Dominic Stratford’s research while affiliated with University of the Witwatersrand and other places

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Publications (81)

Strathalan Cave revisited: Stone Age networks and environments at the foot of the Drakensberg, South Africa
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September 2024


37 Reads

Southern African Field Archaeology



Dominic Stratford

The broader Drakensberg is an important region for understanding population dynamics and adaptation between the Late Pleistocene and Holocene. Here, we announce our campaign to re-excavate Strathalan Cave in the northeastern Cape of South Africa. Strathalan Cave sits at the foothills of the uKhahlamba-Drakensberg at the edge of the Great Escarpment of southern Africa. Well-known for its organic preservation, the site is important for understanding the archaeology of the region. People have occupied Strathalan Cave intermittently from ca. 29 000 years ago (ka), so exploring occupational patterns at sites such as these is a valuable means of understanding Stone Age behaviour during glacial Marine Isotope Stage 2 (ca. 29-14 ka). In this paper, we provide the first detailed description of the geological, geomorphological, sedimentary and environmental context of Strathalan Cave and review previous studies conducted on the site and region. We also introduce the goals of our re-excavation project and present a detailed map of the three cavities that make up the Strathalan Cave complex as part of a new, comprehensive, spatial control system established on site. Given the remarkable preservation of organic materials, Strathalan Cave may provide an important and rare source of archaeological and palaeoenvironmental data for this period. Future work at Strathalan will likely contribute to our understanding of the links between settlement patterns and environmental change. This is especially important given that Strathalan sits at the juncture between different environmental and geographic regions.


Mwulu’s Cave, South Africa

August 2023


85 Reads


1 Citation

Mwulu’s Cave is located on the eastern escarpment of the Makapansberg Mountains in the district of Mokopane (Limpopo Province, South Africa, 24.17° S, 29.24° E), close to the Makapan Valley. The area hosts several well-known Plio-Pleistocene sites (Fig. 1). The cave is accessed directly from a mountain pass, informally and locally called the ‘Monkey Nek’. The site lies in the middle beds of the Late Archaean and Early Proterozoic quartzites of the Black Reef Formation, which are considered the basal lithostratigraphic unit of the Transvaal Supergroup exposed around the margins of the Transvaal basin (Eriksson et al., 1995; Els et al., 1995). The heavily fractured, south-west tilted Black Reef Formation quartzites represent the highest points of this landscape, c. 2040 m above sea level, exposed as a scarp following the erosion of the overlying dolomites. It is in these dramatic cliffs overlooking the Springbok Flats (500 m below) that Mwulu’s Cave formed. Mwulu’s Cave is located 30 m below a north facing overhanging quartzite ledge, and about 15 m above the base of the scarp. The small, narrow, tapering cave (about 10 m long and 3 m wide at its entrance) opens 5 m below a compound fracture that splits into two diverging joints above the roof of the cave. It is most likely that the cave formed through localised collapse of the cliff face as a result of the development and exposure of this fracture complex.

Olieboomspoort, South Africa

August 2023


88 Reads


2 Citations

Olieboomspoort, in the Waterberg Mountains of South Africa, is one of the few rock shelters in the vast interior of southern Africa documenting pulses of occupation from the Acheulean until the end of the Later Stone Age. Revil Mason discovered and excavated the site in 1954 and attributed the large Middle Stone Age (MSA) lithic assemblage to his middle phase of the so-called Pietersburg Industry. Later work at the site lead by Maria van der Ryst focused on the Holocene layers, which preserve abundant archaeological material associated with the final Later Stone Age and the contact period between hunter-gatherers with herders and farmers in the region.In 2018, we initiated new excavations at Olieboomspoort to clarify site formation processes and conduct new analyses on the MSA archaeological material. The MSA deposits contain abundant lithic artifacts and ochre; faunal remains indicate the presence of open grasslands. U-series-ESR estimates on fossil teeth place the deposits within Marine Isotopic Stage 6. Our reappraisal of site formation processes highlights the critical role of water and suggests that the archaeological assemblage is strongly time-averaged.

