Devin Kirk’s research while affiliated with Stanford University and other places

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Publications (44)

Pathogen, parasite and host lineages. (a) Number of survey observations by type of disease‐causing agent across agricultural (blue) and wild (green) systems. ‘Parasite’ represents eukaryotic parasites. (b) Number of survey observations by host plant order across agricultural and wild systems.
Global database of plant disease spanning geography, weather and climate. Records of plant disease prevalence in agricultural (circle) and wild (diamond) populations (4339 total observations). Point colour represents the average contemporaneous temperature during the disease survey for each location (°C).
Estimated effects of temperature anomalies (a, d), contemporaneous temperature (b, e) and annual average temperature (c, f) on disease prevalence in wild (a–c; green symbols) and agricultural (d–f; blue symbols) systems. Effects for both types of systems are estimated from model 4 (Table S2), which includes linear effects of contemporaneous temperature and annual average temperature, as well as linear and quadratic effects of temperature anomalies. Shaded regions represent 95% confidence intervals; circles represent model partial residuals. Partial residuals are calculated as model errors plus the model‐estimated relationship between the variable and prevalence. Temperature anomalies are calculated as contemporaneous temperature—monthly historical temperature, and contemporaneous temperature represents the mean temperature over the months of the survey period.
Estimated effects of precipitation anomalies (a, d), monthly historical precipitation (b, e) and annual average precipitation (c, f) on disease prevalence in wild (a–c; green symbols) and agricultural (d–f; blue symbols) systems. Effects for both types of systems are estimated from model 3 (Table S3), which includes linear effects of precipitation anomalies, monthly historical precipitation and annual average precipitation, as well as an interaction between precipitation anomalies and monthly historical precipitation. Shaded regions represent 95% confidence intervals; points represent model partial residuals. The effects of this interaction are shown with the different estimated effects in panels (a, b) (wild) and (d, e) (agricultural). The solid lines show the effects of the variable when the interacting variable is set to the 90% quantile in the data, while the dashed lines show the effect of the variable when the interacting variable is set to the 10% quantile in the data. We note that the estimated effects (solid and dashed lines) extend across all data in the x‐axis, and therefore beyond the 10% and 90% quantiles. Model partial residuals associated with each of these two scenarios are represented by either squares (low or negative interacting variable) or triangles (high or positive interacting variable). Model partial residuals are represented by circles in panels c and f where there are no interacting variables. Partial residuals are calculated as model errors plus the model‐estimated relationship between the variable and prevalence. Precipitation anomalies are calculated as contemporaneous precipitation—monthly historical precipitation.
Impacts of Weather Anomalies and Climate on Plant Disease
  • Literature Review
  • Publisher preview available

January 2025


37 Reads

Ecology Letters

Devin Kirk



Vianda Nguyen




Erin A. Mordecai

Predicting the effects of climate change on plant disease is critical for protecting ecosystems and food production. Here, we show how disease pressure responds to short‐term weather, historical climate and weather anomalies by compiling a global database (4339 plant–disease populations) of disease prevalence in both agricultural and wild plant systems. We hypothesised that weather and climate would play a larger role in disease in wild versus agricultural plant populations, which the results supported. In wild systems, disease prevalence peaked when the temperature was 2.7°C warmer than the historical average for the same time of year. We also found evidence of a negative interactive effect between weather anomalies and climate in wild systems, consistent with the idea that climate maladaptation can be an important driver of disease outbreaks. Temperature and precipitation had relatively little explanatory power in agricultural systems, though we observed a significant positive effect of current temperature. These results indicate that disease pressure in wild plants is sensitive to nonlinear effects of weather, weather anomalies and their interaction with historical climate. In contrast, warmer temperatures drove risks for agricultural plant disease outbreaks within the temperature range examined regardless of historical climate, suggesting vulnerability to ongoing climate change.

