalto); a.-b., d.-g.: Taguatagua 2; c. Valiente; la escala es 1 cm.
Figure 4. Proportion of tool use-life groups at the sites studied. Proporción de grupos de herramientas de acuerdo a longitud de vida útil en los sitios estudiados. Long-lived fermal Short-lived espedient
Terminal pleistocene lithic technology and use of space in central chile

December 2014


321 Reads


28 Citations

Chungará (Arica)

We synthesize lithic evidence from terminal Pleistocene sites in Central Chile (~31-34° S). Quebrada Santa Julia, Valiente, Taguatagua 1 and Taguatagua 2 sites show diverse assemblages, which are not fully understood by a traditional typological approach. This diversity can be better explained due to variations in discard rates, raw material availability, and site function. This approach allows the consideration of early hunter-gatherer occupations as integrated segments of a two-stage evolving use of space/mobility system.

Figura 1. Localización área de estudio. Location of the study area.  
Figura 3. Frecuencia de moluscos y peces (MNI) a lo largo de la secuencia estratigráfica del sitio Agua Dulce. Mollusk and fish frequency (MNI) within the stratigraphic sequence of the Agua Dulce site.  
Figura 6. Número de restos identificados (NISP). Se observa el cambio de proporciones de especies litorales, pelágicas y oceánicas durante los eventos ocupacionales del Holoceno Medio. Number of identified fish bone specimens (NISP) which shows the change in proportions between inshore, pelagic and ocean species during the occupational events of the Middle Holocene.  
Figura 7. Fragmento de posible " copuna " elaborado de óseo de ave, registrado en el II Evento Ocupacional del sitio (Capa 6). Possible " copuna " fragment made of bird bone, recorded in the II Occupational Event of the Agua Dulce site (Layer 6).  
Early evidence for open sea navigation and fishing on the pacific coast of South America (Taltal, ̃7,000 cal BP)

April 2014


242 Reads


4 Citations


We present bio-indicators of navigation and oceanic hunting practices during the Middle Holocene (ca. 7,000 cal BP) in the arid coast of Taltal, northern Chile. Based on the analyses of ichthyologic remains from the Agua Dulce site we identified large-sized epipelagic fish: swordfish (Xiphias gladius), marlin (Istiophoridae), and two shark species (Notorynchus cepedianus and Galeorhinus galeus), recorded at four occupational moments of the stratigraphic sequence of the Middle Archaic in the arid coast. Similar evidence has been detected at other local contemporary sites (Zapatero, Caleta Bandurrias, Cachinales). This would imply that, since early times, coastal populations had access to new eco-anthropic spaces by means of some sort of vessel, as part of their specialized adaptive system for exploitation of marine resources. Open sea hunting of large epipelagic fish would have developed in the context of increasing social complexity of local hunter-gatherer-fisher populations.

FIGURE 1. Mollusks absolute frequency by taxon groups. 
FIGURE 2. Stratigraphic distribution of terrestrial (Endodontidae) and other fresh-water (Succineidae, Sphaeridae, and Amnicolidae) mollusks. 
Implicancias Paleoclimáticas y Biogeográficas de Moluscos Terrestres y Dulceacuícolas del Holoceno Tardío en Isla Mocha, Provincia de Arauco, Chile

December 2013


176 Reads


2 Citations

Gayana (Concepción)

Evidencia estratigráfica de moluscos terrestres (Endodontidae) y dulceacuícolas (Sphaeridae, Amnicolidae y Succineidae) procedente de contextos arqueológicos de la Isla Mocha, sugieren una marcada tendencia a condiciones más húmedas hacia finales del Holoceno Tardío (post-900 A.P.), en coherencia con antecedentes polínicos previamente conocidos. Estos moluscos proporcionan relevante información para discutir el proceso colonizador de micro-moluscos en esta Isla.