Revisiting the Acheulean at Namib IV in the Namib Desert, Namibia

June 2023


79 Reads


3 Citations

Journal of Field Archaeology

Namib IV is frequently cited, as it is one of few Earlier Stone Age sites in the Sand Sea of the Namib Desert. The site was first investigated in 1978 by Myra Shackley, who described 582 artifacts on the surface of a pan as representing an Acheulean butchery site. Descriptions of the artifacts, their number, and area were inconsistently reported. Recently rediscovered, the site of Namib IV is a rare example of a tool-rich and fossil fauna-bearing pan system in the Namib Sand Sea. This project aims to investigate when, how, and under what environmental conditions hominins utilized these landscapes. This article presents the first archaeological research conducted at the site in over 40 years. Typological and technological data was collected from surface-exposed artifacts and large cutting tools (LCTs) and compared to Shackley’s assemblage. Data demonstrate that her collection is representative of the Namib IV site and raise many new questions about the original research and the site.

Plants, people and fire: Phytolith and FTIR analyses of the post-Howiesons Poort occupations at Border Cave (KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa)

February 2023


127 Reads


3 Citations

Border Cave is a well-known South African Middle and Early Later Stone Age site located in KwaZulu-Natal. The site has exceptional plant preservation, unparalleled in the African Middle Stone Age archaeological record. This study focuses on the phytolith and FTIR analysis of two Members (2 BS and 2 WA) of the under-documented post-Howiesons Poort occupations dating to~60 ka. These members contain complex successions of vertically overlapping, interdigitating light brown sediments, plant bedding and combustion features of various sizes. The complexity and distinctiveness of these deposits provide an excellent opportunity for the study of plant exploitation strategies and their associated human behaviour. Our taphonomic assessment inferred, through the variability of phytolith properties and minerals composing archaeological layers, that specific occupations suffered more physical weathering than others, for example in the form of trampling. The preservation of fragile and highly soluble phy-toliths (eudicot leaf phytoliths) and the high frequencies of articulated phytoliths indicates that some bedding deposits experienced little disturbance after their deposition. Not all bedding layers dating to ⁓60 ka show, from a phytolith perspective, the same plant composition, which could be explained in terms of changes in human preference for the use of plants over time to construct bedding or because distinct types of living floors are represented. Finally, the systematic application of phytoliths and FTIR to the complex archaeological sequence of Border Cave confirm these analyses can be used in the future to identify bedding deposits not visible to the naked eye, and behavioural patterns obscured by diagenetic or biased processes during sampling.

