Deokyoon Ko’s research while affiliated with Seoul Semiconductor Co. and other places

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Publications (17)

Figure 1. Module Design.
Figure 2. Process Overview.
Figure 3. Private Key Generation Process.
Figure 4. Private Key Recovery Process.
Figure 5. Survey results for N(pic).


Reminisce: Blockchain Private Key Generation and Recovery Using Distinctive Pictures-Based Personal Memory
  • Article
  • Full-text available

June 2022


330 Reads


2 Citations



Deokyoon Ko





As a future game-changer in various industries, cryptocurrency is attracting people’s attention. Cryptocurrency is issued on blockchain and managed through a blockchain wallet application. The blockchain wallet manages user’s digital assets and authenticates a blockchain user by checking the possession of a user’s private key. The mnemonic code technique represents the most widely used method of generating and recovering a private key in blockchain wallet applications. However, the mnemonic code technique does not consider usability to generate and recover a user’s private key. In this study, we propose a novel approach for private key generation and recovery. Our approach is based on the idea that a user can hold long-term memory from distinctive pictures. The user can generate a private key by providing pictures and the location of the pictures. For recovering a private key, the user identifies the locations of the pictures that are used in the private key generation process. In this paper, we experiment with the security and usability of our approach and confirm that our proposed approach is sufficiently secure compared to the mnemonic code technique and accounts for usability.


Block Data Record-Based Dynamic Encryption Key Generation Method for Security between Devices in Low Power Wireless Communication Environment of IoT

November 2020


76 Reads


4 Citations

Applied Sciences

The Internet of Things uses low-power wireless communication for wireless connectivity and efficient energy. Low-power wireless communication is applied to IoT for wireless connection and efficient energy consumption in various areas such as wearable devices, smart homes, and power plants in order to send and receive data and control the environment. Security is becoming more important because the Internet of Things controls real physical systems. For the security of the Internet of Things, the encryption key is important to identify and authenticate devices that are trusted. The static encryption key method used for devices is likely to be calculated in reverse through the value of the key and is vulnerable to exploitation attacks. This requires the application of dynamic encryption keys that generate keys periodically. However, in the case of low-power wireless communication, the asynchronous communication method and the packet loss make it difficult to apply existing dynamic encryption key technologies. In this paper, we proposed dynamic encryption key method that applies the mechanism of the block chain to solve these problems. Based on the history of sensor data between devices, encryption keys are dynamically generated. The proposed method is to generate the same encryption key between devices with only one step of asynchronous communication considering packet loss. The proposed method is also validated in terms of availability and security in the Internet of Things low-power wireless communication.

A Coordination Technique for Improving Scalability of Byzantine Fault-Tolerant Consensus

October 2020


798 Reads


14 Citations

Applied Sciences

Among various consensus algorithms, the Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT)-based consensus algorithms are broadly used for private blockchain. However, as BFT-based consensus algorithms are structured for all participants to take part in a consensus process, a scalability issue becomes more noticeable. In this approach, we introduce a consensus coordinator to execute a conditionally BFT-based consensus algorithm by classifying transactions. Transactions are divided into equal and unequal transactions. Moreover, unequal transactions are divided again and classified as common and trouble transactions. After that, a consensus algorithm is only executed for trouble transactions, and BFT-based consensus algorithms can achieve scalability. For evaluating our approach, we carried out three experiments in response to three research questions. By applying our approach to PBFT, we obtained 4.75 times better performance than using only PBFT. In the other experiment, we applied our approach to IBFT of Hyperledger Besu, and our result shows a 61.81% performance improvement. In all experiments depending on the change of the number of blockchain nodes, we obtained the better performance than original BFT-based consensus algorithms; thus, we can conclude that our approach improved the scalability of original BFT-based consensus algorithms. We also showed a correlation between performance and trouble transactions associated with transaction issue intervals and the number of blockchain nodes.

