Donald C. Klein’s research while affiliated with The Union Institute and other places

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Publications (8)

Ending the War on Drugs: A Serious Challenge for the Field of Prevention
  • Article

December 2000


18 Reads


8 Citations

The Journal of Primary Prevention

Donald C. Klein

Several decades ago just before publication of the Surgeon General’s landmark report on the hazards of cigarette smoking, I was part of an ad-hoc group of public health specialists and applied behavioral scientists whom the Public Health Service called to Washington to consult on what the government might do to address the hazard of cigarette smoking in the United States. Out of these meetings the U.S. Government developed a very broad, multi-faceted, and not altogether coherent strategy for reducing the number of smokers in this country. At the time of those meetings, cigarette smoking was not only highly prevalent; it was also an accepted part of individual behavior in restaurants, bars, many forms of public transportation, work places, and public buildings. Cigarette smoking was ubiquitous in movies. Lighting and smoking cigarettes was part of every actor’s everyday stage craft. Today the United States is, by comparison with almost every other country in the world, an amazingly smoke-free environment. The vast majority of restaurants have sections reserved for nonsmokers; in some states smoking is altogether prohibited in restaurants, office buildings, and other public places. Cigarette manufacturers face law suits for damages brought by state governments. Smoking is banned in all domestic airlines. In many places, during their breaks, hard core smokers stand furtively outside the entrances of buildings to grab a puff and thus satisfy their insistent addiction. Yes, altogether too many American adults remain hooked on cigarettes and, although rates rise and fall year by year, an alarming percentage of young people persist in flirting with nicotine addiction. Nevertheless, the combination of public education, judicious warnings, limitations of advertising, efforts of citizen action groups, targeted legal restrictions, and law suits have resulted in a remarkable transformation of our society’s stance towards this major agent of disease.

Simu-Real: A Simulation Approach to Organizational Change

December 1992


431 Reads


17 Citations

The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science

Simu-Real is a method that uses simulation to help an organization become more visible to itself It enables key members of organizations to work together on tasks and issues while at the same time helping them to become more aware of and skilled in dealing with organizational dynamics. Consisting of action periods followed by analysis sessions, the method is used to help client systems explore differences, solve complex problems, work on redesign, determine goals and priorities, and engage in future planning. This article describes how to configure a 1-day, all-person simulation of the basic components of a client organization in a single large space in which participants work within and between groups to deal with a predetermined task that is important to the well-being of the organization. It describes the Simu-Real method, summarizes ground rules, and discusses the role of the Simu-Real facilitator in both action and analysis periods.

Managing Humiliation

March 1992


32 Reads


24 Citations

The Journal of Primary Prevention

This paper reviews findings concerning ways that people have found to minimize or avoid humiliation. It concludes with a discussion of addressing the task of creating humiliation-free institutions.

The humiliation dynamic: An overview

December 1991


138 Reads


182 Citations

The Journal of Primary Prevention

This paper describes what people experience and how they react when they feel humiliated. It discusses ways in which our society is humiliation-prone and emphasizes the ubiquitous nature of the humiliation dynamic in every-day life.

Citations (8)

... The experiences of low appreciation have a significant and substantial independent influence on life satisfaction and even have a greater impact on satisfaction than parameters such as partnership status or unemployment (Eichhorn 2013; Böhnke and Delhey 2013; Priem et al. 2020). People who feel that their value as a human being is not recognized and appreciated can feel humiliated (Klein 1992). Humiliation is a composite emotional state of many characteristics, dominated by shame, anger and sadness and the loss of self-esteem (Araya 2020;Elshout et al. 2017). ...


Looking behind the curtain: A model of left behind places and feelings
Managing Humiliation
  • Citing Article
  • March 1992

The Journal of Primary Prevention

... Pour certains, l'humilité est perçue comme une caractéristique intrinsèque à une personne ou comme un sentiment d'indignité (Tangney, 2000). Elle peut être considérée négativement lorsqu'elle est associée à une faible estime de soi ou à un sentiment d'insuffisance se manifestant, entre autres, par le syndrome de l'imposteur (Klein, 1992, Knight et Nadel, 1986. Au Québec, cette vision, particulièrement ancrée dans les traditions catholiques et les dynamiques historiques de groupe « manoritaire » (Azdouz, 2018), est liée à l'iconographie du porteur d'eau (Gourdeau, 2000) et à l'humilité comme vertu. ...