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram summarizing variation among taxa and evolutionary changes in hominin frontal sinus morphology. The diagonal line divides taxa that seem to show different constraints on sinus morphology (specimens are not shown to scale; they are globally organized chronologically from base to top). Weak constraint on sinus development from surrounding anatomical structures and large frontal superstructures providing potential space for expansion give the sinuses the opportunity to develop isometrically with endocranial size (Fig. 3) in genera Pan, Gorilla, Sahelanthropus, Australopithecus, and Paranthropus (see right). In later hominins (see left), integration between the cranium, brain, and sinuses appears to influence sinuses expansion. Within later Homo, characteristics of sinus morphology are indicated by different colored ellipses (color code corresponds to that used inFigs. 3 to 5). Our results support the existence of separate groups within Middle Pleistocene hominins. On the basis of the frontal sinuses, there appears to be an evolutionary relationship between H. neanderthalensis and one group, which may be called H. heidelbergensis, while the group containing Broken Hill 1, and so reasonably called H. rhodesiensis, has a unique morphology that supports a distinct status. Covariation between the size and shape of the sinuses on both sides and the underlying frontal lobes has existed since at least H. erectus and was present among subsequent hominin species.
Fig. 2. Visualization and quantification of the frontal sinuses. The skull of the type specimen of H. neanderthalensis, Feldhofer 1, in anterior (A), superior (B), and detailed views (C). Bone is rendered transparent, and sinuses are shown as a virtual solid in magenta. Dimensions of the frontal sinuses are measured as 2D projections in different orientations and are shown as follows: maximal lateral extension (W), maximal height (H), and maximal length of the left and right frontal sinuses [anterior length (AL): ALl and ALr] measured from the most medial and inferior point of the sinus to the more distant point of the extension of the sinus vertically and laterally measured in anterior view; maximal medio-lateral extension of the left and right sinus [superior length (SL): SLl and SLr] measured in superior view; length from the most anteriorly protruding point of the sinus to the most posterior point in a horizontal direction (AP) and length from the most anterior point to the maximal supero-posterior extension of the sinuses (AP2) measured in left lateral view (see also fig. S1).
Fig. 3. Bivariate plot of the cube root of the volume of the frontal sinuses relative to the cube root of the endocranial volume. Individual volume data (both in centimeters) in Pan and Gorilla (red: P. paniscus; dark orange: P. troglodytes; light orange: G. gorilla) and fossils hominins (purple: Sahelanthropus, Australopithecus, and Paranthropus; gray: H. naledi; green: H. erectus s.l.; light blue: H. heidelbergensis; light green: H. rhodesiensis; dark blue: H. neanderthalensis; pink: fossil H. sapiens); the pink lines show the variation and the mean for recent H. sapiens. The black line shows the regression of both variables in Pan and Gorilla (slope = 1.36, r = 0.72, P = 10 × 10 −16 ). Labels for fossil hominins are as follows: TM 266-01-060-01 (Toumaï), To; Sts 5, S5; Stw 505, S505; Sts 71, S71; Stw 573, S573; UW 88-50, U88; BOU-VP-12/130, BOU; SK 48, S48; DNH 155, D155; OH 5, O5; Stw 53, S53; KNM-ER 3883, ER; OH 9, O9; D2280, D1; D2282, D2; D3444, D3; D4500, D4; Trinil 2, T; Sambungmacan 4, S4; Sangiran 17, S17; Skull IX, SIX; Ngandong 1, N1; Ngandong 7, N7; Ngandong 12, N12; Ngawi 1, Nw1; Lesedi 1, Les; La Ferrassie 1, LF; La Quina H5, LQ; Guattari, Gu; Forbes' Quarry 1, Gi; Krapina 3, K3; Krapina 6, K6; La Chapelle aux Saints, LCP; Spy 1, SI; Spy 10, SX; Feldhofer, F; Amud, Am; Tabun C1, Tc1; Aroeira, Ar; HK 87, H87; H1024, H24; Sima de los Huesos Skull 5, Sh5; SHS12, Sh12; SHS13, Sh13; SHS17, Sh17; Ceprano, C; Petralona, P; Broken Hill 1, BH; Bodo, B; Zuttiyeh, Z; Steinheim, S; Jebel Irhoud 1, JI; LH 18, LH; Qafzeh 9, Q9; Cro-Magnon 1, C1; Cro-Magnon 2, C2; Cro-Magnon 3, C3; Pataud, Pa.
Fig. 4. PCA of absolute measurements of frontal pneumatization in all directions. Red: P. paniscus; dark orange: P. troglodytes; light orange: G. gorilla; small pink dots: extant H. sapiens; purple: Sahelanthropus, Australopithecus, and Paranthropus; gray: H. naledi; dark green: H. erectus s.l.; light blue: H. heidelbergensis; light green: H. rhodesiensis; dark blue: H. neanderthalensis; large pink dots: fossil H. sapiens. H, height of sinuses; W, width of sinuses; 2AL, combined medio-lateral extension of sinuses in anterior view; 2AP, combined anterior projection of sinuses; 2SL, combined medio-lateral extension of sinuses in superior view (the lines represent the direction and the loadings of these measurements along the two components; see Fig. 1 for the visualization of these measurements). Labels for fossil hominins are as follows: TM 266-01-060-01 (Toumaï), To; Sts 5, S5; Stw 505, S505; Sts 71, S71; Stw 573, S573; UW 88-50, U88; BOU-VP-12/130, BOU; SK 48, S48; DNH 155, D155; OH 5, O5; Stw 53, S53; KNM-ER 3883, ER; OH 9, O9; D2280, D1; D2282, D2; D3444, D3; D4500, D4; Trinil 2, T; Sambungmacan 4, S4; Sangiran 17, S17; Skull IX, SIX; Ngandong 1, N1; Ngandong 7, N7; Ngandong 12, N12; Ngawi 1, Nw1; Lesedi 1, Les; La Ferrassie 1, LF; La Quina H5, LQ; Guattari, Gu; Forbes' Quarry 1, Gi; Krapina 3, K3; Krapina 6, K6; La Chapelle aux Saints, LCP; Spy 1, SI; Spy 10, SX; Feldhofer, F; Amud, Am; Apidima 2, Ap2; Tabun C1, Tc1; TD6-15, TD (yellow dot); Aroeira, Ar; HK 87, H87; H1024, H24; Sima de los Huesos Skull 5, Sh5; SHS12, Sh12; SHS13, Sh13; SHS17, Sh17; Ceprano, C; Petralona, P; Broken Hill 1, BH; Bodo, B; Zuttiyeh, Z; Steinheim, S; Jebel Irhoud 1, JI; LH 18, LH; Qafzeh 9, Q9; Cro-Magnon 1, C1; Cro-Magnon 2, C2; Cro-Magnon 3, C3; Pataud, Pa.
Les sinus frontaux au cours de l’évolution humaineThe frontal sinuses during human evolution

