Dhanasinghe Indika’s research while affiliated with United Arab Emirates University and other places

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Publications (1)

Table 1 . Details of cases 
Risk Management in Road Construction: The Case of Sri Lanka
  • Article
  • Full-text available

June 2009


6,954 Reads


134 Citations

International Journal of Strategic Property Management


Dhanasinghe Indika


Risk is an unavoidable phenomenon in construction projects. Proper risk allocation in construction contracts has therefore come to assume prominence because risk identification and risk allocation have a clear bearing on risk handling decisions. The proper management of risks requires that they be identified and allocated in a well‐defined manner. This can only be achieved if contracting parties comprehend their risk responsibilities, risk event conditions, and risk handling capabilities. This research aims at identifying the risk responsibilities of contractual parties in order to improve their risk handling strategies with regard to Sri Lankan road projects. Semi‐structured interviews were used for the primary data collection. This was complemented with documentary evidence. The results show that road construction projects in Sri Lanka are exposed to many risk sources while most risks are borne by parties who were assigned with risks via contract clauses. However, parties not allocated with risks too happened to bear the consequences of such risks. Therefore, it is concluded that there is no one best way to respond to a risk and that different risk handling strategies should be adopted in order to deal effectively with risks. Santruka Rizika ‐ neišvengiamas statybu projektu reiškinys. Todel svarbus tapo tinkamas rizikos paskirstymas statybu rangos sutartyse, nes rizikos nustatymas ir rizikos paskirstymas daro akivaizdžia itaka rizikos valdymo sprendimams. Norint gerai valdyti rizika, reikia ja nustatyti ir tinkamai paskirstyti. Tai imanoma tik tuomet, jei sutarties šalys supranta savo atsakomybe už rizika, rizikos atveju salygas ir rizikos valdymo galimybes. Šiame tyrime, siekiant pagerinti sutarties šaliu rizikos valdymo strategijas, meginama nustatyti, kokia atsakomybe už rizika prisiima sutarties šalys pagal Šri Lankos keliu tiesimo projektus. Pirminiai duomenys surinkti iš pusiau struktūriniu interviu. Jie papildyti dokumentiniais irodymais. Iš rezultatu aiškeja, kad keliu tiesimo projektai Šri Lankoje imlūs daugybei rizikos šaltiniu, o daugeli rizikos rūšiu prisiima šalys, kurioms rizika priskiria sutarties nuostatos. Tačiau šalys, kurioms rizika nera priskirta, kartais irgi patiria tokios rizikos pasekmiu. Todel daroma išvada, kad nera vieno geriausio būdo reaguoti i rizika ir kad reikia taikyti ivairias rizikos valdymo strategijas, siekiant efektyviai spresti rizikos situacijas. First Publish Online: 18 Oct 2010


Citations (1)

... Every party involved in the RCPs is negatively impacted by delays, which also increase the likelihood of disputes, mistrust, legal action, arbitration, cash flow problems, and general worry (Khair et al., 2018). According to Perera et al. (2009), 80% of Road Construction Projects (RCPs) in Sri Lanka experience overruns of time and expense, making them riskier in terms of cost and timeline. It is essential to accurately identify the reason for the delays and the responsible party before claiming damages because there may be several parties and several different elements to take into account (Chaphalkar and Iyer, 2014). ...


Influence of delay in utility shifting for extension of time claims in Road Construction Projects in Sri Lanka
Risk Management in Road Construction: The Case of Sri Lanka

International Journal of Strategic Property Management