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Re-assessing thermal response of schistosomiasis transmission risk: Evidence for a higher thermal optimum than previously predicted

June 2024


145 Reads


2 Citations

The geographical range of schistosomiasis is affected by the ecology of schistosome parasites and their obligate host snails, including their response to temperature. Previous models predicted schistosomiasis’ thermal optimum at 21.7°C, which is not compatible with the temperature in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) regions where schistosomiasis is hyperendemic. We performed an extensive literature search for empirical data on the effect of temperature on physiological and epidemiological parameters regulating the free-living stages of S. mansoni and S. haematobium and their obligate host snails, i.e., Biomphalaria spp. and Bulinus spp., respectively. We derived nonlinear thermal responses fitted on these data to parameterize a mechanistic, process-based model of schistosomiasis. We then re-cast the basic reproduction number and the prevalence of schistosome infection as functions of temperature. We found that the thermal optima for transmission of S. mansoni and S. haematobium range between 23.1–27.3°C and 23.6–27.9°C (95% CI) respectively. We also found that the thermal optimum shifts toward higher temperatures as the human water contact rate increases with temperature. Our findings align with an extensive dataset of schistosomiasis prevalence in SSA. The refined nonlinear thermal-response model developed here suggests a more suitable current climate and a greater risk of increased transmission with future warming for more than half of the schistosomiasis suitable regions with mean annual temperature below the thermal optimum.

PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) flow diagram of systematic review methods
Reported correlations between temperature and dengue range from negative to positive
A) Locations of observations in the global health regions of Southeast Asia, East Asia, South Asia, and Oceania. B) Locations of observations in the global health regions of Central Latin America, Tropical Latin America, and Caribbean; C) Histogram showing the frequency of the 358 reported correlations between temperature and dengue. Country base map layers in panels A and B sourced from rnaturalearth [57].
The correlation between temperature and dengue peaks at 24.2°C, controlling for study factors
Quadratic model partial residuals (points) and fitted predictions (black line) with 95% confidence intervals (shaded region) for the relationship between mean study temperature and reported correlations between temperature and dengue. Partial residuals and fitted predictions are from the mixed effects model with a quadratic effect of mean study temperature (black line), which was significantly better than alternative models that included a linear effect or no effect of mean study temperature (ΔAIC from null model = 10.3; pseudo-R² = 0.209). Partial residuals are calculated as model errors plus the model-estimated relationship between temperature and dengue. Confidence intervals generated using the effects package in R [58]. Fig B in S1 Text shows the same fitted model plotted over raw correlation data.
Infection burden, temperature variability, population density, precipitation, and predicted temperature suitability affect the strength of temperature–dengue correlations
Mean and 95% confidence intervals of regression coefficients for four rotated components (RC) across 10,000 bootstrap runs. Rotated components are generated from a Principal Component Analysis with Varimax rotation, which allows us to remove multicollinearity between predictors and instead interpret the effect of components that are associated with one or more of the predictors. Annotated text above each component lists the climatic and/or socioeconomic factors most strongly associated with that component (standardized loading > |0.6|), with +/- symbols representing the sign of the association and the numbers in parentheses representing the loading (where 1 and -1 represent the strongest positive and negative associations, respectively). The sign of each association (in boxes) combined with the signs of each respective regression coefficient (points) yields the direction of the relationship between each predictor and correlations (e.g., infection burden (RC1), mean precipitation (RC2) and precipitation variation (RC2) are all significantly negatively related).
Temperature impacts on dengue incidence are nonlinear and mediated by climatic and socioeconomic factors: A meta-analysis

March 2024


218 Reads


3 Citations

Temperature can influence mosquito-borne diseases like dengue. These effects are expected to vary geographically and over time in both magnitude and direction and may interact with other environmental variables, making it difficult to anticipate changes in response to climate change. Here, we investigate global variation in temperature–dengue relationship by analyzing published correlations between temperature and dengue and matching them with remotely sensed climatic and socioeconomic data. We found that the correlation between temperature and dengue was most positive at intermediate (near 24°C) temperatures, as predicted from an independent mechanistic model. Positive temperature–dengue associations were strongest when temperature variation and population density were high and decreased with infection burden and rainfall mean and variation, suggesting alternative limiting factors on transmission. Our results show that while climate effects on diseases are context-dependent they are also predictable from the thermal biology of transmission and its environmental and social mediators.

