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Publications (7)

Investigating Students’ English Competence in Participating Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) Program
  • Conference Paper

January 2022


6 Reads

Didik Hartono



Business model untuk menciptakan strategi business longevity bagi kampung wisata
  • Article
  • Full-text available

June 2021


43 Reads


1 Citation

TRANSFORMASI Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat

[Bahasa]: Pada tahun 2007, masyarakat Dusun Kungkuk, Desa Punten, Kota Batu mengembangkan kampung wisata secara mandiri. Tokoh masyarakat dan penggerak usaha wisata berhasil mengajak masyarakat lokal untuk mengembangkan berbagai paket wisata yang fokus menawarkan pengalaman hidup di kampung kepada wisatawan. Namun, terjadinya pandemi menjadikan usaha wisata terhenti. Inisiatif untuk membangkitkan kembali partisipasi aktif masyarakat dusun hanya bertumpu kepada tokoh masyarakat dan inisiator kampung wisata. Para pemuda belum memiliki kemauan dan insiatif dalam melakukan promosi untuk membangkitkan dan meningkatkan skala usaha wisata. Pemahaman dan pengetahuan para pemuda kampung tentang prinsip dasar usaha wisata belum memadai dan merata. Untuk membantu mengurangi kekhawatiran tokoh masyarakat dan penggerak usaha wisata tentang keberlangsungan usaha (business longevity) Kampung Wisata Kungkuk, pengabdian masyarakat ini dilakukan untuk mengenalkan prinsip dasar usaha wisata berbasis konsep business model canvas (BMC) kepada para pemuda desa pelaku usaha wisata. Dengan menerapkan metode Participatory Action Research (PAR), para pemuda diajak untuk berdiskusi aktif menentukan sembilan unsur business canvas. Hasil diskusi tersebut menjadi dasar identifikasi kekuatan (strength), kelemahan (weakness), kesempatan (opportunity) dan ancaman (threat) dan selanjutnya menjadi data untuk pengembangan strategi bisnis. Tim pengabdian membantu menerjemahkan berbagai usulan pemuda desa menjadi empat strategi pengembangan bisnis, yaitu competitive, invasive, diversification, dan defensive strategies. Salah satu rekomendasi kepada para pemuda kampung wisata adalah memperkuat komitmen dan mengembangkan kesepakatan bersama tentang langkah apa yang perlu diambil untuk menjaga dinamika dan kelangsungan usaha Kampung Wisata Kungkuk. Kata Kunci: kampung wisata, model bisnis canvas, penelitian tindakan partisipatif [English]: In 2007, the local community in Kungkuk, Punten, Batu City developed a tourism village through participative actions. The business was running well before the Covid-19 pandemic. Community leaders and tourism initiators have succeeded in getting local people to create various tour packages that focus on offering tourists the experience of living in a village. However, the pandemic brought the tourism to a halt. The leaders and tourism entrepreneurs are worried about the business longevity of kampung wisata. Even before the pandemic, the tourism development tends to be stagnant, and its continuity seems to rely only on the leaders. As the actors of the business activities, the youths do not have adequate knowledge and understanding of the basic principles of tourism business. In this case, a community program was held to introduce the business model canvas (BMC) concept to the youths to overcome the problems and take advantage of the pandemic period. By applying participatory action research (PAR), the youths were invited to have an active discussion determining the nine elements of the business canvas. The discussion resulted in the basis for identifying strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and business threats. It then becomes factual information for developing alternatives of business strategies. We help the youths translate the data into four business strategies: competitive, invasive, diversification, and defensive. The program recommends some critical points to the youths; strengthen their commitment and make a consensus on what actions are required to maintain the dynamics and continuity of Kampung Wisata Kungkuk. Keywords: village tourism, business model canvas, participatory action research



April 2021


34 Reads


2 Citations

SELAPARANG Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Berkemajuan


Nila Firdausi Nuzula





N’imatul Lailiyah

ABSTRAKTujuan dari pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah untuk memberikan dan menerapkan pengetahuan terkait kegiatan promosi berbasis Bahasa dan kewirausahaan masyarakat desa wisata. Metode yang digunakan untuk mencapai tujuan ini adalah ceramah bervariasi, demonstrasi, dan latihan. Pendampingan kegiatan pengabdian ini dilakukan secara luring dan daring. Kegiatan secara luring dilaksanakan secara sarahsehan dengan mentaati protocol kesehatan yang disarankan oleh pemerintah. Kegiatan luring terdiri dari pelatihan Bahasa Inggris, pelatihan promosi wirausaha, peluncuran aplikasi untuk latihan komunikasi Bahasa Inggris, pemasangan pelakat petunjuk arah sebagai promosi wisata serta kerjasama untuk menjadikan dusun-dusun lainnya menjadi dusun tematik dengan potensi wisata yang dimiliki. Kegiatan secara daring juga dilakukan pelatihan melalui aplikasi yang didesain khusus untuk pembelajaran komunikasi bagi penggiat wisata. Hasil dari pengabdian ini adalah peserta memahami dan dapat mempraktekkan secara langsung kegiatan promosi melalui Bahasa dan wirausaha untuk peningkatan kualitas pelayanan dan peningkatan kualitas ekonomi masyarakat lokal desa wisata. Kata kunci: pengembangan desa wisata; sadar bahasa; sadar wisata; ekonomi lokal. ABSTRACTThe purpose of this community service is to provide and apply knowledge related to language-based promotion activities and entrepreneurship in tourism village communities. The methods used to achieve the goal are varied lectures, demonstrations, and exercises. Assistance for this service activity is carried out offline and online. Offline activities are carried out in a sarahsehan manner in accordance with the health protocol recommended by the government. Offline activities consist of English language training, entrepreneurial promotion training, launching applications for English communication training, installing direction signs as tourism promotions and cooperation to turn other hamlets into thematic hamlets with their tourism potential. Online activities are also conducted through training through applications specifically designed for communication learning for tourism activists. The result of this service is that participants understand and can directly practice promotional activities through language and entrepreneurship to improve service quality and improve the economic quality of local tourism village communities. Keywords: tourism village development; language awareness; tourism awareness; local economy.

