Don Daughtry’s research while affiliated with Texas A&M University – Kingsville and other places

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Publications (13)

Concretization as a Possible Mechanism of Nightmare Proneness: Some Theoretical Considerations and Empirical Findings
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March 2024


40 Reads


2 Citations



Don Daughtry


Nightmare proneness, a disposition to experience frequent nightmares, has been found to predict nightmares independent of neuroticism, psychological distress, and trauma symptoms. One theorized mechanism of nightmare proneness is concretization, a hypothetical defensive style in which vague and unpleasant inner states are made more tangible. The possible role of concretization in nightmare proneness and nightmares has not been examined empirically. The current research investigates the relationships between concretization, nightmare proneness, and nightmares across three studies involving a total of 621 university students. Concretization was found to be strongly related to nightmare proneness and was a mechanism in the relationship between nightmare proneness and nightmares independent of neuroticism, trauma symptomology, psychic structure, repression, psychopathology syndromes, nightmare distress, and dream recall frequency. The results, limitations, and suggestions for future research were discussed.

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Elucidating Nightmare Proneness: Relationships With Emotional Dysregulation and Psychological Vulnerability

April 2022


106 Reads


7 Citations


Previous research found that nightmare proneness, a personality disposition to experience frequent nightmares, independently predicted nightmare occurrences after accounting for maladjustment. However, mechanisms involved in the nightmare proneness construct are not well understood. The current study examined a model in which vulnerability and emotional dysregulation influenced nightmare proneness among 143 university students. Consistent with the model, vulnerability and emotional dysregulation independently predicted nightmare proneness after accounting for distress and gender. Only nightmare proneness accounted for unique variance in nightmare frequency, but vulnerability and emotional dysregulation influenced nightmare frequency indirectly through nightmare proneness. The results and suggestions for future research were discussed.

Gender differences in retrospective nightmare frequency among young adults: Effects of nightmare distress and affective distress

April 2021


127 Reads


10 Citations

International Journal of Dream Research

Females, as a group, retrospectively report more nightmares than males. This difference has been attributed to socialization factors whereby females experience more negative affect and have associated nightmares. It is also possible that females recall more nightmares because they find nightmares more distressing and, therefore, more salient. The current study examined the effects of nightmare distress and general affective distress on the gender difference in nightmare frequency among 221 young adults. Nightmare distress accounted for the gender difference in nightmare frequency more strongly than affective distress. However, affective distress and nightmare frequency did not account for the gender difference in nightmare distress. The results and recommendations for future research are discussed.

A Shorter Short Version of Barron's Ego Strength Scale

June 2018


4,520 Reads


5 Citations

College Student Journal

This study developed an abbreviated form of Barron's (1953) Ego Strength Scale for use in research among college student samples. A version of Barron's scale was administered to 100 undergraduate college students. Using item-total score correlations and internal consistency , the scale was reduced to 18 items (Es18). The Es18 possessed adequate reliability and correlated well with a longer version of the scale. The results are discussed and suggestions for future research are offered.

The case of curiosity and the night sky: Relationship between noctcaelador and three forms of curiosity

January 2016


295 Reads


4 Citations

The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between noctcaelador (psychological attachment to the night sky) and curiosity. A measure of noctcaelador and three curiosity scales (perceptual curiosity , epistemic curiosity, and curiosity as a feeling of deprivation) were administered to 233 university students. Correlations indicated that all three curiosity scales were significantly, positively related to noctcaelador. Regression analyses indicated that the only curiosity scale to uniquely predict noctcaelador was perceptual curiosity. Curiosity as a possible mechanism for the development of noctcaelador was posited. Limitations of the current study and suggestions for future research were offered.