Figura 1. Localización área de estudio. Location of the study area. 
Figura 6. Número de restos identificados (NISP). Se observa el cambio de proporciones de especies litorales, pelágicas y oceánicas durante los eventos ocupacionales del Holoceno Medio. Number of identified fish bone specimens (NISP) which shows the change in proportions between inshore, pelagic and ocean species during the occupational events of the Middle Holocene. 
Figure 3 of 4
Figure 4 of 4

December 2013


330 Reads


77 Citations


We present bio-indicators of navigation and oceanic hunting practices during the Middle Holocene (ca. 7,000 cal BP) in the arid coast of Taltal, northern Chile. Based on the analyses of ichthyologic remains from the Agua Dulce site we identified large-sized epipelagic fish: swordfish (Xiphias gladius), marlin (Istiophoridae), and two shark species (Notorynchus cepedianus and Galeorhinus galeus), recorded at four occupational moments of the stratigraphic sequence of the Middle Archaic in the arid coast. Similar evidence has been detected at other local contemporary sites (Zapatero, Caleta Bandurrias, Cachinales). This would imply that, since early times, coastal populations had access to new eco-anthropic spaces by means of some sort of vessel, as part of their specialized adaptive system for exploitation of marine resources. Open sea hunting of large epipelagic fish would have developed in the context of increasing social complexity of local hunter-gatherer-fisher populations.

Citations (46)

... 2 | Gabriel Easton, Nicolás Lira , Tomás León, José González-Alfaro y Diego Salazar Las costas de América del Sur, y en particular las del Desierto de Atacama, se caracterizan por una baja densidad de sitios arqueológicos del Pleistoceno tardío-Holoceno temprano. En el norte de Chile, las evidencias más tempranas se relacionan con el complejo Huentelauquén, el cual se extendió a lo largo de la vasta región comprendida entre la costa semiárida del Norte Chico y el desierto hiperárido del Norte Grande (Iribarren, 1961;Llagostera, 1979;Llagostera et al. 2000;Jackson et al. 1999;Jackson y Méndez 2005;Ballester et al. 2012;Castelleti et al. 2010;Salazar et al. 2015;2018). Este complejo ha sido definido como el primer grupo de cazadores-recolectorespescadores que ocuparon este ambiente extremadamente desfavorable para el desarrollo de las primeras comunidades, representando una adaptación costera cuyos orígenes se encuentran unidos al primer poblamiento humano de la costa del Pacífico en el cono sur de América (Sandweiss 2008;Jackson et al. 2011). ...


Boletín de la Sociedad Chilena de Arqueología Ahead of Print La Evolución de la Línea de Costa como Guía para la Prospección de Potenciales Sitios Arqueológicos Arcaicos en la Plataforma Submarina del Desierto de Atacama
An Early Holocene task camp (~8.5 ka cal BP) on the coast of the semi-arid north of Chile
  • Citing Article
  • March 2012

... En el caso de los équidos, el registro más antiguo de Equus en América del Sur se encuentra en Tarija en Bolivia en depósitos datados para el Pleistoceno Medio (MacFadden 2013), mientras que para Hippidion el registro más temprano proviene de Uquía en el norte de Argentina con una antigüedad del Plioceno tardío, siendo la fecha de extinción para las especies de ambos géneros la transición Pleistoceno-Holoceno (Alberdi y Prado 2004). Para el caso chileno, los registros tanto de camélidos como équidos extintos provienen mayoritariamente de depósitos del Pleistoceno tardío , López et al. 2005b, Labarca et al. 2013, por lo que es esperable una antigüedad similar para los registros de CT N°2 y Pique Vivaceta. ...

El género Palaeolama P. Gervais, 1867 (Artiodactyla, Camelidae): una evaluación taxonómica regional en el extremo meridional del semiárido de Chile (IV Región
  • Citing Article
  • May 2005

... During this period, diverse and synchronous occupations can be observed in the Central-Southern Andes. They include maritime adaptations on the coastline near the western valleys in Southern Peru (Tacahuay pattern; De France and Alvarez, 2004), along the coastline of the Atacama Desert (Huentelauquen pattern; Llagostera et al., 1997), inland hunter-gather occupations at the low basin of the Pampa del Tamarugal (Ugalde et al., 2012), the Meridional Altiplano (Albarracin-Jordan and Capriles, 2011), and the Circumpuna area (Aschero, 2000;Nuñez et al., 2005;Yacobaccio and Morales, 2005). ...


... This narrative, known as the 'Clovis-first' model, was widely accepted for most of the twentieth century as it effectively answered most of the questions associated with the peopling of the Americas-when, why and from where 1 . However, the Clovis-first model has been refuted by new archaeological and chronometric data 6-8 that demonstrate the existence of sites that predate Clovis (often termed 'pre-Clovis' or 'older-than-Clovis' 6,9 ) as well as of distinct technological industries that occur coevally [10][11][12][13][14] . An earlier dispersal route along the Pacific Coast is currently considered the most likely means by which people moved into the Americas 15,16 , although this not universally accepted 17 . ...