Introduction to the issue
  • Citing Article
  • March 1992

The Journal of Primary Prevention

... Em suma, "um dos estados iniciais e característicos do sujeito envergonhado é a confusão mental" (Harkot-de-La-Taille, 1999, p.129). A referida autora, baseada no pensamento de Greimas e Fontanille (1991), Shreve e Kunkel (1991) e Klein (1991), afirma que a vergonha pode afetar o sujeito em vários níveis de profundidade, desde o desconforto ou insegurança, até mesmo em um profundo interesse de desaparecer. Além disso, o sujeito envergonhado pode optar pela aniquilação do ser (suicídio) e ainda questionar o valor do valor "solução responsável pelo abandono do quadro axiológico subjacente à vergonha" (Harkot-de-La-Taille, 1999, p.131). ...

The humiliation dynamic: An overview
  • Citing Article
  • December 1991

The Journal of Primary Prevention

... Research on humiliation was virtually nonexistent in the literature on counseling until the early 1990s, when Donald C. Klein (1991aKlein ( , 1991bKlein ( , 1992, a pioneer in the field of community psychology, edited two special issues of the Journal of Primary Prevention. These journals featured articles from leading scholars exploring the impact of humiliation from diverse perspectives, including the perspective of race (Griffin, 1991), gender (Swift, 1991), disabilities (Kirshbaum, 1991), homelessness (Duhl, 1992), aging (Secouler, 1992), and incarceration (Smith, 1992). ...

Introduction to the issue
  • Citing Article
  • December 1991

The Journal of Primary Prevention

... By contrast, common social media platforms are able to enhance users' connectedness while conveying emotions and perceptions regarding climate change. Specifically, among the many platforms, X exemplifies the reinforcement of a metaphorical "social glue" through its distinctive features, such as hashtags and mentions (Klein, 2000). These characteristics symbolize a shared knowledge, connectedness, and sense of responsibility and concern among members of the online community (Bennett & Segerberg, 2012). ...

Creating Social Glue in the Community: A Psychologist's View
  • Citing Article

... No matter how many years have passed, the experience remains vivid and fresh in their minds. 21 Second, Hartling and Luchetta's definition similarly describes an "internal experience of humiliation [that is a] deep and dysphoric feeling associated with being, or perceiving oneself as a being, unjustly degraded, ridiculed, or put down-in particular one's identity has been demeaned or devalued." 22 Third, Lindner takes a different approach in "Humiliation and International Conflict" by describing humiliation as, …a response to the enforced lowering of a person or a group, a process of subjugation that damages or strips away pride, honor or dignity. ...

  • Citing Article

... Organizasyonel simülasyona yönelik olarak 1992 yılında geliştirilmiş olan Simu-real organizasyonel simülasyonu organizasyonel dinamiklerin daha görünür kılınması, yaşanan problemlerin çözüme kavuşturulması, iş süreçlerinin yeniden tasarlanması ve geleceğe yönelik planlama yapılabilmesi, kilit rol ve sorumluluk taşıyan insan kaynaklarının daha etkin ve verimli hale getirilmesi gibi kritik yönetsel görevlerde yardımcı olacak bir araç olarak önerilmiştir (Klein, 1992). ...

Simu-Real: A Simulation Approach to Organizational Change
  • Citing Article
  • December 1992

The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science

... Ihre Grundsätze kommen auch im Rahmen von stationärer Motivationsbehandlung zur Anwendung (John, Veltrup, Driessen, Wetterling und Dilling, 2000 As a sociologist and mother of two teenagers, I am concerned about drug use as well as drug education (Rosenbaum, 1996, p. 5 (Gorman, 1998;Tobler et al., 2000). . Damit geht nicht nur die Vertrauenswürdigkeit dieser fraglichen, sondern auch aller sonstigen präventiven Botschaften verloren (Beck, 1998;Fahrenkrug, 1995) und die »prophylaktischen Lügen« (Lewis & Duncan, 1997, p. 414) könnten sich als tragischer Bumerang erweisen (Klein, 2000). (Brown & Kreft, 1998;Chou et al., 1998;de Jong, 1995;Resnicov et al., 2001), sondern zusätzlich ein präventionspolitisches Klima zu schaffen, in dem schadensbegrenzende und risikokompetenzorientierte Präventionsziele und -methoden eine Chance haben, denn es »is the proper role of health educators to help people live healthier lives, not to act as moral police« (nach Rosenbaum, 1996, p. 17 (Franzkowiak, ...

Ending the War on Drugs: A Serious Challenge for the Field of Prevention
  • Citing Article
  • December 2000

The Journal of Primary Prevention