Figure 1: Path Analysis Results. Numbers represent standardized beta weights. N = 125. *p < .05 **p < .01
The Role of Recent Stress in the Relationship Between Worry and Self-Efficacy: Path Analysis of a Mediation Model

January 2011


362 Reads


4 Citations

To explore and expand previous research findings of the relationship between worry and perceived personal inadequacy, 125 university students completed measures of worry, self-efficacy, and perceived stress. Results of a path analysis examining a mediation model indicated that the relationship between worry and self-efficacy was mediated by perceived stress. The results are discussed in the context of the tri-belief model of worry and the diathesis-stress model.

Academic orientation and creativity: Does a creative personality correlate with students' approach to the academic environment?

December 2008


92 Reads


5 Citations

Individual Differences Research

This study explored the relationship between academic orientation, creativity, and students' approach to the academic environment. Participants included 127 students enrolled in undergraduate psychology classes who completed the Survey of Academic Orientations (SAO; Davidson, Beck, & Silver, 1999) and the Scale of Creative Attributes and Behavior (SCAB; Kelly, 2004). SCAB scores were positively, significantly correlated with the Creative Expression and Reading for Pleasure factors of the SAO.

Academic Orientation, Academic Achievement, and Noctcaelador: Does Interest in Night-Sky Watching Correlate with Students' Approach to the Academic Environment?

December 2007


7 Reads

This study explored the relationship between academic orientation, academic achievement, and interest in night-sky watching (noctcaelador). Participants included 117 students enrolled in undergraduate psychology classes who completed the Survey of Academic Orientations (SAO; Davidson, Beck, & Silver, 1999), Noctcaelador Inventory (NI; Kelly, 2004), and self-reported their overall college grade-point averages (GPA). Regression analyses indicated that together the six academic orientation factors and GPA accounted for 13% of the variance in NI scores. However, only the Reading for Pleasure and Mistrust of Instructors factors of the SAO had a direct significant relationship with NI scores. These results characterize students interested in watching the night-sky as being interested in reading from diverse sources and being more likely to think of instructors as unfair and unempathic regarding students' concerns.

Table 2 Factor Analysis of NI and NCS Items ____________________________________________________________
Sleep-length, noctcaelador, and watching the night-sky to cope

June 2007


250 Reads


7 Citations

Individual Differences Research

The relationships between an interest in watching the night-sky (noctcaelador), sleep-length, and watching the night-sky as a coping mechanism were explored. Female university students (N = 105) completed the Noctcaelador Inventory, a night-sky related coping scale, and self-reported their habitual sleep-length. The results indicated that individuaLs reporting less sleep-length also reported higher levels of noctcaelador and watching the night-sky as a coping mechanism. However, noctcaelador and watching the night-sky to cope did not independently account for sleep-length. A factor analysis revealed that noctcaelador and watching the night-sky to cope were statistically indistinguishable. Based on the results it was posited that one function of noctcaelador may be that of a coping mechanism.

Citations (10)

... It has also been associated with seemingly less likely activities such as night-sky watching (Kelly & Daughtry, 2006). ...


To Wake, To Wake, Perchance To Read: Sleep Duration and Reading for Pleasure
Pursuit of leisure reading and interest in watching the night-sky: relationship between reading for pleasure and noctcaelador

... Apparent statistical independence from maladjustment in predicting nightmares led Kelly and colleagues (Kelly & Daughtry, 2022;Kelly & Mathe, 2019;Kelly & Yu, 2019; to outline a model of nightmare proneness that includes several underlying processes. The model does not provide a novel framework from which to understand nightmares, per se, but synthesizes components from previous models and research (e.g., Belfiore & Pietrowsky, 2017;Hartmann, 1984;Kohut, 1977;Levin, 1990;Levin & Nielsen, 2007). ...

Elucidating Nightmare Proneness: Relationships With Emotional Dysregulation and Psychological Vulnerability


... Both could result from difficulties of the integration function of the ego (Bellack et al., 1973). Another seemingly related concept is ego strength: the ability to remain calm in the face of external and internal stressors (Kelly & Daughtry, 2018). Though it might be expected that lower levels of ego strength leave one open to experiences of fragmentation due to weakness of the integration function, ego strength represents more global functioning of the self, not merely a tendency to fragment (Bellack et al., 1973;Besharat, 2017;Cabaniss et al., 2016). ...