Figure 2 : Thermal performance curves for temperature-dependent parameters. Inset panels show the thermal curve for 241 a subset of temperatures on a zoomed-in y-axis. Different colors are used for different data sources.
Re-assessing thermal response of schistosomiasis transmission risk: evidence for a higher thermal optimum than previously predicted

January 2024


144 Reads

The geographical range of schistosomiasis is affected by the ecology of schistosome parasites and their obligate host snails, including their response to temperature. Previous models predicted schistosomiasis’ thermal optimum at 21.7 °C, which is not compatible with the temperature in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) regions where schistosomiasis is hyperendemic. We performed an extensive literature search for empirical data on the effect of temperature on physiological and epidemiological parameters regulating the free-living stages of S. mansoni and S. haematobium and their obligate host snails, i.e., Biomphalaria spp. and Bulinus spp., respectively. We derived nonlinear thermal responses fitted on these data to parameterize a mechanistic, process-based model of schistosomiasis. We then re-cast the basic reproduction number and the prevalence of schistosome infection as functions of temperature. We found that the thermal optima for transmission of S. mansoni and S. haematobium range between 23.1-27.3 °C and 23.6-27.9 °C (95 % CI) respectively. We also found that the thermal optimum shifts toward higher temperatures as the human water contact rate increases with temperature. Our findings align with an extensive dataset of schistosomiasis prevalence in SSA. The refined nonlinear thermal-response model developed here suggests a more suitable current climate and a greater risk of increased transmission with future warming for more than half of the schistosomiasis suitable regions with mean annual temperature below the thermal optimum. Authors’ summary In this research, we explored the complex interplay between temperature and the transmission risk of schistosomiasis, a parasitic disease currently affecting over two hundred million people, predominantly in SSA. We developed a novel mathematical model accounting for the multiple positive and negative ways temperature affects the free-living stages of the parasite and its obligate, non-human host, i.e., specific species of freshwater snails. Our models show that schistosomiasis transmission risk peaks at temperatures 1-6°C higher than previously estimated. This indicates that the impact of climate change on schistosomiasis transmission might be more extensive than previously thought, affecting a wide geographic range where mean annual temperatures are currently below the optimal temperature. Our model projections are consistent with the observed temperatures in locations of SSA where schistosomiasis is endemic and data on infection prevalence in the human population are available. These findings suggest that the current climate is conducive to schistosomiasis transmission, and future warming could escalate the risk further, emphasizing the need for targeted interventions in these regions.

Short-term temperature fluctuations increase disease in a Daphnia-parasite infectious disease system

September 2023


53 Reads


5 Citations

Climate change has profound effects on infectious disease dynamics, yet the impacts of increased short-term temperature fluctuations on disease spread remain poorly understood. We empirically tested the theoretical prediction that short-term thermal fluctuations suppress endemic infection prevalence at the pathogen’s thermal optimum. This prediction follows from a mechanistic disease transmission model analyzed using stochastic simulations of the model parameterized with thermal performance curves (TPCs) from metabolic scaling theory and using nonlinear averaging, which predicts ecological outcomes consistent with Jensen’s inequality (i.e., reduced performance around concave-down portions of a thermal response curve). Experimental observations of replicated epidemics of the microparasite Ordospora colligata in Daphnia magna populations indicate that temperature variability had the opposite effect of our theoretical predictions and instead increase endemic infection prevalence. This positive effect of temperature variability is qualitatively consistent with a published hypothesis that parasites may acclimate more rapidly to fluctuating temperatures than their hosts; however, incorporating hypothetical effects of delayed host acclimation into the mechanistic transmission model did not fully account for the observed pattern. The experimental data indicate that shifts in the distribution of infection burden underlie the positive effect of temperature fluctuations on endemic prevalence. The increase in disease risk associated with climate fluctuations may therefore result from disease processes interacting across scales, particularly within-host dynamics, that are not captured by combining standard transmission models with metabolic scaling theory.