Automatic recommendation to omitted steps in use case specification

December 2019


483 Reads


10 Citations

Requirements Engineering

Completeness is one of the key attributes for a high-quality software requirements specification. Although incomplete requirements frequently occur in the requirements specification, it is rarely discovered. This turns out to be one of the major causes of software project failure. In order to handle this issue, this paper proposes an automatic approach to recommending omitted steps in a use case-based requirements specification. First, we automatically extract diverse scenario patterns by using the verb clustering algorithm and scenario flow graphs. Based on the scenario patterns, our approach detects omitted steps of user’s scenarios by the pattern matching algorithm and automatically recommends appropriate steps for the omitted parts. For validation of our approach, we have developed tool support, named ScenarioAmigo, and collected 231 use case specifications composing of 1874 scenario steps from 12 academic or proprietary projects. We first carried out the preliminary study to decide appropriate thresholds and weights. Then, we conducted three experiments as a quantitative performance evaluation. First, the cross-validation for the collected scenarios shows the 76% precision and 80% recall. Second, the comparison of recall of ScenarioAmigo to that of human experts obtained the 20% higher score. As the last experiment, we compared the result of ScenarioAmigo and human experts in terms of severity of each scenario and found that our approach could recommend normal as well as important scenarios, compared to the human experts.

Where Is Current Research on Blockchain Technology?—A Systematic Review

October 2016


45,630 Reads


2,412 Citations

Blockchain is a decentralized transaction and data management technology developed first for Bitcoin cryptocurrency. The interest in Blockchain technology has been increasing since the idea was coined in 2008. The reason for the interest in Blockchain is its central attributes that provide security, anonymity and data integrity without any third party organization in control of the transactions, and therefore it creates interesting research areas, especially from the perspective of technical challenges and limitations. In this research, we have conducted a systematic mapping study with the goal of collecting all relevant research on Blockchain technology. Our objective is to understand the current research topics, challenges and future directions regarding Blockchain technology from the technical perspective. We have extracted 41 primary papers from scientific databases. The results show that focus in over 80% of the papers is on Bitcoin system and less than 20% deals with other Blockchain applications including e.g. smart contracts and licensing. The majority of research is focusing on revealing and improving limitations of Blockchain from privacy and security perspectives, but many of the proposed solutions lack concrete evaluation on their effectiveness. Many other Blockchain scalability related challenges including throughput and latency have been left unstudied. On the basis of this study, recommendations on future research directions are provided for researchers.

Suggesting Alternative Scenarios Using Use Case Specification Patterns for Requirement Completeness

August 2016


94 Reads


4 Citations

International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering

Completeness in software requirements specification is one of the key factors for successful software development. For specifying software requirements, scenario-based approach is broadly used, comprising a basic flow regarding the successful use of the system, and alternative flows describing abnormal or less frequent interactions of the system. However, alternative flows tend to be frequently missed in many cases, because of the relative lower significance rather than the basic flow, which eventually have an influence on achieving the completeness of software requirements. In order to address the issue, we propose an approach for automatically recommending alternative flows from a basic flow by extracting the essential use case patterns based on the occurrence patterns of the agents and measuring the verb similarity between the main verbs of each scenario. In order to validate our approach, we apply it to three industrial case studies, and show comprehensiveness of the suggested alternative flows and synergic effectiveness for inexperienced developers.

Automatic Software Requirement Pattern Extraction Method Using Machine Learning of Requirement Scenario

February 2016


23 Reads

The Journal of The Institute of Internet Broadcasting and Communication

Software requirement analysis is necessary for successful software development project. Specially, incomplete requirement is the most influential causes of software project failure. Incomplete requirement can bring late delay and over budget because of the misunderstanding and ambiguous criteria for project validation. Software requirement patterns can help writing more complete requirement. These can be a reference model and standards when author writing or validating software requirement. Furthermore, when a novice writes the software scenario, the requirement patterns can be one of the guideline. In this paper proposes an automatic approach to identifying software scenario patterns from various software scenarios. In this paper, we gathered 83 scenarios from eight industrial systems, and show how to extract 54 scenario patterns and how to find omitted action of the scenario using extracted patterns for the feasibility of the approach.