A Shorter Short Version of Barron's Ego Strength Scale

College Student Journal

... Contexts such as travelling, backpacking, and tourism (e.g., Chen & Hsu; Jani; Totsune et al.) [58][59][60], gaming (e.g., Huck et al.; Kim & Lee) [61,62], and social networking (e.g., Fang; Thomas & Vinuales) [63,64] fell under this umbrella term. Other leisure-based contexts that were less studied (compared to travelling, gaming, and social networking) included curiosity in music, virtual reality, nature, smoking, alcohol consumption, sports, visual arts, and noctcaelador (an attachment to the night sky) [26,28,[65][66][67][68][69][70][71]. ...

The case of curiosity and the night sky: Relationship between noctcaelador and three forms of curiosity

... In other words, they share common, predictable relationships with other traits as if all these traits share the same source of variance. For instance, both reading for pleasure and interest in night-sky watching have been found to relate to trait psychological absorption -the tendency to enter a state in which attention is focused entirely on a specific stimulus Miall & Kuiken, 1995), creative and artistic interests (Kelly, 2005a;Kelly & Daughtry, 2008), the physiological marker habitual sleep duration (Kelly, 2009;Kelly & Daughtry, 2007), and motivations such as seeking inspira-tion and facilitation of emotional change (Djikic, Oatley, Zoeterman, & Peterson, 2009;Hodgson & Thomson, 2000;Kelly &Daughtry,2007). ...

Academic orientation and creativity: Does a creative personality correlate with students' approach to the academic environment?
  • Citing Article
  • December 2008

Individual Differences Research

... Absorption has been described as a form of trait hypnotic susceptibility in which individuals have a tendency to become intensely engrossed in a particular stimulus (Tellegen & Atkinson, 1974). Given associations with absorption and findings that night sky watching assisted in mood regulation (Kelly, 2003;Kelly & Daughtry, 2007), Kelly (2009) posited that the night sky served as an aesthetically complex, hypnotic stimulus which individuals with a permeable and flexible psychic structure might begin to identify as a secure (i.e., consistent and safe) attachment object. ...

Sleep-length, noctcaelador, and watching the night-sky to cope

Individual Differences Research

... In contrast, dark sky enthusiast visitors have developed a profound attachment to dark skies, and they intend to seek what Kelly et al. (2006) have described as "psychological absorption" with dark sky sites. This is reflected in various motivations expressed by our participants, including being immersed in contemplative atmospheres, learning new astronomical knowledge, and appreciating astronomical phenomena. ...

Entranced by the Night Sky: Psychological Absorption and Noctcaelador

... This result contradicts previous studies that identified such coping strategies as protective factors reducing the strength of the relationship between negative emotions and psychological well-being. 35,36,38,71 The contrasting findings may be due to differences in sample characteristics. To date, the effectiveness of emotion-focused and problem-focused coping has been found mainly in teaching domains 35,36,38 and among undergraduate students. ...

The Role of Recent Stress in the Relationship Between Worry and Self-Efficacy: Path Analysis of a Mediation Model

... No evidence has been presented suggesting that night sky watching, or noctcaelador, is pathological. Indeed, given that the nonclinical samples of individuals with higher noctcaelador studied thus far apparently cope and function relatively effectively in the world (Kelly & Kelly, 2008), it seems that although they might experience more primary process mentation such as magical ideation (Kelly & Daughtry, 2005) and unusual perceptual experiences (Kelly, 2006), they are able to combine with it a rational, intellectual cognitive style (Kelly, 2005) and thereby appear able to experience what has been termed regression in the service of the ego (cf., Knafo, 2002;McCrae, 1994). ...

Relationship between Magical Ideation and Noctcaelador