Abnormal weather drives disease outbreaks in wild and agricultural plants

March 2023


139 Reads

Predicting effects of climate change on plant disease is critical for protecting ecosystems and food production. Climate change could exacerbate plant disease because parasites may be quicker to acclimate and adapt to novel climatic conditions than their hosts due to their smaller body sizes and faster generation times. Here we show how disease pressure responds to the anomalous weather that will increasingly occur with climate change by compiling a global database (5380 plant populations; 437 unique plant-disease combinations; 2,858,795 individual plant-disease samples) of disease incidence in both agricultural and wild plant systems. Because wild plant populations are assumed to be adapted to local climates, we hypothesized that large deviations from historical conditions would increase disease incidence. By contrast, since agricultural plants have been transported globally, we did not expect the historical climate where they are currently grown to be as predictive of disease incidence. Supporting these hypotheses, we found that disease outbreaks tended to occur during periods of warm temperatures in agricultural and cool-climate wild plant systems, but also occurred in warm-adapted wild (but not agricultural) plant systems experiencing anomalously cool weather. Outbreaks were additionally associated with higher rainfall in wild systems, especially those with historically wet climates. Our results suggest that historical climate affects susceptibility to disease for wild plant-disease systems, while warming drives risks for agricultural plant disease outbreaks regardless of historical climate.

Ensemble forecast with final submissions. A Most likely number of WNND cases from and B uncertainty (Shannon entropy) of ensemble model forecast. Mean ensemble model built using the last submitted versions of forecasts of all teams and negative binomial model (2000–2019 data). Shannon entropy measures the spread of probability across the binned case counts with a value of zero indicating high certainty in prediction (all probability in a single bin) and a value of one indicating high uncertainty in prediction (probability equally spread across all bins)
Mean logarithmic score of submissions from teams and comparison models. A Full range of mean scores and B vertically truncated range to visualize differences in score among top models for each submission time point. If a team did not submit a new forecast at a submission time point, we used the previously submitted forecast to calculate the score (i.e. no variation in score between time points). See Additional file 1: Table S3 for individual forecast mean logarithmic scores
Discrimination, calibration, and mean logarithmic score of final forecasts by teams and comparison models. Area under the curve (AUC) was used to measure a forecast’s ability to discriminate situations with reported WNV cases vs. no cases (AUC of 1.0 would indicate perfect discrimination). Calibration was calculated as the mean weighted squared difference of binned predicted probabilities vs. observed frequency of events (metric of 0 perfectly calibrated). Mean logarithmic score of 0 indicates perfect prediction accuracy. Top-performing models are in the top left (A, C) or top right (B). See Additional file 1: Table S3 and Fig S5-S6 for individual forecast score, calibration, and discrimination
Evaluation of an open forecasting challenge to assess skill of West Nile virus neuroinvasive disease prediction

January 2023


119 Reads


17 Citations

Background West Nile virus (WNV) is the leading cause of mosquito-borne illness in the continental USA. WNV occurrence has high spatiotemporal variation, and current approaches to targeted control of the virus are limited, making forecasting a public health priority. However, little research has been done to compare strengths and weaknesses of WNV disease forecasting approaches on the national scale. We used forecasts submitted to the 2020 WNV Forecasting Challenge, an open challenge organized by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, to assess the status of WNV neuroinvasive disease (WNND) prediction and identify avenues for improvement. Methods We performed a multi-model comparative assessment of probabilistic forecasts submitted by 15 teams for annual WNND cases in US counties for 2020 and assessed forecast accuracy, calibration, and discriminatory power. In the evaluation, we included forecasts produced by comparison models of varying complexity as benchmarks of forecast performance. We also used regression analysis to identify modeling approaches and contextual factors that were associated with forecast skill. Results Simple models based on historical WNND cases generally scored better than more complex models and combined higher discriminatory power with better calibration of uncertainty. Forecast skill improved across updated forecast submissions submitted during the 2020 season. Among models using additional data, inclusion of climate or human demographic data was associated with higher skill, while inclusion of mosquito or land use data was associated with lower skill. We also identified population size, extreme minimum winter temperature, and interannual variation in WNND cases as county-level characteristics associated with variation in forecast skill. Conclusions Historical WNND cases were strong predictors of future cases with minimal increase in skill achieved by models that included other factors. Although opportunities might exist to specifically improve predictions for areas with large populations and low or high winter temperatures, areas with high case-count variability are intrinsically more difficult to predict. Also, the prediction of outbreaks, which are outliers relative to typical case numbers, remains difficult. Further improvements to prediction could be obtained with improved calibration of forecast uncertainty and access to real-time data streams (e.g. current weather and preliminary human cases). Graphical Abstract