January 2023


410 Reads

Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d anthropologie de Paris

Citations (56)

... Pollen spectra Fig. 1 Location of the Waterberg Mountains (red dot) and Limpopo Province (in light blue) in South Africa, and the location of OBP and other sites mentioned in the text within Limpopo Province (adapted from Wadley et al. 2022) and phytolith data reflect vegetation typical of savanna and woodland environments within the Summer Rainfall Zone. We refer the reader to Val et al. (2021Val et al. ( , 2023 for detailed information about the site and recent excavations. The 2018 and 2019 excavations identified an unclear and deflated stratigraphy (Val et al. 2021). ...


Ochre use at Olieboomspoort, South Africa: insights into specular hematite use and collection during the Middle Stone Age
Olieboomspoort, South Africa

... The area is remote, overland travel presents an extreme challenge, and there are serious logistical barriers to access that have greatly hindered archaeological research in the area. Despite these obstacles, a number of surface-exposed sites have been identified that suggest hominins may have occupied this region since at least the Middle Pleistocene (Shackley, 1980(Shackley, , 1982(Shackley, , 1985Shackley et al., 1985;Leader et al., 2022Leader et al., , 2023. Surface sites such as these are challenging to date, which has hindered the ability to correlate occupations of the NSS into the broader framework of Southern African archaeology. ...

Revisiting the Acheulean at Namib IV in the Namib Desert, Namibia
  • Citing Article
  • June 2023

Journal of Field Archaeology

... Asirdizer et al. (2017), on the other hand, reported contradictory evidence for frontal sinus volume to be larger in a population living in a colder climate and at a higher altitude than in one inhabiting a warmer climate at a lower altitude. Selcuk et al. (2015) found no significant difference in frontal sinus volumes in relation to either climate or altitude in two Turkish populations, and Balzeau et al. (2022) concluded that while there are significant size differences among populations from different geographic regions, these are not necessarily related to climate. From their survey of frontal sinus volumes recorded for population samples from around the globe, Butaric, Buck, et al. (2022) also inferred that clear climatic adaptive trends are not readily apparent except for the few high-latitude populations that have been sampled (e.g., those from Greenland and the Chukchi Peninsula of Russia), which possess small sinuses on average. ...

Frontal sinuses and human evolution

Science Advances

... In the context of lithic assemblages, the palimpsest dissection approach has been applied across different Pleistocene contexts, spanning various time periods. The main goal has been to achieve a more detailed understanding of human behaviour at a higher temporal resolution by discerning the different events contributing to the formation of the lithic assemblages (Clark, 2017;de la Peña et al., 2022;Fraile-Márquez et al., 2022;Martínez-Moreno et al., 2016;Mayor et al., 2020). These advancements have been developed mainly through the application of archaeostratigraphy and spatial analysis. ...

Lithic technological and spatial analysis of the final Pleistocene at Border Cave, South Africa
  • Citing Article
  • November 2022

Quaternary Science Reviews

... For the naturally-irradiated grains in Datasets A and B, the earliest saturating DRC groups also underestimate the expected D e (~37-40 Gy), but so do some of the later saturating DRC groups ( Fig. 6e and f). The latter pattern has also been reported for other quartz samples (e.g., Feathers et al., 2020;Tribolo et al., 2022). In our sample, the extent of D e underestimation is greatest for Groups 10, 12 and 13 in Dataset B; these groups have a prominent TL peak at ~160 • C ( Fig. 2b and f), as well as higher TL intensities across the ~160-260 • C region ( Fig. 2b and g). ...