Figure 1. Gathering and Discussion on the BADAWIS program 
Figure 2. Activities on Handling the Guests
Figure 3. Process of Making Fruit Chips 
Figure 6. Sample of Brochure Made by Badawis Community 
Figure 7. Activities in Brochure Making 


Designing a Model of Tourism Village by Augmenting Language and Tourism Awareness as an Attempt to Increase Local Economy in Batu

April 2017


28 Reads

International Journal of Social and Local Economic Governance

As one of the efforts to awaken the local economy of Batu, this study offers a model of language and tourism awareness-based-tourism village that is establishing a tourism community that actively supports the government tourism programs. On the basis of the need analysis of the local people, a material for learning English for tourism and a model of tourism village were set up in the first year of the study. The programs in the second year of the study focus on the development and implementation of the tourism community. This community works on increasing communication skills and tourism awareness among the community consisting of a group of tourism awareness, the youths and businessmen. A visit and training plan in the form of Focus Group Discussion (FGD) has already been implemented in the four villages in Batu namely Punten, Tulungrejo, Sumberejo and Pandanrejo. This community is established to increase the local people income which is expected to influence the global income of the village. The results show that the four villages agree with the idea of training and building a tourism community in Batu. Keywords : developing a model of tourism village, communication skill awareness, tourism awareness, local economy, Batu city

Designing Community Sustainable Development Through Language and Tourism Awareness in Kota Wisata Batu

April 2016


34 Reads

International Journal of Social and Local Economic Governance

Tourism is one of the largest and fastest growing economic sectors in the world and has a considerable role to play in delivering sustainable development in many countries. Over the last fifty years, tourism has become one of the largest economic sectors globally, accounting for some 9% of the world’s GDP and over 200 million jobs. Tourist movements towards developing and least developed countries are growing faster than in the developed world, accounting now for almost 50% of total international tourist arrivals. Many developing countries do have assets of enormous value to the tourism sector, such as culture, art, landscape, wildlife, and climate. They are very well positioned to develop tourism as a key sector contributing to economic growth. The development of tourism in Indonesia has given significant contribution toward national economic growth. These dynamics have turned tourism into a key driver for socio-‎economic progress. Tourism is one of the many external forces influencing the direction and options for local sustainable development. One of the interesting phenomena is focusing on the concept of Local Tourism Village: a village exploring the local tourism potentials and culture in Kota Wisata Batu (KWB), East Java, Indonesia. This research offers a design or model of Local Tourism Village which is equipped with the awareness of tourism and also language to enrich local human resources. This is in line with sustainable development to simultaneously achieve three objectives, namely: (1) to increase local social welfare; (2) to get greater and more equitably distributed local economic wealth; and (3) to enhance the integrity of local ecosystems (UN Conference on Environment and Development). The design is based on the analysis of local tourism potentials, the analysis of human resources to promote tourisms, and the need survey of English as an international language to support tourism promotions. This model requires the joint of local government, society, and education practitioners to establish autonomous learning condition. The model works on giving training on English for Tourisms presented on a module and practiced in series of tourism activities. Keywords: Local tourism village, Sustainable development, English for Tourisms, Kota Wisata Batu

Citations (3)

... Tujuan dan harapanya, suatu saat di desa ini terdapat wahana bioskop 3D yang dapat menjadi sarana hiburan dan edukasi bagi anak-anak, masyarakat, serta selaras dengan maksud diatas sekaligus bisa menjadi peluang kewirausahaan dalam meningkatkan perekonomian desa, tumbuhnya UMKM dan berpotensi dalam pengembangan kawasan-kawasan wisata yang ada di wilayah Desa Pager. Secara empiris, upaya pengembangan kewirausahaan berbanding lurus dengan pengembangan pariwisata (Junining et al., 2021). ...


Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Melalui Motivasi Kewirausahaan Bioskop 3D Di Desa Pager Kecamatan Bungkal Kabupaten Ponorogo

SELAPARANG Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Berkemajuan

... Rendahnya kemauan dan inisiatif masyarakat dalam upaya meningkatkan skala usaha wisata yang sudah ada disebabkan karena masih minimnya pemahaman dan pengetahuan mereka tentang prinsip dasar usaha wisata sehingga potensi wisata belum digali secara lebih dalam (Nuzula et al., 2021). Hal ini sejalan dengan teori Salvatore et al., (2018) yang menyatakan bahwa tantangan utama pengembangan wisata berbasis masyarakat berkaitan dengan keterbatasan pengetahuan, pengalaman, dan kepercayaan diri masyarakat lokal dalam mengelola sumber daya di wilayah mereka (Salvatore et al., 2018). ...

Business model untuk menciptakan strategi business longevity bagi kampung wisata

TRANSFORMASI Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat

... (Nugrohowati & Bimo, 2019) Demonstrated that inflation has no impact on NPF, while other studies, such as (Bakhtiar Purkon et al., 2023), indicated that inflation does influence NPF. Studies by Damahur et al. (2018) and Arinda et al. (2022) found that GDP affects NPF, whereas Kuswaharini et al. (2022) and Purwaningtyas (2020) found no significant effect of GDP on NPF. ...

Literacy Breakthrough Towards Indonesian Disaster Mitigation