Evaluation of an open forecasting challenge to assess skill of West Nile virus neuroinvasive disease prediction

August 2022


102 Reads

Background: West Nile virus (WNV) is the leading cause of mosquito-borne illness in the continental United States. WNV occurrence has high spatiotemporal variation and current approaches for targeted control of the virus are limited, making forecasting a public health priority. However, little research has been done to compare strengths and weaknesses of WNV disease forecasting approaches on the national scale. We used forecasts submitted to the 2020 WNV Forecasting Challenge, an open challenge organized by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, to assess the status of WNV neuroinvasive disease (WNND) prediction and identify avenues for improvement. Methods: We performed a multi-model comparative assessment of probabilistic forecasts submitted by 15 teams for annual WNND cases in US counties for 2020, and assessed forecast accuracy, calibration, and discriminatory power. In the evaluation, we included forecasts produced by comparison models of varying complexity as benchmarks of forecast performance. We also used regression analysis to identify modeling approaches and contextual factors that were associated with forecast skill. Results: Simple models based on historical WNND cases generally scored better than more complex models and combined higher discriminatory power with better calibration of uncertainty. Forecast skill improved across updated forecast submissions submitted during the 2020 season. Among models using additional data, inclusion of climate or human demographic data was associated with higher skill, while inclusion of mosquito or land use data was associated with lower skill. We also identified population size, extreme minimum winter temperature, and interannual variation in WNND cases as county-level characteristics associated with variation in forecast skill. Conclusions: Historical WNND cases were strong predictors of future cases with minimal increase in skill achieved by models that included other factors. Although opportunities might exist to specifically improve predictions for areas with large populations and low or high winter temperatures, areas with high case-count variability are intrinsically more difficult to predict. Also, the prediction of outbreaks, which are outliers relative to typical case numbers, remains difficult. Further improvements to prediction could be obtained with improved calibration of forecast uncertainty and access to real-time data streams (e.g., current weather and preliminary human cases).

The thermal optima of population‐level parasitism are significantly positively correlated with the thermal optima of individual‐level parasitism. We found that population‐level parasitism Topt was significantly positively correlated with individual‐level parasitism Topt in vector‐borne systems (a; Pearson correlation = 0.818; 95% CI: 0.486–0.944; n = 13) and environmentally transmitted systems (b; Pearson correlation = 0.739; 95% CI: 0.249–0.927; n = 11). The correlation was similar but not significant for the subset of environmentally transmitted systems that had estimated thermal optima not at the end of their examined temperature range (b; blue circles; Pearson correlation = 0.648; 95% CI: −0.830–0.992; n = 4).
Thermal matches and mismatches tended to be correlated across levels of biological organization. The difference between Topt of population‐level parasitism and host performance (y‐axis) is plotted against the difference between Topt of individual‐level parasitism and host performance (x‐axis) for 17 host–parasite systems. Systems situated at the origin had population‐level parasitism, individual‐level parasitism and host performance all maximized at the same temperature (i.e. no thermal mismatches exist), while displacement from the origin represents parasitism peaking at temperatures away from where host performance peaks (i.e. thermal mismatches at individual or population levels). All seven of the systems situated close to the origin (within Euclidian distance of 2.5°C, represented by the black circle) were vector‐borne parasite systems (orange diamonds). All environmentally transmitted systems (blue and yellow circles for systems with parasitism estimated in intermediate range or end of examined range respectively) exhibited thermal mismatches at one or both levels. Dashed line represents the 1:1 line.
The strength of correlation in simulated systems between thermal optima of individual‐ and population‐level parasitism differs across the level to which transmission‐related processes are dependent on individual‐level parasitism. Correlations observed for simulated vector‐borne systems (a) and environmentally transmitted systems (b–d) were weaker than for the empirical observations (Figure 1). The strength of correlation differed significantly depending on the number of relationships between individual‐level parasitism and transmission‐related processes in both environmentally transmitted systems (b–d) and vector‐borne systems (a, Figure S5). Dashed black lines represent the 1:1 lines.
Scaling effects of temperature on parasitism from individuals to populations