Early high quality lithic procurement in the Semiarid North of Chile

... A paradigmatic area for this period is found in the Chiu-Chiu vegas (wetlands), with the complex residential camps of Isla Grande and Confluencia-2 (Núñez 1976). Jackson and Benavente (2010) specify that these would correspond to long-stay open-air residential base camps, with agglomerated structures made up of semi-subterranean depressions-without stone walls-whose inhabitants maintained the early pattern wherein camelid hunting predominated, but which showed increasing grinding of vegetables in conical mortars. ...

Complejización de los cazadores y recolectores en chiu chiu, río Loa medio (norte de Chile)
  • Citing Article
  • January 2010

Estudios atacameños

... Early human occupation sites show a diversity of artifacts and exhibit similarities in terms of morphology, technology, and functionality for the production of bifacial tools (such as projectile points) and microtools (such as thumbnails, end-scrapers, lateral scrapers) (Figs. 3, 8). There are numerous examples of bifacially flaked projectile points with or without stems, featuring short and elongated triangular, ogival, and elliptical morphologies, not all of which bear direct resemblance with better-studied assemblages from the western slopes of the Andes (De Souza et al., 2024;Flores-Blanco et al., 2024;Klink and Aldenderfer, 2005;Loyola et al., 2019;Osorio et al., 2017a). Many have thick or medium-thick profiles for the larger artifacts and thin profiles for the smaller ones. ...

Hunter-Gatherer Mobility Strategies in the High Andes of Northern Chile during the Late Pleistocene-Early Holocene Transition (ca. 11,500–9500 CAL B.P.)

Journal of Field Archaeology

... In this area, topographic characteristics often preclude the introduction of air-masses carrying moisture from the Pacific Ocean thus making it particularly arid [43]. Available faunal taxa are limited to foxes (Lycalopex) and various rodent species [44], though mammalian richness during the Pleistocene-Holocene transition should have been higher as suggested by regional archaeological and paleontological records [45][46][47]. ...

Procesamiento de fauna extinta durante la transición Pleistoceno-Holoceno en el centro-norte de Chile

Boletín de Arqueología PUCP

... On the other hand, the absence of the trematodes Microphallus szidati and Echinostoma parcespinosum (Table 1) recorded in Argentina (MARTORELLI, 1986;MARTORELLI, 1987) were likely due to the absence of their intermediate hosts, which are needed to complete their life cycle. However, must be noted that the snail Pomacea canaliculata Lamarck (1828), an intermediate host of E. parcespinosum, was recently introduced to Chile and first reported by Jackson & Jackson (2009) in the Coquimbo Region. Additionally, E. parcespinosum can abbreviate its life cycle in this snail by using it as a primary and secondary intermediate host (MARTORELLI, 1987), enabling the possibility of future presentation of this parasite in Chile. ...

Record of Pomacea canaliculata (Lamarck, 1822) (Ampullariidae), exotic mollusk for to North Chile
  • Citing Article
  • January 2009

Gayana (Concepción)

... Unfortunately, there are still instances where diffusion of rock art images is unjustly refuted. An example are the belittling comments by Robert Bednarik on the excellent paper of Troncoso and Jackson (2010 (2024: 14). As I already debunked their "three-fingers" theory regarding the Big "Hidden" Majes "Dancer" on Panel TM-Bd-007A, the mythical character of (only?) this Toro Muerto figure is completely uncertain, also regarding its "long staffs". ...

  • Citing Article
  • May 2010

Rock Art Research

... Durante el último lustro, la traceología lítica ha visto un impulso relativo, concentrando una mayor cantidad de trabajos por parte de un contingente más diverso de investigadores (Herrera et al. 2015;Hormazábal 2015;Huidobro 2018;Méndez et al. 2016aMéndez et al. , 2016bOsorio et al. 2016;Sade y Castañeda 2017). Se observa una ampliación de la distribución territorial de los estudios, que han sido incorporados por una diversidad de equipos, alcanzando desde las sierras de Arica (Herrera et al. 2015;Osorio et al. 2016), hasta los canales patagónicos meridionales (Huidobro 2018). ...