Luminescence dating at Border Cave: attempts, questions, and new results
  • Citing Article
  • November 2022

Quaternary Science Reviews

... Research with the potential to test this aspect of the prediction is currently focussed on the regional cluster of shelter/cave campsites with long archaeological sequences, sampling the 'Pietersburg' regional variant of the MSA in northeastern South Africa (e.g. Watts 2014:218-22 & tbl.16.2;Porraz et al. 2015Porraz et al. , 2018d'Errico & Blackwell 2016;Backwell et al. 2018aBackwell et al. , 2022de la Peña et al. 2019;Val et al. 2021;Culey et al. 2023). ...

Border Cave: A 227,000-year-old archive from the southern African interior
  • Citing Article
  • June 2022

Quaternary Science Reviews

... They identify 69 layers within his single Member 2 WA and 51 in 4 WA. As opposed to the 10 members identified by Beaumont, 237 stratigraphic layers have been identified and excavated to date Stratford et al., 2022). Beaumont (1978) originally reported remarkable preservation of organic remains and the new excavations have confirmed this, with 48 layers of grass mats/bedding identified . ...

Geoarchaeology and zooarchaeology of Border Cave, South Africa: Initial multiproxy considerations of stratigraphy and site formation processes from the Backwell et al. excavations
  • Citing Article
  • July 2022

Quaternary Science Reviews

... Based on molar crown size and cusp proportions, SK 15 was also attributed to Homo habilis (Curnoe, 2006), then tentatively to the basket taxon Homo gautengensis (Curnoe, 2010), and similarities in mandible and tooth morphology with the Middle Pleistocene hominin, Homo naledi, from Rising Star Cave were also noted (Hawks et al., 2017;Kupczik et al., 2019). A recent analysis of the enamel-dentine junction (EDJ) of the M 2 and M 3 of SK 15 most closely resembles that of Paranthropus (Zanolli et al., 2022a). The taxonomy of many fossil hominin remains is debated (for a review of the Early to Middle Pleistocene Homo record, see Ant on and Middleton, 2023), but it is unusual for the same specimen to be attributed consecutively to three hominin genera (Homo, Australopithecus, Paranthropus, and excluding Telanthropus). ...

Dental data challenge the ubiquitous presence of Homo in the Cradle of Humankind

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

... Palaeoenvironmental interpretations presented here for KW-Unit P are similar to those presented at Sterkfontein Member 4 (STK-M4) ~ 3.4 Ma (Granger et al. 2022) and Member 5 East, Oldowan (STK-M5E, Oldowan) ~ 2.18 Ma (Granger et al. 2015), Swartkrans Member 1 Lower Bank (SKX-M1 LB) ~ 2.2 Ma (Kuman et al. 2021) and Member 2 (SKX-M2) ~ 1.5 Ma (Vrba 1985;Brain 1993). Sambo's (2020) ecomorphological study reports that bovids from these four deposits had varied morphological adaptations to mosaic habitats. ...

Cosmogenic nuclide dating of Australopithecus at Sterkfontein, South Africa

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

... Two procedures are available in these cases; researchers might opt for restricting the area of study and sample size to incorporate only original data in their analysis (Almécija et al., , 2019Beaudet et al., 2018;Daver et al., 2018;Lague, 2015;Lague et al., 2019a;Lague et al., 2019b;Ruff et al., 1999;Tallman, 2012Tallman, , 2014Tallman et al., 2013;Trinkaus et al., 1998), or they can reconstruct the missing or deformed bone portions through (TPS) estimations and/or mirroring and merging tools in case of symmetric structures (Beaudet, d'Errico, et al., 2022;Beaudet, Dumoncel, et al., 2022;Claxton et al., 2016;Davis et al., 2021;Freidline et al., 2012;Gunz et al., 2009;Gunz et al., 2020;Gunz & Harvati, 2007;Mori et al., 2020), before data collection for statistical analysis and comparison. ...

Shape analysis of the StW 578 calotte from Jacovec Cavern, Gauteng (South Africa) AUTHORS: CORRESPONDENCE TO: DATES: HOW TO CITE

South African Journal of Science