August 2022


18 Reads


10 Citations

Parasitism is expected to change in a warmer future, but whether warming leads to substantial increases in parasitism remains unclear. Understanding how warming effects on parasitism in individual hosts (e.g. parasite load) translate to effects on population‐level parasitism (e.g. prevalence, R0) remains a major knowledge gap. We conducted a literature review and identified 24 host–parasite systems that had information on the temperature dependence of parasitism at both individual host and host population levels: 13 vector‐borne systems and 11 environmentally transmitted systems. We found a strong positive correlation between the thermal optima of individual‐ and population‐level parasitism, although several of the environmentally transmitted systems exhibited thermal optima >5°C apart between individual and population levels. Parasitism thermal optima were close to vector performance thermal optima in vector‐borne systems but not hosts in environmentally transmitted systems, suggesting these thermal mismatches may be more common in certain types of host–parasite systems. We also adapted and simulated simple models for both types of transmission modes and found the same pattern across the two modes: thermal optima were more strongly correlated across scales when there were more traits linking individual‐ to population‐level processes. Generally, our results suggest that information on the temperature dependence, and specifically the thermal optimum, at either the individual or population level should provide a useful—although not quantitatively exact—baseline for predicting temperature dependence at the other level, especially in vector‐borne parasite systems. Environmentally transmitted parasitism may operate by a different set of rules, in which temperature dependence is decoupled in some systems, requiring the need for trait‐based studies of temperature dependence at individual and population levels.

Temperature impacts on dengue incidence are nonlinear and mediated by climatic and socioeconomic factors

June 2022


26 Reads

Temperature can influence mosquito-borne diseases like dengue. These effects are expected to vary geographically and over time in both magnitude and direction and may interact with other environmental variables, making it difficult to anticipate changes in response to climate change. Here, we investigate global variation in temperature–dengue relationship by analyzing published correlations between temperature and dengue and matching them with remotely sensed climatic and socioeconomic data. We found that the correlation between temperature and dengue was most positive at intermediate (near 24°C) temperatures, as predicted from the thermal biology of the mosquito and virus. Positive temperature–dengue associations were strongest when temperature variation and population density were high and decreased with infection burden and rainfall mean and variation, suggesting alternative limiting factors on transmission. Our results show that while climate effects on diseases are context-dependent they are also predictable from the thermal biology of transmission and its environmental and social mediators.

Citations (21)

... Snail distributions are made even more difficult to predict due to seasonal ecological variability such as rainfall, temperature, and changes in conditions specific to freshwater sites such as vegetation type and growth [8]. Climate change and extreme weather events can further destabilise these habitats, altering snail populations and shifting transmission dynamics [9][10][11][12][13][14][15]. However, it remains an open question as to how such destabilisation affects habitat suitability, including whether 1) ecological niches are simply expanding spatially with stable characteristics in a changing climate or 2) ecological niche concepts need to be revisited and there are alternatives to simple habitat expansion. ...


Ecological niche stability of Biomphalaria intermediate hosts for Schistosoma mansoni under extreme flooding and seasonal change
Re-assessing thermal response of schistosomiasis transmission risk: Evidence for a higher thermal optimum than previously predicted

... Climate's impact on health, particularly in relation to infectious diseases like dengue, has been studied by multiple authors [8,9]. Studies found that climate change can affect pathogens, hosts, and the transmission environment of these diseases. ...

