Dmytro Artemenko’s research while affiliated with National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and other places

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Publications (8)

Figure 1. Biosensor device of "Floratest" family From 2011 the devices are in series manufacture. They are produced by VD MAIS firm and successfully applied in Institutes of National academy of agrarian sciences, agrarian universities, private agrarian firms, and etc. Wide application of smart computer devices of "Floratest" family in agriculture of Ukraine will make it possible to protect plants from diseases, save crop, increase the productivity of agriculture production, reduce expenditure for unit of product, and hazardous substance
Figure 2. Upper level of decision-making system in precision farming
Figure 3. Functional scheme of tiny biosensor of "Floratest" family
Figure 5. 3D model of biosensor case
Figure 6. Organization of connection between tiny biosensors in wireless sensor network
Computer devices and mobile information technology for precision farming
  • Conference Paper
  • Full-text available

September 2013


55 Reads


4 Citations

Olexander Palagin






It the article it is described wireless devices and systems for application in precision farming, developed in V.M.Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics. The chlorophyll fluorescence induction is measured to fulfill express-diagnostics of plane state.



June 2013


51 Reads


3 Citations

In the article features of new portable biosensor devices of "Floratest" family for express-diagnostics of plant state in real time mode are described. The devices are developed and created in V.M.Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics of NAS of Ukraine. Today these devices are used in precision farming and environment monitoring, but new application of these devices is more challenging. Standard biosensor device can be used as part of data acquisition systems or independently, but all measurements are made in manual mode (several measurements per hour). The new one is wireless biosensor. The biosensors are integrated into sensor networks and used in precision farming and environment protection. Proposed wireless biosensors have significant differences from free-running devices. Wireless biosensors with radio transceivers are placed on test plants and data reading from set of plants is executed at the same definitive time by remote mobile computer or other mobile tools, for example, electric unmanned quadcopter. Due to it is possible to get hundreds of measurements from different parts of planted area or woodland. Implementation of proposed biosensor devices with radio channel and sensor networks on their base to agriculture and environment protection makes it possible to increase efficiency and quality of agricultural products, and spare fertilizers, water and energy resources, timely protect plants from infections and anthropogenic impact.


The development and application of automated systems, such as a plant growth and development control complex in agriculture, allows not only to avoid gross errors, but also to significantly optimize technological operations for the care of agricultural crops.

Portable Device "Floratest" as Tool for Estimating of Megalopolis Ecology State

June 2009


409 Reads


2 Citations

Portable device "Floratest" for express-diagnostic of plant state, which is developed in the V.M. Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, is considered. Party of this device is manufactured and transferred to organizations, worked in the agricultural sector, environmental protection area, mineral fertilizer production etc. for working out of methodical tools. Using of the device for estimating of megalopolis ecology state by means of evaluation of green plant state is described in the article. Together with Megalopolis Ecomonitoring and Biodiversity Research Center of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine there were got results of experimental researches of influence detecting of heavy metals and harmful substances on the trees and plants in Kiev.

Citations (4)

... Заплановано експериментальне використання інформаційної системи для контрольованого зрошення виноградників. У наших попередніх роботах ми мали досвід використання розумних біосенсорів для точного землеробства [14] та для регулювання водного режиму [15]. З боку моделі це буде введення додаткових параметрів за допомогою методу бета-сепарації. ...


Methodological Fundamentals of Information System Design in Crop Production

... Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) play a very crucial role in today's growing technological era. WSN applications are present in different areas, such as environmental monitoring [1], defense [2], healthcare [3], automation [4] and farming [5]. WSNs have become an important aspect of information transfer these days. ...

Computer devices and mobile information technology for precision farming

... Dark adaptation before measure-ment was ten minutes; the time of each measurement was 240 seconds. The analysis was based on the chlorophyll fluorescence induction curve (Krause & Weis, 1991;Strasser et al., 2004, Romanov et al., 2009, which was calculated according to the following formulas: K 1 = (F m -F 0 )/F m is an indicator of the efficiency of the light phase of photochemical reactions (Krause & Weis, 1991); K 2 = (F m -F Sτ )/F m is the efficiency factor of dark photosynthetic processes (Strasser et al., 2004); K 3 = (F max2 -F Sτ )/F Sτ is a viability indicator sensitive to exogenous factors; a decrease in K 3 values indicates a decrease in the potential activity of the plant photosynthetic apparatus, and also corresponds to a correlation with the intensity of dark carbon dioxide fixation (Stirbet & Govindjee, 2011); ...

Portable Device "Floratest" as Tool for Estimating of Megalopolis Ecology State

... Для діагностики стану рослин застосовують різні методи та засоби. Одним із перспективних рішень є використання методу індукції флуоресценції хлорофілу (ІФХ) для експрес-діагностики стану рослин [1,2]. Окрім лабораторних досліджень, цей метод почали активно використовувати у промисловому сільському господарстві, включаючи прецизійне та цифрове землеробство, для забезпечення максимальної продуктивності сільського господарства. ...

Computer devices for precision agriculture