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Publications (4)

Fig. 1 The role of innovations in the multi-level perspective [own illustration based on Geels and Schot (2010, p. 25)]
Fig. 2 Differentiation and classification of different variants of (youth) entrepreneurship education in a socioeconomic context [taken from Koch et al. (
Shaping Great Transformations in Germany: The Role of Youth Entrepreneurship Education (YEE)
  • Chapter
  • Full-text available

May 2023


73 Reads


4 Citations

Ulrich Braukmann


Lambert T. Koch


Dominik Bartsch

Climate change, the destruction of the environment, and resource scarcity—the developments associated with these phenomena are posing ever greater challenges for humanity today and require solutions, both in a regional context and at a global level. The sustainability debate has long dominated everyday politics in Germany and elsewhere. The need for comprehensive changes in attitudes, behavior, and rules is acknowledged, and people are—in principle—aware of the great challenges that lie ahead. Yet progress is very slow in setting the necessary course for the future, and, in the light of looming ecological tipping points, this can seem quite alarming. This paper addresses the question of how to generate significantly more implementation potential in our society and bring together what are often uncoordinated developments to achieve a truly “great transformation” toward more sustainable structures in business, society, and the environment. The focus is put on the significance of innovation and entrepreneurial thinking and acting and its early, systematic manifestations. It is argued why appropriately designed, youth entrepreneurship education (YEE) could be an important factor in this context.


Entrepreneurial Thinking and Acting in the Context of Great Transformations in Germany: How to Approach Entrepreneurial Personalities and Organizations in Order to Actively Shape Transformational Challenges?

October 2022


285 Reads


2 Citations

Great Transformations like the Digital Transformation and Sustainability Transformation, their challenges and their consequences for society are increasingly discussed in theory and practice. In this context, especially the issue of dealing with fundamental and profound changes in economy, politics and society is coming to the fore. In countries with liberal democratic systems such as Germany, an entrepreneurial mindset is granted an important role in dealing with these transformations in a proactive and formative way. Thus, the issue as to how more entrepreneurial individuals and organizations—and therefore more “out of the box thinking”—can systematically be tapped and developed in Germany becomes essential. To this end, this chapter proposes a newly conceptualized interdisciplinary and integrative approach, which was distinctly designed for the addressing and winning of entrepreneurial individuals and organizations in a systematic and targeted manner. Because it is specifically tailored to the prevailing circumstances and structures in Germany, the approach emphasizes enlightened, voluntary and self-sustaining actions. Doing so, it offers an effective, but also legitimate way to address and win entrepreneurial personalities and organizations to contribute to actively shaping the Digital and Sustainability Transformation.

Schulische Entrepreneurship Education – quo vadis Deutschland? Plädoyer für einen Perspektivenwechsel

January 2021


19 Reads


4 Citations

ZfKE ? Zeitschrift für KMU und Entrepreneurship

Immer wieder wurde in Deutschland in den vergangenen Jahren die Integration einer Entrepreneurship Education in das Schulsystem gefordert. Zugleich jedoch verlaufen dahingehende Diskussionen höchst kontrovers. Ideologische Grabenkämpfe und Emotionalisierungen verhindern bislang eine breite und systematische Umsetzung entsprechender Forderungen. Hiervon ausgehend widmet sich der Beitrag Möglichkeiten und Grenzen, die Implementation und Dissemination einer Youth Entrepreneurship Education in schulischen Curricula in Deutschland künftig erfolgreicher zu gestalten. Die erarbeiteten Ansätze werden hierbei nicht nur hinsichtlich verschiedener Anforderungen des Bildungssystems erörtert. Eine Einordnung erfolgt auch unter Einbezug gesellschaftlicher Bedarfe und wirtschaftlicher Rahmenbedingungen in ihrem Wandel. In recent years the integration of entrepreneurship education into the school system has been repeatedly called for in Germany. At the same time, however, such discussions are highly controversial. Thus a broad and systematic implementation of such demands has been prevented by ideological debates and emotionalization so far. Accordingly this article discusses the possibilities and limitations of implementing and disseminating youth entrepreneurship education in future German school curricula more successfully. The developed theoretical considerations are discussed with regard to terms of various requirements of the education system. The classification also considers changing social needs and economic conditions.

Citations (3)

... Approximately 10,000 students were exposed to entrepreneurship, and close to 3000 students completed a survey Spinnovation (2020). Outcomes are shared in Braukmann et al. (2023), focusing on motivators and fears among students in starting a business, as well as the impact of certain measures on attitudes and perceptions about entrepreneurship. ...


Progress in Entrepreneurship Education and Training. New Methods, Tools, and Lessons Learned from Practice
Shaping Great Transformations in Germany: The Role of Youth Entrepreneurship Education (YEE)

... Entrepreneurial innovation can generate intangible resources, such as knowledge and intellectual property, contributing to a firm's competitive advantage. However, entrepreneurial thinking is crucial for identifying and exploiting these resources and opportunities (Braukmann et al., 2023). The mediating role of entrepreneurial thinking in the relationship between entrepreneurial innovation and competitive advantage is another key aspect of the theory. ...

Entrepreneurial Thinking and Acting in the Context of Great Transformations in Germany: How to Approach Entrepreneurial Personalities and Organizations in Order to Actively Shape Transformational Challenges?

... EE manifests itself primarily in systematic, intentional teaching and learning in general education schools and vocational (business) schools in South Africa and other countries, though elements of educational and learning processes in family and extracurricular contexts can be classified under the term (cleveland & Bartsch, 2019). Figure 1 illustrates how the design of the EE in question can have a significant impact on the learning objectives and outcomes and how EE is integrated into the educational system (Koch et al., 2021). Educating about entrepreneurship aims to disseminate theories and characteristics about the entrepreneur, typical fields of action, and the entrepreneurial role in the economy and society, while educating for entrepreneurship aims to prepare for entrepreneurial activity in the sense of a direct start-up qualification (lackeus, 2015). ...

Schulische Entrepreneurship Education – quo vadis Deutschland? Plädoyer für einen Perspektivenwechsel
  • Citing Article
  • January 2021

ZfKE ? Zeitschrift für KMU und Entrepreneurship