Citations (8)

... Many scholars have begun to study the multi-authorization center version, which can make up for the single-point-of-failure of the above single-authorization center scheme and realize more flexible and practical multi-attribute access control. However, the existing multi-authority attribute-based encryption schemes still have some significant limitations (Seo et al., 2022). For example, in healthcare IoT application scenarios, the access policy is usually presented in plaintext, giving potential attackers an opportunity for privacy leakage. ...


Flexible and Efficient Multi-Authorization Data Sharing Scheme With Enhanced Privacy Protection
Reminisce: Blockchain Private Key Generation and Recovery Using Distinctive Pictures-Based Personal Memory


... Stealing the key is a method of exploiting a vulnerability by stealing cryptographic key information. In stealing the key, the keywords associated with attack include encryption key [170]. Stealing a certificate attacks a vulnerability by stealing certificate information. ...

Block Data Record-Based Dynamic Encryption Key Generation Method for Security between Devices in Low Power Wireless Communication Environment of IoT

Applied Sciences

... Building on these advancements, Albarello et al. (2023) proposed the Fast Internet Computer Consensus (FICC) protocol, enabling transactions to be acknowledged within a single round-trip time in the BFT setting [26]. Seo et al. (2020) introduced the Santa Claus algorithm, a preprocessing method for private blockchains that integrates Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance (PBFT) consensus and significantly reduces the response time [27]. Similarly, Moniz (2020) proposed the Istanbul BFT Consensus Algorithm (IBFT), a deterministic algorithm for Quorum blockchain that is leader-based with optimal resilience to Byzantine failures [28]. ...

A Coordination Technique for Improving Scalability of Byzantine Fault-Tolerant Consensus

Applied Sciences

... This has been demonstrated in several research works in the literature, encompassing various aspects of requirements engineering activities. Automated tools such as DoMoBoT [13], TRAM [14], TestMEReq [15], ScenarioAmigo [16], SUGAR [17], CM-Builder [18], aTouCan [19], Requirements-Collector [20] among others, have been developed and empirically evaluated. However, it is essential to note that these tools have yet to be widely adopted on an industrial scale. ...

Automatic recommendation to omitted steps in use case specification

Requirements Engineering

... Researchers who follow this direction of inquiry take a cautionary, or even critical, approach to blockchain and its potential integration into main platforms for exchanging and storing information and value (Bucovetchi and Vevera, 2024;Onuklu, 2019). These scholars examine specific limitations, such as the lack of capacity (Yli-Huumo et al., 2016), absence of standards and accountability (Bratspies, 2018), code sourcing related risks and challenges (Courtois, 2016;Kolber, 2018), high energy use (Mishra, 2017), and compatibility with existing laws and regulations (Millard, 2018). ...

Where Is Current Research on Blockchain Technology?—A Systematic Review

... Sawant et al. [52,53] discovered issues with the current Java deprecation mechanism not meeting developer needs, while Raemaekers et al. [51] found cases of deprecated APIs persisting in Java systems, causing codebase inconsistencies, particularly in Android. Brito et al. [16,15] emphasized the importance of clear replacement messages for faster adoption of new APIs, supported by Ko et al. [34] who found well-documented replacements lead to more updates. Li et al. [40] analyzed Android code and open-source apps to understand the frequency and reasons for deprecated API usage, providing insights into their impact. ...

API Document Quality for Resolving Deprecated APIs
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • December 2014

... In software design, scenario-based approach is used for specifying software requirements in [15]. Basic flow regarding the successful use of the system, as well as alternative flows describing abnormal or less frequent interactions of the system are employed. ...

Suggesting Alternative Scenarios Using Use Case Specification Patterns for Requirement Completeness
  • Citing Article
  • August 2016

International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering

... Then, five use case patterns were defined based on the typical operations for data management. Also, Ko et al. proposed a method to extract use case patterns for supporting completeness of software requirements [20]. First, this method extracts agents (actors) and verbs from event sentences of scenarios, and they are classified into high appearance group and low appearance group. ...

Automatic Use Case Flow Pattern Generation Using Verb Clustering

International Journal of Software Engineering and Its Applications