Diego Ide Mascara’s scientific contributions

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Publications (5)

Estudo descritivo da distribuição de gols, faltas e cartões no Campeonato Paulista 2008 - Série A1
  • Article
  • Full-text available

February 2013


135 Reads


4 Citations


Diego Ide Mascara


The objective of this study was to analyze the distribution of goals, fouls and cards from home and away teams to the Paulista Football Championship, Series A1, in the year 2008. The study is characterized as descriptive document notational analysis with statistical compilation. They took up the summaries of the matches as central instruments of analysis, totaling 202 games. 529 goals were scored, with 42.35% of the match in the first period and 57.65% in the second. We found a positive correlation between goals scored and game time. Concerning the incidence of yellow cards, home team received less then away team. As for the red cards, indicating a greater amount occurring in the last 15 minutes of play. The results indicate the relevance of the teams are well prepared to support the ends of matches, for the last 15 minutes of matches that are critical moments for accomplishment of goals, as well as application of yellow and red cards.


Comparison of Isokinetic Muscle Performance in male and female Badminton young Athletes

October 2012


299 Reads


2 Citations

Gazzetta Medica Italiana Archivio per le Scienze Mediche






Aim: The aim of this study was to analyze the muscle performance of lower limbs in young elite Brazilian Badminton athletes, and to make comparisons between genders in the variables: peak torque (PT), maximum power (PTM), fatigue index (IF) and I/Q of the muscles involved in the knee joint. Methods: Participants included 13 athletes (male n= 8) and (female n=5), aged between 14 and 20, belonging to the junior and senior categories, on the National Brazilian Badminton Team. The concentric isokinetic muscle performance of the flexor and extensor muscles of the knee was measured using an isokinetic dynamometer at an angular velocity of 60°∙s-1, 180°∙s-1 e 240°∙s-1. Results: The comparison of PT values (60º∙s-1), PTM (180º∙s-1) and IF (240º∙s-1) showed no statistically significant differences between the limbs nor between genders. The comparison of the ratio I/Q between the three tested velocities showed a significant difference between the I/Q to 60º∙s-1 and 180º∙s-1 and 60º∙s-1 to 240º∙s-1 in both genders. Conclusion: This study found no significant differences in muscle performance of Badminton athletes when comparing genders and females were not more prone to injuries as suggested by the literature.

Análise da incidência de gols no campeonato Paulista 2009: Série A1, A2 e A3

March 2010


197 Reads


8 Citations

Introduction: In the football of high level, each detail can represent the result or the failure of a team. The goal is the principal objective of this sporting kind and his most outstanding moment. Objective: To analyse the incidence of gols, in periods definite-daily pay of 15 minutes of play, of the Championship Of Sao Paulo of Football 2009 - Series A1, A2 and A3 and along the rounds of the competitions. Materials and Methods: The study is characterized how observacional descriptively analytically. The data were collected electronically straightly of the summula of the departures. 634 departures were analysed being 202 departures for Serious A1, 216 departures for the Series A2 and 216 departures for the Series A3. Results: 584 were marked gols in the Series A1, 577 gols in the Series A2 and 640 gols in the Series A3, when 1801 are totalizing gols in the championships. In the Serious one A1 256 (43,82 %) in the first half versus 328 (56,18 %) in the second half, in the Series A2 253 (43,83 %) in the first half against 324 (56,17 %) in the second half and in the Series A3 266 (41,55 %) in the first half versus 374 (58,45 %) in the second half. There was bigger incidence of gols in 15 final minutes of the departures in three divisions. In the Series A1 122 (20,89 %), in the Series A2 131 (22,70 %) and in the Series A3 (22,03 %). Conclusion: With that, it is ended that in three divisions there is a bigger quantity of gols in the second half. The biggest incidence of gols took place in 15 final minutes of the departures in three divisions.

O futebol na perspectivas dos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais

January 2009


797 Reads

ResumoOs Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (PCNs) são referenciais teóricos que dão um norte para trabalhar com propostas de conteúdos, são diretrizes que devem ser observadas durante a elaboração do planejamento escolar. A proposta para a educação física foi eleger a cidadania como eixo norteador. Darido et al (2001, p.19) mostra, em relação aos PCNs, que “como principais avanços podem ser considerados os seguintes aspectos contidos no documento que nos auxiliam na compensação de uma proposta de educação física cidadã: o princípio da inclusão; as dimensões dos conteúdos (atitudinais, conceituais e procedimentais); e os temas transversais”. Os conteúdos dessa produção de cultura corporal estão organizados em três blocos que foram incorporadas pela educação física, que são o conhecimento do próprio corpo; esportes, jogos, lutas e ginástica; e atividades rítmicas e expressivas. O futebol pode ser considerado parte dos blocos de conteúdos esportes, jogos, lutas e ginástica e conhecimento do próprio corpo. Os PCNs é resultado de um longo trabalho, que contou com a participação de muitos educadores brasileiros. Esperamos que daqui a algum tempo os professores que atuem nas escolas utilizem este documento, não precisando seguir tudo o que diz respeito ao mesmo, mas sim tenha reflexões de algumas idéias que sejam relevantes, busque novas referências, estude se atualize sempre e adapte para a cultura/ambiente onde se esta inserido para desenvolver um melhor trabalho nas aulas e especialmente a família de jogos/brincadeiras de bola com os pés acarretando um maior aprendizado do mais famoso da família o “futebol”.

Citations (3)

... Before the evaluation, the patients executed four submaximal repetitions for familiarization and warming purpose. 9 The evaluation was performed in the unaffected limb followed by the affected limb during 5 repetitions of maximum isokinetic concentric contractions of knee extension and knee flexion at 60 s À1 followed by 15 repetitions at 180 s À1 . A 3-min interval was allowed between the movement velocities. ...


Association between Lysholm score and muscular torque deficit after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
Comparison of Isokinetic Muscle Performance in male and female Badminton young Athletes

Gazzetta Medica Italiana Archivio per le Scienze Mediche

... Many published studies aim to identify activity patterns during games 4 and some of these studies focus in the analysis of characteristics, frequency and distribution of goals in soccer matches [5][6][8][9][10][11] . Scoring a goal can be considered the pinnacle and the main objective of the teams involved in a soccer match, as well as a key indicator of success, as the goals scored determine winning and losing teams [5][6][11][12][13][14] . For this reason, it is necessary to study all the factors that influence scoring goals in soccer matches and also its consequences, such as when it most happens and the impact of the first goal on the match outcome. ...

Análise da incidência de gols no campeonato Paulista 2009: Série A1, A2 e A3

... Encontramos uma média de 26 faltas nos jogos analisados nesse estudo. Nacionalmente, Chiminazzo et al. (2013) encontraram uma média de 41 faltas nos jogos do Campeonato Brasileiro. Possivelmente, os participantes perceberam uma baixa quantidade de faltas nas partidas da Copa do Mundo, que compuseram a amostra desse estudo, em relação aos jogos dos campeonatos nacionais, comumente assistidos por torcedores brasileiros. ...

Estudo descritivo da distribuição de gols, faltas e cartões no Campeonato Paulista 2008 - Série A1