Temperature impacts on dengue incidence are nonlinear and mediated by climatic and socioeconomic factors: A meta-analysis

... Thus, shifts in disease prevalence and burden due to climate change can be complex [8,21,22]. While many studies have highlighted interactions between climate change (that is, rising mean temperatures) and disease [23][24][25], studies that have empirically investigated the role of temperature variation in the context of climate change and disease dynamics [26][27][28][29][30][31] have been less common. ...

Short-term temperature fluctuations increase disease in a Daphnia-parasite infectious disease system

... The CDC's WNV forecasting challenge is an example of improving public health response to WNV through predictive models. In this challenge, participating teams are provided with annual West Nile neuroinvasive disease (WNND) cases from previous years to forecast annual WNND cases for each county in the contiguous United States using a variety of modelling approaches [8,11,12]. However, year-long forecasting of WNV is inherently challenging due to a variety of factors, including the unpredictability of local weather patterns, ecological changes and vector population dynamics. ...

Evaluation of an open forecasting challenge to assess skill of West Nile virus neuroinvasive disease prediction

... Environmental temperature regulates the rates of parasite establishment and development, as well as mosquito traits that govern mosquito population and transmission dynamics [13][14][15][16][17][18] . The thermal performance curves of mosquitoes are also unimodal with mosquito species differing significantly in thermal breadth 13,14,[18][19][20] . Amongst Anopheles, An. stephensi is considered a major vector for Plasmodium parasites 21 in South Asia and, more recently, in urban centers of Africa 21,22 . ...

Scaling effects of temperature on parasitism from individuals to populations

... Second, several recent papers have studied the effects of stay-at-home policies on economic outcomes (Baker et al. 2020;Bartik et al. 2020;Chen et al. 2020b;Chetty et al. 2024;Kong and Prinz 2020;Lin and Meissner 2020). Third, another set of papers quantified the effects of regulation on health outcomes (Childs et al. 2021;Flaxman et al. 2020;Fowler et al. 2020;Friedson et al. 2021;Greenstone and Nigam 2020;Lasry et al. 2020;Lin and Meissner 2020). Collectively, these contemporaneous literatures have reached a growing consensus (supported by our analysis) that the majority of social distancing was voluntary rather than policy-induced. ...

The impact of long-term non-pharmaceutical interventions on COVID-19 epidemic dynamics and control: The value and limitations of early models

... This assumption ignores the critical role local adaptation and phenotypic plasticity play in both shaping the focal taxa relationship to the climate variable, and perhaps more importantly how these taxa are likely to respond to novel climates (Zettlemoyer & Peterson, 2021). For mosquito taxa, it is likely that local adaptation plays a critical role in how species respond to changing climate (Bennett et al., 2021;Couper et al., 2021), specifically temperature (Sternberg & Thomas, 2014). This variation in local thermal adaptation may result in disparate responses to general warming across populations that span a large latitudinal or elevational gradient, with response to warming temperatures diverging between cool-and warm-adapted populations of the same species (Atkins & Travis, 2010). ...

How will mosquitoes adapt to climate warming?


... On the other hand, epidemiological models are the base to undertake evolutionary studies of a disease or a pathogen, [11][12][13][14]. From the epidemiological point of view, one could think that the appearance of symptoms of a disease enhances or depresses transmission success, [14][15][16][17]. ...

Environmental variability affects optimal trade‐offs in ecological immunology

... However, STHs are still widespread and result in millions of cases around the world each year, with the increased use of molecular methods shedding some light on disease prevalence [4]. Unfortunately, the convergence of social, economic, environmental, and political factors results in differential disease burdens at the individual and population levels, which leads to the disparate impact of neglected tropical diseases [5]. ...

The influence of vector‐borne disease on human history: socio‐ecological mechanisms

Ecology Letters

... Regional patterns warrant additional study at smaller spatial scales, and relative to additional interactions among environmental covariates. At smaller scales, relationships between temperature and the pathogen biology, host biology, and their interplay could be further explored (85). Spatially downscaled approaches could have ramifications for the direction of regionally specific conservation actions to forestall disease threat, such as site-specific efforts to manage microclimate conditions (86). ...

Temperature effects on individual-level parasitism translate into predictable effects on parasitism in populations