Dirk Rabiger’s research while affiliated with Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf and other places

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Publications (3)

Application of various beamformers in the liquid metal flow and the corresponding number of traced particles.
Measured flow field of the horizontal convection influenced under magnetic field with two rayleigh numbers, i.e. temperature differences.
Ultrasound vector flow mapping in a convection experiment.
Uncertainty Quantification of Super-Resolution Flow Mapping in Liquid Metals using Ultrasound Localization Microscopy
  • Preprint
  • File available

April 2024


141 Reads


1 Citation



Dirk Rabiger




Lars Buttner

Convection of liquid metals drives large natural processes and is important in technical processes. Model experiments are conducted for research purposes where simulations are expensive and the clarification of open questions requires novel flow mapping methods with an increased spatial resolution. In this work, the method of Ultrasound Localization Microscopy (ULM) is investigated for this purpose. Known from microvasculature imaging, this method provides an increased spatial resolution beyond the diffraction limit. Its applicability in liquid metal flows is promising, however the realization and reliability is challenging, as artificial scattering particles or microbubbles cannot be utilized. To solve this issue an approach using nonlinear adaptive beamforming is proposed. This allowed the reliable tracking of particles of which super-resolved flow maps can be deduced. Furthermore, the application in fluid physics requires quantified results. Therefore, an uncertainty quantification model based on the spatial resolution, velocity gradient and measurement parameters is proposed, which allows to estimate the flow maps validity under experimental conditions. The proposed method is demonstrated in magnetohydrodynamic convection experiments. In some occasions, ULM was able to measure velocity vectors within the boundary layer of the flow, which will help for future in-depth flow studies. Furthermore, the proposed uncertainty model of ULM is of generic use in other applications.


Adjustments of the p-DAS beamformer to optimize localization and tracking using liquid
metal echo data.
Measured streamlines averaged over 10 min of the experiment with (left) Ra = 2*10^5 and
(right) 10*10^5.
Enlarged recirculation area.
Ultrasound Localization Microscopy in Liquid Metal Flows

April 2022


229 Reads


5 Citations

Applied Sciences

Liquid metal convection plays an important role in natural and technical processes. In experimental studies, an instrumentation with a sub-millimeter spatial resolution is required in an opaque fluid to resolve the flow field near the boundary layer. Using ultrasound methods, the trade-off between the frequency and imaging depth of typical laboratory experiments limits the spatial resolution. Therefore, the method of ultrasound localization microscopy (ULM) was introduced in liquid metal experiments for the first time in this study. To isolate the intrinsic scattering particles, an adaptive nonlinear beamformer was applied. As a result, an average spatial resolution of 188 μm could be achieved, which corresponded to a fraction of the ultrasound wavelength of 0.28. A convection experiment was measured using ULM. Due to the increased spatial resolution, the high-velocity gradients and the recirculation areas of a liquid metal convection experiment could be observed for the first time. The presented technique paves the way for in-depth flow studies of convective turbulent liquid metal flows that are close to the boundary layer.

Citations (2)

... In general, applying the processing method of ULM without the pre-condition of isolatable scatterers will introduce measurement uncertainties. A solution to apply ULM in liquid metal flow studies was firstly demonstrated in a previous work by applying nonlinear adaptive beamforming [34]. With this method, a spatial resolution of 188 µm was proposed. ...


Uncertainty Quantification of Super-Resolution Flow Mapping in Liquid Metals using Ultrasound Localization Microscopy
Ultrasound Localization Microscopy in Liquid Metal Flows

Applied Sciences

... In a previous work [19], this method was combined with ultrasound image velocimetry (UIV) [20]- [22] and introduced for liquid metal flow mapping. UIV was shown to be capable of resolving the temporal dynamics of the convection flow and enable modal analysis [23]. But with spatial resolution of 4 mm, it was limited to the larger main structures. ...

Ultrasound Image Velocimetry with Adaptive Beamforming for Modal Measurements in Liquid Metal Convection